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    天津市北辰区高考英语 完形填空暑假选练10.docx

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    天津市北辰区高考英语 完形填空暑假选练10.docx

    1、天津市北辰区高考英语 完形填空暑假选练10天津市北辰区2016高考英语 完形填空暑假选练(10)完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给出的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour 1 . When it became lighter, I decided to get my car, which was 2 at my office three streets away. My friends argued that I should

    2、nt go, mainly because I was seven months pregnant then. I assured them that Id be very 3 . I walked out of the 4 and started making my way to the car. At the traffic junction, a van stopped and the passenger got off with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me and to

    3、ld me hed escort(护送) me to my 5 . I was very embarrassed and declined(辞谢), but he was very 6 .During our 7 , he kept telling me to walk slower, as the ground was 8 . When we got to the car park, I 9 him and we parted ways. I did not get his 10 and may not even recognise him now. Did he 11 stop for m

    4、e? Ill never know.So how did I pay it forward? I was at home when I 12 two Indian construction workers walking in the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the construction 13 near my estate, which was a long walk in. I went out and passed them an umbrella. I told them they should take the

    5、umbrella and 14 it. They were very grateful and like me, probably wondered why a 15 was offering such kindness.文章大意:这篇文章讲述的是作者在下雨天得到陌生人的帮助,她深受感动,想把这样的好事继续传递下去。1. A. hardly B. slightly C. heavily D. slowly【答案】C【解析】考查副词及上下文语境的理解。A. hardly几乎不; B. slightly轻微地;C. heavily沉重地; D. slowly慢慢地。根据it started to

    6、pour可知雨下的大用heavily;“我”和“我”的朋友刚在旅馆吃完午饭这时天突然下起了大雨,故选C。2. A. parked B. locked C. broken D. repaired【答案】A【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。A. parked停车; B. locked锁门; C. broken打断; D. repaired修理。根据I decided to get my car可知车停在某个地方。当雨小点的时候,“我”决定去取车,车就在离办公室三条街的地方,故选A。3. A. successful B. careful C. joyful D. stressful【答案】B【解析

    7、】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。A. successful成功的; B. careful小心,仔细的; C. joyful令人高兴的; D. stressful紧张的,有压力的。根据I was seven months pregnant then可知“我”想他们保证我会很小心的,故选B。4. A. storm B. garage C. office D. hotel【答案】D【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. storm风暴; B. garage 车库; C. office办公室; D. hotel旅馆。根据上文I had just finished lunch at a hotel可知

    8、我走出旅馆,开始向车走去,故选D。5. A. destination B. home C. office D. company【答案】A【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. destination 目的地; B. home家; C. office 办公室; D. company公司。因为乘客当时不知我去什么地方。在我知道什么事情发生之前,他直接走到我身边,并且告诉我他要护送“我”到达目的地,故选A。6. A. cautious B. diligent C. persistent D. reluctant【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。A. cautious谨慎的; B. d

    9、iligent勤奋的; C. persistent固执的,坚持的; D. reluctant勉强的。根据he kept telling me to walk slower可知“我”很尴尬并且辞谢他但是他很固执,故选C。7. A. talk B. trip C. walk D. work【答案】C【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. talk谈话; B. trip旅行; C. walk步行; D. work工作。根据When we got to the car park,可知在我们走的过程中他不断地告诉“我”要走慢一点,故选C。8. A. rough B. wet C. messy D. d

    10、irty【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。A. rough艰苦; B. wet湿的; C. messy 凌乱的; D. dirty脏的。根据常识可知下雨,路面很湿。故选B。9. A. thanked B. left C. waved D. greeted【答案】A【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。A. thanked感谢; B. left 离开; C. waved挥手; D. greeted问候。根据上文可知他帮助了“我”。“我”感谢他,然后我们就分开了,各走各的路,故选A。10. A. umbrella B. appearance C. address D. name【答案】

    11、D【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. umbrella伞; B. appearance出现;C. address地址; D. name名字。根据may not even recognise him now.我没有得到他的名字,到现在我还不认识他,故选D。11. A. obviously B. accidently C. really D. purposely【答案】D【解析】考查副词及上下文语境的理解。A. obviously显然地; B. accidently意外地; C. really真的; D. purposely故意地。根据Ill never know可知他故意为了“我”而停下来

    12、的,故选D。12. A. watched B. noticed C. searched D. heard【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。A. watched观看; B. noticed注意到;C. searched搜查; D. heard听见。当“我”注意到两个印度的建筑工人在雨中工作时,是在“我”的家里,故选B。13. A. equipment B. stage C. object D. site【答案】D【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. equipment设备; B. stage舞台; C. object 物体; D. site工地,地点。在“我”家的附近,他们可能在

    13、去工地的途中,故选D。14. A. keep B. carry C. have D. return【答案】A【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。A. keep保持; B. carry 携带; C. have 有;D.return归还。“我”告诉他们他们应该带着雨伞,并且把伞留给他们,故选A。15. A. passer-by B. stranger C. man D. woman 【答案】B【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. passer-by过路人; B. stranger 陌生人; C. man 男士; D. woman妇女。他们是非常感激并且像我这样也许纳闷为什么陌生人会提供这么善意

    14、的帮助,故选B。完形填空供20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday. We have the double-hung(双吊钩)_36 that you can pull forward and flip(翻转), allowing us to _37 the inside and the outside surfaces.My husband was_38 one

    15、 window-and it popped out(跳出) of its frame! Well, our _39 is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to_40.He was so_41 and tried with all his strength to get it _42 together, using a few less than pleasant words(I am sorry to say). After twenty minutes he still could not get it_43.

