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    1、牛津上海版小学英语四年级下册全册教案牛津上海版小学英语四年级下册全册教案Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1 What can you smell and taste2Module1 Using my five sensesUnit2 How does it feel8Module1 Using my five sensesUnit3 Look at the shadow!13Module2 My favourite thingsUnit1 Sports17Module2 My favourite thingsUnit2 Cute animals25Module2

    2、 My favourite thingsUnit3 Home life31Module3 Things around usUnit1 Sounds36Module3 Things around usUnit2 Time43Module3 Things around usUnit3 Days of the week51Module4 More things to learnUnit1 A Music class56Module4 More things to learnUnit2 Festivals in China62Module4 More things to learnUnit3 Stor

    3、y time66Daily expressions74Module1 Using my five sensesUnit1 What can you smell and taste?1教学目标1)能感知、理解水果类的单词,如:watermelon, strawberry, cherry, grape, plum等。2)能运用相关句式来准确提问和描述水果的外形,颜色,大小,香味和味道。3)通过了解一些水果的特点,使学生们渐渐地爱上吃水果,并了解水果有益健康。2学情分析四年级学生经过了三年多的英语学习后,他们已经积累了一定的语言知识(包括词汇与句型),具备了一定的听说读写能力。在学习本单元内容之前,

    4、他们已经掌握了水果类名称、感觉类形容词、常见的自然界景物以及学生熟悉的学习用品等;涉及的句型与时态包括to be句型(包括选择疑问句和特殊疑问句)、一般现在时态(涉及选择疑问句)、祈使句等。3重点难点能学习和掌握水果类单词,如:watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry等,其它相关词汇,如a glass of, juice等,做到音、形、义的统一;能关注名词的单复数形式以及不可数名词前的数量词组表达;能学习和初步使用选择疑问句(or ?)来进行问答,主要体现在to be 句型和一般现在时态中,如:Is it or.? Its. Do you like

    5、or ? I like 等;4教学过程4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】4BM1U1StepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Daily talk.Do you like?Does he/she like?What can you buy at the supermarket?1. Sing a song.2. Answer the questions.轻快的歌曲为课堂营造轻松的氛围。日常对话围绕水果展开,为本课埋下伏笔。While-task procedure1.

    6、 Introduce the whole storyPart1. To teach: melon/watermelon(1) To elicit:Peter and his mum want to buy some fruit in the supermarket.(2) Introduce: , I think.(3) Show the new words.(4) Compare: melon and lemon.(5) Play a guessing game(6) Listen and enjoy(7) Role playPart2. To teach: grape, cherryMum

    7、: How about grapes?(1) Elicit the new words.(2) Introduce: a bunch of grapes.(3) A song(4) A new song(5) Role playPart3. To teach: strawberry(1) Elicit the new word.(2) To elicit: strawberries.(3) Introduce:strawberry cake/jam/juice/ice cream(4) Ask some questions(5) Pair work(6) Role playPart4. To

    8、teach: plum(1) To elicit: plum(2) Show different kinds of plums(3) Role play(4) Exercise1. Read, think and answer the questionPart1. To learn: melon/watermelon(1) Look and read.(2) Read the sentence.(3) Read the new words.(4) Compare: melon and lemon.(5) Play a guessing game(6) Listen and enjoy(7) R

    9、ole playPart2. To learn: grape, cherry(1) Read the new words.(2) Read the phrases.(3) Sing a song(4) Try to make a new song(5) Role playPart3. To learn: strawberry(1) Read the new word.(2) Read the word.(3) Read the phrase.(4) Answer some questions(5) Pair work(6) Role playPart4. To learn: plum(1) T

    10、o spell the word.(2) Read these different kinds of plums.(3) Role play(4) Exercise通过带着问题整体感知Peter和妈妈去超市买水果。让学生对, I think.句型有初步的认识。区分音近形似的单词。让学生对How about? 句型有初步的认识。通过形状区分樱桃和葡萄。强调复数形式的变化。由于单词比较长,通过不同的短语来训练单词的发音。通过较简单的音标让学生拼单词,让学生对音标有初步的认识。Post-task activity1. Show the whole story.2. Read and fill in

