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    2、2016年11 月XX日订立 HEREINAFTER CALLED THE SELLER以下称为卖方AND/与XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMPANY HEREINAFTER CALLED THE BUYER以下称为买方XXTH Eleven, 20162016年11月XX日SELLERS COMPANY NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX卖方公司名称:Address: Contact: 联系人: (Hereinafter referred to as “SELLER” which expression, where the context so admit

    3、s, includes its successors and assigns) of one part.(以下称“卖方”)AND 与BUYERS COMPANY NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX买方公司名称:Address:地址:Contact: 联系人: (Hereinafter referred to as “BUYER” which expression, where the context so admits, includes its successors and assigns) on the other part.(以下称“买方”)Whereas, th

    4、e parties mutually desire to execute this agreement which shall be binding upon and incur to the benefit of the parties, their legal representatives, successors and assigns, in accordance with the jurisdictional law of the negotiated and fully executed contract with terms and provisions hereunder ag

    5、reed upon.鉴此,经过商议,双方相互期望为了自身的利益,共同遵守和执行本合同。CLAUSE 1 - SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT条款合同范畴1.1SELLER has sold and the BUYER has bought on “CIF” Basis, shandong rizhao lanshan PORT, CHINA the total quantity of 2,000,000 bbls +/- 5% of Bonny Light Crude Oil in Spot cargo.按CIF买方指定中国山东日照岚山港主要港口方式,卖方销售并买方购买总数为200万

    6、桶的邦尼轻质原油现货。CLAUSE 2 - QUALITY条款2品质2.1The SELLER guarantees that the quality of the Bonny Light Crude Oil sold will conform to the guaranteed specifications as reported in Appendix A, which constitutes an integral part of this agreement.卖方保证提供的邦尼轻质原油的品质与本协议附件“A”的规格一致。CLAUSE 3 - DELIVERY条款3交付3.1The co

    7、mmodity shall be available delivering in Eleven of 2016 until completion of the contract.货品将于2016年11月交付,至本合同完成。3.2The destination port for the execution of this contract will be shandong rizhao lanshan port China.CIF 执行本合同的目的港是中国山东日照岚山港(CIF到港价)。 CLAUSE 4 - TIME PERIOD/TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS条款4时限/所有权

    8、与风险转移4.1The duration of this contract is for the evacuation of the agreed to quantity, commencing in Eleven 2016 under the following terms and conditions本合同期限为完成约定的数量,按以下条款开始于2016年11月 4.1.1The time period for the contract shall be terminated when the contractual quantity has been completely delivere

    9、d.当合同约定数量完成交付后,本合同时限即终止。CLAUSE 5 - PRICE条款5价格5.1The price shall on a Discount 6 US dollar per barrel based on the average of the three days around the CIQ/SGS Reports Date at the discharging port (one day before, CIQ report date, and one day after) reflecting the price for Crude Oil as reported by B

    10、rent London DTD in “Platts Crude Oil Market Wire Publication”. 价格以卸货港CIQ/SGS报告之日伦敦布伦特Platts原油行情三天(之前一天、当天、之后一天)的平均价下浮6美元/桶。5.1If no PLATTS quotation on CIQ report date, two quotations before, one quotation after the CIQ report date to be used for Price calculation, but always the distinctive quotati

    11、ons.如果在CIQ报告日没有Platts的行情,则可用CIQ报告日前二天行情和后一天行情来计算价格,有差异的行情亦不例外。5.2The price referred to throughout this agreement to be paid in USD.本协议有关的价格支付均为美元。CLAUSE 6 PAYMENT Bank payment capacity(POF)Appendix B条款6支付 银行付款能力函(POF)附件:“B”Buyer CIQ after passing the inspection ,Full T/T. within three days买方CIQ检验合格后

    12、三天内全额T/T。6.1If payment due date falls on a banking holiday then payment shall be made on or before the nearest preceding business day to the due date.如果支付到期日遇银行假日,则应在到期日之前最近的银行营业日支付。6.2All costs incurred for the opening of the Bank instrument shall be for the account of the BUYER.开具银行工具的费用由买方承担。CLAU

    13、SE 7- CONTRACT & BANKING PROCEDURE条款7合同和银行程序1.Buyer and Seller sign and seal this SPA including banking coordinates and exchange the signed copy by electronic mail. The electronic signed copy by both Parties is considered legally binding and enforceable and must not be changed. After signing this SP

    14、A by both parties, bot seller and buyer will need to present at shandong rizhao lanshan to verify “ Title documents of the Goods” & “POF” together with each parties. 双方电子签署本合同。合同包括有银行详细信息。由电子邮件相互交换副本。电签合同对双方均有法律约束力,不得再有任何改动。完成合同电签后,双方到山东日照岚山港进行以下货权和资金的互相验证工作。2.After the contract signed by both parti

    15、es, The Seller shall provide relevant documents and POP Shandong Rizhao port shipping information and shipping company responsible for the telephone and the customs filing, inspection to the buyer.双方签署合同后,卖方提供相关POP文件及山东日照港船代信息及船运公司负责人电话和海关报备号给买方查验。After the buyer confirms that the goods are supplied

    16、 by the seller.The ship by Rizhao Port anchorage by China after customs inspection,In a working day in accordance with the sellers instructions to the right to provide the right to the right side of the paymentThe payment capability is not required by the swift to send (买方确认卖方提供的货权资料无误后,船经日照港锚地经中国海关

    17、商检后须在一个工作日内按照卖方指令向货权方提供“付款能力函”。该付款能力函不需要经swift发送()。3.After received and verified the payment capability, Arrangement of the two sides of the place where the right to exchange the right to check each other货权方收到能力函后,安排买卖双方到货权所在地互验手续。4.T/T payment to the sellers designated account within three working

