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    1、Sincerely2. Asking for introduction of a possible agentDear Sirs:We wish to sell our automatic copying machine in your country, and should like to be put in touch with a company or individual who would be willing to represent us.On our part we can offer up to Bright copy machines with an internation

    2、al reputation, which have already been sold in many countries in Europe.The representative we are looking for should be experienced in this field, already doing the business with buyer of office equipment, and having contacts with suitable outlet.Please kindly introduce us to some of the most reliab

    3、le exporters.We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.3. Offering the services of selling agentWe understand that currently you do not have an agent in Taiwan and we would like to offer our services to you.For the past 5 years, we have been selling various of durable goods to whol

    4、esalers and large retailers in all part of Taiwan, and have built up a considerable number of well established connections showing excellent business results.We are now having enough capability to expend our sales, and if you would agree to grant us as a sole agency, we will devote full attention to

    5、 establish your products in Taiwan market.We have enclosed company profile to give you an idea of a list of services we can provide.If you are interested in our proposal, we will be please to provide our bank and trade references.Sincerely yours,4. Establish business relations with a company recomme

    6、nded by Chamber of Commerce We have contacted with your Chamber of Commerce, who recommended you as a possible agent for our products in your country.We manufacture the Best brand calculators and wish to extend sales over the whole American. Our pocket calculators have been highly successful whereve

    7、r they have been introduced, and we are confident that you will be able to build up a good market in a short time.Our catalog with the full range of our product is enclosed and you will notice that we offer a commission of 20% on all orders.Please advise us if you are interested in representing us a

    8、s well as the volume of business you can do which would warrant our granting you as the sole agency in your country.5. Proposing to have business connectionLast week we had a opportunity to see a display of your products at the Taipei International Trade Fair, and we are most impressed with their qu

    9、ality and low prices.We would very much like to offer you our services as a trading firm. We would also like to mention that we have excellent connections in the trade and are full experienced with the import business for this type of product.In addition, we operate our own advertising agency, and w

    10、e can utilize the latest marketing procedures quite efficiently.You can be sure of increasing your turnover considerably if we have the opportunity to promote sales of your products throughout Taiwan in the future.We look forward to your early reply.6. Asking for a referenceThank you for your order

    11、of my 20 for electric typewriter Model No. NET-300.As this your first order with us and you have asked to be allow 30 days to remit payment, we would appreciated it if you could provide us with one or two credit references.Once we have contacted the credit reference you have supplied, we will immedi

    12、ately process your order and send you a confirmation letter that it has been shipped.We look forward to welcoming you as a member of satisfied companies who have been using our products.7. Selling productsAs your name and address were listed in business weekly, we are writing to you with a desire to

    13、 open account with you.We are one of Canada largest exporters of business machines. We handle a wide range of business machines product. This products include: copy machines, fax machines, answer machines, and telephone, etc.We have enclose our catalog listing the completed product lines handled by

    14、our company and list of whole sale priceIf you have any question or would like to discuss purchasing arrangements, please feel free to contact me.I will be more than happy to answer any questions which you may have.8. Establish an exclusive agency agreementWe have heard from our office in Taipei tha

    15、t you manufacture a wide range of printer and copy machines, and that you are thinking of expending into the Taipei market.We understand that you do not have any agent in Taipei at present, and for this reason we would like to offer our service to you.We would like to suggest a business tie-up betwe

    16、en us with your company handling the manufacturing and our company taking care of the market and distribution.We have enclosed our company profile to give you an idea of a list of services we can provide.We will contact you by phone early next week to hear your opinion on a possible tie-up between o

    17、ur companies.9. Receiving the establishment relationsDear Sir:Thank you for your letter of June 4 offering to act as our agent of the European region. We are very interested in your proposition.In fact, we have planned to expend into European region for quite some time and we certainly hope that thi

    18、s will give us the opportunity to do so.We would like to discuss the detail of establishing exclusive agency ties with your company and look forward to receiving a call from your Mr. Carter. Some of our detail we would like to discuss may include the shipping arrangements, commission base, and the i

    19、mport duties.I look forward to hearing from you soon.10. Offering simpleDear Sir or Madam:We are pleased to announce a new product we just introduced on the market.Our new MIDMIGHT SUN solar battery has a capacity of 75 HR, which is nearly twice the capacity of most existing batteries.We are sending

    20、 our most update simple, price-list, and sales promotion literature for you to evaluate. We suggest that youd take the advantage of enclosed order form to ensure that you will completely satisfied.11. Informing of the alteration of priceFrom August 23, the prices of our products will be raised by 20

    21、%. We regret this, but this increase has become un-avoidable in view of rising costs of labor and raw materialsOur new price list is enclosed and all order post after September 23 must be invoiced at the new rates.We regret very mach that it has been necessary to make this increase.12. Inquiring the

    22、 reason of no orderWe have had the pleasure of receiving several orders from you over the past five years.However, as I was checking our list of special customers, we noticed that we havent contacted each other nor received any order from you in near 6 months.We then began to wonder whether we had d

    23、one some thing which disappointed you. Or we did not have the exact product you wanted the last time we contacted each other? Or is it simply you do not need to order anything at this moment?Whatever the reason is, I would really like to know how you are doing and whether we can be of service to you

    24、.We would welcome your straightforward comments, thank you so much.13. Replying to client with first inquiryThank you for your letter asking for our catalog of new bicycles.We have pleasure in enclosing of our illustrated catalog. In addition to our price list, we have also included some promotional

    25、 materials which explain the product attributes as well as how to use them.Our bicycles are very fashionable and tremendously popular with your people in American and EuropeanIf you place bulk order, you may receive up to 40% off the retail price, depending on the product.We appreciate you are inter

    26、est in our product and hope to hear from you in the near future.14. Referring to a back referenceNew Century Trade Co. Ltd., 2757 26th Street Singapore has placed an order with us for $100,000 worth of merchandise and list you as a credit reference.We would appreciate you sending us information rega

    27、rding New Century Trading Co. Ltd.s credit rating. We are particularly interested in knowing how long Mr. Thomas Wilson the CEO of the company, has had an account with you and whether or not any of his debts are past due.We will, of course, keep any information we receive strictly confidential.15. R

    28、eplying to the requiring of referenceIn response to your request for information about S.S. Taipei Company, we have enclosed the following summary of their activities with us.They own an office with the staff of 120 employees. Their annual purchase to US$50,000 and directors are quite responsible an

    29、d reliable. This company has no large outstanding financial liabilities which we are aware of.We have done business with them for over 3 years and have found them definitely reliable.Please understand that this is information only represents our opinion and we take no responsibility for it.16. Declining to grant credit terms for the purchaseWe apologize for the delay in replying to


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