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    1、2012PEP六年级英语下册毕业模拟试题听力部分(40分)(全卷100分 60分钟完卷)听力部分(40分)一图片理解(本题共5分,每小题1分,读两遍) 听录音,选出与你所听到的单词、短语或句子相符的图片。( )1 .A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( ) 4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 二句子理解。(本题共10分,每小题1分,读两遍)(一)听录音,选出与你所听力的句子意思相同或相近的选项。( )6. A. You must read in the sun. B. You mustnt read in the sun. C. Pl

    2、ease read in the sun.( ) 7. A. What will the weather be like ? B. Today is sunny. C. Hows the weather today? ( ) 8. A. Take care of yourself. B.Have a good time. C . Look out. ( ) 9. A. My father often drives his car to work. B. My mother often walks to work . C. My sister often goes to school by bi

    3、ke. ( ) 10 . A.Where are you from? B. Where are you? C.Where do you go? (二)听录音,判断你所听到的句子与所给的图片是()否()相符。 11.( )12.( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 三对话理解(本题共15分,读两遍) (一) 听录音,选出你所听到问句的正确答语。(本题5分,每小题1分) ( )16. A. She likes Friday. B. She likes fall. C. She likes August. ( )17. A. I did my homework. B. I didn

    4、t go to school. C. I went to the supermarket. ( )18.A. I like drawing pictures. B. She like singing and dancing. C. His hobby is playing football. ( )19. A.The same to you . B. Im glad to see you . C.Thank you.( )20. A. Yes, she does. B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes they did.(二) 听小对话,并结合所供问题,选择正确的选项。(本题10分,每

    5、小题2分) 听第一段对话,回答第16小题。 ( )21. Who is heavier?A Tom is heavier. B. I am heavier. C.Tom is lighter.听第二段对话,回答第17小题。( )22 What is Chen Jies mother?A . She is a doctor. B. She is a teacher. C. She is a farmer.听第三段对话,回答第18小题。( )23. What is Sam doing?A . He is playing basketball. B. He likes basketball. C.

    6、He is watching TV.听第四段对话,回答第19-20小题。( )24. Where did Chen Jie go last weekend ?A .She went to the supermarket. B. She went to the park. C. She went to the hospital.( )25. What wiil they do this afternoon?A . They will play basketball. B. They will get the flu. C. The will do sports. 四短文理解。(本题共10分,每小

    7、题2分, 读两遍) 听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子正()误()。( )26. Lucy calls Peter again and again.( )27. The cat cant get down from the tree. ( )28. Peter helps Lucy get the cat down. ( )29. Lucy and her cat run away.( )30. Peter doesnt know how to get down. 笔试部分(60分)五、语音.(本题共5分,每小题1分)找出一个划线部分的读音与其它两个读音不同的单词.( B )31 A

    8、. size B. milk C. library( C ) 32.A. sail B. wait C. said( B ) 33.A.where B. were C. there( A ) 34.A.oranges B. faces C. bikes( C ) 35.A. think B. thick C. their六选择填空 (本题共12分,每小题1分) 根据下面句子意思,从A,B,C三个选项中,选择正确的选项,并把它前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。 ( B )36. The students are working hard their studies . Aon B. at C. i

    9、n( C )37. Our teacher always tells us waste water. A. not B. to not C. not to( C )38. My sister likes books in the evening. But she books yesterday evening.A. reading,read B. reads ,read C. reading ,didnt read ( B )39. Sunday is day of a week in English . A. first B. the first C . the seventh( B )40

    10、.They ofen play football ,but they dont play _ erhu .A. the , / B. / , the C. the , the ( A ) 41. She is in English.A.interested B. interest C. interesting( B )42.There is in the class,is there?.A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody ( C )43. Whats the Chinese Teachers Day.Ato B. in C.for( B )44. She is _

    11、 university student . A . an B . a C.the( C )45There are many in the Middle School.A. men teacher B. man teachers C. men teachers七情景交际。(本题共10分,每小题1分) (一)根据情景,选择正确的答案。( C )46. 当你想请别人照看一下你的朋友时,可以说:_A. Come and help me, please. B. Please look at my friend.C. Could you please look after my friend?( C )4

    12、7. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:_A. Dont read in bed, Xiao Ming. B. Dont be late for school, Xiao Ming.C. Dont play ball in the room, Xiao Ming.( C )48. 当你没听清对方的话,想对方重复一遍时,应该说:_ A. Great! B. Really? C. Pardon?( C )49. If your friend tells you that he has a cold,you may say: _ A.You will be fine soon. B.Its does

    13、nt matter. C.Im sorry to hear that.( A )50.-May I look at your new pencil-box?- _ A.Sure,here you are. B. No,you meednt. C.Yes, you must.(二)根据对话内容,从方框A-G七个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项。A. Please tell Jason that I want to borrow his story book. B.Can I help you ? C. Can I take a message? D. Thanks. Goodbye. E

    14、. Im sorry hes not in. F. This is C speaking. G. OK. Ill tell him. A: Hello, this is A. Is C at home,please?B: _51_EA: Its doesnt matter. Ill call later.B: _52_CA: Yes, please.B: Whats the message?A: _53_ AB: _54_GA: Can you remind him to bring the book to school tomorrow?B: Sure.A: _56_DB: Goodbye.

    15、 八看图填词(本题共10分,每小题2分) 根据所给图片,在横线上写出一个形式正确的英语单词。56Every day Mike sweeps the floor and cleans the bedroom.57. Sarah likes listening to music and John likes drawing pictures58.This is a school, its not a hospital59.Her birthday is in spring. 60.Last weekend I went to the Great Wall with my parents九句型转换.

    16、(本题共10分,每小题2分)61Mr. Green is our English teacher .(同义句) Mr. Green teaches us English .62Those dictionaries are ours.(改为单数句) This dictionary is mine.63. There are some cars on the road.(变一般疑问句)Are there any cars on the road?64 . He likes making planes.(对划线部分提问)What is his hobby?65. You can turn right

    17、 at the hospital.(改为否定祈使句) Dont turn right at the hospital.十词汇填空。(本题共5分,每小题1分)根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。66. Summer is the hottest (hot) season of the year.67. Thank you for giving(give)me the book .68. There will/is going to be(be)a meeting tomorrow .69.Lucy wants to be a singer (sing) in the future.70

    18、.Help yourself (you)to some apples,boys and girls.十一阅读理解。(本题共10分,每小题2分) Nancy likes to take a walk in the park on the weekends. Now she is taking a walk with her good friend Yang Ling. There are many different public signs (标记)in the park. Nancy knows a lot about them. Suddenly she sees a short man

    19、walking on the grass. She points to the sign and says to him: “ Sir, Look at the sign! You cant walk on the grass.” The man smiles and says: “ Youre right young men. But Im the keep park. I look after the grass. Im picking up the garbage on it.”(一)阅读上面短文,根据段位内容,判断下列句子正确()或错误().( )71. Perhaps it is Monday.( )72. Nancy and Yang Ling are in the park.( )73. The short man is taking a walk on the grass.(二)阅读上面短文,根据短文内容,在下面各句横线上写出一个符合短文内容、形势正确的英语单词74.The short man is the park cleaner. 75. The word “garbage” in Chinese means _垃圾_


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