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    1、出现Xan paer, known sne of theFour Tasue of the tud, firstcam no _(xst) i ing Coty in thTang dynatyurn of关掉Aftertung _ l teir elcroi eces, ustomes of ecarj i wn n t so-calle“poe ap ccon”.Ittrne uttht结果是He emmberd at h ha so bughta wedng drss from 1948,and_ tuedut thatwas Jnes othersress!whetheror不管还是h

    2、efr,_ youre t lve r ustloking fora fun ime,yore ure to fndinpirato in London.be satied wit对感到满意Slf-confident people e to see heir ie in a poiiv liht een hn thingsretgoig sowll, nthey aetypily _(aisf)wthther ves.b said t do据说是Bu oys i a ingle-se school _(say) to be morikel toget olved i ultura ad ats

    3、tic aciies tatpevelptremotioaexpresives thanthos tughtlosd girls, accordg to th fndi smerearhes.It issatat据说It _(say)tate foun o LaoseTeoue sttdhis busins by sevng stll fust to censeach.as+ad/adv.+as和一样The aient Chinese harcter arnot as distt_ hey ar uposd tobein h future将来In _ fuure, he wi apl anci

    4、et Chese ararto tioanthe develpment o gs and as.takea an example以为例Take plastic straws(吸管)_ an xampl,we ofte use them whe njoynga cold drn th our nc or nnra wing numbef越来越多的The days a _(grow) number o pople hoare f Cnee orgn e joinig n.oe acrss偶然遇见Wnder through any towno a weken veig nd hees a chace

    5、 yull coe _ uicianssittingarond playing rdiinl ousic on hei buzuks.r into/crosDurin witer cation, I neverun _ my cassmaay a vist t访问;参观My husbandad erepaying a visit _myparns n Tucson.et ide留出efor thisnatonalprkprject,Ci ad st _ thousands of arepaks, rest a cnic a protectedareas.i pssesonof拥有;占有By t

    6、he age of 5 Iwas fluntin Elis and in _(posses)o a thick Aerian ccent. ontribut to促成;造成Inactvityand t consmpio of junkfo andft drinkscontrbuted_ the grig numbr o eoverweiht othinhewrl.serveas用作;充当And obviosly tha eig raineve _ a very goo ehiclefr he hne manfctre and my hlpestore he bsiness confiencen

    7、sid hina.a numbr of许多_ umbr of sudies wr th no sleepin enoughcanfec or aiitito ou ob.wh it coe to当提到My oieiend Steve reqntly comnts on h fther aofen not icluded inte convetion wen _ com to paentig.geto/alog wi与相处Considi thsphenmeno, I deiddI ws goin to chge th way t n_ others.dfinea把定义为Th dictionary

    8、 dins e heaahe impl _ “a aini the head”.apl to适用于The sa pplies_ fianial iuesgin th从开始A jouney f thoudile mut begin _ a sigl step.athr than而不是Rath _ travelingthe etire gth o th Sil Roa, ea ercant tded gods aong one sectn of th ro, buyi th n oe oasis(绿洲) tn d sellngthem iather. aveifluence on对有影响Of al

    9、 the, udd, whih cme fr Indi, hadthe gratestinluece _ Chinse cultuea hole lletn o许多,大量The Silk Rodwanot onloe singrd, but _hle collecionof ruts b which goos we raspt between th Eatan he West.look into调查,研究In thearlyears f telast centrfoeign eplors starto lok _ tese soi, advery soon an terntiona race

    10、sarted o he art tsures of theilk Road. the+计量单位以计算Huge wal aintngs,sculpturnd priceessantiquswre carried away by _ to,and today re ehibited in themusums of adozen ntries.be ikel to sh可能会做某事The mall is anothe place here Iam likely _(se) my classme bfore schoolstrt.be poitepot对有礼貌/没有礼貌Ifso, it ry imol

    11、it _t ht seniors wh are pese at the talerelatedto和有关In Chnese, wdelated _ ogs have negatie eanns, schs “No vory anco ou dogs moth.”mistakfor把错认为Bird, whaes,tures and oheanimlsftn mstk ballons _od, whccan damage othe becaue blonscontainruhmicls.b regadd as被认为是The on is _ (egad) t igithe animl ord s t

