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    1、英国文学课程教学大纲英国文学课程教学大纲 课程编号:ENGL2017课程类别:专业必修课程授课对象:英语、英语师范专业开课学期:春(第5学期)学 分:2主讲教师:秦伟刚指定教材:英美文学选读,张伯香编。外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。 英国文学简史,刘炳善编著。河南人民出版社,2001年。教学目的:英国文学历史悠久,自中远古至今,尤其是文艺复兴以来,名家名作迭出,卷轶浩繁,为世界文学的发展与繁荣做出了突出贡献。莎士比亚,雪莱,狄更斯,勃朗特姐妹,哈代等,即便对于一般读者来说都已成为耳熟能详的名字,他们的作品以各自不同的角度,各自不同的手法,对英国的社会生活、文化,乃至人类的命运等重大问题,进


    3、和认识,着重培养学生的分析思辩能力和语言表达能力,为学生写以文学为主题的毕业论文奠定基础。同时,通过本课程的学习,提高学生理解欧美文学和文化的鉴赏能力,加深学生对社会人生的思考,体现素质教育的特点。第一课 Introduction to English literature.课时:第一周,共2课时教学内容Introduction to English literature. 第一节 Why should we take this course.The importance of studying literature.English literature from the medieval p

    4、eriod to the present 思考题:1. What do you know about English literature?2. Are you interested in literature? 第二节 How to prepare for this course.How to make an oral presentation.How to participate in classroom discussions.How to do research through the Internet and in the library第二课 Chaucers “The Cante

    5、rbury Tales”课时:第二周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/story.2、Oral presentations on the author/ story.3、Detailed study of the text / story. 思考题:1.What is the season and setting of the General Prologue and how are these important to the Tale?2.In what orde

    6、r are the pilgrims introduced? Does the order and grouping of the pilgrims suggest anything about medieval English society?3.Critics find that some of the characters are being satirized in their initial presentation. Pick two characters-one presented seriously (or respectfully) and the other satiriz

    7、ed. Describe why you selected each and why they fit into that category.4.Discuss Chaucers writing style.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第三课 Spensers “Faire Queene”课时:第三周,共2课时教学内容第一节 textPre-reading questions and background information of the author/poems.O

    8、ral presentations on the author/poemsDetailed study of the text 思考题:1.The Faerie Queene is historical, moral, allegorical, and literal. Think about the different ways that this is so for the sections youve read.2.In what ways can you see the section youve read as commenting on religious or cultural

    9、turmoil in England, Ireland or the Continent.3.How is the episode youre considering an important part of the characters growth? What could it mean for the readers growth?4.In what ways is what youre reading Epic and in what ways is it Romance?5.What do you think Redcrosse symbolize? What do you thin

    10、k Una symbolize? 6.Discuss Spensers stylistic features as shown in the section youve read. 第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第四课 Shakespeares Sonnets课时:第四周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the poet/his sonnetsOral presenta

    11、tions on the poet/his sonnetsDetailed study of the text思考题:1. Figure out the rhyme scheme of Shakespeares sonnets.2. Identify the theme of each of the sonnets youve read.3. What are some of the literary devices that the poet employs in the sonnets and how effectively do they help to express the them

    12、es? 第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第五课 Shakespeares “The Merchant of Venice”课时:第五周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the playwright/his dramas.Oral presentations on the playwright/his dramas.Detailed study of the text 思考

    13、题:1. What do you know about Humanism? In what ways does the play demonstrate Shakespeares humanism?2. Analyze the major characters in the play such as Shylock, Portia, Antonio, etc.3. Discuss the social significance and artistic value of Shakespeares dramas. 第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and

    14、responses from the studentsHomework第六课 Donnes Sonnets课时:第六周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems. 思考题:1. What do you know about “metaphysical poetry”?2. What is a “metaphysical conceit”? C

    15、an you identify the “metaphysical conceits” in the sonnets youve read?3. What are the themes of the sonnets and what do you think of Donnes views? 4. Summarize Donnes poetic features.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第七课 Bunyans “The Pilgrims Progress”课时:第七周

    16、,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/book.Oral presentations on the author/book.Detailed study of the novel. 思考题:1. In what ways can we read the book as an allegory?2. What evils does the piece were reading expose and attack ?3. What is admirable about Bun

    17、yans prose?第二节 Questions and answersDiscussion and responses from the studentsHomework第八课 Swifts “Gullivers Travels”课时:第八周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. What is “Neo-class

    18、ical” literature?2. What are some of the Neo-classic writers views on Nature and literary creation?3. Discuss the themes in the novel.4. Discuss the stylistic features of Swifts prose, using examples from the text as illustrations. 第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the students

    19、Homework第九课 Wordsworths Poetry课时:第九周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems.思考题:1. Discuss English Romanticism. Where did many English Romantic poets believe the source of poetry was? How di

    20、d this differ from the views of the past poets? 2. What is the difference between Wordsworths ideal of good poetry versus the classical ideals of good poetry?3. In what ways do the poems we read fit the poets philosophy about poetry?4. What are the themes of the poems and what literary devices does

    21、the poet employ to effectively express them?5. Summarize the artistic characteristics of Wordsworths poetry.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十 课 Coleridges “Kubla Khan”课时:第十周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background of the poet/poems.Oral pres

    22、entations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. Discuss Coleridges romanticism in his poems.2. Can we take “Kubla Khan” as a complete poem? State your reasons.3. What do you think is (are) the possible theme(s) in the poem?第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the stu

    23、dentsHomework第十一课 Shelley “Ode to the West Wind” 课时:第十一周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poetry.Oral presentations on the poet/poetry.Detailed study of the text 思考题:1. What are some of the important views Shelley voices about poetry in his “A Defense of

    24、Poetry”? Does he practice them in this poem?2. What does the wind signify in this ode? How is it used symbolically?3. How does the poet use the images of autumn and fire in the poem? How does this compare to Shakespeares use of these in his sonnets?第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses

    25、from the studentsHomework第十二课 Keats “Ode to a Nightingale”课时:第十二周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the poets/poems.Oral presentations on the poetsDetailed study of the poems思考题:1. What are Keats views on poetry?2. What three sensations does the speaker feel in the

    26、 poems opening scene? What images of sound, sight, smell, taste, or touch have led you on a journey of imagination, perhaps back to some remembered occurrences/3. Discuss Keats style.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十三课 Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities”课时:第十三

    27、周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/novelsOral presentations on the author/novels .Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. Discuss Dickens critical-realism as represented in the novel. 2. Discuss Dickens humor and writing styles.3. According to your reading, w

    28、hat is the theme of the novel?第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十四课 Charlottes “Jane Eyre”课时:第十四周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/novelsOral presentations on the author/novels .Detailed study of the text.思考题:1

    29、. Discuss Charlottes realism as represented in the novel.2. According to your reading, what is the theme of the novel?3. Analyze the authors characterization of Jane Eyre, the heroine.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework.第十五课 George Eliots “Adam Bede”课时:第十五周,共

    30、2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/novels.Oral presentations on the author/novels.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. Discuss Eliots psychoanalysis.2. Discuss the major theme in Eliots novels: the relationship between the individual and the society3. Analyze

    31、 the theme of the novel “Adam Bede”.第二节 Questions and answersDiscussion s and responses from the studentsHomework第十六章 Hardys “Tess of the DUrbervilles” 课时:第十六周,共2课时教学内容第一节 Text Pre-reading questions and background information of the author/novels.Oral presentations on the author/novels.Detailed study of the novels. 思考题:1. Discuss Hardys fatalism.2. Discuss the character of Tess. To what extent is s


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