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    1、学年度潍坊市高密上学期八年级期末考试2007-2008学年度潍坊市高密上学期期末考试八年级英语试题第卷(共70分)一、听力测试(20分)一)请听对话,根据所听内容选择与其意思相符的图画。对话读一遍。(5分)二)请听短文,根据所听内容完成下列表格,短文读两遍。(5分)Who was the youngest child in the family?(6)_Mark is eleven and Roy is(7) _Gloria is one of the most(8) _girls in her schoolGloria goes for a trip with(9) _The Baker f

    2、amily often have a good weekend(10) _三)请听下面一段对话和五个问题,根据所听内容选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(5分)11AMary BMaria CMolly12AHellen BHer friend CWe dont know13AYes,she is BNoshe isnt CWe dont know14AMaria B Helen CWe dont know15AShe should eat more BShe should take more exercise CShe should have more rest四)请听短文,根据所听内容判断下

    3、列句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)16Sandy borrowed some money from her mother17Sandy is going to have a party at home18Sandy bought a new CD player yesterday19Jenny is Sandys sister20Sandy bought some drinks and snacks from the supermarket二、单项选择(15分)21There isnt going to _ a meeting this afternoonAhave Bhas Cbe

    4、 Dhold22-Would you like to go to the museum with me?-_AWhy not come with me? BId like to,but I have too many things to doCThe same to you DYes,please23_ people can afford the carIts very expensive AA large number of BThe large number of CA small number of DThe small number of24-Do you usually _ a wh

    5、ile before you go to bed? -YesEnjoying the cold air does good to my health Ahang out Bsleep late Ccut up Dturn on25-Jack,how did you make the floor so dirty? Im sorry,MomI will _ it at once Asweep Bmake Cdo Dmove26This year red isnt as_as green。Apopular Bmore popular Cless popular D. the most popula

    6、r27-Jim,come outLets go swimming-Sorry,Im _ a math problem Aworking out Bworking in Cworking for Dworking on28Excuse me,I didnt catch what you saidCan you tell me _ just now? Ayou say what Bwhat you say Cto say what Dwhat you said29- _ should get the job,Bill or Victor? I think Victor should get the

    7、 job AWho do you think BWhom do you think CDo you think who DDo you think whom30Liu Xiang spends five hours _ the piano every day Aplaying Bplays Cto play Dplay31Does Uncle Wang live here? No,he moved _ last week Ato somewhere else Bto else somewhere Csomewhere else Delse somewhere32New York is _ in

    8、 the United States Alarger than any city Bbiggest of all the cities Cbigger than any cities Dlarger than any other city33 _ That sounds like a good idea AWhy did you buy flowers? BWhats your idea? CHow was your trip in Thailand? DLets buy some flowers in Hong Kong34He went to Hainan Island on May Da

    9、y and had great fun _ in the sea Asurf Bsurfs Csurfing Dto surf35-Its ten oclockI must go now-Its raining outsideDont leave _ it stops Awhen Bsince Cwhile Duntil三、完形填空(15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 Allan was born in the cityHis father has several big factories and hes very 36)_The young man is now study

    10、ing in a universityLast week he came to the small town to 37)_ his grandmaAnd he began to take his summer 38)_ here,tooHe thought he was 39)_ than any other person hereAnd he was supercilious(傲慢的)He often40)_ the villagers and wouldnt talk to 41)_ hereAt first they were still 42)_ to him,now no one

    11、would say 43)_ to him One day a friend of his grandma had a birthday 44)_The old woman told her grandson to go there with herHe had to do as she saidBut he didnt say a 45) _and sat aloneAt dinner a beautiful girl just sat 46) _himHe hoped to talk with her,but she didnt even 47)_ himSuddenly she foun

    12、d there was a fly(苍蝇)in his glass,but she didnt 48)_ him about itSoon he found it,too,and 49)_,“Oh,dear!Theres a fly in my glass!” “Dont be 50)_,sir,”the girl said with a smile,“It wont be able to drink much!” 36Apoor Brich Cgood Dtried 37Asee Blook after Cwork for Dtelephone 38Aday Bnight Choliday

    13、Dschool 39Astronger Btidier Cbetter Dmore clever 40Alaughed at Bhelped Cwatched Dlooked over 41Asomebody Bnobody Canybody Deverybody 42Acold Bfriendly Ccareful Dbad 43Asorry Byes Cno Dhello 44Ameeting Bparty Ccake Dcard 45Astory Bpassage Cword Dbehind 46Anext to Bbehind Cin front of Dfar from 47Apul

