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    湖北省高考英语一轮复习 SBII Units 34 巩固提升练习.docx

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    湖北省高考英语一轮复习 SBII Units 34 巩固提升练习.docx

    1、湖北省高考英语一轮复习 SBII Units 34 巩固提升练习(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1_further evidence to prove he is guilty,the police had to release him.AIn the face of BIn the charge ofCIn the absence of DIn the direction of【解析】句意为:由于没有进一步的证据,警察不得不放了他。【答案】C2Educational experts point out that it is_ important for studen

    2、ts to do sport activities as extra studies.Amainly BequallyCseparately Dbasically【解析】equally 同等地。句意为:教育专家指出,学生从事体育锻炼与做课外作业同等重要。mainly 主要地; separately 单独地; basically 基本地。【答案】B3The house has been standing_without use for months.Aempty BstillCquietly Dlonely【解析】stand后接形容词作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。【答案】A4What do yo

    3、u think of Tom?He is not very clever,but I like him_.Aall the way Ball the bestCall at once Dall the same【解析】all the same尽管这样还是。【答案】D5You speak Greek.Will you_as interpreter?Yes,with pleasure.Aperform BactCtreat Dplay【解析】act as充当,担当。【答案】B6He had some money in an account that hed_for his kids.Aset ap

    4、art Bset outCset off Dset aside【解析】set aside省出,留出(钱或时间),符合题意。set apart使与众不同;set out动身,启程;set off动身,出发。【答案】D7Rosies whole face_with excitement when she saw the presents.Ashowed up Blit upCcame up Dput up【解析】light up (脸上)有喜色。【答案】B8The gettogether of my old school friends yesterday_happy memories of ou

    5、r school life.Acalled on Bcalled upCcalled back Dcalled for【解析】考查短语动词。call on号召;call up使想起;call back回电话;call for需要,要求得到。根据句意:昨天的老校友聚会唤起我对学校生活的美好回忆。【答案】B9In no country_Britain,it has been said,can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.Aother than Bmore thanCbetter than Drather tha

    6、n【解析】根据句意“除了英国,其他国家的人都不能在同一天内经历四个不同的季节”可知,空格处应表示“除了”之意。【答案】A10I began to learn how to surf the Internet with the_of getting some new information in my field.Adestination BinterviewCcontribution Dintention【解析】考查短语搭配。句意为:我开始学上网目的是想要得到我所从事的领域中的一些新的信息。with the intention of“抱有的目的,打算”符合本句的语境。destination目的

    7、地;interview采访,面试;contribution捐献,贡献,投稿。【答案】D.完成句子11Antonio Gaudi,a Spanish architect,was _(第一个搞明白) that nature doesnt have any straight lines.(first)【答案】the first to understand12_(我们花费半小时) to do our mathematics homework every evening.(take)【答案】It takes us half an hour13We dont know to _(这只狗是谁的)(belon

    8、g)【答案】whom the dog belongs14Our village lies at the point _(两条河交汇处)(meet)【答案】where two rivers meet15_(抚养) by his grandparents in the countryside,he isnt accustomed to living in the city.(bring)【答案】(Having been) brought up16(2020年湖北卷)When you are finished with the electric iron,dont forget_(关掉它)(turn

    9、)【答案】to turn it off17The jewellery shop is reported in the local newspaper _(遭到了抢劫) last night.(rob)【答案】to have been robbed18His twin sisters look so much alike that lots of people have difficulty _(将他们区别开来)(tell)【答案】(in)telling them apart19_(一座8 000米长的桥) is going to be built across the river.(long)

    10、【答案】An 8,000meterlong bridge20The weather turned out to be good,_(这是我们没有预料到的)(than)【答案】the most unfortunate.完形填空He drove after drinking alcohol,having a severe accident and had to get his arms removed.Since then,he has had to_21_on his younger brother,who became his shadow,never leaving him alone fo

    11、r years.Except for writing with his toes,he was totally unable to do _22_ else.As the two brothers grew up together,they had their own problems and would often _23_.Finally,his younger brother went away and lived_24_,leaving him heartbroken and at a loss what to do._25_,a misfortune befell (降临) a gi

    12、rl.One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned,_26_in a fire which took her hands away.Having decidedly_27_her sisters willingness to help her,she determined to be thoroughly_28_.At school,she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be selfreliant.“I

    13、 am lucky.Though my_29_are broken,my heart can still fly,” she wrote in her blog.One day,the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)_30_programme.The boy told the television hostess about his_31_future,whereas the girl was full of _32_for her life.They were both asked to write something on

    14、a piece of paper with their_33_.The boy:My younger brothers arms are my arms.The girl:Broken wings,flying heart.They had both gone through the same ordeal (痛苦经历),but their different_34_determined the nature of their lives.As seems the case,_35_disasters can strike our life at any time.How you handle

    15、 the_36_when faced with it is the true_37_of your character.If you choose to_38_or escape from the ordeal,it will follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong,the_39_will turn out to be a fortune on which new_40_will arise.【语篇解读】两个人在生活中同样遇到不幸,但面对厄运不同的人生态度决定了其生活性质的不同。如何应对生活中的苦难,是对一个人的性格的

