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    1、完整word版高三英语单选题10套附答案最新高三英语单选题10套【附答案】第一套21. Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you or withdraw money any time you like. A. deposit B. promote C. recover D. attain 22. The notes for glossary (词汇) are very exact and particular, which could help readers to break the language so directly a

    2、nd effectively.A. defence B. function C. response D. barrier 23. The book was written careful observations and detailed studies.A. on behalf of B. regardless of C. on the basis of D. in relation to 24. The old king decided to retire and the heavy load of responsibility to his three daughtersA. give

    3、out B. hand over C. reckon on D. block out 25. Because of the rain, well have to the football match. Im free next Sunday if you would like to play then.A. abandon B. ignore C. postpone D. recover 26. It was said that the government would consider lifting a on immigration from other countries into th

    4、e states, which launched a heated debate on the issue.A. reservation B. restriction C. tendency D. departure 27. Old batteries cant be discarded (抛弃) even when they are no longer useful, because theyll pollute the environment.A. casually B. partly C. gradually D. immediately28. We need a(n) team lea

    5、der who can really motivate the members to work harder.A. odd B. cautious C. dynamic D. conventional 29. Dont be discouraged. If you such feelings, you will do better next time.A. carry out B. break down C. give away D. put away 30. In the questionnaire, the subjects are questioned whether they no s

    6、moking in the public area.A. reveal B. advocate C. swear D. tolerate 第二套21The _ of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic. So it is only worthwhile for us to kill time. A. length B. truth C. outcome D. plot 22People in China dont often kiss or hug each other goodbyes or hello, whic

    7、h is a common _ in some European countries. A. statement B. practice C. exercise D. approach 23Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to _ products. They in turn can get more profits. A. design B. promote C. classify D. identify24One of his major shortcomings is that he always

    8、bases his judgement on _ opinions, which often leads to prejudices against something or somebody.A. objective B. subjective C. optimistic D. pessimistic 25Being a student, you should _ your study instead of indulging yourself in computer games.A. contribute to B. rely on C. concentrate on D. lead to

    9、26We dined in the restaurant he recommended, which _ fell far short of our expectations.A. unfortunately B. hardly C. apparently D. absolutely27During the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, 33 migration overpasses have been made _ for herds of Tibetan antelopes to go through to their breedin

    10、g grounds. A. available B. admirable C. abundant D. appropriate 28During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up where old shabby houses were _. A. torn down B. tired out C. broken down D. worn out29It is not enough to _ aggression, and they must take steps to arm themselv

    11、es against invasion with guns, bombs, etc. A. praise B. condemn C. bear D. notice30His diet can not be considered as healthy because it contains a lot of fat _ meat, cakes and cream.A. in terms of B. in need of C. in the form of D. in favor of第三套1Mr.Li is fond of sports and games, so taking exercise

    12、s early in the morning has become his _ standard.Aknowledge BexperienceCtendency Dpractice2The _ dropped on Shanghai Expo 2010, which had lasted 184 days, on Sunday night with a heartwarming closing ceremony attended by a host of world leaders.Ascreen BcurtainCsheet Dprogramme3The heavy truck was in

    13、 a (an) _ collision with the bus, causing 2 persons killed and 12 injured.Acompetition BconflictCsession Dinstant4On Nov. 1 Chinas sixth population census (人口普查) started to get an _ count of the population over a 10day period.Aaccurate BabundantCessential Dinstant5Obviously TV plays an important par

    14、t in peoples lives, for it brings us _ images from around the world.Acasual BvisualCgradual Dspiritual6If you want to be given a raise, you must be prepared to make a _ contribution to the business.Apassive BdiverseCsecure Dpositive7In the new season, the Lakers _ beat the Rockets in last nights thr

    15、illing game with Yao Ming scoring 9 points.Anarrowly BpreciselyCwidely Dautomatically8The China National Environmental Monitoring Center _ air quality in urban areas from levels one to five: excellent, fairly good, slightly polluted, poor and dangerous.Adistributes BarrangesCclassifies Ddivides9The

