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    1、全国00088基础英语自考试题绝密 考试结束前全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题课程代码:00088请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。一、词汇应用和语法结构(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)(一)词汇应用(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. Did he give a _ a

    2、ccount of what have happened?A. truthful B. wasteful C. stressful D. harmful2. It can kill you if you dont notice the _ signals.A. warned B. misleading C. warning D. fancy-sounding3. Then its time to join a relaxation class or _ dancing, painting or gardening.A. take up B. take into C. get down D. g

    3、et into4. By using UPC, the computer can print out the _ price of the item.A. average B. accurate C. active D. artificial5. The potato chip bags weigh 75 grams _.A. piece B. apiece C. alike D. a like 6. Many other trains were stopping and _ their passengers, and there were thousands of people in the

    4、 station.A. unfolding B. unlocking C. unloading D. unfastening7. Rust _ very quickly when iron is not protected from dampness by paint, or in some other way. A. makes B. comes C. forms D. refines 8. Whats wrong with him?He is quite _ about his chances of getting a decent job. A. excited B. intereste

    5、d C. confident D. pessimistic9. Being away for more than a decade, he is still strongly _ to his homeland. A. applied B. assorted C. attached D. allocated 10. He thought he could _ from attending the MBA program. Thats why he quit the job. A. benefit B. gain C. promote D. achieve 11. The president _

    6、 a plan to cut the government spending in the following year. A. put off B. put on C. put forward D. put out 12. You are in a very _ position to apply for this job. Have a try!A. comparable B. crucial C. exclusive D. advantageous 13. All the speakers are required to _ their speech to this topic. A.

    7、restrict B. limit C. refer D. confine 14. He has been _ in advertising for a number of years. Maybe you could turn to him for some advice?A. estimated B. exposed C. engaged D. embodied 15. Dont worry. Hes very much _ of finishing the job on his own. A. capable B. strong C. able D. wise(二)语法结构(15分)选择

    8、最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。 16. The Drama, _ almost everyone knows, is by Shakespeare.A. that B. what C. which D. how 17. A box of 200 facial tissues costs around _ of that price.A. one-three B. two-third C. three-fourth D. one-third18. Sally suggested that _.A. Chris do the shopping and I clean the room.

    9、B. Chris does the shopping and I clean the room.C. Chris did the shopping and I clean the room.D. Chris doing the shopping and I cleaning the room.19. The doctor warned the patient _ smoking.A. from B. to C. against D. into20. Britain needs _ to pay for all the food she imports.A. exporting B. to ex

    10、port C. exports D. to have exported 21. He spends _ 70% of his spare time reading novels or magazines.A. as many as B. as much as C. as little as D. as few as22. Today, about three out of _ four people in the world wear clothing made of cotton.A. each B. every C. any D. the23. It is rather cold, _ t

    11、he sky is clear.A. however B. therefore C. and D. but24. Mary bought a beautiful _ curtain at the exhibition the other day. Its exactly what she has been looking for. A. green large Italian B. Italian large green C. large Italian green D. large green Italian 25. The news _ banks will charge higher i

    12、nterest on loans is told in todays news report.A. which B. whether C. what D. that 26. No sooner _ supper than _ home. A. did he finish; his mother came B. he finished; did his mother come C. had he finished; his mother came D. he had finished; his mother came 27.Whats wrong? I dont know. The comput

    13、er _. A. cant work B. wont work C. didnt work D. doesnt work28. But no matter how frightening it may be _ a steel mill, we see steel in use all around us.A. visiting B. visit C. to visit D. visited29. There _ be a mistake. I clearly remember putting the book here. A. can B. may C. must D. should30.

