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    1、15春福师听力口译一在线作业两套15春福师听力口译(一)在线作业两套福师听力口译(一)在线作业一一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。听力口译(一)作业策略)1.If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student( )from the government.A. menuB. spoonC. loanD. loans正确答案:C2.If you want to see the chairman of the department,

    2、youd better make an( )with his secretary first.A. admissionB. agreementC. appointmentD. alphabet正确答案:C3._ the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day.A. CompletingB. CompleteC. CompletedD. To complete正确答案:D4.He checked carefully to( )the possible errors in his design.A. eliminateB

    3、. exceedC. enlargeD. vibrate正确答案:A5.If you use( ), you can get a higher quality picture.A. waxB. shameC. gooseD. slides正确答案:D6.By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon.A. of whichB. on whichC. from whichD. above which正确答案:D

    4、7.I wish I could( )you somehow for your kindness.A. strawB. issueC. rewardD. own正确答案:C8._ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about Firefighting.A. Having searchedB. To searchC. SearchingD. Search正确答案:D9.You dont have to know the name of the author to find a boo

    5、k. You _ find the book by the title.A. mustB. needC. canD. would正确答案:C10.He tried to _ with the manager for has salary.A. evaluateB. objectC. bargainD. pause正确答案:C11.He has( )much time and energy for his invention.A. containedB. proceededC. consumedD. paid正确答案:12.The judge( )the murderer to twenty y

    6、ears in prison.A. requiredB. orderedC. indicatedD. sentenced正确答案:13.Nancy enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. where正确答案:14.She often talks with a( )appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A. tidyB. sincereC. worshipD. merry正确答案:15.

    7、They say the new film is a(n)( )picture so they wont go to see it.A. internalB. oddC. interestingD. dull正确答案:16.The dog _ the rabbit but could not catch it.A. ceasedB. chainedC. checkedD. chased正确答案:17.After talking for nearly ten hours, he( )to the governments pressure at last.A. expressedB. yielde

    8、dC. decreasedD. approved正确答案:18.They say the new film is a(n) _ picture so they wont go to see it.A. internalB. oddC. interestingD. dull正确答案:19.This man has been proved _ of murder.A. guiltyB. spoilC. flashD. curious正确答案:20.She likes the _ flower instead of the natural one.A. articleB. adventureC. a

    9、ncientD. artificial正确答案:21.Who is the patient being _ on?A. paintedB. operatedC. tiedD. fetched正确答案:22.( )is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.A. ItB. WhatC. AsD. Which正确答案:23.In the film we saw last night, the hero( )his wife to death with his sword.A. throat

    10、B. thrustC. trustD. thread正确答案:24.English has become a communication( )for people from different countries.A. meritB. streamC. enjoymentD. medium正确答案:25.Even though he knew that I should study, he still( )me to go to the movies.A. recognizedB. extendedC. persuadedD. unexpected正确答案:26.The dog( )the r

    11、abbit but could not catch it.A. ceasedB. chainedC. checkedD. chased正确答案:27.Jack London worked very hard and finally he( )success.A. madeB. foundC. soughtD. achieved正确答案:28.In the film we saw last night, the hero _ his wife to death with his sword.A. throatB. thrustC. trustD. thread正确答案:29.In the cla

    12、ss the teacher asked the students to( )their bad habits.A. weakenB. omitC. overcomeD. overtake正确答案:30.If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me .A. chapterB. ceremonyC. chamberD. challenge正确答案:31.In the class the teacher asked the students to _ the

    13、ir bad habits.A. weakenB. omitC. overcomeD. overtake正确答案:32.The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _ in college.A. performanceB. policyC. smartD. statement正确答案:33.If you use _, you can get a higher quality picture.A. waxB. shameC. gooseD. sl

    14、ides正确答案:34.Our neighbors gave( )a baby bird yesterday that hurt( )when it fell from its nest.A. us,itB. us,itselfC. ourselves, itselfD. ourselves, it正确答案:35.Chocolate and ice-cream have different( ).A. favourB. favouritesC. feverD. flavours正确答案:36.The international situation is very( )in the Middle

    15、 East.A. deliciousB. perfectC. delicateD. percent正确答案:37.This movie has a( )ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.A. dramaticB. originalC. considerableD. temple正确答案:38.Its just( )bite. There is nothing to worry about.A. a vesselB. a templeC. an insectD. an arbitrary正确答案:39.The _ pro

    16、duction of engines in our factory has doubled this year.A. manualB. annualC. amountD. alike正确答案:40.This is not what we asked you to do. You can not get more pay for the( )work.A. owingB. deviceC. tiredD. extra正确答案:41.It is impossible for us to( )such a difficult task within the limited time.A. fuelB

    17、. frownC. fulfillD. frost正确答案:42.Who( )this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.A. frightensB. differsC. displaysD. governs正确答案:43.Jack is _ of stealing the books from the library.A. accusedB. witnessedC. strainedD. found正确答案:44.I thought wed be late for the con

    18、cert,( )we ended up getting there ahead of time.A. butB. orC. soD. for正确答案:45.It is a( )truth that man is the only animal that has the power to speak and reason.A. worthyB. virtualC. universalD. indefinite正确答案:46.Please do not _ when somebody else is talking.A. intendB. interpretC. interruptD. inves

    19、t正确答案:47. Would you like to join us in the game? _, for I have something important to attend to.A. I willB. Id love toC. I wontD. Im afraid not正确答案:48.Please do not( )when somebody else is talking.A. intendB. interpretC. interruptD. invest正确答案:49.This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange program.A. functionB. fundamentalC. funeralD. funds正确答案:50.The rebuilding plan was _ to the committee.A. tapedB. admittedC. desiredD. submitted正确答案:


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