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    全国通用中考英语总复习 8动词及动词短语 同步配套练习2.docx

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    全国通用中考英语总复习 8动词及动词短语 同步配套练习2.docx

    1、全国通用中考英语总复习 8动词及动词短语 同步配套练习 2专题八动词及动词短语动词词义辨析一、词形转换1. (2017临沂)Mary and Tony are a pair of pet pigs. The two have recently got a special license so that their _ can take them for a walk.(own)2. (2017盐城)At the _ of the concert, Tan Dun played a piece of music with water. (begin)3. (2017烟台)The artist d

    2、oesnt paint for money but for his own _. (please)4. (2017玉溪红塔区模拟)A good friend is a good _. Lets make more good friends. (listen)5. (2017曲靖一模)Kang Jian realized that Americans could hardly avoid _ products made in China. (buy)6. (2018原创)In my opinion, doing some proper homework is necessary and_. (h

    3、elp)7. (2018原创)Smoking is _ to teenagers. We should keep away from it.(harm)8. (2018原创)Email, as well as telephone, is playing an important part in our daily _. (communicate)9. (2018原创)It is said that the boy took a parttime job as a_. (wait)10. (2018原创)It took the_ a month to get to the foot of the

    4、 mountain.(climb)11. (2018原创)You should check your answers carefully before_ in your test paper. (hand)12. (2018原创)As a great_, Thomas Edison made a difference to our life. (invent)13. (2018原创)I am not satisfied with the service here. I want to speak to the _. (manage)14. (2018原创)The teacher asked m

    5、e to write an_ to my paper. But I didnt know how to start. (introduce)15. (2018原创)The old film always can _ us many memories. (bring)16. (2018原创)I really enjoy_ when I am in a party. (dance)17. (2018预测)The flowers need_. Lets water them. (water)18. (2018预测)Linda was so careless that she cut her fing

    6、er by a piece of_ glass. (break)19. (2018预测)Emily is very_ about winning the first prize in the English speech. (excite)20. (2018预测)It is_ that he finished the difficult task by himself. (believe)二、短语翻译1. (2017曲靖一模)In Western countries, teenagers are allowed to _ at the age of eighteen. (搬出去)2. (201

    7、7曲靖麒麟区二模)As teenagers, we should do what we can _to improve our environment.(采取行动)3. (2017玉溪红塔区模拟)I should believe that anything is possible if we _. (努力学习)4. (2018原创)My father suggests that we should _ for a change this weekend. (出去吃)5. (2018原创)I get up at six every morning, and_ at seven. (吃早餐)6(2

    8、018原创)I think_ can bring us more advantages than disadvantages. Pets are just like our friends. (养宠物)7. (2018原创)The teacher warned the pupils not to _ on the thin ice. (滑冰)8. (2018原创)I couldnt help laughing when Lin Tao _ in class. (做鬼脸)9. (2018原创)I think its a great idea that now people should _ pl

    9、astic bags in some stores. (付款)10. (2018原创)Tommy is a clever boy and quick at thinking. He can always _ correctly in class. (回答问题)11. (2018原创)We should neither_ onto the ground nor spit in public places. (扔垃圾)12. (2018原创)I find it necessary to _ the custom of a country before you go there. (了解)13. (

    10、2018预测)Students should_ listening to the teacher in class. (注意)14. (2018预测)Lets ask Michael for help. I think he can _ a good idea about how to deal with this problem. (想出)15. (2018预测)Clare used to collect cards, but now she likes to_. (集邮)三、单项填空1. (2017重庆A卷)There are so many fish swimming in the po

    11、ol. They _ very happy. A. taste B. smell C. sound D. look2. (2017天津)When you break the rules, you should _ to your teacher. A. apologize B. introduce C. expect D. compare3. (2017 安徽)It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development. A. cut B. hide C. refuse D. satisfy4. (2017

    12、连云港)The newlyopened company _ the local people with more chances to work. A. gives B. provides C. offers D. shows5. (2017淮安)How long can a person _ a shared bike(共享单车) for free in Nanjing?For an hour. A. keep B. get C. borrow D. lend6. (2017扬州)What are you reading?A book about a baseball player. Thi

    13、s guy was well _ for his devotion to charity work. A. enjoyed B. respected C. behaved D. expected7. (2017青岛)These oranges look nice, but _ very sour. A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look8. (2017滨州改编)As a teacher, I really feel worried to see so many students _ glasses.A. wearing B. dressing C. putting

    14、on D. being in9. (2017襄阳改编)Great! Our womens volleyball team _ the gold medal in Rio Olympic Games on Saturday!Yes. We see the great spirit of Chinese womens volleyball team once again!A. won B. beat C. lost D. missed10. (2017昆明五华区一模)We can _ a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after

