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    1、潍坊市中考英语考前冲刺题2019潍坊中考考前冲刺题一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)A Business PlanningA business plan shows what business purpose to achieve and how it will be achieved .A good business plan should include information on :The Business Ideas The business idea should make sure the purpose of the business .Purposes hel

    2、p business to work towards a clearly target .They also help make people work towards achieving a shard aim .It should also show the selling points that the business products are different from competitors .MarketA successful business must understand its buyers needs .So it will carry out market rese

    3、arch to collect ,analyze(分析) and present information connecting with its buyers ,competitors and the market .Financial Forecasts(金融预测)Potential investors (潜在投资者) will want to see how much money is needed to start up the business ,where the money will come from and how much money the business is like

    4、ly to make .PositionWhere will the business be located and why ?Some businesses may pay attention to the cost of tent ,while others may think about its buyers ,makers or products .The Marketing Mix The marketing mix is the key way in marketing methods .The business plan should describe how the marke

    5、ting mix can be used well to sell products .Poor planning is a common reason of business failure .Business plans can help to reduce risk by helping businesses know about and prepare for problems in advance .Getting the business plan right is key to make money safe .( )1. The business idea includes A

    6、. the business purpose and the products special selling points B. the business purpose and the business culture C. how to collect money to start the business D. how the marketing mix can be used well .( )2. Who will care most about the financial forecasts of a business ?A. Potential investors B. Emp

    7、loyees C. Buyers D. The government ( )3.With the help of business plans ,businesses can reduce risk by A. selecting a good location B. producing different kinds of products C. producing products with special selling points D. making preparations for problems in advance .B One day I came home from sc

    8、hool ,changed my clothes and got ready for work .I worked at a local restaurant in town as a waiter . I went to work feeling so down .I was so busy that evening .I had to face customers who complained(抱怨) about their food and where they sat was too big or too small .Little things like that annoyed(惹

    9、恼) a lot of us employees(雇员) but we must manage to deal with them .There old ladies walked in and sat by the windows .It happened to be the place near where I kept the dirty dished in the boxes .Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables ,customers leaving and coming in and workers running all over

    10、 the hours ,it was crazy .But these elderly women were watching how I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers .When they finished their meals ,I toll their plates back to the kitchen .They talked to me for a while about school - who I was doing ,what grade I w

    11、as in and what I planned to do in the future .As they were leaning ,they walked past me and one of them said to me in a confident and gentle voice .” You are going to be successful .” They left and I had tears in my eyes , because they gave me courage to believe in myself .They not only lit up my sp

    12、irit from being down ,but also gave me a reason to keep on working hard .Im now a co-anchor(联合主持人) of a student produced television show .And the best thing is .Im only 17 years old and I am still in high school .( )4.From the passage ,we can know that the writer is a A. teacher B. student C. manage

    13、r D. reporter ( )5. The writer felt down because A. he didnt have enough time to have a rest B. his boss was not satisfied with his work C. he had to deal with many little things D. he couldnt get along well with customers ( )6. Whats the ladies attitude towards the writer ?A. Supportive B. Unsatisf

    14、ied C. Angry D. Negative(否定的)( )7. What can we learn from the passage ?A. The writer didnt like study at first B. The writer was always unhappy with his wife C. The writer had known the old ladies before D. The old ladies had a good influence on the writer CMany people think a new year is a good rea

    15、son to get serious about saving .We all have our own ways of dealing with money ,but here are a few saving tips :The top-down view :Firstly what you need to do is to find out your biggest cost ,then think up ways to save and do with the biggest cost .The $5 jar :Have a $5 savings jar .Whenever you h

    16、ave $5 in hand ,drop it in the jar .Youll see your savings increase more quickly with fivers than with just coins .Improve your memory :Studies have shown that training your memory can build up a desire(欲望) to save money since short-time memory is connected with planning or the future .Read a person

    17、al finance book :Pick up a personal finance book .I suggest Ramit Sethis I will Teach You to Be Rich ($14) . Its a good book for those in their 20s because it gives practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy way .Let technology lead you: Use web tools to make it easier to budget(预算) your mo

