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    1、自考英语综合一山东省高等教育自学考试英语(二)模拟试题1(课程代码:00015 考试时间:150分钟)注意事项:答案必须写在答题卡规定的区域内,未按要求作答的答案无效。I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。1-5 CABBA 6-10 DCDCA 1. Only by developing an understanding and tolerance of different cultural va

    2、lues reach the goal of communicating with native English speakers. CA. a Chinese English learner can B. does a Chinese English learnerC. can a Chinese English learner D. a Chinese English learner did2. _A_ the leadership of the party, we could not live happily today. A. But for B. In case C. As for

    3、D. Because of3. I have no idea that this party is _B_. A. in her face B. in her honor C. in her way D. for her fancy4. There is no _B_ in asking him, for he knows nothing about it. A. way B. point C. sense D. meaning5. I _A_ leave my house when the phone rang. A. was about to B. had to C. was long t

    4、o D. was way to6. _D_ I asked, I should tell the truth. A. Was B. Am C. Been D. Were7. Try _C_ you will, you cant succeed. A. if B. how C. as D. after8. Suddenly the wild animal charged _D_ us. A. into B. for C. of D. at9. His illness was _C_ to bad food. A. because B. about C. due D. thank10. He id

    5、entified her happiness _A_ his own.A. with B. in C. for D. As II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。请根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。11-15ABDCC 16-20 DAACBThe artist Andy Warhol famously said that he thought everybody would be famous for fifteen minutes, and with the incre

    6、asing power of the internet, thats A11 true today than ever. Anybody with an internet connection and a computer can now become a celebrity.A celebrity is somebody who is only, or perhaps mostly famous through their presence B12 the internet, an internet personality who crosses over to the mainstream

    7、. A web celebrity. A celebrity.As people rely on the internet more and more D13 their entertainment needs, it is becoming increasingly attractive C14 a platform for new writing, music, film, and art. The writer Stephen King has published books only on the internet and some musicians get a recording

    8、contract through the popularity they build C15 on the web.Recently an American newspaper, the Seattle PI Post-Intelligencer decided to 16 D its paper copy and only publish online. As its audience grows, the internet is becoming more powerful in making people famous, and some videos which are A17 on

    9、the internet become incredibly A18 , being seen by millions of people in a short space of time. This is C19 where a video of someone dancing and pretending to sing a famous song can get them B 20 on TV shows and magazines. Its an age of celebrity!11. A. more B. less C. much D. little12. A. in B. on

    10、C. at D. to 13. A. as B. like C. of D. for14. A. like B. in C.as D. to15. A. down B. on C. up D. into16. A. adopt B. adept C. discard D. abandon17. A. posted B. advertised C. communicated D. comprehend18. A. popular B. perilous C. fabulous D. fantastic19. A. a time B. a period C. an age D. a stage20

    11、. A. a presence B. an appearance C. an outlook D. an expressionIII. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。21-25 BDCACPassage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Gliese 581g is the sixth planet to be found circling a dwa

    12、rf star some 20 light-years away, in the constellation of Libra. On paperit looks good three times the mass of the Earth with possibly a rocky surface and enough gravity to hold on to an atmosphere. The researchers also promised shirt-sleeve weatherin some regions, but not everywhere. One side of th

    13、e planet is almost always in sunshine; the other almost always in darkness and estimated temperatures range from minus four degrees Celsius to a very hot 71 degrees. A year meanwhile would go by in just 37 days. Of course, whether life could really be supported on Gliese 581g will need much more inv

    14、estigation and, most probably, technologies which dont exist yet. But the astronomers say planet hunting is getting easier and they were surprised how quickly they detected the tell-tale signsof this distant body, using ground-based telescopes.21. Which of the following is correct about Gliese 581g?

    15、 A. It is a dwarf star with gravity. B. It is a planet like the earth. C. It was discovered many centuries ago. D. It is very close to the earth.22. What does Gliese 581g look like? A. It has the mass of the sun. B. It has about the same mass as the earth and its atmosphere. C. Its rock and atmosphe

    16、re are about three times the mass of the earth. D. It is heavier than the earth and has a rocky surface.23. Which of the following is correct about the gravity of Gliese 581g? A. It fixes the mass on. B. It is too small to keep anything on the ground. C. It is enough to hold on to an atmosphere. D.

