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    1、广东省汕头市潮师高级中学届高三上学英语期期中试题2016-2017潮师高中高三英语期中测试(10.29)第I卷(100分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWe all have our favorite teachers those who seem truly interested and treat us kindly.But what about teachers we dont know or even dont like much?You

    2、 can do lots of things to get a good connection with your teachers. First, do the right things: show up for class on time, with all assignments completed. Be active, be respectful, and ask questions you cant solve by yourself.Show an interest in the subjects. Obviously, your teachers are really inte

    3、rested in their subjects or they wouldnt have decided to teach them! Showing the teachers that you care even if youre not a math whiz(奇才) or fluent in Frenchsends the message that you are a good student.You can also plan a private conference during a teachers free period. Use this time to get extra

    4、help, ask questions, or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to leant that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one-on-one than when talking in front of the whole class.Here are some things to avoid when you are try to build a good relationship with your teachers:Not being sincere.

    5、Teachers sense it when your only goal is to get special treatment, a college reference, or a job chance.Trying to be teachers pet. Your behaviour will come off as phony(虚假的) and your classmates may start to resent you.Giving expensive gifts. Its OK to offer some kind of gift to show your appreciatio

    6、n to teachers if theyve been helpful to you. But giving expensive things could send the wrong message, and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.1. The passage mainly gives advice on _.A. how to get good points in exams at schoolB. how to develop interest in a boring subjectC

    7、. how to choose proper gifts for your teachersD. how to build good teacher-student relations2. What does the underlined word “resent” probably mean?A. hate B. admire C. ignore D. follow3. Whats the advantage of having a private talk with your teachers?A. You can ask questions about personal life.B.

    8、Your teacher will feel relaxed to talk to you.C. You can make more progress than others in class.D.Your teacher will try hard to answer your questions.BGovernors Island in Brief:Located in the New York Harbour, Governors Island is a former military base that has been opened to the public and offers

    9、car-free biking, art exhibits, performances, picnicking, tours and more. Many of the things to do on Governors Island are completely free, including the ferry ride to get there!Getting to Governors Island:Free ferry service to Governors Island is offered on weekends when the Island is open to the pu

    10、blic.On Saturdays, Sundays and holiday, ferry service is available from Brooklyn Bridge Parks Pier 6 and Manhattans Battery Maritime Building (10 South Street), close to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Check out the Governors Island Website for full directions and ferry details.Admission:Free, Adm

    11、ission:FreeVisiting Hours:New for 2016, Governors Island will be open to visitors seven days a week from Memorial Day (observed on the last Monday of May) through the end of September. The Island opens to the public daily at 10 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. on weekdays, 7 p.m.Good to Know About Governor

    12、s Island:Governors Island has drinks and water for sale, but no water fountains.There are numerous options for food, but its also a great place to bring your own picnic.Dogs and pets are not allowed on Governors Island.There are public restrooms.Id recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before your

    13、ferry departure time for both traveling to and from Governors Island.4. The way to reach Governors Island is by _.A. bus B. bike C. car D. boat5. To visit Governors Island, you _.A. dont have to pay any fare.B. need to bring your own food.C. have to go there only on weekends.D. can start your trip a

    14、t Brooklyn Bridge Park.6. Governors Island is open to the public seven days a week for about _ in 2016.A. two months. B. three months C. four months D. five months7. On governors Island, you are likely to see the following EXCEPT _. A. picnics B. pets C. restrooms D. art worksCYoung Mr. Smith had an

    15、 idea for his employer. It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices. At the same time, he suggested that the company sell goods of less value.If his employer liked the idea, he might be given more pay. Perhaps he might even get a better job with the company.Business had been

    16、 very slow. So Mr. Smiths employer thought a few minutes about the idea. But then she shook her head. I am sorry, Smith, his employer said. It just will not wash.Now, the meaning of these English words should be, It will not get clean. Yet Smiths idea did not have anything to do with making somethin