    18、days after CIQ inspection. After received the full payment, Seller will sign the document for the rights of goods exchanging/ assigning. Buyer will have to finish pick up process within 30 days after the title transferred. 买方在CIQ检验合格后三个工作日内T/T付款至卖方指定账户。收齐货款后卖方签署货权交割文件。5.China Inspection Agency (“CIQ

    19、”) is appointed as independent Inspector (cost to be borne by Buyer). If the quality did not match the agreed specification, the both parties should negotiate separately.目的港双方指定的独立复检机构为CIQ,费用由买方承担。品质不符合,双方另行商议。6.Each party will bear its own Banking costs. 各方承担各自的银行费用。7.Should any amendments to the b

    20、ank instrument be requested, once the same has already been issued, and then the party requesting such change will be responsible for the payment of the related costs.如果银行文件需要有任何的修改,由提出修改的一方承担相关费用。CLAUSE 8 - INSPECTION - QUANTITY/QUALITY DETERMINATION条款8检验与数量/品质测定8.1Quantity and quality assessments,

    21、 conducted by an Independent Inspection Company (SGS, SAYBOLT, or INTERTEK , CIQ), shall be in accordance with methods and procedures usually used in the oil industry practice, and however, at all times, shall strictly comply with the revised ASTM/P International standards and procedures enforced at

    22、 the date of compliance.数量和品质的评定,由一独立的测量公司(SGS、SAYBOLT, 或者 INTERTEK, CIQ)按石油行业惯例严格根据美国材料试验标准及国际标准和程序强制性地对每批次的货物依照日程进行检测。 8.2 The quality and quantity of Oil hereunder shall be determined by verification and measurement conducted by Seller or its supplier at the Loading Port; provided that Buyer shal

    23、l be entitled to appoint a recognized independent petroleum inspector of international reputation in the industry (“qualified inspector”) authorized to conduct inspections at the Loading Port. If Buyer so appoints, the verification and measurement shall be conducted by Seller or its supplier under t

    24、he supervision of such qualified inspector at the Loading Port, and the Loading Port shall be deemed to be a Designated Loading Port from the date that Buyer advises Seller that it has appointed the inspector. Reasonable charges rendered by the qualified inspector shall be borne equally by Buyer and

    25、 Seller. On completion of loading, Sellers (or its suppliers) inspector, shall (or, if a qualified inspector has been appointed by Buyer, such qualified inspector with Sellers or its suppliers concurrence shall) (1) prepare and sign certificates stating the quantity and quality, such certificates to

    26、 comprehend standard international practices including measurement of BS&W and API specific gravity; (2) furnish Buyer and Seller each with a copy of such certificates; and (3) cable advice of quality and quantity loaded to Buyer and Seller. The data in the inspectors certificates of quantity and qu

    27、ality prepared and concurred in as provided herein shall, absent fraud or manifest error, be binding and conclusive upon both parties, and shall be used for the invoice and Bill of Lading.原油的数量和品质由卖方或者其的供应商在装载港的查证和测量决定。买方有资格指定在石油行业内有国际名声的、公认的、独立的石油检验员(资格检验员)经授权可在装载港实施检验,如果经买方指定,该资格测量员在装载港的查证和测量应服从卖方

    28、或者其的供货商的管理和监督,并且买方向卖方任命的该检测员所执行作业的该装载港按日程安排是指定的装载港。该资格检测员合理的费用由卖方和买方平均分担。装载完成,卖方(或者是其的供货商)检测员(或者是买方指定的资格检测员与卖方或者是其的供货商共同合作)应:(1)准备和签署数量和品质证明书,该份证明书按标准国际惯例包含有水分和灰度(BS&W)和API比重;(2)向买方和卖方提交该证明书副本;(3)将数量和品质电报通知买方和卖方。检测员的质量和品质证明书中的日期不应有虚假和明显的错误,且是对双方具有约束力的和开具提货单的依据。CLAUSE 9 - CLAIMS/DEMURRAGE条款9索赔/逾期费7.1

    29、In the event that the quality of any one of the delivered batch fails to comply in material aspects with the contractual specifications accordingly reported by the Independent Inspector the Buyers payment shall not be made.如果交付的某一批次货物的品质由独立的检验员报告出与约定规格的材料品级不相符,则买方不予支付。7.2All claims will be done in w

    30、riting and both parties agree to acknowledge such claims by written acceptance thereof.所有的索赔均以书面并经双方同意认可,索赔主张只接受书面形式。CLAUSE 10 - TAXES, OBLIGATIONS AND IMPOSTS/INSURANCE条款10税金,职责与关税/保险10.1SELLER shall be responsible for obtaining all export permits or similar approvals required for the export of oil

    31、; and pay all Harbour and other Port dues, Taxes, charges and dues, levied at the Load Port of BONNY TERMINAL, NIGERIA.卖方有责任获得原油出口所必需的所有出口许可证书或是相当于的批准证书;支付尼日利亚邦尼装载港所有的港口费用、税费等征费。10.2BUYER shall be responsible for obtaining all import permits or similar approvals required for the import of oil; and s

    32、hall pay all Harbour and other Port dues, Taxes, charges and dues, levied at the Discharge Port of Main Port, CHINA.买方有责任获得原油进口所必需的所有进口许可证书或是相当于的批准证书;支付中国卸载港所有的港口费用、税费等征费。CLAUSE 11 - LIABILITY EXEMPTIONS条款11责任免除11.1Neither SELLER nor BUYER shall be liable for failure to perform, any or all of the provisions set out in this contract, if the performance has been delayed, hindered or prevented by reasons that


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