    16、真正考验。面对苦难,如果选择抱怨与逃避,苦难就永远形影相随;但如果选择坚强,苦难便会化作甘泉,滋润美好的希望。21A.live BstandCrely Dassist【解析】事故发生后,在生活上,他完全依赖他的弟弟,因此弟弟成了他的影子。【答案】C22A.something BeverythingCnothing Danything【解析】他除了学会了用脚趾写字外,完全不能做其他任何事情。【答案】D23A.quarrel BshareCsupport Ddislike【解析】随着年龄的增长,兄弟俩各自有自己的困难,因此经常吵架以致最后分开生活。【答案】A24A.happily BlonelyC

    17、separately Ddisappointedly【解析】live separately分开生活。【答案】C25A.Unfortunately BUnexpectedlyCSimilarly DNaturally【解析】类似地,不幸降临到一个女孩身上。【答案】C26A.leading BbringingCcausing Dresulting【解析】result与句中的“in”搭配,意思是“导致、造成的结果”,文中指打翻的煤油灯导致火灾。【答案】D27A.turned to Bturned downCturned off Dturned against【解析】turn down在这里意思是“拒

    18、绝”。她断然拒绝了姐姐的帮助,决定完全独立地生活。【答案】B28A.alone BfreeCindependent Dsuccessful【解析】independent独立的,符合语境。【答案】C29A.arms BwingsCdreams Dpromises【解析】根据下文“my heart can still fly”及第三段最后一句“The girl:Broken wings,flying heart”可知。句意为:尽管翅膀断了,我的心还能飞翔。【答案】B30A.interview BradioCsports Dhealth【解析】根据下文可知,两人同时应邀参加电视访谈节目。【答案】A3

    19、1A.hopeful BuncertainCbright Dmiserable【解析】面对主持人,男孩表现出了对前途的迷茫,而女孩则对生活充满了热情。uncertain意为“不确定的,不可预测的”。【答案】B32A.calmness BenthusiasmCpatience Dexcitement【解析】enthusiasm热心,热情。【答案】B33A.hands BstrengthCtoes Dmouths【解析】根据上文,两人均失去了双臂,故用脚趾写字。【答案】C34A.characters BdesiresCopinions Dattitudes【解析】男孩写的是“弟弟的手臂便是我的手臂

    20、”;女孩却写的是“翅膀断了,心也要飞翔”,可见两个人对待厄运的态度不同。【答案】D35A.unexpected BpassiveCrough Dserious【解析】人生变幻莫测,灾难难以预料。【答案】A36A.emergency BmisfortuneCdifficulty Daccident【解析】句意为:当面临不幸时,你如何处理厄运是对你的性格的真正体验。【答案】B37A.test BreflectionCdisplay Dproblem【答案】A38A.ignore BresistCcomplain Dsuffer【解析】如果你选择抱怨或逃避严酷的考验,苦难将永远跟随着你。【答案】C3

    21、9A.problem BresultCfailure Dhardship【解析】但如果选择坚强,苦难便会化作幸运(甘泉),美好的希望将会升起。【答案】D40A.solutions BwaysCrewards Dhopes【答案】D.阅读理解China was to reform school curriculum to ease the burden put on children by pushy teachers and parents eager to see them succeed in an increasingly competitive society.Chinese pupi

    22、ls were suffering from poor eyesight in increasing numbers at a younger age.Tiring homework and increasing exam pressure were to blame.The primary reason is the traditional East Asian culture in which all parents want their kids to become dragons and phoenixes.Too much emphasis is placed on diplomas

    23、 (文凭) and exam scores.That was exacerbated by the fact that China is a developing nation with 1.3 billion people and its onechild policy.Yuan,a government staff,said “The competition in employment is fierce and that pressure has been cascaded back to schools.Every parent expects his child to outperf

    24、orm peers.”The Education Ministry would cut the difficulty of the textbooks,slash homework,make classes more interesting and limit the number of tests.Another problem the government had to deal with was the education of 13 million rural children who swarmed(涌入) into the cities with their parents wor

    25、king as migrant workers.More than 100 million peasants across the country migrate to the booming cities every year for manual labor and smalltime businesses.But policy hurdles for them to settle in the cities abound,including those that prevent their children from receiving a good education.An estim

    26、ated 23 million“leftbehind children”of migrant workers stay in the countryside.“The government has ordered urban public schools to open up to the 7.88 million migrant children of school age,”Yuan said,adding private schools are also allowed to accommodate some of them.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了中国教育部门针对学生

    27、负担过重的情况,对学生进行减负。在中国,学生们受到来自于老师和望子成龙的家长的双重压力41. What makes Chinese pupils become nearsighted at a younger age?AExam scores are not regarded to be valuable.BParents expect their children to become dragons and phoenixes.CDragons and phoenixes are part of traditional Chinese culture.DPupils are asked to

    28、 do homework more and more.【解析】细节判断题。根据第二段的“The primary reason is the traditional East Asian culture in which all parents want their kids to become dragons and phoenixes.”可知,学生们近视的主要原因在于父母期待着他们成龙成凤,所以选B。【答案】B42The underlined word “exacerbated” in Paragraph 3 may mean_.Aimproved BprovedCworsened Dref

    29、lected【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线单词后面的“China is a developing nation with 1.3 billion people and its onechild policy.”可知,中国是一个具有13亿人口的发展中国家,且实行一个家庭一般只有一个子女的计划生育政策,所以这一事实加重了学生的负担,故选C。【答案】C43The phrase“leftbehind children” refers to the children_.Awho are missing in the countrysideBwho always get poor marks in examsCwho are left at home by their working parentsDwho cant run faster in the competition of race【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“migrant workers”可知,那些流动工人在外地工作,而他们的孩子留在家里,因此这些孩子就成了“leftbehind children”。【答案】C44


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