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    1、高中英语完型填空题型练习含答案10篇【2020-2021】高中英语完型填空题型练习(含答案)(10篇)一、完型填空1 Five days before Christmas, police officer Lima was sent to a local Stop and Shop for a reported theft. The accusation (指控) was that two females were 1 some items at the self-checkout but bypassing other items and 2 those items. The two fema

    2、les and two children were already 3 by the security guard over there.Lima had two girls himself, similar in age to the two girls there, so it 4 him a little bit. Lima checked the 5 for the items they had paid for. There was nothing else like health and beauty items on it. The items were all 6 things

    3、 bought just to stuff themselves. Then he asked an employee where the other items were that they had 7 to take and was informed they were put back on the shelves.Obviously, this family was in real need. While Lima firmly 8 following the law, he decided to cut them a break and not to 9 them.The two-f

    4、emales, consequently, were very grateful but kind of 10 because generally, in that same situation there would probably be a different outcome and theyd be 11 .Lima took things a step further in an effort to aid the family. He gave them $200 gift card, telling them not to get things in 12 ways any mo

    5、re.“I purchased the gift card close to the 13 of what would have been taken,” said Lima, “I did what I felt was 14 . I just tried to show a little 15 to the extent permitted by law.”1Acounting Bsearching Cscanning Dtesting2Asorting Bbagging Clabeling Dchecking3Aheld Bfired Cprotected Dmisunderstood4

    6、Aattracted Bconfused Cdisappointed Dstruck5Aprice Breceipt Cnumber Dsheet6Adrinks Bluxuries Cpresents Dfoods7Aordered Bmanaged Cplanned Drequested8Abelieved in Bobjected to Cput off Dtook on9Athreaten Bhelp Ccomment Dcharge10Aanxious Binnocent Cshocked Dashamed11Aattacked Bquestioned Carrested Doffe

    7、nded12Aviolent Bdifferent Ctough Dillegal13Avalue Bmeaning Cuse Dbenefit14Aprivate Bright Crisky Dimpressive15Acourage Bmercy Cadmiration Drespect【答案】1C2B3A4D5B6D7C8A9D10C11C12D13A14B15B2 As human beings, we are alike in many ways. Yet 1 our similarities, no two people are exactly the same. Even ide

    8、ntical twins 2 different life experiences. Just because of these 3 , the one size fits all solution will not be the most 4 answer to our problems. One of my life 5 is to find what works for me best, and forget the rest. Just that something works well for someone else, doesnt 6 mean that it will work

    9、 well for me too. I have found that I am successful when I 7 any new method or strategy I learned to deal with my 8 situation. A perfect example of why its best to find what works for you is when it 9 to trying to pick a diet and an exercise plan. There are 10 diet plans and exercise programs out th

    10、ere to 11 from, and it can bequite overwhelming(令人不知所措的). When choosing a 12 plan you have to consider food allergies, how portable the food is if you are away from home most of the time, and many other 13 . When choosingan exercise program you have to consider your startingleveloffitness,andhealthi

    11、ssuesthatmight adapt your ability to do the program, and 14 you actually enjoy the exercise enough to 15 withit. Many people like jogging, but it is probably my least 16 form of exercise. By finding more suitable and enjoyable alternatives(供替代的选择)that give me the same 17 or better, it is easier to s

    12、tick with my exercise program. You 18 yourself better than anyone, so dont be 19 toexperiment with different solutions to whatever you are trying to achieve. Dont 20 use something because it is the best, or because it works well for someone else. Find what works best for you, and forget the rest.1Ab

    13、eyond Babove Cdespite Dthrough2Acome up with Bput up with Cgo on with Dend up with3Adifferences Bsimilarities Cexperiences Dcharacters4Atechnical Bpractical Cphysical Dmedical5Asolutions Bexperiences Cemotions Dprinciples6Aunfortunately Beventually Cnecessarily Dimmediately7Arefuse Buse Cexamine Ddi

    14、scover8Apersonal Bnatural Cmusical Dpolitical9Aadds Bcomes Cleads Dcontributes10Avarious Bunique Cboring Dcolorful11Atake Bobtain Cchoose Dlearn12Astudy Bdiet Cexercise Dtravel13Afactors Bjournals Cbranches Dprograms14Awhat Bwhich Cwhether Dthat15Achat Bcommunicate Cagree Dstick16Adifficult Bharmful

    15、 Cfavorite Dexpensive17Agrades Bresults Cmarks Dsigns18Aobserve Bexpress Cteach Dknow19Agrateful Bpleased Cenergetic Dafraid20Ajust Bstill Cyet Dalready【答案】1C2D3A4B5D6C7B8A9B10A11C12B13A14C15D16C17B18D19D20A3This year my husband and I decided to have a quiet, low-key New Years Eve. We wanted to spen

    16、d it with our kids and other immediate family and make it a special 1 for them, instead of 2 a babysitter and going out on our own. The logical way to do this was through 3 . As we all know, food had a magical way of making; a night 4 , and our New Years Eve certainly 5 that way, thanks to doughnuts

