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    1、新世纪大学英语综合教程2英语作业空班级 姓名 学号Unit OneWorking with Words and Expressions1. Though we have been successful in our work so far,we must be prepared to difficult problems in the days to come.2.During the battle,the soldiers didnt have many choices.The only to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.3.There

    2、are already successes,but for the final victory we will have to wait for another year.4.There us no agreement about the meaning of life;different people have different understandings.5.Unfortunately,a continuing rise in the oil price has the economy of this African country.66.Although Adam is not he

    3、r child by blood,her love for him is deep and .7.Buildings speak of the qualities of the people who design and them.8.We were attracted by the fascinating painting.Its clever use of colour and light was very 9.A(n) thinker may be able to say something clearly,but a deep thinker makes us see that the

    4、re is something that cannot be said.10.What happens is not as important as how you to what happens.11.The exhibition is held to interest in computer science and to get some new ideas for webpage(网页)design.12.Hemingways book,which is The Old Man and the Sea,tells the story of a fisherman.13.If the ch

    5、ildren have been in with the disease,they have to stay in hospital for a medical examination.14.His wife was always coplaining at home and he was tired of her complaints.15.Football is a game.Players get wounded easily.16.When trying to escape from the prison,the thief was by the police.17.I know yo

    6、u are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a had argument,but someone has to make the first .18.AsWilliam Shakespeare it in A Midsummer Nights Dream,“Love looks not with the eyes ,but with the mind.”二:1.I dont see why I couldnt do it. ,Im going to try .2.I advised him to

    7、 get rid of his bad habit as soon as possible;otherwise it would be too late if it 3.The professor says that the best way to povety is creating more jobs for the local people.4.Stephen is young and inexperiencde,but please do not that him5.If someone I love needs help,Ill give of my very best.6.Forg

    8、iveness is a journey toward freedom, from our past.And the first thing we should be is the need to forgive.7.He wrote a letter of apology(道歉),saying he had never meant to and wouldnt hurt her any more.8.Whether you and whether you admit it or not,the Internet has become an essential part of our life

    9、 . Increasing Your Word Power 一:Now fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the proper forms of the above three words1It was a sad lesson,but it Clara of her great fault-that of forgetting.2.It is an everlasting(持久)pain in you,a wound that does not easily.3.His burns were by means of the

    10、latest modern technique.4.It is said that a good rest in bed may a cold.5.After the accident,the doctor came and the driver for his cuts and bruises.6.You just have to wait.I think time can most troubles.7.Be serious dont your mistake as a joke.二:Now put the following sentences into English,using th

    11、an in your translation1. 行动比言语更响亮 2. 这儿的生产需要低于摄氏25度的温度 3. 我喜欢保存东西而不是把它们扔掉 4. 这里除了我之外没有别人 5. 好宁愿辞职也不愿为那位老板干活 TRANSLATION1) 在生活中,我们最愚蠢的行为就是太执着于自己的东西,不愿意放弃。(cling to sth. Let go ) 2) 我愿意在IT行业工作,介我不知如何着手。(go about sth.) 3) 许多人都已意识到与大自然和谐相处的重要性。(aware of, in harmony with) 4) 像“代沟”这样的问题是不可以被掩盖起来的。(sweep.u

    12、nder the carpet) 5) 我始终不懂什么事在使她烦心。(eat away at ) 6) 他一生都与世无争。(at peace with) 7) 他没有说出自己的想法。一则她未必理解,二则他怕自己得不到她的宽恕。(for one thing for another.) 8) 随着岁月流逝,他对中国文化越来越感兴趣。(roll by) Unit twoWorking with Words and Expressions1)A lot of children are near-sighted (近视的)。We cannot the importance of protecting o

    13、ur eyes too much.2)Their experiment over a period of ten years.At last. Their efforts paid off.3)Communication is the only against conflict within the family.4)。Youd better your summary to the main idea;dont try to talk about the trivial things.5).Truly progress has been made in a short period of ti

    14、me ,which is the result of the hard work of everyone involved.6).Thank you for your kind helpI think I you a favour.7).When he sleeps by the window on hot summer afternoons, he tends to the curtain to keep out the sun.8).Joseph did give me a quick reply this time ,but I wonder why he made no to my l

    15、ast question.9).History will the truth in the future and they will realize what a wrong thing they did.10)The camel is by an ability to go without water for days.11).It is hard to him as a government official because he looks so funny, but I bet he makes a good one.12)Men should open up their minds

