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    1、东财09春学期大学体验英语基础教程在线作业一东财09春学期大学体验英语基础教程在线作业一东财09春学期大学体验英语基础教程在线作业一一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Through which _ did you get the information? A. canal B. channel C. place D. way 满分:4 分2. I dont think he is a good writer; he specially writes books to _ to low tastes. A. stick B. catch C. refer D. cater

    2、 满分:4 分 3. He has been _ with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years. A. afflicted B. addicted C. affiliated D. consulted 满分:4 分 4. when we heard the gun fire, we all stood still and shook with_. A. fear B. a fear C. fears D. the fear 满分:4 分 5. I have no _ but to listen to my boss. A. pr

    3、ivilege B. respect C. priority D. option 满分:4 分 6. She has the ability to keep _ in an emergency. A. quiet B. calm C. still D. silent 满分:4 分 7. The new research team _ charge of a _ engineer will carry out the plan. A. in; main B. take ; major C. in the ; chief D. with the ; primary 满分:4 分 8. You _

    4、pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important. A. cannot B. should C. must D. neednt 满分:4 分 9. Taiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is that so? A. in, a B. in, an C. to ,an D. off ,an 满分:4 分 10. Ill spend all my work time _ giving advice _ learnin

    5、g English well. A. in, on B. on, in C. in, in D. to, on 满分:4 分 11. The weather here is too _ and it can rain at any moment. Why not bring an umbrella? A. changeable B. sunny C. cloudy D. rainy 满分:4 分 12. He is older _five years than John. A. for B. at C. than D. by 满分:4 分 13. Wait till you are more

    6、_ . Its better to be sure than sorry. A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain 满分:4 分 14. This dictionary is very useful. It has _ many problems about words and idioms for me. A. looked up B. kept up C. cleared off D. cleared up 满分:4 分 15. The truth will sooner or later _. A. come about B. turn o

    7、ut C. come out D. give out 满分:4 分 16. _ are kept on the farm for their meat or milk. A. 200 head cattle B. 200 head of cattle C. 200 head cattles D. 200 heads of cattle 满分:4 分 17. Oh my gosh! The rice cake almost _ me. A. blocked B. choked C. checked D. chatted 满分:4 分 18. The way they talked _ the p

    8、roblem seemed impossible. A. about setting B. to settle C. of setting D. about to settle 满分:4 分 19. He never tidies up his desk, so it is a _ of books and newspapers. A. confusion B. disorder C. chaos D. desk 满分:4 分 20. The twins look alike but they are different in _. A. characteristic B. appearanc

    9、e C. character D. nature 满分:4 分 21. Is _ at its best in spring? A. nature B. the nature C. a nature D. natures 满分:4 分 22. The wellequipped swimming pool is the favourite _ of the boys in summer. A. residence B. site C. haunt D. hotel 满分:4 分 23. There seemed to be nothing _ to do but _ for the manage

    10、r. A. leave , send B. leave, to leave C. left ,send D. left ,to send 满分:4 分 24. The volcano that raised the islands are still _ in places. A. inactive B. enormous C. energetic D. lively 满分:4 分 25. Im afraid you have no _ but to come along with us. A. decision B. interest C. choice D. selection东财09春学

    11、期大学体验英语基础教程在线作业二一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. He has_for two years. Two years _a long time. A. left home,are B. left home,is C. been away from home, is D. been away from home, are 满分:4 分 2. In the discussion some students in our group _a new way of protecting the environment. A. came across B. came

    12、up with C. came on D. came in 满分:4 分 3. _listen to music in the classroom. A. Not B. Cant C. Dont D. Arent 满分:4 分 4. My glasses are broken. I will have to buy_. A. a new one B. new ones C. another one D. a new pair 满分:4 分 5. They arrived_the station late last night. A. at B. in C. on D. to 满分:4 分 6.

