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    1、浙江省嘉兴市中考英语试题解析版2018年浙江省嘉兴市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题15分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案1(15分)I have five children, so our house is always noisy(1)C, I love gardening and my garden helps me relax For a long time, I(2)Bthe garden of peace and quiet When the children followed me into the gard

    2、en, I would expect (3)D to be out of sight And I would hand out tasks Here: you(4)A the onions, you dig the holes, and Soon they would be (5)Aor their arms would be sore(酸痛的), and they would leave me to myself But during a recent spring, (6)CI was working in the garden, my 13yearold son, Josiah noti

    3、ced me He(7)Ba tool and began helping Working as a team, we finished the job in no time at all I(8)D Josiah, realising that Id enjoyed working with him The same thing happenedone or two of the(9)Bwould appear and join in the gardening from time to time Each time, I would feel(10)D that the work was

    4、lighter because of their help One day, when I was picking the peas(豌豆) and having a taste(11)A, Abby saw me and ran over I put several peas into her mouth She just loved how (12)Bthey wereMama, i want the others to try them too Suddenly, I realised I had been wrong for long Id tried to keep the(13)C

    5、 of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldnt wait to (14)Dwith others Sure, honey, lets pick some Well make a wonderful supper Now I enjoy all of the gardens beauties with the children We bring the(15)Cback home, preparing and cooking the produce together, because we know that everythin

    6、g is better when shared(1)A FinallyB QuicklyC LuckilyD Immediately(2)A paintedB guardedC refusedD described(3)A itB himC heD them(4)A waterBeatC sellD cook(5)A hotB shyC sorryD nervous(6)A soB ifC whileD unless(7)A waited forB picked upC pointed atD looked after(8)A hatedB forgotC savedD thanked(9)A

    7、 friendsB childrenC visitorsD neighbours(10)A boredB sillyC afraidD surprised(11)A aloneB sadlyC togetherD instead(12)A safeB tastyC famousD expensive(13)A traditionB standardC happinessD background(14)A liveB agreeC workD share(15)A meatB breadC fruitsD drinks【分析】文章讲述了作者独自一人享受种植花园的快乐,当有一天发现孩子们在迫不及待

    8、的等着跟她分享时,作者才意识到自己一直是错的最后她很享受跟孩子一直享受花园的美丽【解答】(1)C 考查副词,A Finally最后 B Quickly快速地 C Luckily幸运地 D Immediately立即,根据I love gardening and my garden helps me relax,我喜欢园艺,我的花园帮助我放松,可知这是身处吵闹的家庭环境中的一种幸运,故选C(2)B 考查动词,A painted油漆 B guarded看守 C refused拒绝 D described描述,根据 When the children followed me into the gar

    9、den, 结合Ithe garden ,可知孩子是吵闹的,他们一进入花园,作者不得不守护着她的花园,故选B(3)D 考查代词,A it 它B him他,宾格 C he他,主格 D them他们,根据前文 the children ,可知此处是宾格代词代替children,用them,故选D(4)A 考查动词,A water水 Beat吃 C sell卖 D cook烹饪,根据前文 I would hand out tasks我给他们分派任务,推出此处是指:你浇洋葱,故选A(5)A 考查形容词,A hot热的 B shy害羞的 C sorry对不起的 D nervous紧张的,根据Soon th

    10、ey would be ,结合语境分派任务让他们干活,推出干完活会很热,故选A(6)C 考查连词,A so因此 B if是否;如果 C while当时 D unless除非,根据I was working,可知是过去进行时,while引导过去进行时,故选C(7)B 考查动词短语,A waited for等待 B picked up捡起 C pointed at指着 D looked after照顾,根据began helping,可知是捡起工具帮我干活,故选B(8)D考查动词,A hated憎恨 B forgot忘记 C saved挽救 D thanked感谢,根据 He(7)B a tool

    11、 and began helping,可知他帮我干活我要感谢他,故选D(9)B 考查名词 A friends朋友 B children孩子 C visitors参观者D neighbours邻居,根据my 13yearold son, Josiah ,可知 Josiah 是我的孩子,推出此处是指我的一两个孩子会时不时的帮我干活,故选B(10)D 考查形容词,A bored无聊的 B silly愚蠢的 C afraid害怕的 D surprised惊讶的,根据 the work was lighter because of their help由于他们的帮助,工作更轻松了可知这种感觉让我惊讶,故

    12、选D(11)A 考查形容词,A alone单独的 B sadly伤心的 C together一起 D instead反而,根据when I was picking the peas(豌豆) and having a taste,结合选项,推出句意:当我摘了豌豆独自品尝的时候,故选A(12)B 考查形容词,A safe安全的 B tasty美味的 C famous有名的 D expensive昂贵的,根据 I put several peas into her mouth我往她嘴里塞了几颗豌豆,推出她喜欢嘴里品尝的美味,故选B(13)C 考查名词A tradition传统 B standard标

