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    高三英语外研版一轮课时训练专题一 名词.docx

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    高三英语外研版一轮课时训练专题一 名词.docx

    1、高三英语外研版一轮课时训练专题一 名词课时训练49名词一、根据句意填合适的名词1It was dark and he had already lost his of direction.答案sense解析句意:天黑了,他早已失去了方向感。sense of direction“方向感”。2In the past few years Lucy has formed the habit of keeping a supply of candles in the house in case of power .答案failure解析句意:在过去的几年里,露西养成了在家里备些蜡烛以防停电的习惯。powe

    2、r常常和failure连用,指“停电”。3It is amazing that we have a perfect of the city on top of the tower.答案view解析从后面的on top of the tower可知,这里指从塔顶上看到的优美的风景,故填view。 view强调从远处或者高处看到的风景。4Little John hardly got anything in for his kind act, which made him unhappy.答案reward解析句意:小约翰对于自己的善行几乎没得到什么回报,因此他很不高兴。根据后面的for his ki

    3、nd act可知填写reward,意为“回报,报酬”。5The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the customers for this product.答案demand解析句意:这些工厂周末都在开工,以满足顾客对该产品的需求。meet ones demand for sth.“满足某人对某物的需求”。6. Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy .答案reference解析句意:学生们得到的建议是把书单放在课桌边,

    4、以便参考。for reference“供参考”。7Before we end this program, lets take a at the sports news briefly.答案glance解析句意:我们结束这个节目之前,让我们简要浏览一下体育新闻。从后面的briefly可知填写glance,take a glance at sth.“对某物瞥一眼”。8According to a UN report,one third of the world population have no to clean drinking water and health care.答案access解析

    5、句意:根据联合国的报告,世界三分之一的人口喝不到干净的饮用水,得不到好的医疗保健。have access to“得到,有权进入”。9Did you finish reading that long novel?No,I ran out of . Its too long and I only completed half of it.答案patience解析句意:你读完那部长篇小说了吗?没有,我都没有耐心了。太长了,我只读完了一半。patience“耐心”。10Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a

    6、of exercise.答案lack解析句意:健康问题与不好的饮食习惯以及缺乏锻炼有密切的联系。根据常识可知,缺乏锻炼会导致健康问题。lack“缺少;缺乏”。11To protect the environment, the local government has put up a lot of to warn the citizens not to litter the ground.答案signs解析句意:为了保护环境,当地政府竖起了很多警示牌提醒市民不要乱扔垃圾。sign“标记,标牌”。12After about one hour of the play between China a

    7、nd South Korea, the was 32 in our favour.答案score解析句意:中国队和韩国队打了大约一个小时之后,比分是3:2,我们领先。从后面的32 in our favour可知,这里指的是比分,因此填score。二、根据中文意思完成下面句子1迈克,你今天似乎状态不太好。是的,我昨晚几乎没睡。我在准备一个报告。Mike,you dont seem to be quite today.Well,I hardly slept last night.I was preparing for a .答案yourself; report2你想好去哪里过暑假了吗?是的,我要去

    8、一个安静的地方,尤其是一个适合放松的地方。Have you got any for the summer vacation?Yes.Im going to a peaceful place, especially suitable for .答案idea; one; relaxation3据我所知,他从不食言;你放心,他会按时来接你的。As far as I know,he never breaks his ;you can rely on that hell come to meet on time.答案word/promise; it; you4有些习题看上去好像就是你以前做过的,但是如果

    9、再仔细一看,你就会发现其中的不同。 of the appear to be the that you have done,but after taking second look,you will find that they are different.答案Some; exercises; ones; a5我认为这次实验不是一个失败。至少我们已经为未来的成功获得了经验。I dont think the experiment failure.At least,we have gained for future success.答案a; experience6我们的村庄仅由200个家庭组成。 答

    10、案Our village consists of no more than 200 families.7知识就是力量。 答案Knowledge is power.8星期天我们通常不上课。 答案We usually dont have classes on Sundays.9读这样的小说是浪费时间。 答案It is a waste of time reading such a novel. 10他们已经克服了这些困难。 答案They have smoothed away the difficulties.11我的英语口语和苏珊的一样好。 答案My spoken English is just a

