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    1、四川省大学英语三级考试04年英语三级考试模拟试题(5) (2004年12月)Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%)Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After ea

    2、ch question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) The receptionist. B) The operator. C) The service maid. D)

    3、 The hotel manager 2. A) 4:15 B) 4:40 C) 4:50 D) 4:453. A) In a department store B) In the man department. C) In the toy department D) In a book store4. A) Mild B) Hot C) Cold D) Warm5. A) Two blocks B) Four blocks C) Three blocks D) Five blocks6. A) To buy some new glass cups B) To buy a pair of ne

    4、w glasses C) To go to her bosss office D) To go to new classes7. A) Buying a new car B) Buying a used car C) Saving her money for long D) Getting a second car8. A) It was a great success B) It was a little noisy C) She thought it was terrible D) She agreed with the man9. A) He didnt like it B) He di

    5、dnt attend it C) It was better than Professor Blacks D) It was not as a good as Professor Blacks10. A) There are thirty-three students at it B) It lasts longer than it is supposed to C) The time was changed again D) It will end on the third of April Section BPassageQuestions 11 to 12 are based on th

    6、e passage you have just heard11. A) To stay away from others B)To shoe their beauty C) To warn other birds D) To remember the bad taste12. A) Because colors help them survive B) Because colors help them show offC) Because colors help them move wings D) Because colors help them change themselvesSecti

    7、on C Sport Dictation注意:听力明白得的C节(Section C)为填充式听写,短文及题目(S1-S6)在试卷二(Test Paper Two)上。此刻请掏出试卷二做听写题。 How many languages exist in the world today? This is not a very easy question to answer, because its difficult to distinguish languages from the different _ of the same language. There are 5,000to 6,000

    8、languages in the world today. However, 96% of the worlds _ speaks only 4% of those languages. Some languages have millions of speakers and Chinese has over a _. Other languages, however, have very few speakers. In Alaska theres only one person left who speaks Eyak and shes 83 years old. Many languag

    9、es that people used to speak around the world have now _. Students of classics still learn dead languages such as ancient Greek and Latin, But they dont speak them in their _. Does this mean that languages which dont belong to that 4% are eventually going to _? Probably not. In Hawaii, some peoples

    10、speak the local languages that used to be dead, so, in other words, theres still hope.Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20%) 13. People try to avoid public transportation delay by using their own cars, and this _Creates further problems.A) in turn B) in part C) in effect D) in short14. We need a mo

    11、nitor _.A) for whom everyone has confidence B)in whom everyone has confidenceC) whom everyone has confidence of D) whom everyone has confidence of15. The man speaking at the platform was Mr. Simpson,_ the party was given.A) in this honor B) for his honor C) in whose honor D) for whose honor16. Histo

    12、ry is a record of mankind; however, different history _it differently.A) identify B) indicate C) illustrate D) interpret17. Caught in the rain, I had to stand under a tree to avoid _ wet.A) getting B)get C) to get D) be gotten18. The fire fighters sank down one by one, _.A) all their strength to be

    13、exhausted B) all their strength exhaustC) all their strength exhausted D) all their strength be exhausted19. New students spend hours in the library, trying to _the system of arranging the books.A) cross out B) work out C) set out D) put out20. The man denied _ any thing at the supermarket when he w

    14、as questioned by the police.A) to have stolen B ) to steal C )having been stealing D) having stolen21. A _ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A) result B) response C) solution D) settlement22. I dont think it advisable that all the important documents _ in the presidents office.A) m

    15、ust be locked B) will be locked C) are locked D) be locked23. My boss seemed to be in no _ to discuss the important business deal.A) attitude B) mood C) emotion D) feeling24. When a person needs to take this medicine _the directions first.A)he has to read B) he must have read C) you have to read D)

    16、you will be reading25. Havent you enough _ sense that its unwise to go swimming just after a big meal?A) normal B) general C) usual D) common26. It was between 1830 and 1835 _the modern newspaper was born.A) which B) when C) that D) because27. Britain is proud of her great poets and dramatists, _ It

    17、aly is proud of her painters and sculptors, and Germany of her composers. A)just so B) just as C) so as D) so that28. The teacher was critical _ the way we were doing the experiment. A) of B) that C) in D) with29. I prefer his plan to yours _ it is more practical and easier to be carried out. A) for

    18、 which B) for that C) in which D) in that30. Because of the rising cost, we spent _ money on the project as had been planned. A) as twice more B) twice as much C) as twice much D) twice as more31. John liked music very much, but when he went to the university he decided to study medicine _ of music.

