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    1、模拟卷高考英语仿真试题Using the research method of literature, means of observation, behavioral approach, conceptual analysis and the pattern of information-seeking of local and overseas were analyzed and compared, Basic pattern strategies of technology information-seeking高考英语仿真试题 英语知识运用第一节:单项填空 从A、B、C 、D四个选项中

    2、,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Would you like some more noodles? No, thanks.I . A. dont want to B. cant eat C.am not hungry D.Im full 2.I think its about the time what lessons you are going to take next term. A.you decide B.you decided C.youll decide D.youd decide 3.What did he do in the middle of the night? We

    3、ll, Im not sure, but he was often heard . A.playing the piano B.to play piano C.play the piano D.to be playing piano 4.Hurry up! Its time to leave. OK, . A.I come B.Ive come C.I came D.Im coming 5.Mary is badly ill and she has been sent to hospital. Oh, really? I . visit her. A.didnt know; Ill go an

    4、d B.dont know; Ill go and C.didnt know; Im going to D.havent known; Im going to 6.Which do you like better, the green one or the white one? . A.I like all B.Everyone is OK C.Each will do D.Either will do 7. breaks the laws will be punished in China, the foreigners in China. A.No matter who; included

    5、 B.Whoever; included C.Whoever; including D.No matter who; including 8.While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying something they dont really need. A.persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded D.be persuaded9.Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was. A.did the v

    6、illagers realize B.the villagers realized C.the villagers did realize D.didnt the villagers realize 10.It was at the very beginning Mr Fox made the decision we should send more firefighters there. A.when; which B.where; what C.then; so D.that; that11.May you succeed in the coming entrance examinatio

    7、n! ! A.Im so happy B.No, Im good at studying C.Yes.May I succeed D.Thank you, the same to you 12.Please tidy up your room and everything away. A.get B.give C. take D.put 13.What do you think of my composition? It well a few spelling mistakes. A.reads; except for B.read; besides C.is read; except for

    8、 D.is read; besides14.Will you please read my letter and correct the mistakes, ? Sure, I will. A.if so B.if some C .if any D.if not 15.The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground, brought her heart to her mouth. A.it B.and which C.and that D.this 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)

    9、中选出最佳选项。 The best advice young men and women can hear is“Go West”. Those who 16 to make their fortune or, at the very 17 , find good jobs have a better chance of doing so in Chinas western provinces 18 in the increasingly crowded eastern cities.Along the eastern coast, cities are 19 with newcomers l

    10、ooking for work.They seek 20 from the lowest_level unskilled jobs to the instantmillionaire Internet chance of lifetime. 21 have found the latter, and fewer ever 22. Some 160 years ago, young men and women moved 23 into New York, Philadelphia, Boston the United States equivalent(相等的) of Chians Shang

    11、hai, Guangzhou and Beijing.All of these young people were 24 for work, for riches, for fame.Few found any of them.The 25 joined the masses working hard at lowlevel jobs 26 to support themselves and their 27 . Horace Greeley, a wellknown American newspaper editor(编辑) of the period had 28 advice for t

    12、hose seeking work,“Do not, Greeley said,“ 29 in the cities! There is room and health in the country, away from the 30 of idlers(闲散者) and imbeciles(fools).Go West In the mid19th century, when Greeley called 31 people to go west, America was just to develop its westem regions 32 as China today.Out wes

    13、t, the unemployed could find jobs. One thing more should be 33 to Horace Greeleys advice to the youth of his time: Go westbut go 34 . What are you 35 for? 16.A.hate B.hope C.doubt D.refuse 17.A.point B.moment C.most D.least 18.A.as well as B.besides C.than D.except 19.A.living B.filled C.reducing D.

