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    1、初中英语七年级下仁爱科普版习题精选第九十八篇2019-2020年初中英语七年级下仁爱科普版习题精选第九十八篇 第1题【单选题】 May I have a look at this box, Kangkang? _A、Sorry, Im afraid you can.B、Sorry, Im afraid you cant.C、Thank you very much.D、Thank you all the same.【答案】:【解析】: 第2题【单选题】My birthday is _ January and Lin Xiaos birthday is _ March 26th.A、in;atB、

    2、in;onC、on;inD、on;at【答案】:【解析】: 第3题【单选题】How _ your weekend?It _ great. But I _ tired now.A、is, was; wasB、was; was; amC、was; is; amD、is; is, was【答案】:【解析】: 第4题【单选题】My mothers birthday is coming. I want to buy _ a gift.A、herB、heC、himD、she【答案】:【解析】: 第5题【单选题】October comes before_and after_.A、September; Nov

    3、emberB、September; AugustC、December; SeptemberD、November; September【答案】:【解析】: 第6题【单选题】 What do you use the computer _? I use it to study English.A、toB、atC、forD、/【答案】:【解析】: 第7题【单选题】 _ It is August 1st.A、What was the date?B、When is today?C、Whats the date today?D、What day is it today?【答案】:【解析】: 第8题【单选题】

    4、_ is your teachers desk?About 150 centimeters.A、 How farB、How manyC、How muchD、How long【答案】:【解析】: 第9题【单选题】Would you like to see the movieWolf Warriors with me?Yes, _.A、Id loveB、Id love toC、I likeD、I would【答案】:【解析】: 第10题【填空题】Maria usually does some _ (wash) after school.【答案】:【解析】: 第11题【填空题】Kangkang of

    5、ten goes to Beihai Park and _ (take photos) there. They are very beautiful.【答案】:【解析】: 第12题【填空题】Where _(be)Meimei born? In Beijing.【答案】:【解析】: 第13题【填空题】I _ (be sure) my friends will come to the party tomorrow.【答案】:【解析】: 第14题【填空题】 Its a _ (sun) day today. Lets go for a picnic. Good idea!【答案】:【解析】: 第15题

    6、【阅读理解】根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)Betty loved only one thing in lifechocolates. She enjoyed every kind, like chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream(冰淇淋)and so on.On Bettys birthday, her best friend, Lisa, wanted to prepare(准备) her dinner at a restaurant.“Well, today is my birthday and I can order anything, right?

    7、”Betty asked Lisa.“I guess so,” said Lisa, “But you shouldnt eat too much.”At the restaurant, Betty ate a lot of chocolates and a large box of chocolate ice cream. When the dinner ended, she didnt look well.“You surely ate a lot!”Lisa said to her.“I know, but now I need something else.”Betty said.“W

    8、hat? More chocolate?”Lisa asked.“No, a doctor.” Betty said, “Im not feeling(觉得)well.”Bettys favorite food is _.A、cakeB、ice creamC、breadD、chocolatesBetty wanted to see _after dinner.A、her motherB、best friendC、a doctorD、a restaurantHow was Betty after dinner?A、She was fine.B、She was not well.C、She was

    9、 happy.D、We dont know.Which of the following is NOT true?A、Betty only ate a big cake for dinner.B、Lisa took Betty to dinner.C、Betty and Lisa had dinner at a restaurant.D、It was Bettys birthday.From the passage(短文), we can know _.A、Lisa is not Bettys best friendB、on Bettys birthday, Lisa bought Betty

    10、 a cakeC、Betty ate too much chocolate on her birthdayD、Betty needed something else to eat【答案】:【解析】: 第16题【阅读理解】根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)December 21st is Beckys fourteenth birthday. When she gets home after school, she sees her parents in the living room. They both say to her, “Happy birthday, dear! We have a

    11、 present for you. Go and look for it in your bedroom. ”Becky runs to her bedroom. There is a red box on her desk. There is a card in it. The girl takes it out and reads,“Dear Becky, Im your present. My first three letters are in the word(单词)come. My last two letters are in the word water. My middle(

    12、中间的) three letters are in the word put. What am I?”Becky thinks hard and then says,“Thank Dad and Mom. I know what it is, but where is it?”Her father and mother tell her to go to her study. There, on the desk she finds her new present.Becky is _ years old.A、13B、14C、15D、16Who gives the present to Bec

    13、ky?A、Her parents.B、Her grandparents.C、Her aunts.D、We dont know.Whats in the red box on her desk?A、Letters.B、A present.C、A card.D、Some words.Where is Beckys present?A、On the desk in her bedroom.B、In the living room.C、In her parents study.D、On the desk in her study.The present for Beckys birthdays is

    14、_.A、a cardB、a boxC、a computerD、a letter【答案】:【解析】: 第17题【阅读理解】根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(A)Bob is eleven years old. One day, his friend Jenny said to him, “Im going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Bob, can you come?”Bob asked his mother, and his mother said, “Yes, you can go.” On Saturday afternoon, his mot

    15、her said to him again, “Now, Bob, when you go to the party, you must be polite(礼貌的), and dont ask for food until someone gives it to you. ”“All right, Mom.” Bob said, and he went to Jennys house by bike.There were many children at the party. They played games for about an hour, and then Jennys mothe

    16、r gave them some food, but she forgot Bob and didnt give him any. After a long time, he took up his plate(盘子)and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”How old is Bob?A、Nine.B、Ten.C、Eleven.D、We dont know.When was the birthday party?A、On Saturday.B、On Sunday.C、On Friday.D、On Monday.How di

    17、d Bob go to Jennys house?A、On foot.B、By taxi.C、On his bike.D、By boat.Whose birthday is it?A、Bobs.B、Bobs mothers.C、Jennys mothers.D、Jennys.Why did Bob take up his plate?A、Because he wanted others to look at his clean plate.B、Because he had a nice clean plate.C、Because he wanted some food.D、Because hi

    18、s plate was very clean.【答案】:【解析】: 第18题【句型转换】When is your birthday?(同义句)_?【答案】:【解析】: 第19题【句型转换】Mary often buys some cakes for her mom. (改为同义句)Mary often buys_.【答案】:【解析】: 第20题【句型转换】birthday,Jims,is,fathers,when(连词成句)【答案】:【解析】: 第21题【句型转换】The computer is about 35 centimeters wide. (对画线部分提问)_is the compu

    19、ter?【答案】:【解析】: 第22题【句型转换】Today is June 2nd. (对划线部分提问)_?_?_today?【答案】:【解析】: 第23题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Jim plans to have a birthday _(晚会) on Sunday.【答案】:【解析】: 第24题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】How do you plan to_(庆祝) your birthday?【答案】:【解析】: 第25题【书面表达】根据提示写一篇50个词左右的短文。要求内容贴切, 句意通顺, 无语法错误。提 示:Lucy和Lily是双胞胎(twins), 她们现在11岁了。5岁时, Lucy会骑自行车、打网球(play tennis)、写字, 但Lily不会。Lily会游泳、唱歌、读故事书(story books)。现在她们都学会了跳迪斯科、芭蕾。她们是一对好姐妹。【答案】:【解析】:


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