    11、s good as Susans.12从山顶上,你可以鸟瞰我们的整个城市。 答案From the top of the hill, you can get a birds view of the city.13这个城市的环境变得越来越好了。 答案The environment of the city is getting better and better.14抱歉,我是化学老师,不是英语老师。 答案Sorry, I am a Chemistry teacher, not an English teacher.15电为我们提供动力,开动机器。 答案Electricity gives us po

    12、wer and makes machines work.16. “Its a new term and a new day. I wish I (能适应新环境) as soon as possible,” 15yearold Li Mingyang said. (adapt, environment)答案could adapt to the new environment17. She was found (拥有) dangerous drugs. (possession)答案in possession of18. My hometown, in common with all the oth

    13、er cities and towns, (经历了巨大变化) over the last 10 years. (experience, great)答案has experienced great changes19. You cant imagine a woman like her (负担一个如此大的家庭) can always wear big smiles on her face. (burden)答案(who is) burdened with such a big family20. If only he (去看电影)yesterday. (movie)答案had seen/watc

    14、hed/gone to the movie三、高考原题单项填空1We most prefer to say yes to the of someone we know and like.A. attempts B. requestsC. doubts D. promises答案B解析考查名词辨析。句意为:对于我们熟悉和喜欢的人提出的要求,我们一般都会同意的。根据句意可知,request表示“请求,要求”,符合语境。attempt意为“企图,尝试”;doubt意为“怀疑,疑惑”;promise意为“允诺,承诺”,都不符合语境。故选B项。2Why not buy a secondhand car

    15、first if you dont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good .A. saying B. questionC. suggestion D. account答案C解析考查名词辨析。句意为:如果没有足够的钱买辆新车,为什么不先买辆二手车呢?这是个好建议。saying意为“谚语,言论”;question意为“问题”;suggestion意为“建议”;account意为“账户”。根据“why not”可知,此处表示建议。故选C。3Her for writing was a desire for women to get the right

    16、 to higher education.A. motivation B. qualificationC. talent D. technique答案A解析考查名词辨析。句意为:她写作的动机是渴望女性能够有权利接受高等教育。A项意为“动力,动机”;B项意为“资格”;C项意为“才能,才艺”;D项意为“技术”。根据语境“a desire”可知,此处表示写作的动机和愿望。故选A。4She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful in last years election.A. symbol B. portra

    17、itC. identity D. statue答案A解析考查名词辨析。句意为:两年前她被软禁在家,但是在去年的选举中她仍是位有影响力的代表性人物。A项意为“象征,代表”,符合语境。故A项正确。B项意为“肖像”;C项意为“身份”;D项意为“雕像”,都与语境不符。5Could you tell me the of making such tasty cakes?Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.A. feature B. planC. cost D. trick答案D解析考查名词辨析。句意为:你能告诉我制作这么可口的蛋糕的诀窍吗?

    18、我只是按照烹饪书上的方法做的。A项意为“特色,特征,容貌”;B项意为“计划,打算”;C项意为“费用,代价,成本”;D项意为“技巧,方法”。故选D。6When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,” Joans face turned red at the unexpected .A. command B. comparisonC. compliment D. contribution答案C解析考查名词辨析。句意为:当Richard说,“你现在越发美丽,越发招人喜欢了”,Joan对这意外的赞美不由得羞红了脸。A项

    19、意为“命令,指挥”;B项意为“比较”;C项意为“赞美”;D项意为“贡献,捐献”。根据语境“You are much more agreeable and prettier now”可知,这些是赞美之词。故选C。7Wind is now the worlds fastest growing of power.A. source B. senseC. result D. root答案A解析考查名词辨析。句意为:风是现在世界上发展最快的能量来源。根据常识可知,风是能量的一种来源。故选A,意为“来源,源头,根源”。B项意为“意识,感觉”;C项意为“结果”;D项意为“根,根源”,均不符合语境。8With

    20、 inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a for the better.A. share B. chanceC. turn D. lead答案C解析考查名词辨析。句意为:因受到其他国家饮食文化的启发,美国的饮食文化可以好转。turn意为“变化”,take a turn for意为“向方向变化”,符合题意。share意为“份额,股份”;chance意为“机会”;lead意为“领导,榜样”。故选C项。9As the worlds population continues to grow, the

    21、of food becomes more and more of a concern.A. worth B. supplyC. package D. list答案B解析考查名词辨析。句意为:随着世界人口的不断增加,食品供应问题越来越受到人们的关注。the supply of food意为“食品供应”,符合语境。worth意为“价值”;package意为“包装”;list意为“清单,名册”,均不符合语境。故选B项。10Carbon dioxide, which makes a between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of th