    18、ney .There are free sites that let you view all of your money in one place and provide budgeting tools that help decide where it would be easiest to cut spending .Consider downloading apps thatll help you save .Automating(自动转存):The best way to make sure youre saving enough is to put some of your mon

    19、ey into your savings and retirement accounts(退休账户) every month .( )8. What does the underlined part “The top-down view” most probably mean ?A. Starting with the most important thing B. Paying special attention to the detailsC. Doing things in the time order D. Solving the easy problems first ( )9. T

    20、he writer especially recommends the book I Will Teach You to Be Rich to A. teenagers B. young people aged 20-29 C. the middle aged people D. the retired people ( )10.If you want to find out where it would be easiest to cut your spending ,youd better A. learn about the top-down view B. read a persona

    21、l finance book C. make use of the online books D. make sure youre saving enough first ( )11. The best title for the passage might be A. When to save money B How to spend money wisely C. How to save money D . Why we should save money DWhen we were little boys ,my father often took my brother and me t

    22、o travel around the country side .As a nature lover ,my father took us to visit almost everything in our home country 12 He tried his best to spend as much time with us as possible .During the camping time ,my father was both a driver and a cook because my mother was not there to look after us . 13

    23、Perhaps because we were really hungry by the time we ate .My brother and I were singing loudly while my father was cooking .If I could go back in time ,I would love to experience again the exciting moment in the open air .14. However ,there is some camping cooking advice to know before camping out a

    24、nd cooking .Think about how much food you need each meal and keep it in a bag . 15 Later you will need them to start a fire .Keeping water bottles is great when they are empty ,because they can be used for holding salt ,sugar and so on .A. Both my brother and I thought that my father made the best m

    25、eals for us .B. Camping cooking can be some of the beat cooking .C. These tips were our time together with our dear father .D. Our mother is good at cooking and enjoys camping too .E. You have to put matches(火柴) somewhere safe to keep them dry .二、语言知识运用完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)When Scott is reading

    26、a magazine ,all of a sudden ,there is a sharp pain in his finger .Then he sees a little bit of 16 and realizes that he has just gotten a paper cut .He just cant understand why such a little cut hurts so much .The serous pain pushes him to 17 answers on the Internet .A famous doctor 18 that one reaso

    27、n why paper cuts hurt so much is that the cut always happens on the finger where there are many nerve endings ,which will tell the brain about things that can cause a break in the skin 19 reason why paper cuts hurt so much is that were using our hands all the day .That means that the wound is always

    28、 getting 20 .Its hard not to use our hands ,so our hands are always working 21 a chance for the wound to get well .The paper itself is also an important reason why these cuts leave us in so much pain .Paper might look 22 ,but if you study it carefully ,youll find that the edge () is sharp .It cuts u

    29、s pretty 23 before we have the chance to realize it .Whats more ,because we dont expect to hurt ourselves while working with paper ,the 24 of cuts leaves us in further pain .We often 25 a knife because we know there is a danger ,while were so careful with paper .So if we do get a paper cut ,wed bett

    30、er wash it with soap and water ,and then put a band-aid(创口贴) on it .( )16. A. blood B. ink C. water D. tears ( )17.A. put forward B. wait for C. look into D. search for ( )18.A. remembers B. understands C. explains D. guesses( )19.A. One B. Another C. Other D. Others( )20. A. closed B. opened C. wil

    31、d D. awakened( )21. A. with B. of C. without D. by( )22 .A. useful B. thin C. hard D. smooth( )23 .A. quickly B. thickly C. terribly D. slowly( )24 .A. fear B. surprise C. expectation D. name( )25. A. keep out B. keep up C. keep on D. keep off 选择题答题处12345678910111213141516171819202122232425词汇运用:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Its every kids worst experience and six-old Jaden Hayes 26 (meet) it twice .First he list his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died 27 (expectedly) in her sleep .”I tried to 28 (wake) her ,but I couldnt ,” said Jaden


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