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    国际金融 专业词汇.docx

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    国际金融 专业词汇.docx

    1、国际金融 专业词汇专业词汇第一章 国际收支与国际收支平衡表国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund,IMF 国际收支 Balance of Payment国际收支平衡表 Balance of Payments Statement国际借贷 Balance of International Indebtedness顺差 Favorable BalanceDeficit 逆差 Unfavorable Balance (Surplus)经常账户 Current Account 非货币性黄金 Nonmonetary Gold贸易差额 Trade balance 职工报酬

    2、pensation of Employees投资收益 Investment Ine无形贸易 Invisible Trade经常转移 Current Transfers 单方面转移 Unilateral Transfers无偿转移 Unrequited Transfers资本和金融账户 Capital and Financial Account平衡项目 Balancing Account 直接投资 Direct Investment证券投资 Portfolio Investment调节性项目 Acmodating Transactions官方储藏资产 Official Reserve Asset

    3、s 特别提款权 SDRs (Special Drawing Rights)错误与遗漏 Errors and Omissions 贸易差额 TradeBalance经常项目差额 Balance of Current Account根本差额 Basic Balance综合差额 Over-all Balance第二章 国际收支失衡与其调节季节性失衡 Accidental Disequilibrium周期性失衡 Cyclical Disequilibrium结构性失衡 Structure Disequilibrium货币失衡 Monetary Disequilibrium收入性失衡Ine Disequ

    4、ilibrium冲击性失衡Shock Disequilibrium自动调节机制 Automatic Adjustment Mechanism调节政策 Adjustment Polices自动价风格节机制 Automatic Price Adjustment Mechanism货币价格流动机制 Price Specie-Flow Mechanism再贴现率 Rediscount Rate自动收入调节机制 Automatic Ine Adjustment Mechanism自动利率调节机制 Automatic Interest Adjustment Mechanism支出改变政策 Expendit

    5、ure-changing policies外汇管制 Foreign exchange control支出转换政策 Expenditure-switching policies内部均衡 Internal balance外汇缓冲政策Foreign exchange cushion policies外部均衡 External balance米德冲突Meades Conflict弹性论Elasticities Approach马歇尔勒纳条件 Marshall-Lerner Condition时滞 Time LagJ曲线效应 J Cure乘数论Multiplier Approach收入分析理论 Ine

    6、Approach小国开放经济Small Open Economy对外贸易乘数 Foreign Trade Multiplier开放经济乘数 Open Economy Multiplier哈伯格条件 Harberger Condition吸收论Absorption Approach支出分析法 Expenditure Approach闲置资源效应Idle Resource Effect贸易条件效应 Terms of Trade Effect现金余额效应 Real Cash Balance Effect收入再分配效应Redistribution of Ine Effect货币幻觉效应Money Il

    7、lution Effect其他直接效应Miscellaneous direct Absorption Effect货币论 Monetary Approach一价定律 Law of Price结构论 Structural Approach第三章 国际储藏国际储藏 International reserve 国际清偿力International liquidity 黄金储藏Gold Reserves 货币性黄金Monetary Gold 黄金非货币化Demonetization of Gold 外汇储藏Foreign Exchange Reserves 储藏货币Reserve Currency 在

    8、基金组织的储藏头寸Reserve Position in Fund 普通提款权General Drawing Rights 特别提款权Special Drawing Rights,SDRs 多种货币储藏体系Multiple Currency Reserve System第四章 外汇、汇率和汇率制度外汇 Foreign Exchange 汇率 Exchange Rate 黄金输送点 Gold Points黄金平价Gold Parity直接标价法Direct Quotation System 间接标价法Indirect Quotation System汇率制度 Exchange Rate Syst

    9、em法定贬值 Devaluation法定升值 Revaluation固定汇率制 Fixed Rate System浮动汇率制 Floating Rate System自由浮动 Free Floating管理浮动 Managed Floating稳定性投机 Stabilizing Speculation非稳定性投机 Destabilizing Speculation爬行钉住制 Crawling Pegging System汇率目标区 Exchange Rate Target-zone货币局制 Currency Board System第五章 西方汇率理论国际借贷说Theory of Intern

    10、ational Indebtedness购置力平价说Theory of Purchasing Power Parity,PPP利率平价理论 The interest rate parity货币主义的汇率理论Theory of Currency Exchange Rates资产组合平衡理论Theory of Portfolio Balance Approach第六章 外汇交易根底外汇市场 Foreign Exchange Market外汇经纪人 Foreign Exchange Broker客户市场 Customer Markets同业市场 Inter-bank Markets 多头 Long

    11、Position空头 Short Position即期外汇交易 Spot Exchange Transaction营业日 Working Day 交割日 Delivery Date 远期外汇交易 Forward Exchange Transaction直接报价法 Outright Forward Method掉期率 Swap Rate远期套算汇率 Forward Cross Rate定期远期交易 Fixed Date Forwards择期远期交易 Optional Date Forwards买空 Bull卖空 Bear掉期交易 Swap Transaction一日掉期 One-Day Swap