    16、thats when my 23-year-old_44 told his dad to _45 for a minute and he would try to fix with me.Its amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more_46 when you are _47. He and I fixed the window in three minutes! I called my husband in to see! He coulnt_48 it!I know this isnt really a g

    17、ift_49, in a way, it was. My son_50 my husband to leave, to cool down, and_51 him from the worry for a moment. And my son fixing it with me was a _52 to me, because I saw him as a man instead of the kid he always seems to be in my_53.Calm is good. Breathe through _54 times and maybe even take a brea

    18、k from stressful times. Return with a clear mind and things will usually_55 much better!36. A. doors B. chairs C. tables D.windows37. A. destroy B. smooth C. clean D. dry38. A. washing B. painting C. repairing D. changing39. A. furniture B. house C. home D. car40. A. break B. dirty C. lose D. fly41.

    19、 A. interested B. delighted C. worried D. excited42. A. up B. away C. out D. back43. A. separated B. delivered C. fixed D. added 44. A. son B. nephew C. student D. daughter45. A. put away B. walk away C. give away D. take away46. A. fortunately B. difficulty C. slowly D. easily47. A. calm B. equal C

    20、. nervous D. frightened48. A. hate B. doubt C. believe D. satisfy49. A. or B. so C. and D. but 50. A. asked B. forced C. ordered D. promised51. A. kept B. freed C. saved D. protected52. A. surprise B. wonder C. gift D. hurt53. A. power B. hand C. turn B. eyes 54. A. easy B. happy C. exciting D. diff

    21、icult55. A. break out B. turn out C. pull out D. make out36.D 由文章第一句话“My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday.”可知,“我们”有双吊钩的“窗户”,这样的“窗户”便于你能向前推并翻转。37.C 第一段提到:昨天“我”和丈夫一起擦窗子。由此可知是便于“我们”“擦洗”窗户的里面和外面。故clean“把弄干净”符合语境。38.A 由文章第一段可知,夫妻二人正在擦洗窗户,此处指的应该是“我”的丈夫正在“洗”一扇窗户。故wash“冲;洗”符合语境。39.B 由语

    22、境可知应该是“我们”的“房子”要出售。40.A 由前面的“and it popped out of its frame!”可知,窗子坏了。故此处应该表示“我们”最不需要的事情就是东西“坏了”。break“打破、弄坏”符合语境。41.C 由下文中的“, using a few less than pleasant words (I am sorry to say).”可知,丈夫感到那么的不安(worried)。42.D 由上文中提到的“it popped out of its frame!”应该使窗户恢复原样。get back意为“恢复”符合语境。43.C 由下文中的“and he would

    23、try to fix it with me.”可知,丈夫尽力把窗户“安装”在一起。44.A 由倒数第二段中的“And my son fixing it with me”可知答案。45.B 由下文中的“I called my husband in to see!”可知,儿子告诉他的父亲走开一会。walk away“走开”符合语境。46.D 由前面的“clearly”及后面的语境可知应该用“easily”合适。47.A 由最后一段中的第一句话“Calm is good.”可知当你“镇定的”时候,看事情更清晰,做事情更容易。48.C 由上一段中的“After twenty minutes he st

    24、ill could not get it.”可知丈夫二十分钟后仍没能把窗户安装好。再由下文中的“He and I fixed the window in three minutes!”可知,他无法“相信”!49.D 由上下文语境可知是转折关系。故选but。50.A 由上下文语境可知,应该是儿子“让”自己的父亲走开一会。51.B 儿子帮助父亲从焦虑中摆脱出来。free from 意为“使摆脱”符合语境。而keepfrom,阻止某人;protect from,保护免受;save from,从挽救均不符合语境。52.C 由本段第一句知,“我”知道这并不真的是一份礼物,但是在某一方面,它又是。故推知,

    25、“我”的儿子和我一起修理窗户,对“我”而言是一份“礼物”。53.D 由上文中的“a man ”可知下文中与之对应的应该是“the kid”,故选instead of“而不是”。54.D 在母亲眼中的儿子。故用“in ones eyes”。其它三项均不符合语境。55.B 带着清醒的头脑返回并且事情将通常产生更好的结果。【2013界广东省韶关市】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I agree with the saying that some people “see old memories as a chan

    26、ce to deal with the past and unite past and present.” Many people are so _1_ by things that happened in their past that they are not able to focus on the _2_ . For example, in the book Ceremony, the main character, Tayo, cannot concentrate on the present because he cant forget his troubled childhood

    27、 and _3_ continues to relive things that happened during that time. However, past memories can help people to _4_ in the present. A _5_ example of people learning from the past would be the Marshall Plan. After the _6_ of World War II there were many war-torn countries around the world in need of _7

    28、_ assistance to help rebuild their countries, and the United States would have to be the one to _8_ that assistance. Many American politicians thought it was _9_ for the US government to spend money abroad on countries that would not be able to repay it for a long time. However, George Marshall, a f

    29、ormer US general, remembered how the exact same _10_ of why should we spend money on war-torn nations that really owe us reparations (赔款)? had been used after World War I towards Germany. The _11_ of assistance towards Germany after World War I had caused a gigantic economic depression in Germany th

    30、at had made the Mark (German money) virtually _12_ . The German people became so desperate that they started _13_ an extreme German nationalist named Adolf Hitler, who eventually started World War II. Marshall knew that if the US did not _14_ war-torn Germany and, especially, Japan, we could _15_ ha

    31、ve a World War III on our hands. 1. A. shocked B. troubled C. punished D. annoyed 2. A. memory B. situation C. present D. future 3. A. constantly B. innocently C. ridiculously D. rarely 4. A. forget B. recover C. enjoy D. compare 5. A. personal B. scientific C. historical D. commercial 6. A. conclusion B. decision C. invasion D. extension 7. A. medical B. political C. economic D. lawful 8. A. need B. provide C. find D. pre


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