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    1、学年新教材高中英语Unit2LetscelebrateSectionStartingoutUnit 2 Lets celebrate英国伦敦每年都会举行隆重的活动来庆祝中国的农历新年,届时成千上万的人都会聚集在伦敦西区,共享春节的喜悦。Chinese Lunar New Year in LondonWhen Chinese Lunar New Year comes, people in London are also filled with excitement.Read the following passage and find out what you can do to join in

    2、 the excitement!For Londons Chinese community, Chinese Lunar New Year is a huge event.Before this day, people make sure their houses are clean and tidy, buy new clothes and have their hair cut to bring good luck for the new year.London has the biggest celebrations outside of Asia.Hundreds of thousan

    3、ds of people go to watch the parade(游行) from the West End to Trafalgar Square, which includes Chinese acrobatics(杂技), and traditional lion and dragon dances.In central London there are fireworks and stage performances with all kinds of acts and special guests.There are also celebrations including fa

    4、shion shows and Chinese hip hop acts, as well as traditional acrobatic performances.In Chinatown, the streets which are full of food stalls are decorated with many lucky red lanterns(灯笼)If youre thinking of eating in one of Chinatowns excellent Chinese restaurants, book a table early, or you wont ha

    5、ve one on that night.For young Chinese people studying or working in the UK., video chatting is a common way of joining big family celebrations back home.Those missing home might also cook traditional Chinese dumplings for friends in Britain or organize an evening of karaoke(卡拉OK), another popular w

    6、ay of celebrating.The festivities are not as noisy as back home, they say, where loud firecrackers are traditionally used to frighten away a terrible monster called “Nian”,and the special red envelopes of money from relatives back home may also be hard to reach the UK.But there is still plenty of ex

    7、citement, happiness and good feelings,as people come together to enjoy the celebrations.Section Starting out & Understanding ideas重点单词阅读词汇(在不认识的单词前划)dragon nlunar adj.poet nvote vfantasy nliterature nenvelope npole n.polar adj. roof n. starving adj.写作词汇1.harvest n. 收成2.regardless_adv. 不管,不顾3.novel n

    8、. (长篇)小说4.regard v. 认为,看作拓展词汇5.honour v向表示敬意honourable adj.可敬的;光荣的6.decoration n装饰物decorate vi. & vt.装饰;装修7.freedom_n自由,自由权利free adj.自由的8.participate v参加,参与participation n参加;参与9.inequality n(社会上的)不平等equal adj.平等的equality n平等equally adv.平等地10.limitless_adj.无限的limit n(常作复数)范围limited adj.有限的11.regular_

    9、adj.频繁的;经常的regularly adv.有规律地;定期地;经常plain_v抱怨;不满;发牢骚complaint n抱怨13.warning n警告,警示,告诫warn v警告重点短语1.take_place 举办2.in_memory_of 纪念;追念3.add.to. 把增添到4.get_together 聚会;组织5.regardless_of 不管,不顾6.be_known_as 作为而著名7.be_made_into 被制成8.regard.as. 把视作9.stop.(from)_doing. 阻止做某事10.wrap_up (用纸、布等)包,裹11._as_well_a

    10、s 和;除了;既又 12.in_a.way 用方法重点句型1.with复合结构:May Day is a festival to celebrate the start of summer, with_celebrations_held_across_Europe_and_in_parts_of_North_America(庆祝活动在欧洲和北美部分地区举行).2.keep宾语宾补:As parents, they try to keep_that_magic_alive(让这种魔力永存) for their children for as long as they can.3.This/Tha

    11、t is why.这/那就是的原因:That_is_why(那就是的原因) Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. Read the text and fill in the blanks.Paragraph 1:Parents try to keep the magic of Christmas 1._ for their children.Paragraph 2:JR.R.Tolkien kept wri

    12、ting letters to his four children for more than 2._ years.Paragraph 3:The children were 3._ when they opened the letters.Paragraph 4:The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmass life and 4._ at the North Pole.Paragraph 5:We can all share the true spirit of 5._ at Christmas time.答案:1.al

    13、ive2.twenty3.excited4.adventures5.giving Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1Who may be most interested in the book Letters from Father Christmas?APeople who like reading novels.BPeople who like playing games.CPeople who like reading books about festivals.DPeopl

    14、e who consider Christmas a special time of year.2Which of the following statements about JR.R.Tolkien is NOT true according to Paragraph 2?AJ.R.R.Tolkien has four children.BJ.R.R.Tolkien is very famous in French literature.CJ.R.R.Tolkien is the author of The Lord of the Rings.DJ.R.R.Tolkien kept wri

    15、ting letters to his children for over twenty years.3What kind of true spirit can we learn from the book Letters from Father Christmas?AGiving.BBeing happy.CBeing with family members.DExpressing love for family members.4What kind of father do you think JR.R.Tolkien is?AHumourous. BStrict.CSerious. DC

    16、aring.答案:14.DBAD honour v向表示敬意;尊敬n尊敬,荣誉(1)honour sb. for. 因而尊敬某人(2)have the honour to do/of doing. 有幸做in honour of 为了纪念Its an/ones honour to do. 做是一种/某人的 荣幸(3)be honoured for. 因而受到尊敬或获 得荣誉be honoured as . 被尊为be/feel honoured to do/of doing. 做而感到荣幸The athletes competed for the honour of their countri