    19、 A) instead B) despite C) in place D) in spite32. It is said that the construction of our new library _by the end of next year. A) will complete B) will be complete C) will have been completed D) have completedPart III: Reading Comprehension (40%) (35 minutes)Passage One About 150 years ago the chil

    20、dren of a poor farmer who lived in South Africa found a pretty pebble(鹅卵石)on the bank of a river. The pebble shone brightly in spots. The children took the pebble home and showed it to their mother. Then they tossed (扔) it aside. The next day a neighbor saw it and offered to buy it. The children and

    21、 the mother told him that he could have it for nothing. Who ever heard of selling a pebble? The pebble turned out to be a large diamond. No one had known that there are diamonds in South Africa. Today a large part of all the diamonds in the world come from a region not far from the place where the c

    22、hildren found their bright pebble. Diamonds are crystals of carbon. Carbon is a very common material. Coal, for example, is made up mostly of carbon. But the carbon of coal is not in crystal form. Clear crystal of carbon are very rare. The world “diamond” comes from a Greek word meaning “the unconqu

    23、erable”. The diamond got its name because of its hardness. No other material is so hard. It is used in tools for cutting and drilling into very hard substances. Some saws, for example, have tiny diamonds set in the teeth.33. The children and their mother gave the pebble to their neighbor and asked n

    24、othing for it because _. A) they were good neighbors B) they didnt need money C) they didnt know it was a diamond D) they thought it silly to sell a pebble34. For a long time, people didnt know that _. A) diamonds are crystals of carbon B) diamond is the hardest of all substances C) “diamond” is ori

    25、ginally a Greek word D) there are diamonds in South Africa35. The original meaning of the word “diamond” in Greek suggests _. A) hardness B) rareness C) crystal form D) bright spots36. Diamond and coal are similar to each other in _. A) physical properties B) chemical composition C) brightness D) ap

    26、pearance37. This passage can be best described as _. A) entertaining B) persuading C) informative D) expressivePassage TwoIn America, where labor costs are so high, “do-it-yourself” is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garages, even remodel their own houses. Soon they

    27、 may also be writing their own books. In Hollywood there is a company that publishes childrens books with the help of computers. Although other book companies also publish that way, this particular company is very unusual. It “personalized” (让读者人物化) the books by having the computer make the reader t

    28、he leading character in the story. Here is how they do it. Let us say your child is named Jenny. She lives on Oak Drive in St. Louis, has a dog named Spot, a cat named Tabby, and three playmates whose names are Betsy, Sandy, and Jody. The computer uses this information to fill out a story that has a

    29、lready been prepared and illustrated. The story is then printed with standard equipment as a hardcover book. A child who receives such a book might say, “This book is about me.” The company therefore calls itself the “Me-Books Publishing Company.” Children like the me-books because they like to see

    30、in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important, “personalization” has been found to be an important tool in developing enthusiasm for reading. Me-books are thus helping a child to learn how to read, by appealing to that natural desire to see his own name i

    31、n print.38. In America, people do most things by themselves because _. A) they can do better than others B) they dont trust others C) nobody is ready to help D) labor is too expensive39. Me-Books Publishing Company is different from others in that _. A) it makes children characters in the stories B)

    32、 it uses computers to make up stories C) it publishes books only for children D) it publishes books for peoples pets40. “Me-books” are unusual because they make readers feel that the stories are _. A) written by themselves B) about themselves C) published with the help of computers D) printed with stan


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