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    1、甘肃省兰州市七中九年级上学期英语阶段检测题无答案九年级上学期阶段检测题3姓名_分数_一、单项选择1. If you successfully complete a difficult task _ hard work, youll become confident.A. by B. through C. with D. in2. You have to be 18 years old before you are to drive a car.A. allowed B. promised C. accepted D. spared3. Have you heard that Song Zhon

    2、gji married Song Hye Kyo ?Yes, The film “Descendants of the Sun”(太阳的后裔) brought them to the _of us.A. attention B. celebration C. introduction D. organization 4. Which of the two shirts would you like? _. I dont like their styles.A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither5. As far as I know, China is gett

    3、ing better at making high-technology products.Thats right, people around the world can hardly avoid _ products made in China. A. buying B. to buy C. to buying D. buy6. Parents will _their children _making friends when they attend junior high .A. strict with; with B. be strict with; in C. be strict i

    4、n; with D. strict in; with7. Wow! The meat in the plate produced a nice smell. It must _ delicious.A. smell B. look C. taste D. feel8. Tan Dun has an amazing gift for art and his music is well worth _.A. being listened to B. listen to C. listening to D. to listen to9. Jones parents advised him _ alo

    5、ud to improve his poor pronunciation.A. not to read B. to read C. read D. reading10. If you are feeling stressed, you should .A. shout at people B. keep quietC. share your problem with somebody D. only keep it to yourself11. It says that there will be rain this coming summer.A. a great many B. a num

    6、ber ofC. a great deal D. a great deal of12. Dad, could you tell me _ from London? I miss her very much.Next week, I think.A. when will Mum come back B. when would Mum come backC. when Mum will come back D. how long Mum will come back 13. Many students dont know how to _ shyness and stress, they beca

    7、me worried easily. A. talk with B. deal with C. come up with D. pull down14. 一So many teenagers are sitting in the stands. will the speech begin?一 nine thirty.A. How soon; Not until B. How long; Not untilC. How soon; Until D. How long; Until15. Many people think women are better at cooking than men

    8、. _.Most top cooks in the world are men .A. I agree B. Exactly C. Not at all D. That s not the case二、完形填空Have you ever thought of your purpose in life? If you dont, you have to think about it seriously. You will lose yourself if you 1 to know what you really want in your life.Here are some 2 about t

    9、aking steps towards finding your lifes purpose. Firstly, make a 3 of the things you do for fun, including some jobs that you prefer, your hobbies and so on. Imagine youre a millionaire with no worries about money, how would you choose to 4 your time? Add those things 5 the list, even if you dont do

    10、them at present. This list is about your passions(热情)the things that you would do 6 for the pleasure they give you. Then 7 the names of people you admire most, and the reasons why they attract you. You might admire an inventor for his love for creating something 8 . Or you might admire an actress fo

    11、r always being true to herself. Take these admirations of others 9 a way for you to live in the world. Finally, make a list of the things you do naturally without thinking about them. Such talents may be an eye for detail or a great sense of humor. Some people are 10 at math or music, but there are

    12、plenty of other types of talents as well. Its better for us to use our talents for our life purpose.1. A. fail B. need C. decide D. want2. A. advantages B. activities C. suggestions D. systems3. A. survey B. list C. note D. record4. A. send B. spend C. cost D. save5. A. into B. outside C. over D. aw

    13、ay6. A. possibly B. hardly C. properly D. simply7. A. talk about B. ask for C. write down D. dream of8. A. awful B. boring C. old D. new9. A. as B. in C. from D. by10. A. good B. shy C. strict D. angry三、阅读理解ADay 1Activities: On arrival, your guide will take you to your hotel and give you some tips o

    14、n local restaurants. You can do some shopping nearby. The rest of the day is free.Meals: dinnerDay 2Activities: After breakfast, start at Tiananmen Square, the worlds largest public square, and The Forbidden City, a living place for emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties. After lunch, visit the Temple