    12、 epresent pr.dt back t追溯到he festva_(date) bac t the n nsty (206 BC 220)reer osta把称作e Qi _(reer) a the “Chinese alenins Da” owadays.make te otbest 充分利用Ths onths are te las chance t spnd ot ftie outsie befoe winte coms,s Ity tomakethe _ of it aced with面临,面对Oneyo av gote you ickes, ou _(fe) wh the rble

    13、ms of te tater itself.onanothr一个另一个One grat ay to d tisis o mae sre youo at theon that dy, weatheermiting. _ ay oerate Moon Day istomaesohiaot the oon, lketing aper mongetmarrie结婚Ad some peole ven decide toet _(marry)with strgersecas of因为He ad hese cildrnthink exam succesisbcaue _ eneand ibacgud.n a

    14、nymore/ne不再Thenwhnw r rly old,n e cannotmoe an_, we can be ru ouahievement ta we hve ver eperienced i appnes wn say we hav o rert i our liveompar t/与相比_(mpr) w eop in th Wst,Chine ple used to eatmoregri and egetabe, but lsma,hchs agd atin abt.no+复数名词之一A local boyis eained(扣留) beoice for atheft, an f

    15、 hs _(friend) might prvtysy o himse: “I woldnt w to b n hi shoenw.”tke the ead率先Over tecseo frienshi, ven th bestpeopl mak istakes. ometms,it may be best i the wronged peron ta _ lead n aologizeshavan effec onTheard arts kepngth cnneion stron duing the natralus an ow tha hav nefec _ allrtonshipprovi

    16、de sb ithh给某人提供某物And teseum ismuch more spacious ncmmunitlirar, which povies vstors _ a more cootlenronment for aprecatngart.n day在的一天wve, the s on upsde of goin to shoo_ a cold iter day: youi be sarter.potcsb/sh fomdoig sth保护免受Its prfesina ecuiy uasand dnc faclitiescan bettr protcthosfamou aitings

    17、from _(damag) or stln.in urdal lie在我们的日常生活中at roles de i play_ or iy life?beoh oing值得做Of course, tey ust enrich orles, wich can ake iposble for usto gathermany diferentpeiees tha ar woth_(emmber) wen e are old.or o hn,r anoher一方面,另一方面For oe thing,i can rovidecolou platform tosthei aet,fo _, it s usf

    18、ul w trlethe ressre.in avr of赞成,支持n yew, I am raly _ favofthi acviy.d sb a faor帮某人一个忙Teolder ou g, he moro wl realize aotof pople in tis wrld d not deservyotm, r fiendshi. So, do yurself _ vo. Le hgo. ce和平地;安静地Most fusgoing toth mall wnt toshop n eat _ peacede wh处理sSenior studets, we hveto el _ smer

    19、wn-u problemsand akedecision by orselsto be hn老实说Ihve ots of plas. _(be)hns, I havnta muchofholiday fr he ps 0 years.aya iit toI also pai isit _ Afica last ear.gve u放弃I made it allh ay! ne sart somthing, Inever give_.二、其它固定搭配1.pucha equipen 采购装备2.be willi do乐于,愿意3.ke patiecto有耐心去做4.takea our 选课,学一门课

    20、程5.th te of .的日期6.praration fo为做准备7.b absen from 缺席,不在场8be anoe t对烦恼,为而生气9.be inhargeo 主持,主管.ep oes job 保住某人的工作11.sign up for 报名参加,注册12ecdeo o决定去做,决定要3.ojctto o反对,不同意14.b emloyed i 受雇于,从事于15.ok awa 转移目光,把目光移开6feuentguest 常客17.chae in 把变成,变为,转换成bin ith 和结合,与化合19.e osrce 在表面 .dveop into 逐渐形成 21.n degre程度,最大程度地22be related t 与有关,与有关系23.be assset of对评估4.seems to be 似乎是,看来25.b positeto 在的对面26besckat at十分不快,非常失望27.kic hit戒掉嗜好28.be suppored


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