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    1、上海市高三英语语法分类汇编2013届韶钢一中高三英语语法分类汇编【介词】1. The author received tons of congratulations _ his great success in writing.2. Eating a balanced diet and getting adequate sleep are key _ maintaining a healthy and vigorous state of life. 3. People who had lived _ the horror and suffering of the war began to re

    2、build their nation. 4. Books are the most important records we keepmans thought, ideas and feelings.5. The company said as well as giving customers faster internet, 4G would also be _ big benefit to businesses. 6. The fishermen were illegally arrested just several milesthe north coast.7. _ fish stoc

    3、ks overexploited, or seriously destroyed, the ocean, the last great piece of wilderness on this planet, is _ serious trouble.8. _the many ways illegal immigrants come into the United States every year, the vehicle crammed with crowds seems to be the method of choice lately, however, tragedies such a

    4、s deaths on the journey to the destination, are sometimes reported nowadays 9. China has made a series of technological advances _ constructing high-speed railways. 10.Youll lose appetite if you take too much snack _ meals.11. Children are ranged _ order of their performance in the last test.12. We

    5、Chinese people always put emphasis on the friendly relationships the people ofall countries, said the ambassador.13. Scientists are not sure of the potential effects _ the greenhouse gases on the future climate of the earth. 14. Some doctors want to examine the impact those marine mammals have _ the

    6、 children who had tried dolphin-assisted therapy. 15. _ economy in some European countries worsening, many more workers had to be laid off. 16. Larry Walters is_the relatively few people who have actually turned their dreams into reality. 17. Mitch tries to strike a balance _ his work and his family

    7、 life. 【时态语态】1. Did you foresee that so many investors _ ( lose )all their money in the stock market?2. All the residents in the area _(advise) that they move into new flats within three months.3. According to a survey, the number of Chinese weibo users _( reach)250 million so far this year, making

    8、China the worlds No. 1 weibo-using country.4. World Wildlife Funds project Earth Hour, which encourages people to turn off the light for an hour on the last Saturday of every March, _ (carry out )to help to create a promising future for the planet.5. Do you bring the picture? Yes, I _ _ it for a who

    9、le morning. (looked for ) 6. -I hope you will be ready to leave on time. -Dont worry. Ill be ready by the time the taxi _ (arrive).7. -I dont think our coach knows the real reason for our losing the match.-Well, surprisingly, he does. Our team leader has been called in and (question) now.8. Dr. Marg

    10、aret Chan was eventually selected as the worlds top health official and it is the first time that a Chinese _ (hold) such a high-ranking U.N. post.9. People are looking forward to the new, smaller iPad mini that _ ( go) on sale in the coming season. 10. Even though she(pay )much, the woman multimill

    11、ionaire insists on working as a street cleanser to set her children a good example.11. Every passenger boarding the Titanic (be)filled with confidence that the ship was unsinkable.12. The population of this city, forty percent of which are_(German), _ (rise)by 15% in the last three years.13. Accordi

    12、ng to a recent survey, 95 percent of women aged between 15 and early 40s _( see) a doctor once a year, compared to 70 percent of men in the same age group.14. Look! Someone _( repair) the laptop. Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.15. After the meeting, we went to the supermarket to do some shopping,

    13、only to be told that it _(decorate).16.I had wanted to help you last night but I couldnt spare any time, for I _(write) a composition which I have to hand in this morning.17.Most parents believe that the hard work for their school kids _ (repay) later in their lives.18. Any spare cash he referred to

    14、 _ ( donate)to more worthy causes.19. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen (wear )comfortably.20. I was trying to pick up my hat that _( blow )off in the wind, but failed at last.21. -Could you tell me where youre working now, Tony? -In the new development zone. But I _(_work)

    15、in a computer company for five years.22. China _ (develop)at a tremendous rate, an outstanding achievement never seen before, during the past two decades. 23. More than 20 cars of the new type _( sell)in the first three days after its launch last Saturday. 24. Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the of

