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    1、人教新目标八上英语短语汇总英语中考复习资料2015中考英语复习资料人教新目标八上英语短语汇总Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 1Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 2Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 2Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 3Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 4Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. 5Unit 7 Will peop

    2、le have robots? 6Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 7Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 8Unit 10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time! 9Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A1.go on vacation2.stay at home3.study for tests4.keep a diary5.go to the mountains6.go to the beach7.v

    3、isit museums8.go out9.of course10.something interesting/special11.something important12.anywhere interesting13.play volleyball14.have a great/good time15.take photos16.quite a few17.taste good18.go to summer camp19.most of the time20.buy sth. for sb.= buy sb.sth.21.Why not do sth.?22.What about?=How

    4、 about?23.a friends farm24.in the countryside25.feed some hens26.nothingbut27.seem to do sth.28.be boredSection B29.in the past30.go shopping31.go fishing32.too many33.have dinner34.home cooking35.decide to do sth.36.feel like37.arrive in38.try doing sth.39.try paragliding40.ride bicycles41.enjoy wa

    5、lking around42.walk around43.start raining44.take the train45.over an hour46.get to the top47.enough money48.one bowl of49.because of50.keep doing sth.51.forget to do sth (bring an umbrella)52.along the way53.another two hours54.dislike doing sth.55.like bestSelf Check56.bring back something57.not a

    6、t all58.have a fun time.59.have a good time (in) doing sth.60.the next day61.go on62.take some photos63.go to Mount Tai64.take a bag with some food and water65.find out66.sothate up68.up and down69.in excitement70.start doing sth.= start to do sth.Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section A71.help wi

    7、th housework72.once / twice a week73.three times a week74.one to three times a week75.three or four times a week 76.four to six times a week77.hardly ever78.how often79.twice a month80.on weekends81.go shopping82.watch TV83.How about?84.go to the movies85.be free=have time86.use the Internet87.be fu

    8、ll for me88.have dance and piano lessons89.have class90.stay up late91.at least92.go to bed earlySection B93.be good for94.want sb (not) to do sth.95.eat vegetables and fruit96.How many hours?97.drink milk98.cant stand99.go camping100.play computer games101.play sports102.free time activies103.go on

    9、line104.fifteen percent of105.notat all106.at least107.for fun108.the answer to the questions109.by using the Internet110.the best way to do sth (relax)111.in ones free time 112.such as113.the most popular114.spend time with sb.115.old habits die hard116.start doing sth. (exercising)117.a 16-year-ol

    10、d high school student118.go to the dentist119.have a lot of good habits120.have some bad habits121.more than two hours122.teeth cleaning123.more than124.less than125.junk food126.almost every day127.a few times a week128.learn more about healthy habits129.Dont worry.Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my s

    11、ister.Section A130.bothand131.more loudly132.more outgoing133.hardworking134.work hard135.get up early136.asas137.work as hard as138.the singing competition139.run fast140.have long/short hair141.play the drums142.jump high143.sing well144.sing more clearly145.dance better than146.something new147.h

    12、ave fun148.study English better149.the most important thing150.sing better151.as friendly as152.more outgoing than153.two years agoSection B154.be talented in155.the same as156.be good at157.make sb do sth.158.enjoy doing sth.159.make friends with160.care about161.as long as162.be different from163.

    13、bring out the best in me164.get better grades165.in fact166.break ones arm167.reach for168.touch ones heart169.be similar to170.less hard-working171.be like a mirror 172.be good with173.callat174.more information175.the most importantSelf Check176.make people laugh a lot177.a lot more outgoingUnit 4

    14、 Whats the best movie theater?Section A178.the biggest screens179.the best sound180.the most popular181.the closest to home182.close to183.buy tickets quickly184.the most comfortable seats185.the shortest waiting time186.clothes store187.radio station188.the most expensive189.the best movie theater1

    15、90.the most boring songs191.the worst music192.choose songs the most carefully194.buy clothes the most cheaply195.ask you some questions196.welcome to the neighborhood197.the freshest food198.be far from199.around here200.the newest one201.so far202.play the most interesting music203.Thanks for doin