    17、es.运动员为自己国家的荣誉而比赛。We honour Lang Ping for her excellent guidance in the 2019 Volleyball Womens World Cup.因郎平在2019年女排世界杯中的出色指导,我们很尊敬她。He was honoured as the best player in his team.他被誉为是他队里最好的选手。This monument was built in_honour_of those brave soldiers.这座纪念碑是为纪念那些勇敢的战士们而修建的。巧学活用一句多译应邀为你们做关于中国传统文化的讲座,

    18、对此我深感荣幸。(1)I_feel_honoured_to_be_invited_to_give you a lecture on traditional Chinese culture.(honoured adj.)(2)It_is_my_honour/an_honour_to_be_invited_to_give you a lecture on traditional Chinese culture.(honour n)honour如果表示“一件荣誉的事或一个光荣的人”时,是可数名词。 in memory of纪念;追念(教材P13)They are held in memory of

    19、Qu Yuan, a poet and statesman in Ancient China.它们是为纪念中国古代诗人和政治家屈原而举行的。in praise of 赞美,歌颂in honour of 纪念;向表示敬意in search of 寻找in charge of 负责;掌管She set up an educational fund in memory of her parents.她成立了一个教育基金会来纪念她的父母。A new monument which some workers are busy building is in_memory_of the national he

    20、ro.工人们正忙着建的纪念碑是纪念这位民族英雄的。Can you tell me who is in_charge_of the whole company?你能告诉我谁负责整个公司吗? regardless adv.不管,不顾(教材P13)Freedom Day is held every year on 27 April to celebrate South Africas first fullyparticipated elections in 1994, in which everyone was allowed to vote regardless of skin colour.自由

    21、日在每年4月27日举行,以庆祝1994年南非第一次全面参与的选举,在这次选举中,每个人都可以不分肤色进行投票。regardless of 不管,不顾despitein spite of 尽管Nobody has the right to spit in the street regardless of their social position or age.不管社会地位或年龄如何,没人有权当街吐痰。Despite the heavy traffic, he managed to come on time.尽管交通拥挤,他还是设法准时到达了。In_spite of the bad weathe

    22、r, they still went shopping.尽管天气不好,他们还是去购物了。despite(in spite of)为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作让步状语,不接从句(what 从句除外);而 though, although 或 as 是从属连词,引导让步状语从句。 巧学活用一句多译尽管天气不好,飞机还是起飞了。(1)Although/Though_the_weather_was_bad,_the plane took off.(状语从句)(2)The plane took off despite/in_spite_of_the_bad_weather(介词/介词短语) rega

    23、rd.as.把视作(教材P14)That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year.那就是为什么圣诞老人的来信这本书对于那些把圣诞节视作一年中特殊时刻的人来说是一本完美的书。Never regard study as a duty.绝对不要把学习视作一项任务。(2019全国卷)Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.山被

    24、许多文化视为心灵之地。巧学活用单句语法填空(1)Regarded(regard) as one of the most gifted poets, Li Bai wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human and nature.(2)The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded as unlucky. complain v抱怨,不满,发牢骚(教材P15)In another letter, Father Christmas com

    25、plained about how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up.在另一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说,他怎样也无法阻止他的助手们玩玩具游戏,而不是把它们包装起来。(1)complain to sb.of/about sth. 向某人抱怨某事complain (to sb.) that. (向某人)抱怨(2)complaint n. 抱怨;牢骚;投诉(江西卷)Mother always complains that children wear out their

    26、 shoes very quickly.母亲总是抱怨孩子们很快就把鞋子穿烂了。Its no use complaining(complain) about the heavy air pollution without taking action.光抱怨严重的空气污染而不采取任何行动是没用的。Customers have the right to make a complaint(complain) about the poor service they receive.顾客有权对他们得到的不好的服务投诉。complain的后面不能直接跟sb.作宾语,要加介词to。类似的词还有explain,

    27、 mention, reply, appreciate, occur等。巧学活用完成句子他向我们抱怨说没有人去机场接他。He complained_to_us_that no one had been at the airport to meet him. warning n警告,警示,告诫(教材P15)Interestingly, the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good.有趣的是,这些信

    28、并没有像往常一样警告孩子们:如果他们(表现)不好的话,他们可能不会收到礼物。warn v 警告;提醒warn sb.against doing sth.warn sb.not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事warn sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事warn sb.that. 警告/提醒某人The red light is a warning sign for stop.红灯是通知停止行进的信号。The leader warned us of_the serious situation.领导警告我们面临的严峻局势。The police warned us against pickpo

    29、ckets.警察提醒我们要提防扒手。巧学活用 一句多译父亲警告我不要在河里游泳。(1)My father warned_me_not_to_swim in the river.(2)My father warned_me_against_swimming_in the river. keep宾语宾补(教材P14)As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can.作为父母,他们尽量让这种魔法在孩子身上永存。句中的keep that magic alive为 “keep宾

    30、语宾补” 结构。意为 “使继续处于某种状态”,keep为使役动词。(1)keep宾语名词/形容词/副词/介词短语(2)keep宾语现在分词(3)keep宾语过去分词 Children are requested to keep the classroom in order.孩子们被要求保持教室整洁干净。He kept his eyes closed(close) and stayed where he was.他闭着眼睛待在原地。Dont keep the water running(run) when you wash your hands; it is a waste.你洗手的时候不要让水一直流,那是一种浪费。Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened (fasten)请坐好并系好安全带。在 “ke


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