    22、e atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.A. difference B. comparisonC. connection D. barrier答案D解析考查名词辨析。A项意为“区别,不同”,make a difference意为“有区别,有意义,有作用,有影响”;B项意为“比较”;C项意为“联系,连接”;D项意为“屏障,障碍”。两个逗号中间的句子为非限制性定语从句,修饰的先行词为Carbon dioxide。句意为:二氧化碳在我们与太阳之间构建了一道屏障,阻止了热量从大气中散失出去,所以地球越来越暖和了,答案选D。11Whene

    23、ver I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with .A. curiosity B. satisfactionC. envy D. patience答案D解析考查名词辨析。句意为:我不论什么时候犯错误,老师总是耐心地指出来。curiosity意为“好奇”;satisfaction意为“满足”;envy意为“嫉妒”;patience意为“耐心”。由语境可知,patience正确。故答案选D。12Poetry written from the of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety

    24、over a lack of sense of belonging.A. perspective B. priorityC. participation D. privilege答案A解析考查名词辨析。句意为:根据都市年轻人的观点,诗歌写作总会暴露他们对于缺少归属感的焦虑。A项意为“观点,看法”;B项意为“优先(权)”;C项意为“参加,参与”;D项意为“特权”。from the perspective of the urban youth意为“根据都市年轻人的观点”。故答案选A。13Youd better write down the phone number of that restaura

    25、nt for future .A. purpose B. referenceC. progress D. memory答案B解析考查名词词义辨析。句意为:你最好还是把那家酒店的电话号码记下来,便于以后查询。purpose意为“目标,目的”;reference意为“查阅,查询”;progress意为“进步”;memory意为“记忆,回忆,存储”。B项符合语境,故选B。14Can I help you with it?I appreciate your , but I can manage it myself.A. advice B. questionC. offer D. idea答案C解析考查

    26、名词辨析。句意为:我可以帮你吗?感谢你的提议,我自己能应付得来。offer意为“主动提议,建议”,符合语境。advice意为“建议,劝告”;question意为“问题”;idea意为“想法,主意”。故选C项。15Your as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.A. operation B. growthC. performance D. character答案C解析考查名词辨析。句意为:作为一个学生,如果你能养成一种反思自己所学的习惯,你的表现将会非常出色。per

    27、formance表示“表现,表演”,符合语境;operation表示“手术,操作”;growth表示“成长”;character表示“个性”,都不符合语境,所以选C项。16Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?Well, you know, English is my . So it is my best choice.A. strength B. talentC. ability D. skill答案A解析考查名词辨析。句意为:你为什么选择在国际旅行社工作?哦,你是知道的,英语是我的强项。所以这是我最好的选择。

    28、strength强项,优势;talent才能;ability能力;skill技能。A项符合语境,故选A。17You are working too hard. Youd better keep a between work and relaxation.A. promise B. leadC. balance D. diary答案C解析考查名词词义辨析。句意为:你工作太卖力了。你最好能够平衡工作和休息。promise承诺;lead引导;balance平衡;diary日记。由语境可知选C。18He will come to understand your efforts sooner or la

    29、ter. Its just a matter of .A. luck B. valueC. time D. fact答案C解析考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他迟早会理解你的良苦用心的,这只是时间问题。根据“sooner or later”可知,选C。19The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct in applying for a visa.A. pattern B. procedureC. program D. perspective答案B解析考查名词辨析。句意为:这位官员坚持认定Michael没有按照正确的程序申请签

    30、证。B项意为“程序”,符合句意;A项意为“模式”,C项意为“节目”,D项意为“远景”,均与句意不符。20Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional .A. consequence B. independenceC. competence D. intelligence答案C解析考查名词辨析。consequence意为“后果”;independence意为“独立”;intelligence意为“智力”,都不符合题意。competence意为“能力(ability)”,符合语境。句意为:老师们必须经常更新知识以保持他们专业的能力。21“Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with clearly in her voice.A. anger B. rudenessC. regret D. panic答案D解析考查名词词义辨析。anger意为“愤怒,气恼”;rudeness意为“粗鲁”;regret意为“遗憾”;panic意为“恐慌,惊恐”。句意为:“Tommy,快!快跑!房子着


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