    15、 it. A. guess B. admire C. repeat D. review11. (2018原创)Did you _ WeChats online red packet activity during the Spring Festival?Of course. A. join B. share C. play D. have12. (2018原创)This kind of silk_ soft and smooth. I would like to make a dress with it. A. smells B. sounds C. feels D. tastes13. (2

    16、018原创)Since the roads are very terrible, the journey _ me a long time. A. cost B. took C. paid D. spent14. (2018原创)Trust is the easiest thing in the world to_, so never try lying to the people who trust us. A. lose B. share C. expect D. afford15. (2018原创)Look at this beautiful picture. Under the blu

    17、e sky, the white snow _ the green mountains. A. hides B. covers C. reaches D. crosses16. (2018原创)Tom, lets hang out after school. Sorry. I have _ Frank to work on the biology report with him. A. advised B. expected C. promised D. allowed17. (2018原创)Susan _ to wear clothes made of cotton. She thinks

    18、they are very comfortable. A. dares B. prefers C. hates D. scares18. (2018原创)I cant find my keys! How can we enter the house?Maybe you _ them in the car. A. caught B. forgot C. took D. left19. (2018原创)If everyone _ his love to others, the world will be more beautiful. A. values B. loses C. gives D.

    19、ignores20. (2018原创)The famous singer _ money for the homeless people last week. A. kept B. borrowed C. raised D. saved21. (2018原创)What kind of music do you like?Well, I like soft music. It _ nice. A. tastes B. looks C. feels D. sounds22. (2018原创)Teachers should _ their students to practice speaking

    20、English as much as possible so that they can improve their oral English. A. encourage B. introduce C. make D. keep23. (2018原创)Well go to plant trees next week. Great! Planting trees is of great fun. Id like to _ you. A. follow B. visit C. invite D. meet24. (2018原创)Knowing how to_ a map can help you

    21、when you are traveling in a strange place. A. read B. watch C. look D. see25. (2018原创)I would like to take this chance to _ my thanks to you, Miss Liu. Thanks for your help. A. invent B. express C. describe D. explain26. (2018原创)Sometimes life isnt as perfect as we_. We must accept the disappointmen

    22、t in life, but we should never lose heart. A. imagine B. finish C. mind D. know27. (2018原创)Lucy, put your medicine in a higher place, so your younger sister cant _ it. A. reach B. receive C. refuse D. arrive28. (2018预测)Congratulations! You are _ to be a volunteer to the Childrens Home. Thank you. Il

    23、l try my best to help the disabled children. A. chosen B. refused C. made D. wished29. (2018预测)I usually _ about two hours reading books every day, because reading enriches my mind. A. cost B. pay C. take D. spend 30. (2018预测)Would you please help me repair the computer now?Sorry. Im too busy and I

    24、dont even have a minute to_. A. spare B. think C. understand D. know动词短语1. (2017重庆A卷)No one can be right all the time. When people make mistakes, we shouldnt_them. A. wait for B. send forC. knock at D. laugh at2. (2017河南)Dont know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the Internet and theyll_ q

    25、uickly. A. get up B. stand upC. show up D. hurry up3. (2017泰安)Oh, my God! I have_five pounds. Dont worry. Its normal for a growing teenage girl. A. put up B. put offC. put on D. put down4. (2017广西四市)You should _ your shoes before you enter the dance room.A. take off B. put off C. get off D. fall off

    26、5. (2017荆州)Whats the news about?People near the lake didnt allow them to _ a factory so as not to pollute the water. A. look up B. put upC. take up D. set up6. (2017襄阳)In a soccer game, its important for players to play together and _ the best in each other. A. hand out B. leave outC. bring out D. t

    27、ake out7. (2017岳阳改编)The government of China _ the idea of A Belt and A Road in 2013.A. came up with B. cheered upC. put up D. pick up 8. (2017昆明五华区一模)I am afraid we just _ paper. Thats too bad. Let me get some more now. A. warmed up B. brought upC. ate up D. used up9. (2017盘龙区一模)Why does she look so

    28、 tired today?It is because she_ late last night to prepare for the test. A. set up B. stayed upC. got up D. put up10. (2017昆明官渡区一模)Lets listen to the weather report. OK. Could you _ the TV a little? I cant hear clearly. A. turn on B. turn offC. turn up D. turn down11. (2017大理统考)Its necessary for the

    29、 phubbers(低头族) to _ the time they spend on their smart phones. A. cut off B. cut inC. cut down D. cut up12. (2017曲靖一模)Mom, what should I do next?Please help me _ all the clothes on the bed. A. come out B. try outC. work out D. lay out13. (2018原创)A true friend will never_ from you when youre in trouble. A. take away B. run awayC. put away D. give away 14. (2018原创)The whole family _ the missing dog for several days,but they couldnt find it anywhere. A. waited for B. looked for C. cared for D. left for 15. (2018原创)Tell me the t


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