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    1、上海中学高三开学第二学期周练考卷及分析上海中学2018年3月周练Section A Catherine Elizabeth Middleton grew up in Chapel Row, a village near Newbury, Berkshire, England. She studied art history in Scotland at University of St. Andrews, 21. she met with William in 2001. their engagement was announced on 16th, Nov, 2010, and she at

    2、tended many high-profile royal events before they married on 29,Apr. 2011 at Westminster Abbey. Since she 22. (catch) the eye of Britains Prince William, Kate Middleton has been on the entire worlds fashion radar. The “Kate Middleton Effect” is a term that 23. (coin) lately because when the Duchess

    3、of Cambridge wears 24. , its pretty much guaranteed it will fly off the shelves. Every designer she supports has seen a sharp increase in sales, and many women believe that 25. Kate wears it, it is the item to own. For example, when Middleton, stepped out 26. a340 camel-colored dress from Resis to g

    4、reet President Obama and the first lady in May, traffic on the Reiss website rose by 200% and the dress quickly was sold out.Well, the Duchess influence is striking again: and this time it is reducing the size of handbags. Kate rarely carries a bag that she wouldnt be able to hold with one hand, and

    5、 is clearly a supporter of a gorgeous clutch. As a result, Lulu Guinness is seriously considering 27. (reduce) the size of handbags in the next collections. “personally, Im making my clutch bags smaller next season 28. they can look more delicate and ladylike, and that is to do with her, I think ” G

    6、uinness told the Telegraph. She joked that 29. this makes bags less practical, design doesnt always have to succumb to practically. It is true, the Duchess 30. not need to carry around as many things as the rest of us, but she surely will have women across the world trying to cram everything into th

    7、eir new bags. 答案:21.where 22. caught 23. has been coined 24. something 25. if 26.in 27.reducing 28.so that 29. although/though/while 30. may/might解析:21.考察定语从句,句中缺少状语,结合先行词,地点状语where。22.考察时态,结合since引导从句,固定时态为did,主句为一般现在时或现在完成时。23.考察谓语动词时态语态问题,结合定语从句,先行词为that,指代前文a term,与coin“杜撰,创造”构成被动关系,且已经发生这个动作。24

    8、.考察代词,结合语义,应是something,代指凯特王妃穿着的某些衣物。25.考察考察状语从句,结合上下文语义为条件状从。26.考察介词搭配。In+颜色表示穿着什么颜色的衣服。27.考察非谓语动词,固定搭配consider + doing。28.考察状语从句,结合上下文语义,表示目的状语从句。29.考察状语从句,结合上下文语义,表示让步状从。30.考察情态动词,结合语义,“她可能不需要sth”。Section B A. uninterruptible B. worth C. appreciate position E. supposedly AB. disorderly AC. wonder

    9、 AD. withdraw AE. agreeable BC. unlock BD. deprivationThe fortunate people in the worldthe only really fortunate people in the world, in my mind, are those whose work is also their pleasure. The class is not a large one, not nearly so large as it is often presented to be; and authors are perhaps one

    10、 of the most important elements in its 31 . They enjoy in this respect at least a real harmony of life. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world 32 striving for; and I do not 33 that others are tend to envy those happy human beings who find the

    11、ir livelihood in the gay effusions(流露) of their fancy, to whom every hour of labor is an hour of enjoyment, and even a holiday is almost 34 of that enjoyment. Whether a man writes well or ill, has much to say or little, if he cares about writing at all, he will 35 the pleasures of composition. To si

    12、t at ones table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of 36 security, plenty of nice white paper, and a Squeezer penthat is true happiness. With the complete absorption of the mind upon a/an 37 occupationwhat more is there than that to desire? What does it matter what happens outside? The House

    13、of Commons(下议院) may do what it likes, and so may the House of Lords. The bottom may be knocked clean out of the American market. The heathen(异教徒) may show violent anger in every part of the globe. Never mind, for four hours, at any rate, we will 38 ourselves from a common, ill-governed, and 39 world

    14、, and with the key of fancy 40 that cupboard where all the good things of the infinite are put away. 答案:31-40 D B AC BD C A AE AD AB BC解析:31考查内容:名词 解析:composition n.成分,作品,组织。结合前文elements元素,应对应成分。32考查内容:形容词 解析:worth a.值得的。 固搭:be worth doing . “你的快乐在世界上是值得寻求”33考察内容:动词 解析:wonder v. 想知道、好奇。 “我并不好奇那些会嫉妒快

    15、乐的人”34考察内容:名词 解析:deprivation n. 剥夺。 固搭:deprive of 剥夺某人某物。35考查内容:动词 解析:appreciate v.欣赏。结合语法与句意,选择动原。36考察内容:形容词 解析:uninterruptible a. 不被打扰的。“有着不被打扰的几个小时的宁静”37考察内容:形容词 解析:agreeable a.令人愉悦的。“全心投入于一份令你愉快的工作中”38考察内容:动词 解析:withdraw v. 撤退,取回。固搭 withdraw from 从退出,撤出39考察内容:形容词 解析:disorderly a. 无秩序的;骚动的。 注意该词虽