    13、 _ first lesson is _ very easy one. A. The, / B. The, a C. a, a D. a, / 满分:4 分 7. _ it takes _to repair a car. A. Sometimes,sometime B. Sometime,sometime C. Sometimes,some time D. Sometimes,some times 满分:4 分 8. _you have to meet your friends after school? A. Are B. Were C. Have D. Do 满分:4 分 9. Could

    14、 you help _ with _ English, please. A. I, my B. me, me C. me, my D. my, I 满分:4 分 10. There is going to_ a sports meeting next week. A. have B. holds C. has D. be 满分:4 分 11. A friend of _ came here yesterday. A. my B. his C. him D. himself 满分:4 分 12. Mr Wang has two children. One is a son, _is a daug

    15、hter. A. one B. other C. another D. the other 满分:4 分 13. He found _ important to study English well. A. it B. this C. that D. its 满分:4 分 14. _your help, we finished the work on time. A. Thanks B. Thanks of C. Thanks for D. Thanks to 满分:4 分 15. Do you have lots of_in your family? A. friends B. rule C

    16、. rules D. a rule 满分:4 分 16. Did anybody stop him from_ onto the train? A. getting B. got C. to get D. get 满分:4 分 17. -Would you like to go swimming with me? -_. A. I would like B. Id love C. Id like to do D. Id love to 满分:4 分 18. _weather we have today! A. What a fine B. What fine C. How fine a D.

    17、How fine 满分:4 分 19. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose_one. A. less expensive B. the least expensive C. the less expensive D. the most expensive 满分:4 分 20. No matter how much money there is it cant _ a healthy body. A. compare B. fit C. defeat D. match 满分:4 分 21. I missed the football match last

    18、 night.-_ A. So I did B. It doesnt matter C. what a pity! D. Neither did I. 满分:4 分 22. Did he have to_at that time? A. go B. goes C. went D. going 满分:4 分 23. I think its high time you made up your mind to choose a(n) _. A. ambition B. carrier C. employment D. career 满分:4 分 24. _ is _ mother of _ suc

    19、cess. A. Failure, the, B. Failure, the, C. The failure,the D. A failure, the, a 满分:4 分 25. That shop sells_shoes and clothes. A. womens B. women C. womens D. womans东财09春学期大学体验英语基础教程在线作业三一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. I can make a snowball _ winter. A. on B. in C. at D. of 满分:4 分 2. How do you like vi

    20、negar?-_. A. Salty B. Sour C. Spicy D. Sweet 满分:4 分 3. _do you sleep every night?-Six to eight hours. A. How long B. How often C. How D. How many times 满分:4 分 4. Mary has so many interesting books_. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 满分:4 分 5. The children like to skate _ ice. A. in B. on an C.

    21、on the D. in the 满分:4 分 6. She has to ask for _ leave. A. two day B. two days C. two days D. two days 满分:4 分 7. One of the best films _ Titanic now. A. is B. are C. were D. was 满分:4 分 8. You can see snow _ at the North Pole. A. in front B. at that time C. on big piece of ice D. here and there 满分:4 分

    22、 9. They_ another door. It is the food shop. A. pass B. past C. is pass D. are pass 满分:4 分 10. Our teacher is strict _ us. He never allows us to write _ carelessly. A. with , that B. with, such so C. to, such D. to , so 满分:4 分 11. All the problems_ as expected, the manager felt rather satisfied. A.

    23、had been settled B. being settled C. settled D. to settle 满分:4 分 12. Do you know who wrote the book?-Bill Gates _ A. / B. did C. was D. wrote 满分:4 分 13. There are about _ students on the playground. A. three hundred B. three hundreds of C. hundreds of D. a and c 满分:4 分 14. The _ look on Miss Wangs f

    24、ace suggested that she_ great danger. A. worrying, is in B. worried ,was in C. worrying, was D. worried, is with 满分:4 分 15. People try to avoid traffic jams by using their own cars, and this _creates further troubles. A. in all B. in case C. in turn D. in time 满分:4 分 16. Do you know _ ? A. who is th

    25、e man B. who the man is C. the man is who D. the man who is 满分:4 分 17. They are getting ready _ their holiday. A. on B. for C. at D. in 满分:4 分 18. I saw no more than one camera left in that shop. Will you go and buy_? A. some B. any C. it D. one 满分:4 分 19. Is this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letter? A. where B. what C. that


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