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    1、中南网络教育英语中在线作业一及参考答案(一) 单选题 1. Most of us (?) English for six years.(A) have studied (B) study (C) is studying (D) studied 参考答案: (A) 2. According to the lastest (?) , the oil had very magical effect on skin.(A) cycle (B) judgment (C) decision (D) research 参考答案: (D) 3. She felt (?) by many letters of

    2、support.(A) praised (B) discouraged (C) encouraged (D) educated 参考答案: (C) 4. When I went home after class, I saw her (?) the chickens in the garden.(A) count (B) add (C) matter (D) figure 参考答案: (A) 5. Ahdili once and once again (?) of the world of tightrope walking (走钢丝).(A) set records (B) kept rec

    3、ords (C) play records (D) held records 参考答案: (A) 6. The old lady helped the housework(?) looked after the baby.(A) while (B) as well (C) the same time (D) as well as 参考答案: (D) 7. It is the most intersting book I (?).(A) is reading (B) have read (C) read (D) readed 参考答案: (B) 8. Language teachers ofte

    4、n (?) advice to language learners.(A) offers (B) offered (C) offer (D) are offering 参考答案: (C) 9. During the war, to join the army or not was a very hard (?) to make.(A) damage (B) discovery (C) invention (D) decision 参考答案: (D) 10. These old photos (?) many memories of my carefree childhood. (A) brou

    5、ght back (B) brought up (C) brought down (D) brought forth 参考答案: (A) 11. It was a surprisingly easy (?). (A) result (B) fruit (C) battles (D) victory 参考答案: (D) 12. The book of J.K. Rowling is sold well whenever it is (?). (A) declared (B) released (C) relieved (D) announced 参考答案: (B) 13. (?), Lily s

    6、tayed up very late, chatting with friends on line. (A) On most cases (B) On most ways (C) In most cases (D) In most occasions 参考答案: (C) 14. On receiving his Dear Jane letter (分手信), the girl got angry and (?) it into pieces.(A) broke (B) took (C) tore (D) beat 参考答案: (C) 15. Li Ming felt proud of bein

    7、g (?) a living dictionary.(A) known for (B) known as (C) named after (D) named for 参考答案: (B) 16. He couldnt help being touched by her (?) purity.(A) childish (B) young (C) childhood (D) childlike 参考答案: (D) 17. They divided themselves into three groups (?) age. (A) according to (B) as to (C) in the f

    8、orm of (D) in case of 参考答案: (A) 18. He spent a long holiday on the beach to (?). (A) restart (B) relax (C) refresh (D) regain 参考答案: (B) 19. The official gave all soldiers chances to shoot (?) the inexperienced newbie (新手).(A) except for (B) besides (C) apart from (D) except 参考答案: (D) 20. Schools in

    9、the north tend to be better equipped, (?) those in the south are relatively poor.(A) when (B) while (C) in the same time (D) at the same time 参考答案: (B) 21. I (?) born in a small city not far from here.(A) am (B) was (C) have been (D) had been 参考答案: (B) 22. I am studying the reason (?) the growing nu

    10、mber of mixed marriage.(A) because (B) behind (C) why (D) since 参考答案: (B) 23. The traffic in our city is already good and it (?) even better.(A) gets (B) has got (C) got (D) is getting 参考答案: (D) 24. The singer didnt sing (?) songs for the audience.(A) a bit of (B) a little of (C) a large amount of (

    11、D) a lot of 参考答案: (D) 25. He encouraged us not to be afraid of (?) mistakes to others even to the teachers.(A) pointing at (B) picking up (C) pointing out (D) pointing to 参考答案: (C) 26. He(?) the bird but missed.(A) aims at (B) aimed for (C) aimed to (D) aimed at 参考答案: (D) 27. This company was (?) by

    12、 his parents.(A) found (B) founded (C) find (D) set 参考答案: (B) 28. Its very (?) of you to hold the door open for the lady.(A) easy (B) polite (C) lovely (D) lively 参考答案: (B) 29. I (?) to see you at 10:00 tomorrow.(A) am going (B) go (C) went (D) has gone 参考答案: (A) 30. ?Each of the students, working h

    13、ard at their lessons, (?) the book. ? So have I.(A) is reading (B) has read (C) reading (D) reads 参考答案: (B) 31. After being released from prison, he (?) most of his time abroad.(A) took (B) spent (C) had (D) lived 参考答案: (B) 32. “I am very happy to (?) you.” The girl said to her new friends.(A) join

    14、(B) join in (C) join to (D) join up 参考答案: (A) 33. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He (?) in a radio factory at that time.(A) worked (B) has worked (C) works (D) was working 参考答案: (D) 34. He is (?) a property of one or other of his daughters.(A) believed (B) thought (C) considered (D) looked at 参考答案: (

