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    1、商贸英语学习SUMMARY OF LEARNINGINTERNATIONAL TRADE ENGLISH商贸英语学习摘要COMPILED BY RANDY ZHENG FEB 20,2005Chapter 1 商贸洽谈常用例句1 建立商贸关系常用例句 1、We have extensive business connection with Japanese manufactures as well as sufficient capital, we are confident that we can execute your order at the lowest possible price

    2、s.本公司与日本厂商有广泛的商务关系,且资金充裕,我方确信能够以最低价格履行贵方订购。2、Our goods are the best quality goods incorporating the latest engineering technic, and we believe that you can reply on us quite satisfactorily.本公司产品品质优良,且符合最新工程技术,定能获得贵方完全信赖和满意。3、We are particularly interested in your products, and would like to have mor

    3、e detailed information on all of your commodities.本公司对贵方的产品特感兴趣,昐能从贵方获得更多的商品详细资料。4、We have extensive sales network for this line of goods, and shall always be ready to cooperate with you in marketing of your products in our market.我方对此产品有广大的销售网,本公司随时准备与贵方合作,以拓展贵方产品在我国的市场。5、We are now considering the

    4、 possibility of commencing business with you concerning buying European sundries, if your terms and conditions meet us.若贵方条件符合本公司要求,本公司愿考虑与贵方合作订购欧洲日用品。6、We would like to handle excellent foods from your country which could be distributed throughout China at moderate prices, and should be glad if you

    5、 would let us have your opinion on this matter.本公司希望在中国经营贵国质优价廉产品,就此事,如能提供贵方意见,我方将感欣慰。2 信用调查常用例句1、If you have any information regarding the matter, please supply it to us immediately.如果贵方有关于这方面的任何资料,敬请立即提供。2、As soon as we can get any definite information, we shall let you have it without delay.一旦获得任

    6、何可靠资料,我方就立即奉告。3、In our opinion there is no risk in extending them unlimited credit.仅就我方意见,可大胆信赖他们,不会发生危险的。4、It would be no easy task for them to retain their present reliability.要维持其目前的可靠性,是不容易的。5、You need not hesitate to grant the firm credit to the amount you mention.就贵方所提及的向该公司贷款金额一事不必犹豫,可以信赖。3销售

    7、产品常用例句1、We sell furniture to furniture shops and department stores, and we want to tell you about a new type of furniture that is selling like hot cakes in the U.S.A.本公司主要是向家具公司及百货公司提供家具。本公司有意向阁下介绍一种目前正在美国畅销的新型产品。2、You will probably have noticed the increased demand for the electronic pocket transla

    8、tor over the past five years.谅阁下可能已经注意到袖珍电子翻译机在过去五年来需求量不断增加。 3、Customers here are very delighted with the new ideas in this new type machine, and have expressed their keen interest by keeping us at full production since we first introduced it into the market six months ago.本地顾客对于此种机器的新观念非常喜欢。自从六个月前本

    9、公司首次推出市场以来,他们表示极感兴趣。4、You will be enthusiastic about the enclosed catalogs showing our complete range of new toys for this Christmas season and New Year.所附目录中有为今年圣诞节及新年准备的全部新型玩具资料,谅贵方会喜爱。5、We shall be pleased to hear from you as to likely requirement, and also the volume of order you will need to di

    10、stribute to your retail stores.得知贵方大量需求以分配给贵方的零售商,至感欣慰。4 询问常用例句1、We have an inquiry for your goods and should be glad if you would send us your catalogs and prices.我方对贵公司产品有一些疑问,如能赠送贵方产品目录及其价格表,至感愉快。2、Will you please send us samples and price-list of the goods listed blow?请将下表所列货物样品及其价目表送一份好吗?3、Plea

    11、se quote us your best discount of your list prices for this quantity.订购贵方这样大数量的产品,请以低于价目表内折扣报价。4、The margin on this order is very small and we hope you will allow us an extra discount of 5%.本订单利润甚微,昐贵方惠予额外5%折扣。5、Please send us samples of the goods.请送给我们货物样品。6、We will effect on our goods, and you may