    17、(甜甜圈).I decided to make doughnuts because my cousins had 6 a batch(一批) on Halloween and I found it very 7 . I used a recipe from the 1976 Mennonite cookbook More With Less and it 8 a curious ingredient-two cups of mashed potatoes that 9 made the texture lighter. The doughnuts were 10 and cut from a

    18、sheet of dough(生面团), then left to rise until ready to fry in hot oil. Then they took several seconds to 11 , which meant that my enormous batch of 100 doughnuts was 12 cooking in a fairly short time. We glazed(浇上浆液) the tops and then 13 them for the rest of the evening. The leftovers disappeared at

    19、breakfast.This will become an annual 14 , I have no doubt. Whether we host a bigger party or keep it small, there will always be 15 doughnuts, because when you have hot homemade doughnuts, you cant help but have the best time.1Achallenge Bidea Copportunity Doccasion2Atraining Bhiring Cknowing Dinter

    20、viewing3Atime Bmoney Cfood Dfun4Ashort Bmemorable Cmessy Dsilent5Atested out Bmoved on Ctuned out Dpicked out6Aput Bbought Cbrought Dmade7Aimpressive Bexpensive Chealthy Dnutritious8Atook up Bcarried on Ccalled for Dcut off9Afortunately Bpossibly Ctotally Dabsolutely10Arolled out Btaken apart Csorte

    21、d out Dcut down11Asteam Bcook Csink Dfloat12Afinished Bpracticed Cconsidered Ddemanded13Aprepared Bwaited Cenjoyed Dlonged14Acelebration Bidea Cceremony Dtradition15Afresh Braw Ccommon Dlocal【答案】1D2B3C4B5C6D7A8C9B10A11B12A13C14D15A4The pea incident happened when I was eight. My grandmother, my mothe

    22、r and I were having lunch at a restaurant. I 1 a Salisbury steak. But when served, it was 2 accompanied by a plate of peas.I have always hated peas. It is a complete 3 to me why anyone would voluntarily eat peas. “Eat your peas,” my grandmother said. “Mother,” said my mother in her 4 voice. “He does

    23、nt like peas. Leave him alone.” My grandmother looked at me and said the words that changed my life: “Ill pay you five dollars 5 you eat those peas”. Five dollars! And only one plate of peas stood between 6 and the possession of that unimaginable amount of money. I began to 7 the awful things down m

    24、y throat and finally swallowed the 8 one of them. My grandmother handed me the 9 . “I can do what I want, Ellen, and you cant stop me,” she 10 to my mother. My mother glared at her and also glared at me 11 .Several days later, at dinner, my mother offered me some steaming peas and I, of course, 12 .

    25、 My mother fixed me with a cold eye as she 13 more peas onto my plate. “You ate them for money,” she said, “You can eat them for love.”Oh, despair! Now, too late, I realized that I had been 14 in a terrible place from which there was no 15 . “You ate them for money. You can eat them for love.” Did I

    26、 eat the peas? You bet I did. I ate them that day and every other time they were served thereafter.1Aenjoyed Bordered Cafforded Dprepared2Aunexpectedly Bundoubtedly Creasonably Dnaturally3Ajoke Bmystery Ctale Ddisaster4Atrembling Bringing Curging Dwarning5Aunless Bwhen Cbefore Dif6Amy grandmother Bm

    27、y mother Cme Dus7Athrow Bplace Cforce Dbite8Abest Bsingle Cpossible Dlast9Amoney Bsteak Cplates Dpeas10Aexplained Bannounced Cwhispered Dscreamed11Ain excitement Bin relief Cin silence Din love12Anodded Bdeclined Cdefended Dwaved13Aheld Bchose Cpiled Ddropped14Acaught Bleft Cbeaten Dhidden15Astop Br

    28、isk Ccost Descape【答案】1B2A3B4D5D6C7C8D9A10B11C12B13C14A15D5Thomas Crum, living in a toy school, was a boy made from plasticine (橡皮泥). He 1 showed respect for others. Thomas always went round the classroom 2 his drum, and the fact that he was annoying others didnt 3 him in the least. His classmates ha

    29、d had enough of this. Coco Wiseman, a very clever boy made of lego (乐高积木), 4 some special earplugs (耳塞)to block out the annoying sounds. Upon seeing that, Thomas immediately got very 5 with Coco Wiseman. They had a fight, by chance, the inventor 6 falling from the table to the floor into pieces. Tho

    30、ugh it was a(n) 7 , everyone was unhappy with Thomas. 8 wanted anything more to do with him. But a few days later, a cuckoo clock was put in the 9 , just next to the shelf Thomas slept on. The cuckoo clock was 10 making noise “tick-tock” and every hour the cuckoo came out to do its “cuckoo cuckoo!”Thomas couldnt get any rest at all. 11 , the others, with their special earplugs, were fine. Thomas started to 12 just how much he ha


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