    14、_ with last year, the average price was reduced by 9 percent.A. Compared B. Comparing C. To compare D. Being compared二、改错 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)下面句子中有 A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。31. He said my suggestion was being considered by the managers at the meeting, so he did not A B know whethe

    15、r it would be accepted.C D32. People tend to use the radio as a “background” while they are doing other things, paying few A B Cattention to advertisements. D33. Amazingly, computers work so fast to they can solve this problem in a few seconds.A B C D34. By mean of taxation, we pay for things that w

    16、e need just as much as we need somewhere to liveA B C D and something to eat.35. They know the all different motives that influence a consumers purchasesome rational andA B C D some emotional. 36. Fresh fish, for example, can be flown to restaurants each day, thus avoid the risk of spoilage A Bthat

    17、comes with packaging and storing a supply of fish. C D37.Television allows advertisers to combine sight, sound, and motion, thus appealing for almost all A B Cthe viewerssenses. D38. Present at the meeting was all the leading members of the department concerned.A B C D39. Its time we started to adju

    18、st ourselves with the new learning environment. We should depend on A B C Dourselves.40. These rules and regulations are somewhat vague and however cannot prevent all violations A B Cin real practices.D三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)选择最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。 When there are no differences among countries i

    19、n the basic capabilities at producing goods, other bases for trade among them may still exist. First, patterns of demand may 41 among nations. For example, most consumers in 42 country may consider dog meat a delicacy, 43 in another country the consumption of dog meat is disgusting. In this case the

    20、 second country may sell its dog meat to the first country. Trade will be 44 not on differences in the production capabilities of the two countries 45 on different consumption preferences. Second, trade may occur out of economies of scale, 46 , the cost advantages of large-scale production. For exam

    21、ple, Country A and Country B may have the same capability in producing cars and computers, but the cost for the production of both commodities will 47 if the goods are produced on a larger scale. 48 countries may find it advantageous if each 49 to specialize completely in the production of one commo

    22、dity and import the other. 50 , trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though Country A produces enough cars at reasonable costs to meet its own 51 and even to export some, it may 52 import cars from other countries for innovation or variety of style. To 53 , the theory of internatio

    23、nal specialization seeks to answer the 54 which countries will produce what goods, with what trade patterns among them. Differences in production conditions, the element highlighted by the theory of comparative advantage, provide the most important part of the answer. But a complete answer must also

    24、 55 into account other factors such as patterns of demand, economies of scale and innovation or style. 41. A. differ B. offerC. refer D. infer 42. A. the B. oneC. an D. that 43. A. so B. ifC. while D. when 44. A. basis B. basedC. basic D. basement 45. A. and B. orC. however D. but46. A. for example

    25、B. in this caseC. so that D. that is47. A. increase B. raiseC. decrease D. reduce 48. A. Both B. NeitherC. Either D. All 49. A. is B. wereC. was D. be50. A. Firstly B. SecondlyC. Thirdly D. Third 51. A. demand B. supplyC. standard D. level 52. A. yet B. thusC. still D. instead 53. A. add B. summariz

    26、eC. include D. contain 54. A. issue B. problemC. subject D. question 55. A. take B. makeC. fake D. shake 四、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)本部分有两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,每个问题有四个选项,请选择一个最佳答案。错选、多选或未选均无分。Passage 1 The proposal aims to encourage people to be healthy.If this new idea in America becomes a law, people who

    27、are overweight could suffer financially too.The US State of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 annually if they fail to follow their doctors advice. People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be spared from the punishment.If the idea is

    28、 approved by the Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay.Medicaid, the organisation which provides healthcare to the poor in the USA, costs the government $339 billion a year. Monica Coury, assistant director at Arizonas Medicaid programme, said

    29、 that this proposal would ask people to give something back.She said that Arizona would take a carrot and stick (胡萝卜加大棒) approach to the problem. As well as punishing people who go against their doctors wishes, incentives would be offered for following advice, possibly a keep-fit video.Arizonas sena

    30、tor Kyrsten Sinema has not backed the plans, saying that there isnt a system to decide whether someone is or isnt following medical advice. Other critics claim that people dont need the government to look after them; if they want to be fat and smoke, the nanny state shouldnt try to stop them. Wes Be

    31、nedict of the Libertarian Party said, “If you want to save the state money cut Medicaid across the board, but dont single out overweight people and smokers.”56. According to the proposal, what will happen to those overweight citizens in Arizona if they fail to follow the doctors advice?A. They will receive a keep-fit vide


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