    12、 quote on C.& F. GuangZhou or F.O.B. your port in U.S. Dollars.本公司即将货物投保,贵方即以广州C. .& F.报价或以美金在贵方F.O.B.报价。7、Please inform us what discount you can allow us for quantities.订购贵方这个数量,能给予多少折扣,请来函告知。8、The price is to include export packing in wooden cases.本价格包括木箱输出包装费在内。9、Please let us have your quotation

    13、s in Pound Sterling for immediate shipment and send us proforma invoices with samples.请贵方以立即装运英镑报价并请将附有样品的发货单一并寄来。10、We enclose a list showing the items we require and should be glad to receive your quotations as soon as possible.现附我方所需项目表一份,并昐尽快接到贵方报价。5 答复询问常用例句1、We thank you four inquiry of June 2

    14、3 for the automatic washing machine.贵方6月23日询问全自动洗衣机一函收到,谢谢。2、In response(reply) to your inquiry of June 23,we have sent today our price-list.我方今天已将本公司产品价目寄上,以答复贵公司3月23日询问函。3、Please accept our thanks for your inquiry of September 25 for our handbag.贵方9月25日询问本公司手提袋一函收到,谢谢。4、Referring to your inquiry o

    15、f November 20,we have quoted as below.贵公司11月20日询问函收到,兹报价如下。5、Further to our quotation of April 10,we have sent our technical information and sales promotional materials.除4月10日报价外,另外已将我方技术资料和促销资料寄上。6、As requested, we have enclosed today our quotation of portable TV.遵照贵方要求,今天已将便携式电视机的报价附上。7、As instruc

    16、ted, we are sending the samples, catalogs and price-list of our pocket cameras.遵照贵方指示,兹将本公司袖珍照相机的样品、目录及价目表一并寄上。8、We are pleased to learn that you are interested in our electronic calculator.贵方对本公司电子计算机感兴趣,至感欣慰。9、We regret to learn that you find our quotations are rather expensive.贵方认为本公司报价太高,至感遗憾。10

    17、、We are delighted to receive your letter of June 18 asking whether we can ship the ship the goods during August.贵公司6月18日,询问本公司是否能于8月间装运一函收到,至感愉快。11、Your inquiry of May 10 is having our best effort and prompt attention.贵方5月10日询问的事,本公司正全力加速处理中。12、Owing to the rush of orders, the stock of these goods h

    18、as been exhausted and we would recommend an excellent substitute.我们已收到了这种产品的大量订单,已无现货,特向贵方建议,订购另一种最佳代用品。13、These lines are in good inquiry and further large orders have been received.对这种产品的询问很多,且已收到大批订单。14、We are receiving large inquires for TV from abroad.关于电视机一事,本公司已接到国外许多询问。15、As to your inquiry

    19、of May 20,we are now working hard in order to meet your requirements.关于贵方5月20日询问一事,为了符合贵方要求,本公司正全力办理。16、If our price is found unworkable, please let us know by cable the best price obtainable in your market.如发现我方价格有不合理时,请及时将贵国市场可获有利价格来函告知。6 商务交涉常用例句1、We shall be grateful and give your order our very

    20、 best attention if you will let us have your confirmation soon.若贵方早日给予我方确认,我方将非常感激并对贵方订单以最有利的处理。2、You will perhaps let us have your decision very soon.请及时来函告诉我们贵方的决定。3、Our margin of profit is so small that it is impossible for us to make any further concession.4、We are unable to improve the quality

    21、without any increase in price.如不提高价格,我方就无法提高质量。5、As things stand, it is impossible for us to grant you a reduction of 5%.在目前情况下,要我方同意减低5%价格,是很不可能的。6、If you will accept this counter offer, we shall do our best to speed up delivery. 贵方如能接受相反的报价,我方就尽最大努力加速交货。7、Please inform us whether you are prepared