    11、the blanks.3. Try to say1. Act out the whole dialogue.2. Read and fill in the blanks.3. Try to say文本以对话的形式展开,贴近生活实际,让学生能学以致用。Module1 Using my five sensesUnit2 How does it feel?1教学目标1. 能正确朗读核心词汇,理解单词的含义。2. 能初步感知本单元的核心句型,Whose_ is this/that are these/those?并能运用所学句型询问某件物品的归属。3. 能初步感知字母组合ir, ur, au, oor

    12、在单词中的发音。4. 能在语境中,借助图片,运用核心词汇、句型,询问物品的归属。2学情分析学生们经过三年半的英语学习,对英语学习感兴趣,在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面有了较好的提高。他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,对周边的事物有兴趣,有学习的愿望,能够积极参与到课堂的活动中,对于单词的学习,学生们愿意借助于阅读儿歌的形式。在句型的学习上,大多数同学乐于开口,能进行实物体验、对话交流。但不能自觉地从学习中进行学习,不能很好地把语言知识用语生活中,在学习的方法上,缺乏合作学习的习惯,阅读是薄弱之处,在阅读方面要加强指导。3重点难点1.重点:(1) 学习新授词汇: sharp, blunt,

    13、 thick, thin, knife, pencil, pencil case能听懂单词并能准确发音。(2) 学习和掌握句型的问答Whoseis this/ that/ are these/ those? Its / Theyre 2.难点:能运用所学句型询问某件物品的归属。4教学过程4.1第一学时4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】Pretaskpreparation1. Play the flash. Students read the sounds and text .2. Show the rhyme. Read the rhyme.3. To review the adj. Ask a

    14、nd answer. Students answer and read.(设计思路:复习单词,为句型的学习做铺垫。)活动2【讲授】Whiletaskprocedure1.Lead in, Students listen to the teacher.(设计思路:情境设计,引入课堂教学。)2. Play the recording. To teach: knife, pencil case. Students listen and tick.(1) Teacher reads. Students listen and repeat.(2) Show the chant. Students Rea

    15、d the chant.(设计思路:听录音,初步感知课文内容。)3. Play the flash. Ask: How does the knife feel? To elicit: sharpStudents look, listen and answer.4.To teach: sharp, blunt(1) To teach: sharpT reads. Students read the words after the teacher.(2) T: The knife is very sharp. Whose knife is this? Students answer: Its Da

    16、nnys.T reads the sentences. Students read after the teacher.(设计思路:运用chant,巩固单词,并适时进行安全教育)(3) To teach: bluntT reads. Students read the words after the teacher.(4) Show a chant. Students read the chant together.5. To teach dialogues.(1) Ask and answer. Whose pencils are these? Whose pencil case is it

    17、?Students answer. Then repeat after the teacher.6. To teach: thick, thin(1) Ask and answer. How are the books?Students answer the question. Read after the teacher.To elicit: thick , thin. Show a chant. Read the chant.(设计思路:通过实物来感受单词的意思,运用chant有效巩固单词)(2) Show a dialogue.(设计思路:补全对话,学会用所学句型询问物品的归属。)7.

    18、Ask some questions. Ask and answer in pairs.8. Play the flash. Listen and repeat.活动3【活动】Posttaskactivity1. Show pictures about SB P7. Students try to retell the dialogues.2. Show pictures of study artcles. Pair work.3. Workbook P10. Do exercises.活动4【作业】Assingment1. Listen and read the words and dial

    19、ogues.2. Copy the word four times.3. Copy the dialogues of SB P7 once.4. Try to retell the dialogues of SB P7. 活动5【活动】BoarddesignM1U2 How does it feel?What How Whose(谁的)knife sharp Dannyspencils blunt Peters pencil case soft Jillsbooks thick Miss FangsWhose knife is this/that? Its Dannys. (Its Danny