    15、of Heaven, where the emperors prayed. In the evening, enjoy a good show of Shaolin Kungfu.Meals: three mealsDay 3Activities: After breakfast, drive to the Great Wall. Besides, take a walk in the worlds biggest Olympic Park, like Birds Nest and Water Cube. Finally visit the Summer Palace, the most be

    16、autiful garden in China. Have a boat ride on the lake, enjoying the beautiful view. Meals: three mealsDay 4Activities: Free until you are to the airport. If time permits, you can go to the famous Xiushui Street(silk market). It is a good place to shop for Chinese goods and souvenirs.Meals: breakfast

    17、1. Which meal is served on the first day?A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Dinner. D. Three meals.2. What can you visit on the second day?A. The Great Wall and the Forbidden City. B. The Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall. C. Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace.D. The Forbidden City and the Temple of H

    18、eaven.3. According to the form, where is a good place to shop for Chinese goods and souvenirs ?A. Tiananmen Square B. The Forbidden City C. Xiushui Street D. the Summer Palace4. The passage is most likely to be taken from .A. a travel guide B. an instruction C. a newspaper D. an advertisementB The C

    19、hina Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (中国扶贫基金会) has started a program to hire and train 100 local women as substitute mothers (替代妈妈) to take care of left-behind children. The three-year program will select 100 villages across Sichuan Province and hire one woman for each village. “It is a model to

    20、solve the problem of left-behind children,” said Liu Wenkui, secretary of the foundation. The “substitute mothers” will do parents job, finding out what the children need and helping them with problems. Each substitute mother will take care of about 300 to 500 children. There will be a “childrens ho

    21、me” in each village to be the mothers office and childrens playing space. Their job is to provide quick service and discover the childrens problems. The program hopes to hire women aged 19 to 55 years old from the villages. “We want to hire full-time mothers to make sure they wont think about other

    22、work,” Liu said. “We want local women because they understand local languages and cultures.” The program in Sichuan is an experiment, and Liu said, “If it is a successful model, we will start it in the whole country.” “If parents are forced to leave home to earn a living and unable to take their chi

    23、ldren with them, we are looking for a transitional (过渡的) way to solve the problem,” he added.5. How long will the program last?A. Three months. B. A year. C. Three years. D. Ten years.6. Who is possible to be a substitute mother?A. A girl at the age of 18. B. A woman with a part-time job.C. A man fr

    24、om the local village D. A woman who knows local language.7. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. A substitute mother plays a role of parents.B. Each substitute mother will take care of about 300 to 500 children.C. Each village will have a “childrens home”.D. The childrens parents will pay f

    25、or the substitute mother.8. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Left-behind Childrens Problems B. Substitute Mothers in VillagesC. Left-behind Womens Problems D. Substitute Children in VillagesCCan you remember the day when you spoke your first word? If you can, you are unusual. Try to imagine w

    26、hat first few months of your life were like. I am sure you just spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying. As you grew older, you were awake more of the time. Ittook your parents more time to play with you and talk to you. You watched and listened curiously. You began to know that people m

    27、ade certain sounds to go with certain things.Then you began to try making the sounds you heard. And step by step, you were able to make the right sound for one thing. On that day you came to understand the secret of language: a certain sound means a certain thing. When a group of people use the same

    28、 set of sounds of things, They can understand each other. Then, and only then, these people have a LANGUAGE.After you found the secret of language, you learned words. Some of the words meant things , such as BOOKS CHAIRS and SHOES. Some words meant doing things, such as GO and SWIM. And other words

    29、described things, such as GOOD and DIRTY. Soon you learned to put words together to express ones idea, such as I want to go out and play with my friends.” This islanguage. Bymeans of language, people can communicate.So we say languages are means of communication.9. can remember the day when .A. One;

    30、 he spoke his first word B. No one; he spoke his first wordC. Most people; they spoke their first words D. Everyone; they spoke their first words10. When you were a little baby,you .A. made sounds to let people know that you wanted to eatB. spent most of your time playing with your parentsC. could not hear any sound around you ,D. spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying11. The secret of language is that .A. one sound might be as good as anotherB. people can understand each otherC. a certain sound is for a certain thingD. there is a special sound for each person12. You could lea


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