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    1、英语六级单项选择题练习04652Lesson1提高英语的方法:1、每天保证一定的阅读量。2、短期内迅速突破词汇量。六级不考语法,只考词汇。六级最爱词汇:deprive of 剥夺摸底:Unit 841. For many patients, institutional care is the most _ and beneficial form of care. A) pertinentB) appropriateC) acuteD) persistent42. Among all the changes resulting from the _ entry of women into the

    2、 work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important. A) massiveB) quantitativeC) surplusD) formidable注:massive 大量的43. Mr. Smith became very _ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake. A) ingeniousB) empiricalC) objectiveD) indignant注:indignant

    3、 愤怒的44. Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _ ones. A) turbulentB) tragicC) vulnerableD) suspicious45. The _ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike. A) incompatibleB) exceedingC) instantaneousD)

    4、 eternal注:eternal 永恒的,永远的(六级最爱)46. She remains confident and _ untroubled by our present problems. A) indefinitelyB) infinitelyC) optimisticallyD) seemingly注:infinitely 非常地,无限地,极大地47. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations _. A) simultaneouslyB) spontaneouslyC) homogeneousl

    5、yD) contemporarily 注:三剑客词汇:simultaneously,spontaneously,contemporarily48. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the _.A) vainB) vicinityC) courtD) jail注:vicinity 附近,邻近49. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major _ in every familys budget. A) nutritionB) expendi

    6、tureC) routineD) provision注:1. expenditure 花费2. budget 预算(六级最爱)50. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from _ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars. A) configuration(结构,外形。构造)B) constitution(组成,构成,建立,任命),constituent,组成的。成分要素C) condemnation(谴责,定罪)condemn 批评,谴责

    7、,判、刑D) contamination(弄脏,污染)contaminate,弄脏,污染 注:2道理科题;2道文科题;1道环保题。51. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the _ from fall to winter. A) transmission(传播发射传递)B) transformationC) transitionD) transfer(转移转换,过户,调动,换乘)注:1. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传递2. transform

    8、ation 变革3. transition 季节的过度,时间的更替,社会制度的转型4. transfer 转学,调任工作52. I think we need to see an investment _ before we make an expensive mistake. A) guideB) entrepreneurC) consultantD) assessor注:consultant 顾问53. The _ on this apartment expires in a years time. A) treatyB) leaseC) engagementD) subsidy注:lea

    9、se 租约54. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state _. A) pensionsB) earningsC) salariesD) donations捐赠,donate注:pensions 养老金55. There is supposed to be a safety _ which makes it impossible for trains to collide. A) applianceB) accessory附属的,附件配件,装饰品,从犯,包庇犯(principal主要的,主犯)C) machineD) me

    10、chanism机械装置,机构56. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _. A) deteriorated使恶化使变坏B) dispersedC) dissipatedD) drained注:1. drain (强调结果)耗尽2. disperse (强调过程)3. dissipate (强调过程)57. No one can function properly if they are _ of adequate sleep. A) deprivedB) ripped被撕破,裂缝,责备C) stripped剥去除去脱

    11、去D) contrived设法做到,谋划策划设计注:deprive of 剥夺(六级最爱)58. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly _ by a dictator. A) depressedB) immersed使浸没C) oppressed压迫压制D) cursed注:1. oppress 压制2. curse 诅咒59. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been _ towards producing workers.

    12、 A) harnessed给马套上挽具,用(自然力量)产生能量B) hatched使孵化(飞机的)舱口,窗口C) motivated构成动机促使D) geared注:gear 调整以适应60. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries. A) provokedB) irritated使激怒使烦躁使疼痛C) inspired由灵感引起的,充满灵感的,D) hoisted举起起重机注:provoke 引起,引发61. The suspect _ that he had not been in the neighbourhood a

    13、t the time of the crime. A) advocatedB) allegedC) addressedD) announced62. Although the colonists _ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive. A) migratedB) matchedC) mingledD) melted注:mingle 混合(六级最爱)63. E-mail is a convenient

    14、, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _ well to human needs. A) adheresB) reflectsC) conformsD) satisfies注:conform to 表符合64. The wings of the bird still _ after it had been shot down. A) slappedB) scratchedC) flappedD) fluctuated注:1. flap 拍动2. slap 掴耳光3. scratch 用爪子抓、刮、挠;sc

    15、ratch your head 思考;scowl 皱眉头4. fluctuate 波动65. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously _ relations between the two countries. A) tumbleB) jeopardizeC) manipulateD) intimidate注:jeopardize 危险66. When you put up wallpaper, should you _ the edges or put them next to each other? A) coinc

    16、ideB) extendC) overlapD) collide 碰撞 运动撞运动注:1. overlap 重叠2. coincide 一致;coincident 一致的【门卫大爷的故事:时间的巧合;地点的一致;意见的巧合】3. frugal 节俭的4. collide 运动物体撞运动物体,撞击67. Under the present system, state enterprises must _ all profits to the government. A) turn down关小调低拒绝B) turn up开大,找到卷起,发现,到达C) turn out关掉,生产制造,结果是证明是

    17、,聚集D) turn in注:turn in 上交68. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _. A) laid outB) laid offC) laid downD) laid aside注:1. lay off 裁员2. lay out 布置3. lay down 制定政策;放下,放弃4. lay aside 放到一边,搁置;积蓄69.