    16、public _ Yuan Longping, a great mind who has devoted himself to the research into hybrid rice (杂交水稻)Alive up to Blook up toCcome up with Dput up with 10Although Xiaogan is a boom city, yet it has a long way to go _ a highly developed coastal city.Ain honour of Bin favour ofCin relation to Din additi

    17、on to第四套1No one has yet discovered who is responsible for the incident but the police are already collecting _.Aevidence BpermissionCfigure Danxiety2The officials have expressed _ over the safety of the mine workers trapped in the mine.Aappetite Bwealth Creward Dconcern3Living in the city will surel

    18、y put you in touch with people from _ cultures.Aabundant Bdiverse Ctough Dconstant4He has been told many times that his casual clothes are not _ for some formal occasions.Ainnocent BappropriateCtemporary Dcautious5It is a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas that have _ rainfall to suppo

    19、rt a large population.Adesperate Bstubborn Cviolent Dadequate6Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._ our minds are developed by learning.ASimilarly BRecentlyCTruly DFrequently7In the Olympic Games, only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be _ as competitors.

    20、Aabandoned BconveyedCadmitted Dadvertised8If you ask many different questions, you will _ all the information you need to know.Aquit Bacquire Cconvince Dadvocate9In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earths natural resources _.Aadd up Bset down Cclose up Drun out10For

    21、 a long time, he hesitated whether he should tell us _ what had happened.Aat dusk Bat length Cat present Dat stake第五套1I cant advise you what to do and what not to doits a matter of _.Aconscience BcomprehensionCawareness Didentification2The young couple have been admitted into a badminton club, where

    22、 they can enjoy all the benefits and _ of club membership.Acharges BproceduresCprivileges Dcircumstances3Jenny suggested our going on an outing to the countryside next weekend, but the rest didnt sound very _ about the idea.Aanxious BenthusiasticCcautious Dsecure4The newcomer to the TV station has j

    23、ust started her own programme, which deals with subjects as _ as pop music and ancient Greek drama.Aaccurate Bfamiliar Cdesperate Ddiverse5At that very moment my mind went completely _ and I forgot what I was supposed to be doing.Aefficient Babundant Cshallow Dblank6The local government has been acc

    24、used of not responding _ to the needs of the homeless in the floodstricken area.Aconstantly BappropriatelyCgradually Dselfishly7After hours of searching, their patience was _ and they found what they were looking for.Acalculated BconfirmedCrewarded Devaluated8Despite the fact that all three teams _

    25、different approaches to the problem, they all immediately succeed.Aadopted BacquiredCadapted Daccumulated9It is reported that the government has _ the outbreak of violence by sending a large group of soldiers or police to the area.Agone for Breacted toCappealed to Dmade for10The study of natural his

    26、tory is not something to be left to biologists.In fact, their capacity _ the time they can spend away from their offices is very limited.Ain terms of Bin view ofCin favor of Din search of第六套1This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.Adivision Barea C

    27、range Dcircle2As a good teacher, he should use different ways to encourage all children to realize their full _ and achieve their goals.Apossibility BconceptionCpotential Ddifference3Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house _ his per

    28、sonality.Aresembles BstrengthensCreflects Dshapes4Polar explorers have to be extremely _ to bear the climate and other hardships.Atough BroughCdifficult Dbrave5He suddenly saw Sue across his room, so he _ his way through the crowd to get to her.Afelt BpushedCstruggled Dwound6She was not beautiful;sh

    29、e didnt _ her mother, who was a beauty.Alike BimitateCresemble Drepresent7It was shameful to be found sleeping in class.His classmates laughter only _ his embarrassment.Aadded to Bappealed toCreferred to Dapplied to8Letters to the editor must carry the writers full name, which indicates that writers are _ for what they say.Aconsiderate BreasonableCindependent Dresponsible9The problem of the global warming is becoming serious, _ of the fact that the sea levels have risen a little.Aas a result Bon the contraryCin consequence Din other words10Stressful


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