    16、以ly结尾,但仍是形容词,结合前文,三个形容词并列,共同修饰world,且三个副词表达的意思基本一致,故填 disorderly。40考察内容:动词 解析:unlock v. 开锁;揭开;显露。后面that引导宾从,推出前面填动词。 III. Reading ComprehensionSection A (15 %)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or

    17、 phrase that best fits the context.A worldwide poll of more than 100 million people has selected what it calls the new Seven Wonders of the WorldThe online poll picked:- the Roman Coliseum- the Taj Mahal- the Great Wall of China- Machu Picchu in Peru- the Petra archaeological site in Jordan- the mas

    18、sive Christ the Redeemer sculpture in Brazil- the Great Pyramid of GizaThe new wonders are expected to boosttourism to some popular destinations, but it is also prompting some serious rethinking on the _56_ of touristsVOAs Mil Arcega reports. Of the_57_seven wonders of the world, only the Pyramids o

    19、f Giza are still standing. But the organizers of the New Seven Wonders say there is_58_shortage of wonders in the world Tia Viering is communications chief for the Zurich-based committee. “A wonder, we have been known to say in the past, is what makes you_59_,” says Viering. “It makes you_60_and it

    20、takes your breath away for a second and you think Oh wow! Why? How? Who? When? And its not just a building that you think, Oh, thats sort of a nice building -it takes your breath away and it_61_touches you.” Viering says the_62_was choosing only seven from a list of 21 of the worlds most awe-inspiri

    21、ng sitesAmong them are the ancient temples of Angkor Wat (吴哥窟)Some fear rampant (无节制的) tourism is_63_one of Cambodias most popular destinations Historical preservationist John Stubbs is with the World Monument Fund. Theres not a minute to_64_in looking after this precious place because, without a do

    22、ubt, it could be ruined by some wrong_65_, says Stubbs _66_for many years, these monuments built for a 12th century king attract more than two million visitors every yearFrom just two hotels 10 years ago, today there are more than 100. In what was once jungle, new shopping malls, pizza restaurants a

    23、nd massage parlors_67_the landscape Even tourists have_68_feelings about the commerce surrounding what were_69_ places of worship People had various reactionsI think it takes away from it, I do, says oneI dont,” says another“I feel that the importance of this place deserves people to watch it, see i

    24、t,_70_ it56Ademand Bobligation Creaction Dworship57Aimaginary Bnewly-elected Chonorable Doriginal58Aa Bsuch Cno Danother59Awonder Bsigh Claugh Dagree60Aescape Bwander Cstop Dhurry61A. emotionally Bphysically Ccritically Dartificially62Aconflict Bagreement Csurprise Ddifficulty63Adestroying Bchanging

    25、 Coverdeveloping Ddiscovering64Aspend Bfind Cwaste Dspare65Aconcepts Bdecisions Cdesigns Dfindings66AIndependent BUnexpected CUndeniable DInaccessible67Ause Bequip Cdot Dsymbolize68Asimilar Bmixed Cstrong Dchangeable69Aonce Bpromisingly Cever Deventually70Awitness Blove Cimprove Dprotect【答案】56-70 BB

    26、CAC ADACB DCBAA【分析】56.考查名词。根据文章大意,旅游业的发展给旅游地带来了负面的影响,因为在推动旅游业发展的同时,我们还要关注旅游者的责任,保护旅游地。故选B57.考查形容词。上段提到new seven wonders,因此这是新选出来的,故选B58.考查限定词。前一句说七个世界奇迹中只有吉萨金字,说明景点很少,but与此形成对比,故景点不缺乏,选C59.考查动词。因为是世界奇迹,所以会让你感到惊奇,让你倒吸一口气,选A60.考查动词。世界奇迹会让你停下脚步,思考一些问题。故选C 61.考查副词。前面说了让你不禁感叹,所以是触动了你的灵魂,你的情绪,选A62.考查名词。从2

    27、1个世界最有名的景点中选出7个不是一件容易的事,故选D63.考查动词。从下文it could be ruined 可以看出,无节制的旅游业正在破坏吴哥窟。故选A64.考查动词。因为吴哥窟毫无疑问会被毁坏,所以在保护吴哥窟问题上,一分钟都不能浪费,故选C65.考查名词。错误的决定会毁坏吴哥窟,故选B66.考查形容词。下文讲了吴哥窟以前与现在的对比,可以看出以前在荒芜之地,不太容易到达,故选D67.考查动词。商店、酒店、按摩屋点缀着地平线,故选C68.考查形容词。下文一个人认为旅游业的发展的确对吴哥窟造成了负面影响,另一个却认为这样做无可厚非,所以游客的态度是两者均有的,是混合的,故选B69.考查

    28、副词。曾经是朝拜之地,故选A70.考查动词。选watch和see的同义词,故选ASection B (40 %)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information give

    29、n in the passage you have just read.(A) They looked shocked and insulted and somehow ashamed. Above all, they looked old. Wexford thought that in the nature of things a woman of seventy ought to be an orphan, ought to have been an orphan for twenty years. This one had been an orphan for scarcely twenty days. Her husband sitting opposite her, pulling his thin moustache, slowly and mechanically shaking his head, seemed older than she, perhaps not so many years the junior of his late mother-in-law. He wore a brown kni


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