    18、 Well _ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it. A) compensateB) remedy治疗法,药物,补救法C) supplement增补补充补充物,supplementary附加的,补充的D) retrieve找回取回挽回注:compensate 补偿,弥补(六级最爱)70. She cut her hair short and tried to _ herself as a man. A) decorate装饰修饰,授予荣誉标志B) disguiseC) fabricate捏造编造D) fake注:di

    19、sguise 伪装disgusting 令人恶心的Lesson2英语表音,汉语表义(谐音法记忆):1. trivial 琐碎的,不重要的tricycle 三轮车triangle 三角形2. vigor 精力,活力3. naive 天真的4. quaint 古怪的;acquaint with 对什么熟悉5. Long time no see. 好久不见。6. I will shanghai you. 我要伤害欺骗你。7. ponderous 笨重的8. liberty 自由9. blush 脸红10. amorous 好色的,情爱的;amorous letter 情书词根词缀法记忆:-clude

    20、 = close v.-clusive adj.-clusion n.include 包括 inclusive adj. inclusion n.exclude 把排除在外conclude 得出结论preclude 防止,杜绝词义偏:1、一词多义:delicate 【林黛玉的N个特征】脆弱的,娇弱的;(颜色)淡淡的,(味道)淡淡的;细腻的皮肤;精致的;纤细的;精细的(尤指眼科手术)2、同音异形词:shear 剪sheer 完全的complement 补充compliment 赞扬isolate 使孤立,使隔离3、完全同义词(同时出现均不是答案):bewilder, confuse, puzzl

    21、e 令人迷惑的,令人困惑的4、短语动词记忆类型:视觉型:重复写下来听觉型:自己录自己的讲解混合型:记情节,细节911事件故事:1. clash 撞击;冲突2. crash 坠毁3. smash 击碎,打碎4. ash 废墟5. abash 羞愧6. cash 现金avarice 贪婪gaze 凝视gazelle 瞪羚Lesson3Unit 1-41As a _ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.A) flexibleB) versatileC) sophisticat

    22、edD) productive注:1. versatile 多才多艺的verse 诗歌universe 宇宙reverse 颠倒,反转conversation 对话controversy 相矛盾,有争论2. flexible 弹性的,灵活的elastic 弹性的(指皮筋)elegant 优雅的3. sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的naive 天真的innocent 天真的,无辜的freshman 大一,新生sophomore 大二;moron 低能儿,白痴junior 大三senior 大四4. reproduce 复制,生殖duplicate 复制break off 断裂(部分

    23、从整体上拿下)P1-42There are not many teachers who are strong _ of traditional methods in English teaching.A) sponsorsB) contributorsC) advocatesD) performers注:1. advocate 支持者,拥护者2. sponsor 发起人,赞助商3. contributor 捐献者,贡献者attribute 归因于retribution 回报distribute 分发 = give out4. performer 演员form 形式transform 改变ref

    24、orm 改革conform 符合(与need和standard搭配);遵守法律,法规conform toadhere to 粘着;遵守adage 名言,格言comply with 遵守,符合P1-43We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to _.A) ascendB) descendC) declineD) plunge注:1. decline 抽象的数字的下降;婉言谢绝2. ascend (轻的,薄的物体的)上升;声音从远处传来;攀登3. descend 下来,下降;desc

    25、endant 后代precusor 祖先4. plunge 跳进,投入lung 肺peep 偷窥titan 巨人plight 困境pray 祈祷an array of 大量P1-44Competition, they believe, _ the national character rather than corrupt it.A) enforcesB) confirmsC) intensifiesD) strengthens注:1. rather than 而不是,前后互为反义词2. corrupt 腐败;削弱bankrupt 破产3. enforce 实施,执行4. confirm 确认

    26、5. intensify 加剧;intense 强烈的;intensive 集中的,强化的,仔细的,深入的6. strengthen 加强;strong 强壮的当不能判别动词是否可以连接某名词时,找出动词的形容词形式,看是否可以修饰名词,如果可以则动词也可以。P1-45The accident _ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A) excludedB) disabledC) deprivedD) gripped注:1. deprive of 剥夺(六级最爱)2. exclude 排除exclusive 排他的,独占的,专属的3. disab

    27、le 使残疾4. grip 紧抓,紧握gripping 扣人心弦的loom 若隐若现bloom 开花blear 模糊gloom 郁闷;阴沉,昏暗morose 郁闷的amble 散步 (nasty 肮脏的;stink 发出臭味)gamble 赌博litter 垃圾glitter 闪光roan 杂毛groan 呻吟rope 绳子grope 摸索口诀记忆法:散步的哥哥在赌博垃圾前的哥哥放光辉长了杂毛的哥哥在呻吟抓住绳子的哥哥在摸索P1-46On weekends my grandma usually _ a glass of wine.A) subscribes toB) engages inC)

    28、hangs onD) indulges in注:1. indulge in 纵情于,沉迷于;enjoy sth.喜欢dull 枯燥的;郁闷的;钝的2. prescribe 开药方describe 描述,描写conscribe 征兵circumscribe 限制ascribe 归因于,归咎于 =attribute tosubscribe 订阅名词形式均为 -scription3. engage in 忙于做某事;engagement 约定compact 紧凑的;简洁的disperse v. 分散4. hangs on 紧抓,紧握P2-47The people living in these ap

    29、artments have free _ to that swimming pool.A) accessB) excessC) excursionD) recreation注:1. have access to2. excursion 远征,探险precursor 祖先3. access 接近inaccessible 不可接近的,难以到达的excess 过剩的,过度的concess 妥协,让步process 加工;前进prodigy 奇迹procession 队列4. recreation 娱乐entertainment 娱乐retain 保留detain 拘留pertain 相关contain 包含,包括amusement 娱乐leisure 休闲Lesson4P2-48At the party we found that shy girl _ her mother all the time.A) depending onB) coinciding withC) adhering toD) clinging to注:1. depend on 依赖,依靠2. coincide with 巧合3. adhere to 粘着,贴着;遵守法律法规【comply with,c


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