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    1、关于针对双语数学概念上HR Planning System Integration and Upgrading Research of A Suzhou Institution 双语数学概念用语(上)本文来自: 疯狂英语 www.crazyenglish.org 详细出处参考:http:/www.crazyenglish.org/zhuanyeyingyu/kejiao/2009/0310/39990.html(资料引用共享,本站尚未校订)一、 运 算1、各种符号period 句号 ,comma 逗号 :colon 冒号 ;semicolon 分号 !exclamation 惊叹号 ?ques

    2、tion mark 问号 hyphen 连字符 apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号 dash 破折号 single quotation marks 单引号 “ ”double quotation marks 双引号 . ellipsis 省略号 ( ) parentheses 圆括号 square brackets 方括号 French quotes 法文引号;书名号 tandem colon 双点号 ditto 同上 parallel 双线号 virgule 斜线号 ampersand = and swung dash 代字号 section; division 分节号 arrow 箭

    3、号;参见号 plus sign 加号 minus sign 减号 plus 加号;正号 minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号 is divided by 除号 is equal to 等于号 is not equal to 不等于号 = is equivalent to 全等于号 is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 is approximately equal to 约等于号 is less than 小于号 is more than 大于号 is not less than

    4、不小于号 is not more than 不大于号 is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于 is greater than ;小于 is lesser than 大于等于 is equal or greater than ;小于等于 is equal or lesser than 运算符 operator 2. “加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal等词表示。adding the f

    5、ollowing: 求和加 plus(介词.), add(动词), addition(名词) ;被加数 augend, summand ;加数 addend ;和 sum2+3=? 可表示为: How much is two plus three?2+3=5Two plus three is five Two and three are equal to fiveTwo and three make five Two added to three equals fiveIf we add two to/and three, we get fivecommutative property of

    6、addition加法交换率:changing the order of the addends does not change the sum.associative property of addition: If a,b and c are real numbers ,then (a+b)+c=a+(b+c).changing the manner of combining addends doesnt change the sum.3. “减”用 minus或 take from表示 minuend被减数,subtrahend减数 difference差减 minus(介词), subt

    7、ract(动词), subtraction(名词) 106?How much is ten minus six?10-6=4 Ten minus six is fourTake six from ten and the remainder is four.Six (taken) from ten is four十减去六等于四4. “乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示乘 times(介词), multiply(动词), multiplication(名词);被乘数 multiplicand, faciend ;因数factors,乘数 multiplicator; multiplier

    8、;积 product 3X4? How much is three times four?3X4=12 Three times four is twelveMultiply three by four,we get twelveThree multiplied by four makes twelve 三乘以四等于十二In a multiplication equation, these are the two (or more) numbers which are multiplied together.Any number multiplied by 1 is itself.To mult

    9、iply a number by ten, simply add a zero at the end of the original number.0和任何数相乘都得0。Commutative property of multiplication乘法交换率:If a and b are real numbers, then ab=ba,changing the order of the factors does not change the product.Is addition commutative ?Is subtraction commutative ?Is multiplicatio

    10、n commutative ?Is division commutative ?associative property of multiplication结合率:If a,b and c are real numbers ,then a(bc)=(ab)c. changing the grouping of multiplying factors does not change the product.distributive property of multiplication over addition 乘法对加法的分配率:If a,b and c are real numbers ,t

    11、hen a(b+c)=ab+ac.For every real number ”a”:a+0=a.0 is the identity element for addition.For every real number “a”:a1=a. 1 is the identity element for multiplication.5. “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示除 divided by(介词.), divide(动词), division(名词) 可被整除的数 divisible;被整除divided evenly;被除数 dividend ;除数 divisor ;余数remain

    12、der;商 quotient 164=? How much is sixteen divided by four?1644 Sixteen divided by four is fourSixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four6. 表示“n次方”的说法:指数用序数词,底数用基数词。10的7次方 the seventh power of ten(ten to the seventh power)6的10次方 the tenth power of six(six to the tenth power)A zero factor always g

    13、ives a zero product.The product of two real numbers may be 0 only if one factor is 0.Dividing by zero is not difined.a/0 and a0 are not defined.Zero divided by any non-zero real number equals zero .For the pair of numbers ,select the correct symbol (=, greater than or equal to less than approximatel

    14、y equal tonot equal to) fill in the blank.One is less than one hundred.Forty-four is greater than six.Nine equals three times three.7、The order of operations regarding addition, subtraction, multiplication etc运算顺序:1) parentheses: do calculations within grouping symbols such as: (). 2) Multiplication

    15、 &Division from left to right. 3)Addition &Subtraction from left to right.记“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”(括号、指数、乘法、除法、加法、减法)Hint: Remember “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”(parentheses;Exponents;Multiplication;Division;Addition;Subtraction)Express the following, using mathematical phrases:用数学语言

    16、表达1) Ten increased by the product of six and three2) Eight decreased by the quotient of four and two.3) The product of six and five decreased by the sum of eight and four.8、explain how to round numbers.解释如何四舍五入近似值approximation 估算estimation To give an approximate value .即取一个近似值。将一个整数四舍五入到所要求的位数值,若所要求

