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    教育最新K12浙江省绍兴市柯桥区六校联盟学年八年级英语下学期独立作业试题 人教新目标版.docx

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    教育最新K12浙江省绍兴市柯桥区六校联盟学年八年级英语下学期独立作业试题 人教新目标版.docx

    1、教育最新K12浙江省绍兴市柯桥区六校联盟学年八年级英语下学期独立作业试题 人教新目标版浙江省绍兴市柯桥区六校联盟2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期4月独立作业试题注意事项 1、本试卷满分为100分,考试时间90分钟。2、全卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。请将答案填写在答题卷上。请细心填写,不要错填或漏填。 3、考试结束后,只交答题卷,试题卷请自己保留。 试卷I (选择题 共60分)一、听力部分(20分)一、 听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每题1分,第三节每题2分,共20分) 第一节:听小对话,回答问题。1. Whats wrong with Jack? AHe has a toothache.

    2、 B. He has a headache. C. He has a fever.2. Whats the girls advice for the boy?A. He could play games with the sick kids. B. He could tell some stories to the sick kids. C. He could teach the sick kids to dance.3. How could they help the disabled people?A. Raise money for them. B. Help them wash the

    3、 clothes. C. Get them the trained dogs.4. What is peter going to do this weekend?A. Climb the mountains. B. Do the housework. C. Do the homework.5. What did her cousin borrow from her yesterday?A. Her English book. B. Her Chinese dictionary. C. Her storybook.第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答第6-7两小题。6. What

    4、happened to the young man?A. He cut his finger. B. He got hit on his head. C. He hurt his leg7. How often should he take the medicine?A. Once a day B. Twice a day C. Three times a day 听下面一段对话,回答第8-10三小题。8. How long has Jeff had the bike?A. 7 years. B. 9 years. C. 10 years.9. Who give the bike to Jef

    5、f?A. His brother. B. His mother. C. His father.10. What is Jeff doing at the moment?A. He is having a yard sale. B. He is collecting some old things. C. He is riding a bike.第三节: 听短文,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案。11. Who told the boy “Be proud of what you do”? A. His father. B. His grandfather. C. His first te

    6、acher.12. What was the boys first job? A. A doctor. B. A cook. C. A cleaner.13. How did he feel his first job? A. Unhappy. B. Excited. C. bored.14. What taught the boy that being proud of ones job is important?A. Working in the hospital. B. Helping from a kind teacher. C. Looking after the patients.

    7、15. How can you be successful one day according to the boy?A.Try to finish your work on time.B. Try your best to do your work well. C. Try to help those who need help.二、笔试部分(80分)二、完形填空(本题有10小题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。My life is always full of sadness and little joy. However, no matter

    8、 what happens, I can always face it bravely. Last year, I couldnt believe the 16 that I could enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didnt seem as 17 as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head do

    9、wn and couldnt help 18 . I knew very well what my family was 19_. My mum was ill in bed. We lived a hard life and I couldnt go on my schooling. I felt so upset but I could say 20 to my parents. I _21_ to help my father with his work to support my family. To my surprise, things completely changed 22

    10、the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family 23 some money, which was raised by all the teachers. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” With tears in my eyes, I came into the key high school. I always studied hard after I entered the high school. No matter when I meet difficul

    11、ties, I always 24 my teachers and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter how 25 life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”16. A. idea B. story C. news D. advertisement17. A. smiling B. excited C. interested D. funny18. A. cryi

    12、ng B. laughing C. saying D. shouting19. A. about B. from C. later D. like20. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything21. A. agreed B. decided C. remembered D. seemed22. A. after B. till C. before D. on23. A. on B. for C. to D. with24. A. dream of B. think of C. hear of D. talk of25. A. happ

    13、y B. sad C. lovely D. hard三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分) ( A )Sydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St, Sydney.Phone: 02 9333 9222Fax: 02 9333 9203Open time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Saturdays to 11:30 p.m.)Ticket: $60 (for an adult); $30 (for a child)Website: www. sydneytower. com. auHow to get there: train

    14、 to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market StreetHow to book tickets: by phone/fax or through the webAttraction: Sydneys best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360 views of our beautiful city.26. Sydney Tower is _ in Sydney,

    15、Australia.A. The busiest street. B. The biggest station.C. The most beautiful park. D. The highest point.27. Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay _.A. $60 B. $90 C. $120 D. $15028. Last Saturday, Johnson went too visit Sydney Tower, he had to get down the tower_.A. Af

    16、ter 11:30 p.m. B. Before 11:30 p.m.C. At 10: 30 p.m. D. By 10: 30 p.m. ( B )Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If its hard for you to communicate with your parents, dont wor

    17、ry about it. Here are some suggestions for you to bridge the generation gap(代沟). Dont argue with your parents. Dont get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably wont consider your ideas if you are shouting at them You cant express(表达) yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place

    18、 to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you dont think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagr

    19、eement and try your best to accept each other. Michaels mother didnt agree with him about buying a car. They argued over it, but finally they came to a compromise. Michael bought the car, but only drove it on certain days. Of course your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situ

    20、ations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might h

    21、elp them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try.29. Who will have a communication problem? A. Parents and children of all ages. B. Children and other people. C. Parents and their school children. D. Teachers

    22、 and their students.30. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three . D. Two.31. The underlined phrase cool off in the passage means_.A. make yourself happy B. get yourself quiet and relaxedC. become angry D. go away quickly32. If there i

    23、s a generation gap between you and your parents, youd better_.A. know about their value. B. keep away from them. C. agree with them all the time. D. have a talk with them often.( C )Each country has many kinds of people who volunteer to take care of others. For example, some high school and universi

    24、ty students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals or old peoples homes. They read books to the people there, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick. They clea

    25、n up or do the shopping. For boys who dont have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers. University students and other people take these boys to baseball games and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.Each city has a lot of clubs where boys and girl

    26、s can go to play games or take part in other activities. Some of these clubs show movies or have short trips to the mountains, the beaches or museums. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and university students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger

    27、boys and girls.Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. 33. Which place is NOT mentioned about volunteering in the United States?A. City Park. B. Big Brothers. C. Hospital. D. Old peoples home.34.Whats Big Brothers?A. Its the n

    28、ame of a club.B. Its the name of a famous movie.C. Its the home for children who have no brothers.D. Its an organization for boys who dont have fathers.35.Why do most of the clubs for boys and girls use young students as volunteers?A. Because they are young enough to get along well with the children

    29、.B. Because they are young enough to remember the problems of children.C. Because they know things that the children usually learn from their fathers.D. Because they have more free time to spend on the volunteer work for children.36.Which can be the best title for the passage?A. Clubs in the USA. B.

    30、 Students in the USA.C. Big Brothers in the USA D. Volunteer Work in the USA ( D )Medical experts say most Americans do not get enough sleep. They say more Americans need to take a napthat is to rest for a short period in the middle of the day. They give people advice to sleep lightly before continu

    31、ing with other activities. The experts say naps might improve health by reducing pressure.Some European and Latin American companies have supported the idea of napping for many years. They ask people to leave work,go home and have a nap before returning. In the United States,some companies let workers rest simply in their offices. They believe this can help workers make fewer mistakes and also increase the amount of work that a person can do.Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at wo


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