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    1、九年级上册一单元仁爱版九年级上册目标教学设计 Unit 1 Topic 1 Great changes have taken place there. 锡林浩特六中 吴昕颖Section A一、目标设计知识点教学目标了解掌握应用LanguageSkillwords and expressions proper, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson, by the way, take placevolunteer, disabled grammarPresent perfect (1) AbilitySkilllisten and speakTalk abou

    2、t childrens vacation experiences using “have been to/ have gone to”writeFill in the blanks with have/has been to, have/has gone to二、情境设计1、创设情境,引入话题 (1) Talk about summer holiday. Use the following pictures and sentences. Did you have a good summer holiday?A: Where have you been? B: I have been to.(2

    3、) Working in pairs. Ask and answer. What did you do in Spring Festival? How did you feel during that time? “happy.”2、创设情境,运用语言(1) Choose one of the following pictures to make dialogues with your parter then act your dialogue out.(P1 2 work alone ) Example: A: Where has. gone? I cant find him.B: He h

    4、as gone to.三、问题设计Answer the questions:1、Where has Rita been?2、What about Jane?四、习题设计语言知识. Words and expressions1. Complete the sentences with the words (the first letters are given)(1)I was so late that I couldnt find a p place to sit on.(2)The c is in the hall. She is giving a speech to us.(3) Oh,

    5、there goes the b_ . Lets go back to the classroom.(4) Your old g looks very healthy! He often does exercises.2. Choose the best answers.( )1.Where are Maria and Kangkang?They _ England.A.have been to B.are away C.have gone to D.had been in( )2.How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?Ive no idea. I _ ther

    6、e.A.have gone B.have been C.havent been D.havent gone( )3.I missed my mother very much. I havent seen her _ a long time. A.to B.as C.for D.with( )4.What did you do during your summer holiday?I spent my holiday _ English in Summer Classes.A.improving B.improves C.to improve D.improve语言技能. Speaking an

    7、d writing.1.Complete the table according to 1a. then say something about the childrens vacation experiences. NameRitaJaneKangkangMariaPlaceIndiaExample:Rita has been to India.Keys:语言知识 1. (1)- (4)proper, chairman, bell, grandpa2. (1)- (4)C,C,C,A语言技能. Writing NameRitaJaneKangkangMariaPlaceIndiaMount

    8、HuangAn English summer schoolCubaJane has been to Mount Huang. Maria has gone to Cuba.Section B一、目标设计知识点教学目标了解掌握应用LanguageSkillWords and expressions ever, shut, rope, granny, describe, education, develop, developmentin detail, take part in, chat online, have a hard life, give support to, afford to d

    9、o sth., with the development of China online, teenager, childhood, support, laborer, rapidly, luckily grammarPresent perfect (2) AbilitySkilllisten and speakListen to a passage and write down the key wordsMake a dialogue using the forms of present perfect Read and writeRead a dialogue and fill in th

    10、e blanks according to it二、情境设计1、创设情境,引入话题(1) Maria has come back from Cuba. What did she do in her hometown? 2、创设情境,运用语言 (1)Listen and tick what Maria has done in her hometown then make a dialogue.be a volunteerclean rooms for the disabled childrenfeed the disabled childrencook for the disabled chil

    11、drentravelMariaA:Has she cleaned rooms for the disabled children? B: Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.三、问题设计1、What were the childrens lives like in the past?2、Why did the children in the past have to work day and night ?四、习题设计语言知识. Words and expressions1. Complete the sentences with the words (the firs

    12、t letters are given)(1) Ive _ (曾经) read the book.(2)In the past, my grandparents couldnt afford an _(教育) for my father.(3) China has _ (发展) rapidly in recent years.(4) Can you _ (描述)it in detail?2. Choose the best answers.1. Have you _ the door?A. shut B. shuts C. to shut D. shutting2. Dont worry. S

    13、he can look after your pet_.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully3. _ he is old, _ he is still working for his country year by year.A. Though; but B. /; though C. Though; / D. /; /4. Kate studies very hard _ catch up with others.A. so that B. in order to C. beca

    14、use D. because of语言技能. Reading and writing.1. Fill in the blanks according to 2a.Kangkang told Rita about the hard life of most Chinese teenagers in the past. He described _ _ how they spent their _. At that time, most children couldnt get an _. They didnt have enough food to eat. And they had to wo

    15、rk to _ _ their families. Luckily, with the development of China, many things have _, and children can get a good education now.Keys:语言知识 1. (1)- (4) ever, education,developed, discribe2. (1)- (4)A, C, C, B 语言技能. Reading 1. Kangkang told Rita about the hard life of most Chinese teenagers in the past