    16、fice just now? - Yes, he _ (_interview), and he looked a little bit nervous.25. Boys and girls, make sure you _ (write )your names on the test paper before handing them in.26. The low-budget iilm Lost in Thailand just _( become )the most bankable Chinese film of all time.27. Although Mo Yan _(_entit

    17、le) one of the top domestic literature awards before the Nobel Prize, he is not the most popular novelist in China.28. Since the 14th and 15th centuries, the Diaoyu Islands _( include) in Chinese maps.29. You may be able to prevent problems if you _(prepare).【代词】1. Some fast developing countries aro

    18、und the world dont care about protecting _ against environmental pollution.2. According to the research, some people prefer to suffer more stress at work in exchange for high salary, while _ are willing to live with little pay.3. The gangs were all dealing drugs, but Bob was _ who got caught. 4. Kno

    19、wledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _ by means of speech.5. Instead of having to choose one or the other, we can benefit from _ of the approaches. 6. There isas good as the taste of a fresh apple, especially in the fall.7. Our principal would like to accept

    20、_ of the practical suggestions on how to improve students lunch. 8. You seem busy these days.Yes. Im looking for a house. Its really not easy to find _ with a garden.9. I need some carbon paper badly, but there is _ at hand.10. Scientists found that grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced so

    21、ngs different from _ living in quieter areas.11. Cars do cause people some health problems, in fact far more serious _ than computers do. 12. Of all the clues they provided, _ is of any help for solving the case of robbery.13. Ice Hockey is a game played between two teams, with six players on the ic

    22、e.14. Besides the occasional hotdog, I rarely eat _ unhealthy.【情态动词】1. According to the new regulations, one _ pass night driving test for the license. A. need B. can C. must D. may2. In order to avoid fires or explosions, people _ not use mobile phones at gas stations.A. may B. must C. shall D. nee

    23、d3. Who _ be phoning us at this time of night? It might be your sister. A. might B. can C. dare D. must 4. -My e-dictionary is nowhere to be found. Whohave taken it?-I dont know. But keep looking and you will find it. A. shouldB. couldC. needD. shall5. They have promised the money collectedbe handed

    24、 to the charity house.A. canB. mustC. willD. shall6. Babies given more love and affection by their mothers _ deal better with stress and anxiety when they grow up. A. need B. must C. shall D. may7.Sunny had to give a speech in front of 500 people yesterday. Whew! Thats a big audience. She _ have bee

    25、n nervous at the beginning. A. must B. should C. need D. shall8. Often, when he _ something useful, he wasted his time playing computer games.A. should be doing B. must have done C. should have been doing D. shall be doing 9. - Will you stay for the dinner? -Sorry, . The cookers I bought online will

    26、 be sent to my house this afternoon.A. I cant B. I mustnt C. I neednt D. I shouldnt10. Its up to the Security Councilto decide what measures_ be taken to restore peace and security. A. can B. shall C. may D. will 11. Actually you _ the dictionary here. You are not allowed to use it. A. neednt bring

    27、B. neednt have brought C. didnt need to bring D. dont have to bring12. Do you believe drinking a glass of wine every day _ reduce the danger of heart diseases? A. could B. must C. need D. should13. - Im so tired. Give me some time to have a short break. -Its Monday today. You at weekends.A. ought to

    28、 have stayed up B. need have stayed upC. might have stayed up D. must have stayed up14. When disaster strikes, you _ find yourself without water, gas and electricity. A. might B. must C. should D. will【非谓语动词】(分词)1. He didnt have chance to read many books, but folk stories _ (tell )by local people be

    29、came the root of Mo Yans later writings.2. Over time, overuse of antibiotics(抗生素)leads to bacteria that are resistant to the drugs, _ (make) them all the harder to kill. 3. _( Not see)any staircase, I followed a dark passage and it seemed to go on for ever.4. Unless _( invite) to speak, most high school students here prefer remaining silent in class. 5. New house prices in major Chinese cities are continuing to rise, _ (signal) a warming housing market.6. Though _( warn)of high costs, many Chinese parents ins


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