    14、satisfied 20.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 21.A.Few B.All C.Many D.None 22.A.do B.will C.did D.could 23.A.slowly B.suddenly C.especially D.continuously 24.A.waiting B.meaning C.searching D.leaving 25.A.rich B.poor C.rest D.luck 26.A.considering B.managing C.trying D.preferring 27.A f

    15、amilies B.wives C.parents D.children 28.A.right B.sound C.further D.new 29.A.belong to B.fall asleep C.stand about D.have a walk 30.A.crowds B.groups C.teams D.couples 31.A.at B.on C.for D.out 32.A.different B.difficult C.much D.little 33.A.metioned B.told C.increased D.added 34.A.well_known B.well_

    16、meant C.well_trained D.well_founded 35.A.looking B.begging C.heading D.waiting 第三部分:阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A “The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful, says Plato.Selfcontrol is at the root of

    17、all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses (冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral (道德上的) freedom. A single angry word has lost many a friend.When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself.If you are

    18、conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger.Many a person has dropped dead in great anger.Fits of anger bring fits of disease.“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. “Keep cool, says George Herbert,“for fierceness (狂怒) makes error a fault. To be an

    19、gry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself.“Anger, says Pythagoras,“brings with folly (愚蠢) and ends with regret. You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him. Selfcontrol is mans last greatest victo

    20、ry. If a man lacks selfcontrol he seems to lack everything.Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no selfconfidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling.If he lacks selfcontrol, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking also. 36.W

    21、hat does the reader learn from the first paragraph? A.The greatest victory for a man is to conquer everything except himself. B.Ones moral freedom is based on the control of himself. C.To control oneself is the most difficult in ones life. D.If a person is too stubborn, he will feel most shameful. 3

    22、7.What is the correct interpretation of “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad? A.If the gods want to kill you, they make you crazy first. B.If you always lose your temper, you will soon be finished. C.If you cannot control yourself, you will become crazy. D.If you are mad, you will be pun

    23、ished by the gods. 38.If a man lacks selfcontrol, he lacks all of the following EXCEPT . A.the very backbone and nerve of character B.the patience and power to control himself C.strong feelings D.selfconfidence 39.The authors main purpose in writing this article is to . A.explain that selfcontrol is

    24、 the key to success B.teach people how to control everything in order to make a great success C.distinguish all kinds of selfcontrol and suggest ways for keeping it D.advise people not to lose temper so as to make and keep more friends B Northern Europeans spend a lot of time in their cold and cloud

    25、y winters planning their summer holidays.They are proud of their healthy color when they return home after the holiday.But they also know that a certain amount of sunshine is good for their bodies and general health. In ancient Greece people knew about the healing (治疗) powers of the sun, but this kn

    26、owledge was lost.At the end of the nineteenth century a Danish doctor, Niels Finsen, began to study the effect of sunlight on certain diseases, especially diseases of the skin. He was interested not only in natural sunlight but also in artificially (人造地) produced rays.Sunlight began to play a more i

    27、mportant part in curing sick people. A Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, made full use of the sun in his hospital at Leysin. Leysin is a small village high up in the Alps.The position is important: the rays of the sun with the greatest healing power are the infrared (红外线的) and ultraviolet (紫外 线的) rays;

    28、 but ultraviolet rays are too easily lost in fog and the polluted air near industrial towns.Dr.Rollier found that sunlight, fresh air and good food cure a great many diseases.He was particularly successful in curing certain forms of tuberculosis with his “suncure. There were a large number of childr

    29、en in Dr.Rolliers hospital.He decided to start a school where sick children could be cured and at the same time continue to learn.It was not long before his school was full. In winter, wearing only shorts, socks and boots, the children put on their skis after breakfast and left the hospital.They car

    30、ried small desks and chairs as well as their school books.Their teacher led them over the snow until they reached a slope which faced the sun and was free from cold winds.There they set out their desks and chairs, and school began. Although they wore hardly any clothes, Rolliers pupils were very seldom cold.That was because their bodies were full of energy which they got from the sun.But the doctor knew that sunshine can also be dangerous.If, for example,tuberculosis is attacking the lungs, unwise sunbathing may do great harm. Today there


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