    16、. He described _in_ _detail_ how they spent their _childhood_. At that time, most children couldnt get an _education_. They didnt have enough food to eat. And they had to work to _support_ to their families. Luckily, with the development of China, many things have _changed_, and children can get a g

    17、ood education now.Section C一、目标设计知识点教学目标了解掌握应用LanguageSkillwords and expressions communication, quick, sort, rapid, progress, already, succeed, narrow, leisure, relative,telegram,fax,keep in touch with, far away, make progress,sorts of, succeed in doing sth.grammar Present perfect (3)AbilitySkillspe

    18、akTalk about the changes of Beijing according to the picturesreadread a passage from the key information to understand the main idea二、情境设计1、创设情境,引入话题(1) narrow wide hard comfortableTalking about the changes happened in Beijing according to the pictures.2、创设情境,运用语言(1)Scan the passage in 1a, then answ

    19、er the question. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Beijing is the capital of China.B. Beijing has developed rapidly.C. Some information about old Beijing.D. My trip to Beijing.(2)Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph三、问题设计1、1. Were the roads narrow or wide at that time?2、Could most famil

    20、ies have delicious food?3、What was life like at that time?4、How did people keep in touch with their relatives and friends? 四、习题设计语言知识. Words and expressions1. Complete the sentences with the words (the first letters are given)(1) Though we live far away, we can _ _ _ (与保持联系)each other by mobile phon

    21、e.(2) I am _ _ your teacher _ _ (不但而且)your friends.(3) The modern c_ are quicker and easier because we can use cell phones and the Internet.(4) Tom _ _ rapid _ (取得进步)since he came here.(5) You will have to work hard if you want to _ _ (成功)passing the final exam.语言技能. Reading. How much pocket money d

    22、o you get from your parents every month200 yuan? Some may need more to buy birthday presents, fast food lunches, ice cream or cartoon (动画) books.But for Zhou Li, 30 yuan a month is enough. The only thing she buys is lunch1.5 yuan each day. “My favorite is fried potato slices and rice,” said Zhou, “m

    23、eat is too expensive for me.”Zhou, 14, is a Junior 1 student at Hongzhi Experimental School in Beijing. Her parents are migrant workers (外来务工人员). They came to Beijing from a village in Luohe of Henan two years ago. Her father now works as a cleaner and earns 500 yuan every month. Her mother has no j

    24、ob.Every day, Zhou gets up at 5: 30 a.m. and rides 20 minutes to school. She studies hard, and even reads books during breaktime. Her favorite subject is computer.“Im learning typing now. I hope to be the fastest in my class.”said Zhou. Like many teens, Zhou has a lot of homework. It usually takes h

    25、er at least one hour to do it every day. But that is not all her work. She helps her mom cook. On weekends, she helps wash clothes.“I could cook when I was eight. Father said sometimes I cooked better than mom!”Zhou said she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.“I watched TV and found that there w

    26、ere many people with AIDS in Henan. Some are kids. They need help.”said Zhou. But she is afraid of having to leave school.“I hope I will always be in school,” said Zhou. “Dad works hard to make money. I promise him I will study hard to be a good student at present and a good doctor in the future.”(

    27、)1.Zhou Li came to Beijing from _.A.Hunan B.Liaoning C.Henan D.Xingzhi( )2.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The girls parents are both cleaners.B.Her parents gave her 30 yuan to buy books.C.She goes to school by bike.D.Now she types fastest in her class.( )3.Zhou Li spends _ on her homework every da

    28、y.A.20 minutes B.at least one hour C.half an hour D.two hours( )4.Her wish is to be a doctor because _.A.she wants to help the people with SARSB.she wants to help the people with AIDSC.she wants to make her parents healthierD.she wants to help the poor kids( )5.The best title of the passage should b

    29、e “_”.A.A Girl from a Village B.A Hard but Hopeful LifeC.How to Spend Pocket Money D.A Girls School LifeKeys:语言知识1. (1)- (5) keep touch with, not only; but also, communication, has made progress, succeed in 语言技能. (1)- (5)C C B B B Section D一、目标设计知识点教学目标了解掌握应用LanguageSkillwords and expressions composition, note, consider, tool draw up, thanks to, consider doing sth.organization, hide-and-seekgrammarpresent perfectAbilitySkilllistenlisten to a passage and fill in the blankswritewrite a composition wi


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