    17、It helps Gliese 581g to balance between the earth and the sun.24. What does shirt-sleeve weatherprobably mean? A. So warm that a jacket is not needed. B. Changeable. C. Cold. D. Extremely cold.25. How was Gliese 581g found? A. A scientist discovered it on the way to the moon. B. Some scientists foun

    18、d it with a telescope on the shuttle. C. It was found using telescopes on the earth. D. It was found with the help of a computer.26-30ACDBCPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. Officially almost 60,000 Nepalese women are now working in the Middle East but the unofficial e

    19、stimate is closer to 200,000. Many of them are under 30 years old and will be directly affected by the new ban. The governments been under growing pressure to do more to protect its workers. Women employed in the informal sector as part of a household are very vulnerable. Nepals Embassies in the reg

    20、ion say they deal with numerous cases of alleged physical or sexual abuse, as well as complaints about unpaid wages and terrible conditions. Many run safe houses to support women who flee their employers homes. Its only 18 months since the government ended a 12-year ban on all women workers to the G

    21、ulf. That wasimposed after a young woman working in Kuwait committed suicide. Now theyre adopting this partial ban in the hope that older women might be less at risk. Nepal has a high unemployment rate and the government is trying to strike a balance between protection and allowing women to pursue o

    22、pportunities. Other countries face the same dilemma. Two months ago, Kenya banned its citizens from working in the Middle East because, it said, increasing numbers were being mistreated. Last year, Indonesia introduced a ban on women working as maids in the region. That followed numerous cases of ab

    23、use and the execution of an Indonesian maid who was accused of killing her former employer.26. Who will be most probably be affected by the new ban?A. Young Nepalese women working in the Middle East. B. Nepalese women just back from the Middle East. C. Nepalese women working at home. D. Nepalese wom

    24、en who wants to work for rich families.27. Why does the Nepalese government decide to adopt the ban? A. Because they wanted women to work at home. B. Because they wanted Nepalese women to have equal opportunities. C. Because they wanted to protect the Nepalese women. D. Because they had a bad relati

    25、onship with the gulf countries.28. How are the Nepalese women treated when working in the Middle East? A. They are well treated. B. They are offered many opportunities. C. They have much freedom. D. Many of them are mistreated and abused.29. Which of the following is correct about the ban? A. It is

    26、historical and has never been imposed before. B. A year and a half ago, another ban existed. C. It has lasted twelve years. D. It solves the unemployment problem at home.30. Which of the following is correct? A. Middle East women work outside their countries. B. Women working in the Middle East all

    27、come from Asia.C. Women working in the Middle East need protection.D. Embassies cannot do anything to protect women from their country.31-35 CBDAAPassage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Aslick advert by the Melbourne tourist board shows pictures of itsenviable schools, bea

    28、ches, transport system and nightlife, all of which have helped it earn the number one spot as the worlds most liveable city. The 140 cities in the survey are judged on five broad categories:stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure. The top scorers tend to be mid-s

    29、ized cities in wealthy countries with a low population density. Some seven of the top ten including Vancouver, Toronto and Sydney are in Australia or Canada. Vienna, Helsinki and Auckland also made the top ten. Of the cities surveyed and some like Kabul and Baghdad were not included for safety reaso

    30、ns Dhaka in Bangladesh was rated the least liveable. Lagos, Harare, Algiers and Karachi all scored poorly as well. The city that has dropped fastest down the list in the last year is Damascus, due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, while infrastructure improvements in China mean that cities like Shan

    31、ghai and Suzhou have scored better than they did last year.31. Which of the following cities are not surveyed for liveability? A. Damascus B. Shanghai C. Baghdad D. Lagos32. Which of the following cities is the most liveable in the world? A. Helsinki B. Melbourne C. Auckland D. Vancouver33. Which of

    32、 the following elements is not considered in the survey? A. Infrastructure B. Stability C. Culture D. Income34. Which of the following cities has dropped fasted in terms of liveability? A. Damascus B. Sydney C. Suzhou D. Kabul35. Which of the following is not correct according to the passage? A. The most


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