    17、g clean. So why did his employer say, It will not wash?Most word experts agree that it will not wash means it will not work. In19th century of England, the expression meant an undependable statement. It was used mainly to describe an idea. But sometimes it was used about a person.Happily for the you

    18、ng employee, his employer wanted him to do well in the company. So the employer talked turkey to him. She said, Your idea would be unfair to our buyers. Think of another way to save money.A century ago, to talk turkey meant to talk pleasantly. Turkeys in the barnyard(谷仓院场) were thought to be speakin

    19、g pleasantly to one another. In recent years, the saying has come to mean an attempt to teach something important.Mr. Smith thought of a better idea after his employertalked turkeyto him. He was given an increase in pay. So if your idea will not wash, try talking turkey to yourself and come up with

    20、a better idea.8. Whats the main purpose of the passage?A. To give some advice on office work. B. To explore the meaning of two expressions.C. To share Mr. Smiths personal experience. D. To tell about the development of the English language.9. The employer in the passage can be best described as _.A.

    21、 hard-working B. unlucky C. honest D. cold-blooded10. Why did the employer refuse Mr. Smiths idea?A. Because the idea would cost her much money.B. Because she knew Smith was trying to cheat her.C. Because she herself wanted to get a better job.D. Because the idea would do harm to the customers.11. Y

    22、ou will most probably use the expression “talk turkey” when _.A. you are at your friends birthday partyB. your friend has broken his promise to you.C. you are offered a better job by your bossD. you are hungry and want to get something to eatDBritish scientists, exploring a beach on the countrys eas

    23、t coast, discovered what they believed were the oldest human footprints outside of Africa. They are estimated to be close to one million years and are believed to be the oldest evidence of humans in northern Europe.Footprints of what appears to be a group of ancient humans were discovered on a beach

    24、 in Norfolk, in eastern Britain. They may be about 500,000 years older than the earliest footprints previously found in the country. The 3D images and a model of one of the imprints(印迹) were unveiled on Friday at a news conference at the British Museum, in London.The museums archeologist Nick Ashton

    25、 described the moment last May when he realized the footprints were left by a prehistoric man. “It was only when the overhead views were emailed through to me back in my office that I suddenly looked at it and opened up the file and I thought, “This is absolutely amazing. You know, there is no doubt

    26、 that they really are human footprints,” he said.Nick said the new discovery will alter the understanding of early human history in Europe. Liverpool John Moores University researcher Isabelle de Groote analysed the prints. “ The spread of the footprint size gives us an indication that we have child

    27、ren, a number of children and then probably some adults there with at least one, probably one male,” she said.It is not known how the early humans survived in the cold environment of ancient northern Europe. Scientists say a million years ago, Britain was joined to continental Europe and they believ

    28、e that the individuals who left the footprints were related to Homo sapiens ancestors called the Pioneer Man, known to have inhabited in a warmer climate.12. What information can we get from the first paragraph?A. The earliest humans moved from Europe to Africa.B. The oldest human footprints were on

    29、ce found in Africa.C. No humans lived in Britain about one million years ago.D. The earliest humans came to Northern Europe from Africa.13. The underlined word “alter” in Para.4 probably means “_”A. prove B. explain C. change D. develop14. Who left the footprints on the beach according to researcher

    30、 Isabelle?A. A group of children B. Some adult womenC. A group of adult men. D. Children and adults15. We can read the passage above most probably in a _.A. science magazine B. student bookC. holiday brochure D. geography book 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)七选五,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Living

    31、a Balanced and Healthy LifeWhat are the most important steps to follow if you want to feel good from morning to night? Feeling good means that your body and mind are working at their peak level. _16_To feel good day after day, try the following tips:Get sunlight during the day.Sunlight stimulates th

    32、e brain chemical serotonin(血清素),which plays a role in helping you feel happy. While youre outdoors in the sun, use the time to exercise. _17_ And it may work better than medicine for preventing depression from returning. It can also help you reduce your anxiety.Set yourself up for good sleep.In the evening as the sky grows darker, your brain


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