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    1、形容词比较级最高级,练习题,popular_ _funny_ _quiet_ _hard-working_ _serious_ _friendly_ _shy_ _,More popular most popular,Funnier funniest,Quieter quietestmore hard-working,Most hard-working,More serious most serious friendlier friendliestShyer shyest,单项选择,Carol sings _.Sam sings much_A.good,better;B.good;wellC.

    2、well,better;D.well;good2.This classroom is _than that one.A many big B.much bigC.Many bigger D.much bigger3.Which subject do you like_,English or Chinese?A.Good B well C.better D.the best,C,D,C,4.The best way of learning English is_it more.Uses B.to use C.used D.use5.Peter is _ than Sam.More funny B

    3、.funnier C.more funnierD.Most funny6.Li Ping writes _ in his class.More careful B.more carefullyC.Most carefully D.most careful7._ parents came to China last year.The both B.the both hisC.Both of his D.His both8.Paul is as _(friend)as Jack.,B,B,B,C,friendly,句型转换,1.English is not as difficult as math

    4、(同义句)Math is_difficult _English.2.His mother is 37 years old.His father is 37,too.(合并为一句)His mother is _ _ _ his father.,more,than,as old as,3.Lily doesnt run as far as Lucy.(同义句)Lucy_ _ _Lily.4.汤姆不及我勤奋。Tom is _ _ than me.Tom is _ _ _ as me.5.Mary is thinner than the other two.(同义句)Mary is_ _ _ the

    5、three.6.Mike is the tallest boy in our class.Mike is _ than _ _ boy in our class.7.His father is 43 and my father is 40.My father is _ _ his.,runs farther than,less hard-working,not so hard-working,the thinnest of,taller,any other,younger than,8.The pen is cheaper than the other two.(同义句),The pen is

    6、 _ the three.9.Lucys cake is _(small)than lilys.10.Who is _(tall),Ann,Lucy or Lily?11.The basket is _(heavy)of all,let me carry it.12.Today is a fine day.It is _(fine)day in this week.13.Which book is _(cheap),this one or that one.,the cheapest of,smaller,the tallest,the heaviest,the finest,cheaper,

    7、Hainan is a very large island.It is the second_(large)island in China.Judy is _ taller than Katy,though she is younger than Katy.He is _(strong)enough to carry the heavy box.-There was thick haze in our city this spring.What do you think of it?-I think _(few)cars we drive,_ pollution our city will h

    8、ave.(少),largest,Much/a little/even/a bit/a lot,strong,the fewer,the less,Its one of the _(happy)things in theworld to stay with friends.The Changjiang River is one of _(long)river in the world.翻译:这个女孩总是买最贵的衣服The girl always buys_clothes.2.谁是你们班最有才能的人?(talented)Who is _person in your class.3.越来越多的人在使

    9、用互联网。_people are using the Internet.,happiest,the longest,the most expensive,the most talented,More and more,我对他的行为感动越来越恼火。I was _angry by his behavior.这件事她越想越沮丧。she thought about it,_ depressed she became.对这件事谈得越少,我越高兴。_said about the whole thing,_ I will be.,more and more,The more,the more,The les

    10、s,the happier,Mike 是两个男孩中比较聪明的那一个。Mike is _ of the two boys.他变得越来越高了。He is getting_,the smarter,taller and taller,The _friends you have,the_you will be.more;happy B.many;happyC.more;happier D.many;happier2.Tom is _ than any other player in the school team.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest3.Who l

    11、istens_,Tom,Jack,or Bill?The most carefully B.more carefullyC.The most careful D.more careful,c,B,A,4.I had to call a taxi because the box was_than Id expected.heavy B.heavier C.the heavier D.the heaviest5.What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?Oh,its one of _films Ive ever seen.A.interesti

    12、ng B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting6.You are doing great!Ive never had_ answer before.A.better B.best C.a better D.the best,B,D,C,In Miss Lius class,LI Mings handwriting is good,Wang Meis handwriting is _ than Lis.Zhangs handwriting is _ of the three.The elephant is _than

    13、 the sheep.That animal is smaller than all the others.That animal is_ _ _ _.Lucys bike is newer than lilys.Lilys bike is _ _ _.,better,the best,heavier,the smallest of all,older than Lucys,7.The number of animals is getting_ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.Less and less B.larger an

    14、d largerC.Smaller and smaller D.fewer and fewer8.To live a green life,we should try to save _energy and produce _pollution.A.more;less B.less;more C.more;fewer D.most;least9.Riding a bike backwards is_ unusual record.A.an B.a C.the D./,C,A,A,10.Li Ming can play soccer without_ for an hour.A.to stop

    15、B.stop C.stopping D.stopped11.We are all your friends;you can ask_ for help when you are in trouble.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody12.The _ school has a meeting once a week.A.all B.both C.whole D.every,C,B,C,13.Li Ming said he had_ to tell us.A.something important B.important something C.a

    16、nything important D.important anything14.Anna likes Helen better than_ student in her class.A.any B.all C.any other D.most of15.Do you know the longest bridge in Beijing?-Of course.It is ten_ the one near our village.Times as long as B.times as longer as C.time as long as D.time as longer as,A,C,A,M

    17、any Chinese students think science subjects are _ foreign languages.A.more difficult as B.less difficult than C.much difficult than D.so difficult as2.Lucy is one of _ in our school.A.the beautiful girl B.the beautiful girls C.the most beautiful girl D the most beautiful girls,B,D,Its very kind_ me

    18、play the piano well.A.for him to help B.for him helping C.of him to help D.of him helping,C,用所给词的适当形式填空,Do you know the_(long)of the road.2.I fell asleep while _(listen)to the music.3.Tom does his homework as _(careful)as Lucy.4.The tunnel under the Changjiang River is much_(easy)to get to Pudong th

    19、an before.5.To be healthy,we should eat _(little)meat and take _(much)exercise.,longest,listening,carefully,easier,less,more,根据汉语意思完成句子保持一项世界纪录并不容易。It isnt easy_ _ _ _.2.你一定已经查明真相了。You _ _ _ _ the truth.3.他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。Their factory is _ _ the foot of the hill.4.中国以长城而闻名。China _ _ _ the Great Wall.5.顺便问一下,多少人住在这座88层的大楼?_ _ _,how many people live in the_ building?,to break a world,record,must have found out,located at,is famous for,By the way,88-storey,


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