    17、位数右边的数字小于5,则将其约去,若大于或等于5,则进一位。When rounding a number to a given place value :if the digit to the right of the one given is less than or equal to five ,you round up.Example: round 67 to the nearest tens place .”7”is greater than “5”,so round “67”up to “70”.Round the number 5842 to the nearest hundred

    18、. The four in the tens place is less than five, so you round down to 5800.进位 carry 截尾 truncation 四舍五入 round 下舍入 round down 上舍入 round up 有效数字 significant digit 无效数字 insignificant digit9、验算How can you use multiplication to check the result of a division problem?example:41/9=1) multiply the quotient by

    19、 the divisor4x9=362)add the remainder to the product of item 1 above 36+5=41二、整 数1、数数字 digit;零 null, zero, nought, nil 数 number ;整数 whole number ,integer 正 positive ;正数positive number;正整数positive whole number 负 negative (a number that is less than zero);负数negative number ;非负的nonnegative ;负整数negative

    20、 whole number ;opposite numbers相反数;real numbers实数 ;number line数轴; origin原点Arithmetic算术 algebra代数 geometry几何 generated 旋转 average平均数natural number自然数:The same as a counting number . It is a member of the set 0,1,2,3,4rational number有理数:A number that can be represented by a fraction(分数). This includes

    21、 all terminating and repeating decimals.整数integer:Any positive or negative number or zero. A member of the set ,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,.整数whole numbers :All the “natural numbers” plus zero.irrational number无理数: A non-repeating (无限),non-terminating(不循环) decimal.实数real number:Any rational or irrational numb

    22、er.连续整数consecutive numberCounting(连续的数) or natural numbers(自然数):The numbers you count with.:1,2,3,(etc)Even numbers; even integer,偶数:Whole numbers divisible by two .0,2,4,Odd numbers ;odd integer,奇数 :Whole numbers not divisible by two.prime number质数:A number which has no factors other than itself or

    23、 1.List all of the non-prime numbers(合数) between 15 and 30prime number 质数:A number which has exactly two whole number factors ?one and itself.prime factor质因数:A factor of a number which is also a prime number.49 has factors of 1,7,49.合数Composite number e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15list the digits in our n

    24、umbers system列出数字系统中的阿拉伯数字。There are ten:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9。Combinations of these are used to make up all numbers 这些阿拉伯数字构成了所有的数。、十进制decimal system 二进制 binary system 十六进制 hexadecimal system 一位数1-digit number 两位数2-digit numberlist place values for the following number:123456789列出下面这个数各位数字的位值。Place v

    25、alues tell us by which power of 10 to multiply a digit位值的意思是,一个数的相邻两位之间相差10倍。9ones place个位8tens place十位,8 is in the tens place 7hundreds place 6thousands place5ten thousands place, 5 is in the ten thousands place4100thousands place3millions place210millions place1100millions place亿位3、正负数如何用正负数来表示相反的

    26、情况?How are signed numbers used to represent opposing situations?1) Opposites such as up and down or left and right can be represented by “+”and “-”.If up is represented by “+”, then down can be represented by “-”.2) Even though the distance is represented as +25 and ?15 ,the total miles traveled is

    27、40(25+15).(+25)(-15)3) A deposit or increase is represented as +4) Street level is considered zero .Traveling down one level would be expressed as ?1.将下列正负数按从小到大顺序排列Place these signed numbers in order from most negative to most positive .On a number line the values of negative numbers decrease from

    28、the origin (0) to the left . the values of positive numbers increase from the origin (0) to the right.absolute value绝对值:The distance (always positive)between a number and zero (the origin)on a number line.What is the symbol for absolute value?The symbol x means absolute value of the term x inside.4、

    29、代数expression表达式:A relationship(关系式) represented with numbers and/or symbols.equation等式:A sentence that uses the symbol “=” to stats that the result of the expressions on the left side is the same as the result of the expressions on the right side.inequality不等于:Two numbers that are not equal to each

    30、other. One number may be greater than the other number or less than the other number.Express as an equation列方程式A number increased by six equals 63.What is the number?三、 分 数 fraction3-分子numerator-分数线 fraction stroke or fraction line4-分母denominator1. 分数是由基数词和序数词一起来表示的。基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是“1”以外,其它情况下序数词

    31、都要用复数形式。3/4 three fourths或 three quarters1/3 one third或a third24/25 twenty-four twenty-fifths3 1/4 three and one fourth或 three and one quarter1/2 a half1/4 one quarter或a quarter1 1/2 one and a half1 1/4 one and a quarter2. 当分数后面接名词时,如果分数表示的值大于1,名词用复数;小于1,名词用单数。1 1/2 hours 一个半小时(读作 one and a half hours)2 3/4 meters 二又四分之三米(读作two and three-fourths meters)4/5 meter 五分之四米5/6 inch 六分之五英寸真分数proper fraction ;假分数improper fraction ;带分数mixed number :whole part整数部分;


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