    14、l Bpush Csee Dlook at 48Aspeak Bsay Ctell Dtalk 49Ashouted(喊叫) Bjumped up Cdanced Dsang 50Ahappy Bangry Csad Dsure四、阅读理解(20分)A John was ten years old and was a very lazy(懒惰的)boyHe had to go to school every dayHe didnt like school and didnt want to do much workHis parents are doctorsThey hoped that t

    15、heir son would become a doctor when he grew upBut one day John said to his mother:“When I finish school,I want to be a dustman(清洁工)” “A dustman?”his mother askedShe was very surprised“Thats not a pleasant jobWhy do you want to be a dustman?” “Because I only have to work one day a week”John answered

    16、“One day a week?”his mother asked“What do you mean?” “Well”John answered“I know that the dustmen only come to our house and work on Wednesday,because I only see them on that day”51John did not do much work at school because _ Ahe was lazy Bhe didnt like the teachers Che was good at his lessons Dhis

    17、parents would help him52John knew that _ Ahis parents wanted him to be a doctor Bhis father was one of the best doctors Chis mother worked very hard Dhis teachers were very good53John wanted to be a dustman because he thought _ Ait was the easiest work Bit was the most interesting work Cit was much

    18、better than to be a doctor Da dustman didnt have to work every day54Johns mother thought dustmens job was _ Ahappy Blight Cnot pleasant Dnot busy55Which of the following is right? AJohn was a student of a very big school BJohns parents worked in the same hospital CJohn was the only son of the family

    19、 DJohn didnt know how dustmen did their workB JK Rowling was born in England in 1965She loves reading,and wrote her first story Rabbit when she was only six years oldShe studied French at university,then worked as a secretary in LondonShe had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train“Harry j

    20、ust walked into my head,”she said laterShe started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three yearsShe wrote Harry Potter in the morning,and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and eveningShe got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and

    21、 had a daughter called Jessica Then she returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh,in ScotlandShe was unemployed at that time,and wrote in cafes because they were warmer than her small flatAfter five years she finished the first book,Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneThe book sold millions of c

    22、opies all over theworld,and Joanne Kathleen Rowling became very famousShe is now very rich,but she still writes her books in cafes56When was JKRowling born? _ AIn 1965 BIn 1971 CIn 1992 DIn 199757What was her first job? AA writer BA journalist CAn English teacher DA secretary58Where did she finish w

    23、riting the first book? AIn England BIn London CIn Portugal DIn Scotland59JKRowling is famous for _ ARabbit BHarry Potter and the Philosophers Cher daughter Dher husband60Jessica is her _ Amother Bdaughter Chusband DfriendC Josh Zeblinski was walking down a street in Las Vegas when he remembered that

    24、 he had left all his money at the hotelHe wanted to go into one of the casinos(赌场)and try his luck(运气)He had been to a casino the night before and had lost $100He stood where he was for a moment,thinkingHe was sure that he had put his wallet in his pocketYes,he had taken it from another inner(里面的)co

    25、at pocket and had pushed it into the deep pocket of the jacket he worePickpockets(扒手)had stolen it?Possible,bur there was another possibility of course!Why hadnt he thought it before?His wife had told him that she did not want him to go to the casino and lose all their money”Damn it(该死)!What a fool

    26、I am!”His wife had taken it and hidden itHe remembered!He had heard her laugh after he shut the door and left the hotel61When Josh Zeblinski walked down the streethe wanted to _ Aget some money Bgo into a casino Cdo nothing Dbuy a new coat62He _ the night before Ahad lost all his money Bleft his mon

    27、ey in the hotel Chad very good luck Dhad tried his luck in a casino63He was sure that _ Ahe had put his wallet in one of his pockets Ba pickpocket had taken his wallet Chis wallet was in another coat of his Dhe had left his wallet in a casino64His wife had asked him _ Ato stay at home Bto wish for g

    28、ood luck Cnot to go to the casino Dto be careful of pickpockets65Who had taken his money? AA pickpocket BHis wife CNo one DHe was not sureD Bobsledding(滑雪橇)is a fast and exciting winter sportA bobsled has a two-person team or a four-person team and it goes at about 100 kilometers per hourWhen a bobs

    29、led team goes down the course,the other teams wait and watchThen each team tries to go down faster than the othersEach team can try three timesIn the end,the fastest team wins the prize This is a true story about a bobsledder,Eugenio Monti from ItalyThe year was 1964The place was the bobsled course at the Winter Olympic Games in InnsbruckAustriaThe two beat team


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