    20、s knife. )Whose pencils are these/those? Theyre Peters. (Theyre Peters pencils.)活动6【练习】Exercise一、听录音,在你听到的学习用品前的方框内打“”。pencils rubberbools knifepencil case pensbag purse二、写出划线单词的反义词,使句子通顺,每空限填一词。1. This knife is sharp, but that one is _.2. Touch the lemon. Its rough. Touch the plum.Its _.3.I dont li

    21、ke the soft apple. I like the _ one.4. Put the thin books on the shelf and the _ ones on the desk.三、按要求改写句子。1. This is Dannys bag. (对划线部分提问)_ bag is this?2. Whose strawberry is that?(用Ben 回答)_3. Whose pen is this?(改为复数句型)_Module1 Using my five sensesUnit3 Look at the shadow!1教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇rise,

    22、 again , shadow, high, sky. 2、能正确使用句型The sun in the来描述一天中太阳的方位。 3、能用一般现在时的动词单三形式正确描述太阳和影子在一天中的变化。 4、通过小组合作形式培养同学之间团结合作的意识。2学情分析本课所学者为四年级的学生,他们通过日常的生活经验,对太阳在一天中的位置变化,以及在太阳的照射下,物体影子在一天中的变化,还是比较了解的,另外对于第三人称单数的用法也不陌生,所以学习起来也不会存在太大的困难.3重点难点 教学重点: 1. 词汇:rise, go down, shadow, high, sky 。 2. 句型:The sun in

    23、the。The shadow is long/short. 教学难点: rises, shadow的读音。4教学过程4.1第一学时4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】Step1:Warmingup1. Sing a song: Twinkle,twinkle, litter star活跃气氛。 2. Ask and answer: T: What is the song about? S1: Its about stars. T: Yes, can you see stars in the daytime? S2: No, I can see stars at night. T: What els

    24、e can you see in the sky at night? S3: I can see the moon. T: What else can you see in the sky in the morning? S4: I can see the sun.活动2【讲授】猜谜语引出新单词shadow1. Show the riddle, let Ss guess and guess. 让学生猜一猜,激发学生学习的兴趣。 Ss: 影子。 (鼓励表扬:You are clever!) 2.Show the word shadow on the screen and teach. 板书: s

    25、h_d_ _ fat window活动3【练习】练习新单词.Reading: 1) Ss read after T. 2) Read in pairs. 3) Read it in the row. (You are great)活动4【讲授】看动画,观察太阳的位置以及在它的照射下,物体影子的变化3. Think and say Show the flash and ask: How do our shadows change from the morning to the evening? T: Now lets watch a video.看物体的影子是怎样变化的? The shadow

    26、is long/ short in the . (add points) 6.Learn rise, go down, again, sky, high 1) Show the plash to learn rise, rises, go down, goes down . Ss read them after T. (强调rises的读音) 2) Using the same way to teach sky, high, again 3) Read and write the words on the notebook. 培养学生写的能力 二.Learn listen and say活动5

    27、【讲授】LearnlistenandsayListening and reading 1) Listen to the tape. 2) Listen again and read after it. (注意模仿录音里的语音语调) 3) T reads the sentences. 4)Ss read them after T. 5) Ss read by themselves or in groups. (小组讨论写出每句的关键词,组长组织好达到人人开口说英语,一定教会不会读的学生)2.Say these important words in each group.活动6【练习】通过关键词复

    28、述课文1. Retell the sentences according to the flash and these important words. Picture1: morning, sun, rises, shadow, long. Picture2: noon, sun, high, shadow, short. Picture3: evening, sun, goes down, shadow, long. Picture4: night, moon, high. 2. Read and write. 3. Make and say 自己说说自己或者某事物在太阳下影子的变化情况。

    29、活动7【测试】检测对课文知识点的掌握和理解用moon/sky rise/go down high morning/noon/evening/night填空 1.The sun _ in the morning. The shadow is long. 2.At _, the sun is _ in the _. The shadow is short. 3.The sun goes down in the _. Look at the shadow. It is long again. 4.At _, the _ is _ in the _.活动8【作业】课后练习Make a shadow and talk about it.Write the new words three times.Module2 My fav


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