    15、C) 35. “I could not have passed the exam,” he said, “If I (?) hard.”(A) did not work (B) have not worked (C) had worked (D) had not worked 参考答案: (D) 36. He tripped (绊倒) over a stone and (?) down on the ground.(A) drop (B) felt (C) fell (D) lost 参考答案: (C) 37. The baby is generally healthy, but every

    16、now and then he (?) a cold.(A) has caught (B) is catching (C) will catch (D) does catch 参考答案: (D) 38. He played the violin well and (?) from all the other musicians.(A) stood up (B) stood by (C) stood for (D) stood out 参考答案: (D) 39. In his class, students put forward their own ideas, as (?) to just

    17、copying the ideas from books.(A) objected (B) opposed (C) against (D) disagreed 参考答案: (B) 40. After he lost the game, every time I saw him, he seemed (?).(A) excited (B) depressed (C) encouraged (D) joyful 参考答案: (B) 41. The mother very (?) put her sleeping baby to bed.(A) gently (B) likely (C) frien

    18、dly (D) heartily 参考答案: (A) 42. He is not very clever, so he decided to work hard to (?) it.(A) set up (B) put up (C) make up for (D) take up 参考答案: (C) 43. When you are training a dog, make sure that its good (?) is rewarded.(A) flavor (B) savor (C) behaviour (D) favor 参考答案: (C) 44. You cant achieve

    19、a lot in science if you are not (?).(A) gifted (B) talkative (C) recognized (D) famous 参考答案: (A) 45. Susan is (?) with her homework now and has no time to play together with her friends.(A) full (B) worried (C) busy (D) tired 参考答案: (C) 46. Dont expect this medicine to work (?).(A) miracles (B) wonde

    20、rs (C) marvels (D) phenomenon 参考答案: (A) 47. My sister (?) on her best clothes and left for the party.(A) put (B) puts (C) will put (D) is putting 参考答案: (A) 48. He stood there motionless and (?) at the natural beauty of the sea.(A) in wonder (B) in doubt (C) in question (D) in trouble 参考答案: (A) 49. H

    21、er lying of that time (?) my distrust of everything she said.(A) leads to (B) causes to (C) guides to (D) leads off 参考答案: (A) 50. Application for admission to this course should be made (?) to the University.(A) rightly (B) firmly (C) directly (D) seperately 参考答案: (C) 51. The little boy (?) a book f

    22、rom the floor and put it on the platform of the classroom.(A) picked on (B) picked up (C) picked out (D) picked over 参考答案: (B) 52. (?) his mother, he did the best in the reading test.(A) Because (B) Since (C) With the help of (D) As 参考答案: (C) 53. I (?) ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to

    23、play since last year.(A) will play (B) have played (C) play (D) played 参考答案: (C) 54. Its so warm now, and its (?) much colder than this in January here.(A) normally (B) merely (C) hardly (D) rarely 参考答案: (A) 55. If he accepts the job, he (?) more money right away.(A) gets (B) has get (C) will get (D

    24、) got 参考答案: (C) 56. Juliet felt it unforgettable to (?) a moon cake(?) the children in the earth-stricken area on that Mid-Autumn Day.(A) share with (B) give to (C) sendto (D) getfrom 参考答案: (A) 57. The child walked in his grandpas (?), and made us all laughing.(A) means (B) manners (C) way (D) case

    25、参考答案: (C) 58. (?) you leave the house at the same time as your brother does?(A) Are (B) Do (C) Have (D) Had 参考答案: (B) 59. Everyone (?) about his survival(存活)from a terminal cancer(癌症晚期).(A) supports (B) doubts (C) surprises (D) satisfies 参考答案: (B) 60. He supported that countrys (?) into the European

    26、 Common Market. (A) entrance (B) join (C) entry (D) addition 参考答案: (C) 61. Remember to send me a photo of us when you (?) to me next time.(A) are writing (B) will write (C) has written (D) write 参考答案: (D) 62. She was not (?) with her first name Debby, so she changed it for another name?Lily.(A) comf

    27、ortable (B) satisfying (C) easy (D) relaxed 参考答案: (A) 63. (?) her everyday life, the disabled girl tried to live on her own as much as possible.(A) As to (B) As from (C) As of (D) As if 参考答案: (A) 64. If you want to learn things quickly, you should (?) carefully how others do it before doing anything

    28、.(A) watch (B) look (C) see (D) read 参考答案: (A) 65. Surfing the internet for information helps us a lot with our life, but playing too much PC games is (?).(A) priceless (B) worthy (C) worthless (D) costly 参考答案: (C) 66. After a year of hard work, he (?) in English listening.(A) failed (B) made achievements (C) enjoyed (D) made progress 参考答案: (D) 67. He (?) at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.(A) speaks (B) is going to speak (C) was going to speak (D) speaked 参考答案: (C) 68. He c


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