    12、即期对远期的掉期交易 Spot Against Forward Swaps远期对远期的掉期交易 Forward Against Forward Swaps套汇 Arbitrage直接套汇 Direct Arbitrage间接套汇 Indirect Arbitrage套利交易 Interest Arbitrage Transaction抛补套利 Covered Interest Arbitrage非抛补套利 Uncovered Interest Arbitrage第七章 外汇期货与期权交易佣金经纪人mission Broket 开仓Opening 对冲交易Reversing Transition

    13、 外汇期货 Foreign exchange futures 清算所 Clearing house商业交易者 mercial trader 基差交易者Basic traders差价交易者Spread traders 头寸交易者Position traders帽客 Scalpers 当日轧平头寸交易者 Day trader市价定单 Market order 限价定单 Limit order到价定单 Spot order 跨国套利定单Saddle order换月定单 Switch order 公开叫价 Open outcry 保证金制度M Margin system 原始保证金Initial ma

    14、rgin维持保证金Maintenance margin 变动保证金 Variation margin逐日盯市制制度 Market to market daily 套期保值 Hedge 空头套期保值Short hedge 多头套期保值Long hedge外汇期权 Currency options期权价格 Option price行使期权 Exercise option看涨期权 Call option看跌期权 Put option美式期权American option欧式期权European option协定价格 Strike price内在价值 Intrinsic value时间价值 Time

    15、value现汇期权 Option on spot foreign currency外汇期货期权 Option on foreign currency futures期货式期权Futures style option平均汇率期权Average rate options平均协定汇率期权 Average strike option期权的期权 Option on an option回头期权 Lookback option或有期权 Contingent option被担保的汇率期权Guaranteed exchange rate option互换期权 Swaption买入看涨期权 Buy call op

    16、tion卖出看涨期权Sell caIl option买入看跌期权Buy put option卖出看跌期权 Sell put option第八章 金融互换交易平行贷款 Parallel Loan对等贷款 Back-to-Back loan互换交易Swap Transaction利率互换Interest Rate Swaps货币互换Currency Swaps 名义本金 Notional Principal 伦敦银行同业拆放利率 LIBOR国债收益率 Treasure Note Yield基点 Basic Point利差 Spread 比拟优势The parative Advantage互换仓库

    17、Swap Warehouse市场风险 Market Risk信用风险 Credit Risk第九章 外汇风险与其管理外汇风险 Foreign exchange risk, 交易风险 Transaction risk 会计风险 Translation risk经济风险 Economic risk 保值 Hedge应付帐款保值Payables hedge应收帐款保值Receivables hedge 远期合约 Forward contract期货合约保值Future hedge期权交易保值Currency option hedge 硬货币Hard currency软货币 Soft currency

    18、 货币市场法Money market hedge 定价 Pricing第十章 国际金融市场国际金融市场International financial market 国际货币市场 International money market国际资本市场International capital market 外汇市场 Foreign exchange market 欧洲货币Euro currency 欧洲银行Euro bank 欧货币市场Euro currency market 离岸金融市场 Off-shore financial market国际银行设施IBF 在岸金融市场 On shore fina

    19、ncial market国际债券 International bonds 外国债券 Foreign bonds 欧洲债券Euro bonds 全球债券 Global bonds 浮动利率债券 Floating rate bonds与股权联系债券 Equity related bonds双币债券 Dual-curreny bonds中期票据 Medium-term notes, MTN国际股票市场International stock market 美国存托凭证ADR 全球化 Globalization 证券化 Securitization 金融自由化Financial deregulation

    20、第十一章 国际融资实务无抵押贷款Unsecured loans 打包放款Packing list票据信贷 Bill credit 保付代理业务International Factoring信贷风险 Credit risk 预支货款 Advance funds到期保付代理业务Maturity Factoring 保付代理手续费mission of Factoring卖方信贷 Suppliers credit 买方信贷Buyers credit混合贷款Mixed credit 信用限额Line of Credit银团贷款Consortium Loan 福费廷Forfeiting无追索权 Non-r

    21、ecourse有限追索权Limited-recourse主办单位Sponsor项目单位Project entity设备供给商Supplier托管人Trustee可行性研究Feasibility study经济可行性Economic viability国际租赁 International Lease 金融租赁 Finance Lease 完全付清租赁 Full Pay-Out Lease 经营租赁 Operating Lease 杠杆租赁 Leverage Lease 回租租赁Sale and Back Lease第十二章 国际资本流动与国际金融危机国际资本流动 InternationalCap

    22、italFlow所有权特定优势Ownership Specific Advantage内部化优势 Internalization Advantage区位优势 Location Specific Advantage贸易渠道传染 Trade Channel Infection恐慌性传染 Panicky Infection补偿性传染 pensation Infection外债 International Debt负债率 Liability Ratio债务率 Foreign Debt Ratio偿债率 Debt Service Ratio国际债务危机 International Debt Crisis

    23、国际货币危机International Monetary Crisis第十三章 国际货币体系与国际金融机构国际货币体系International Monetary System金本位制 Gold Standard价格铸币流动机制 Price-specie-flow Mechanism布雷顿森林体系 Bretton Woods System特里芬两难 Triffin Dilemma黄金总库 Gold Pool借款总安排 General Agreement to Borrow黄金双价制 The System of Dual Price of Gold牙买加体系 Jamaiga System国际货币基金组织International monetary Fund份额 Quota信托基金 Trust Fund世界银行集团 World Bank Group


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