    13、准 C happiness快乐 D background背景,根据Id tried to keep theof gardening to myself,推出句意:我一直自己独自享受园艺的快乐,故选C(14)D 考查动词,A live居住 B agree同意 C work工作 D share分享,根据here was a child who couldnt wait to with others,推出句意:孩子在这儿迫不及待的想跟我分享,故选D(15)C 考查名词,A meat肉 B bread面包 C fruits水果 D drinks饮料,根据We bring theback home,结合

    14、语境,可知是从花园里采摘东西回家,只有选项C水果符合题意,故选C【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文二、阅读理解(每小题6分,共30分)2(6分)Eating your way around the world Australia: Try a pie floater? Feeling hungry? No visit to South Australia is complete without trying the local fooda pie floater They are traditionally sold at roads

    15、ide food shops, some of which stay open all night It is a meat pie floating in a thick green pea soup Finally, the pie is covered with plenty of bright red tomato ketchup(番茄酱) Enjoy! Vietnam :Soup for breakfast The food stands in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, open early in the morning an

    16、d stay busy till late at night, selling fast food to hungry passersby The most famous dish is pho, a noodle soup with slices of beef or chicken and different vegetables Its usually eaten for breakfastmany Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food! Belgium: Home of F

    17、rench fries You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food back in the 17th century French fries, eaten from a paper cone are the Belgians favorite food The secret of perfect French fries is that they are

    18、fried (油炸) twice in hot oil, to give a perfect, golden outside(1)A pie floater in South Australia is a kind of food withBA fried potatoesB thick soupC beef or chickenD a golden outside(2)According to the passage, all the three kinds of local foodAA are sold in the streetB have meat insideC have toma

    19、to ketchupD are fried in hot oil(3)The passage most probably comes from theCcolumn(栏目) In a magazineA educationB healthC travelD technology【分析】文章提到的是几个国家的美食,这些美食主要是街边美食,很好吃,很有特色【解答】1B,细节理解题,根据It is a meat pie floating in a thick green pea soup,可知这道菜中含有浓汤,故选B2A,细节理解题,第一个食物提到了They are traditionally so

    20、ld at roadside food shops,之后两个提到的是The food stands in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City和 invented this popular street food back in the 17th century,由此可知都是街边美食,故选A3C,主旨归纳题,文章首段提到Eating your way around the world环游世界,下文介绍了几个国家的美食,由此可知是在旅游杂志,故选C【点评】对于阅读表达题,首先应该阅读全文,了解各种美食的信息,之后根据题目意思进行分析,确定答案3(8分)Right now

    21、 you probably spend most of your time in school Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school? Will you learn a trade? Perhaps it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them Some day work will be a big part of your life What kind of job w

    22、ould be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills You may like to listen to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career(职业) To

    23、 get an idea of what work you would like to do, make a list of your interests and a list of your skills Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests After that, brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills You can later keep your lists with the

    24、projects and documents that can help you achieve the career you want They can help you know more clearly about your achievements in school and in the world of work Roberta Zhan, an art designer, finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills She enjoyed imagining som

    25、ething in her minds eye while she was in school She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her own Here is what she says about the meaning of work: If you have a job you like, work means much more than just making money It means using your talents, making a c

    26、ontribution(贡献), and getting a real sense of satisfaction from doing a job(1)The passage is most probably written toAA studentsB teachersC parentsD designers(2)At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage byCA listing factsB giving exampleC asking questionsD explaining difference

    27、s(3)Roberta Zhan might be most interested inBwhen she was at schoolA singing songsB creating picturesC playing basket ballD playing computer games(4)The passage is mainly aboutDA the real meaning of workB the importance of interests and skillsC the journey of Robertas lifeD the way of preparing for

    28、the future career【分析】文章主要向我们介绍了找到自己的兴趣所在,如果你有一份你喜欢的工作,工作不仅仅意味着赚钱,它意味着利用你的才能,做出贡献,从工作中获得真正的满足感【解答】14:ACBD1A 细节理解题,根据文中的第1段Right now you probably spend most of your time in school Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school?现在你可能把大部分时间都花在学校了你想知道高中以后你打算做什

    29、么吗?你会继续上学吗?可知可能是写给学生的,故答案A2C 细节理解题,根据文中的第1段Right now you probably spend most of your time in school Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school?现在你可能把大部分时间都花在学校了你想知道高中以后你打算做什么吗?你会继续上学吗?可知是通过问问题引出主题的 ,故答案C3B 细节理解题,根据文中的第4段Roberta Zhan, an art designer,

    30、finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills She enjoyed imagining something in her minds eye while she was in school She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her ownRoberta Zhan,一个艺术设计师,发现她的工作令人满意,因为它允许她使用她的兴趣和技能她喜欢想象她在学校

    31、的时候眼睛里的东西她参加了艺术、设计和计算机课程,也学会了自己拍照可知应该是对创作画画感兴趣,故答案B4D 主旨归纳题,根据文中的第二段What kind of job would be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills You may like to listen to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a bet


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