    16、and a correct attitude towards women.13).Since all of us were ttired,Martin that we take a short rest before continuing our work.14).Seeing a big snake under the table ,Sophia could not help from head to foot.二:1)Rosa was praise by the teacher because her art project was so creative.2)Rebecca told u

    17、s most of the story but the bit about herself because she didnt want to make her good deed known.3)The local people tell me it is impossible to climb up to the top of the snowy mountain.4)Marilyn Monroe went to Hollywood fame(名气)and fortune.5).In Heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and

    18、two trees with branches interlocked(连结)forever.6).Last but not least,I would like to thank all of you, and the Chairman, Dr.Rogers,for his full support over the last three years.7)Oliver is a respected engineer, manager and teacher, but he is a kind father and loving husband, which is something he t

    19、akes great pride in.8).When he what was happening and realized something was wrong, he decided to get away quidkly.Increasing Your Word Power 一:1).Your are monitor of the class,so you should keeping the class in order while the teacher is away.2).Yesterday they boarded the plane New York and can mee

    20、t them there today.3).He doesnt seem to be our listless attitude towards his suggestion concern for her health.4)She wrote a letter of thanks to Greg, saying she was very his concern for her health.5)He is knowledge and spends most of his spare time reading all kinds of books.6)These young men will

    21、prove our trust.7)Since he is eighteen now, I feel that he is taking care of himself at college.8).Finland is its large number of lakes.9)She has found a job here, so she can be financially her family.10)I dont think she is the job because she is very careless with her work.二:1)I know how you feel,

    22、because I have a problem.(similar, alike)2)I think my mother and I ate very much in many ways.( similar, alike)3)She looked lovingly at the child.(asleep, sleeping)4)The little boy was so tired that he was sound within seconds. (asleep, sleeping)5)She greeted us with a smile.(glad, cheerful)6)She wa

    23、s that the birthday party was a success. (glad, cheerful)7)Dont be .Were not going to hurt you.(afraid, frightened)8)Two children were hiding in a corner of the room. (afraid, frightened)9)A brother in Australia is Marys only relative.(alive, living)10Not knowing whether he was dead or ,I was growin

    24、g more and more worried. (alive, living)TRANSLATION1) 这种情景总是令我感动,让我深思。(set sb. Doing sth.) 2) 别怪她了,在类似情况下,你自己也会这么做的。(undercircumstances) 3) 我们应当为自己所拥有的一切而心存感激,而不是对任何事情都漫不经心。(be appreciative of/grateful for, takefor granted) 4) 他也许会答应改变,但无非又是说一套做一套罢了。(It the same old story of) 5) 我苦苦思索该怎样把这可怕的消息告诉他。(

    25、rack ones brains about sth.,break the news to sb.) 6) 我将永远无法报答父母为我所做的一切。(repay sb. for sth.) 7) 且让我再次感谢大家的参与,祝你们工作顺利。(it remains to sb. to do sth.) 8) 我一开始就说过,他会给我们惹麻烦的。(right from the beginning) Unit threeWorking with Words and Expressions1).A smart appearance tends to make a(n) impression at an in

    26、terview.2).The scientist failed in his experiments many a time, but he was never ;instead,he stuck it out and finally made a great scientific discovery.3).When I asked my mother if I could marry George ,she but rather unwillingly.4).The garden has fallen into a state of since its owner died two year

    27、s ago.5).Coming home late,the boy quietly into the house to avoid waking his parents.6).If you want to learn a language well, time is necessary.7).The origin of Chinese writing can be back to ancient China although we are not certain of the date of its invention.8).The price was higher than I had ex

    28、pected.However,it was still acceptable.9).When you feel tired ,a rest and a cool drink will you.10).As Isit here today,Icouldnt be more grateful for the opportunity,not only to be alive,but also to apply my life to such a(n) effort.11).More and more iople in big companies are enrolling in English co

    29、urses to improve their promotion(晋升) .12).I made full priparations for my journey to London on foot and I to get there in five days.13)At the end of the interview,she ,“Youve proved your worthiness more than well enough.”14).I ope that I shall never again have to such a terrible experience.15).Susan

    30、 started singing to her baby and was with a smile.二:1)。Since the summer vacation has started,lets and spend a week in the counrey with my grandparents.2).The boy is so interested in the popular novel entitled Harry Porter and the Deathly Hallous(圣徒)that he has read it for time .3).I admire Steve very much ,for in his pursuit of a successful life, he always and never gives


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