    22、to wait until next month so that we may proceed with this order.贵方是否准备等到下个月,以利我方处理该项订单,敬请来函告知。8、Please let us know if you will agree to take this article. 如果贵方同意采购此项产品,敬请来函告知。7 订购常用例句1、You may rely on us to carry your instructions in every detail. 请贵方信赖本公司,我们会详细去履行贵方指示。2、Please supply the undermenti

    23、oned goods as per your quotation and samples submitted of October 27. 依据贵方10月27日提出的报价及样品,请供应下述货品。3、We thank you for your quotation of May 28 and are pleased to place a trial order for your electrical product. 贵方5月28日报价函敬悉,谢谢。本公司乐意向贵方试购电器产品。4、We are pleased to pass an order to you for this order. 本公司

    24、乐意向贵公司订购此项产品。5、Your prompt attention to this order would be appreciated. 就本订单,请尽速处理。6、We hope that this order will meet your immediate acceptance and careful execution as usual. 本公司希望贵方立即接受本订单,并按正常履行。7、We are pleased to confirm our cable order dispatched this morning as follows: This order is placed

    25、 on the samples and prices you sent us. 本日上午电报订购确认如下:本订单是按照贵方寄来的样品及价目表订购的。8 付款常用例句1、We will send a cheque to you for the purchase. 现寄给贵方订购支票一张。2、We will make payment against shipping documents. 本公司是依据装船文件付款。3、We will make payment to you by cheque. 我方以支票付给贵方。4、For the amount we shall not fail to reim

    26、burse you by an early remittance. 本公司尽早将货款汇给贵方,以偿还贵方总额。5、In order to cover the shipment we have drawn today on you at sight and ask you to pay our bill on presentation. 为支付运费,本公司在今天已开出见票即付支票。6、For article No. 385, we can pay up to $100 per case. 385号货品,每箱本公司只能支付美金100元。7、We wait for an early arrival

    27、of the L/C. 我方期待早日接到信用证。8、The credit to cover your order No. 100 has not yet reached us. 支付贵方100号订单之信用证,本公司尚未收到。9、Please extend the validity and shipping time of L/C to December 31. 请将信用证和装船时间的有效期限延长到12个月。9 运输常用例句1、We trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition and open to you satisfact

    28、ion. 我们相信货物会安全运达,开箱后令贵方满意的。2、We ask you to do everything possible to ensure punctual shipment. 我们请求贵方应尽一切努力,保证按时装运。3、Punctual shipment is essential. It is most important that the delivery date is strictly kept. 遵守装运时间,极为重要。4、Please note that partial shipments and transshipment are not permitted. 部份交

    29、运及换船均不容许,敬请贵方注意。5、The delay in shipment is entirely due to the delay on your part in furnishing us with the L/C and the shipping instructions. 延误装运时间的主要原因,是由于贵方的信用证和装船指示耽误。6、We are sorry that you have been put to much inconvenience by this delay, but it was a case of force majeure.由于此次延误,使贵方遭遇诸多不便,至

    30、感抱歉,但是,此事不可避免。7、The goods are been prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow. 所订货物准备立即交货,并预定于明天启运。8、The cargo was carried by M/S “Everygreen”, and are now in transit.货物是由长荣船运公司承运,目前在运送中。9、We have shipped your order goods by M/S “Good Luck”, today. 贵方所订购的货物,今天已由好运船运公司装运。

    31、10、We inform you that we have forwarded by M/S “Everygreen”, freight paid. 1.000 bales cotton marked K. 棉花1000包,已交长荣船运公司承运,其运费已付,标志为K,特此奉告。10索赔函件常用例句1、We shall appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of this claim. 就海险索赔精算书一事,敬请迅速处理。2、We would like to submit this claim to arbitration.本公司要

    32、将索赔一事,向国际仲裁提出。3、If we have to take these goods, we ask you to make us an adequate allowance corresponding to the damage they have sustained.若要本公司提货,我方就要贵方给予本公司蒙受损失的相当补偿。4、Please let us know if you take the goods back or let us sell them at a discount of 50 per cent. 贵方是要取回货物或是要我方以50%折扣出售,敬请惠函告知。5、On account of the


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