    16、g sth./sth.204.sit the most comfortably205.no problem206.the worst service207.think of208.pretty bad209.have only 10 dishes210.not at all211.act well(the best)in212.other actors213.find the most interesting roles214.How much?215.How far?216.by busSection B217.be better at218.the most creative219.the

    17、 funniest person220.the quietest221.the best performer222.a great talent show223.an excellent piano player224.couldnt stop doing sth. (laughing)225.play the guitar upside down226.keep doing sth. (dropping the balls)227.for sure228.the most talented person229.more and more popular230.around the world

    18、231.watch sb do so sth.232.have in common233.try to do sth.234.look for235.all kinds of236.such as237.and so on238.play a role in doing sth.239.be up to240.the winner241.get a very good prize242.make up243.for example244.in facte true246.takeseriously247.show ones talent248.the fastest runner249.the

    19、 best place to go to on weekends250.The street performers251.one of +名词复数Self Check252.take walks253.be boring and too loud254.be very crowded255.get a ticket256.be uncomfortableUnit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A257.talk show258.game show259.talent show260.sports show261.soap opera262

    20、.soccer game263.Whatthink of?264.watch a game show265.watch TV266.join sb.267.a bit boring268.dont mind269.dont like270.cant stand271.learnfrom272.every night273.in class274.around the world275.one day276.have a discussion about277.a great way to relax278.more educational279.try (not) to do sth.280.

    21、hope (not) to do sth.281.expect (not) to do sth.282.plan (not) to do sth.283.want (not) to do sth.Section B284.learn a lot from285.have to286.the answers to the questions287.some great jokes288.on TV289.right now290.in the newspaper291.something exciting292.so meaningless293.most of 294.stay at home

    22、295.those kinds of.296.more enjoyable297.find out298.think about299.think of300.a symbol of301.one famous symbol302.the black mouse with two large round ears303.over 80 years agoe out305.the first cartoon with sound and music306.in the 1930s307.try to do sth.308.try ones best309.such as310.be ready

    23、to do sth.311.not so (simple) as312.a pair of e from 314.dress up315.take ones place to do sth.316.more than=over317.as famous as318.do a good job319.something enjoyableUnit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section Aputer programmer321.bus driver322.basketball player323.grow up324.every day325.p

    24、ractice basketball326.want to be a violinist/pianist327.sound difficult328.study math really hard329.take acting lessons330.move to Beijing331.write stories332.become a teacher333.how to learn children334.be good at335.be going to do sth.336.keep on doing sth.337.be sure about338.make sure339.want s

    25、b to do sth.340.not everyone341.try ones best342.finish high school and college343.a race car driver344.buy a fast car345.next September346.want to be a scientist347.go to a cooking school348.want to be a cook349.send to350.study medicine at a university351.write articles352.sendtoSection B353.New Y

    26、ears Resolutions354.play the piano355.play soccer356.make the soccer team357.of course358.get good grades359.get lots of exercise360.eat healthier food361.study hard 362.take guitar lessons363.learn another foreign language364.sound like365.tidy my room366.get back from school367.a good plan368.do h

    27、omework369.make a resolution370.last year371.be able to372.discuss the different kinds of resolutions373.for example374.give the meaning of resolution375.question the idea of making resolutions376.a kind of promise377.make promises to sb. (other people/oneself) 378.at the beginning of379.improve our

    28、 lives380.write down381.plan for the coming year382.physical health383.start an exercise program384.eat less fast food385.have to do with (selfimprovement)386.take up (a hobby like painting or taking photos)387.make a weekly plan for schoolwork388.agree with389.havein common390.hardly ever391.tooto3

    29、92.for this reason393.make yourself a better person394.make your life easiermake the subway better395.make you laugh396.make promises/resolutions397.improve my relationships with my family and friends398.ones own personal improvement399.have to do sth.400.drive to do sth. (work)Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A401.be free402.on computers403.on paper404.live to be 200 years old405.in 100 years406.fewer people407.less pollutionbe more crowded and pollutedDont pollute the environment.408.more trees409.prediction about the futurepredict the future410.be in great danger411.move to other pla


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