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    1、2020 年河北省中考模拟英语试题学校 班级 姓名 学号 一、单选题1. Earth Day is celebrated April 22nd around the world in different ways. AinBatConDfor 2. Mr. Smith gave us some on how to improve our speaking skills. AadviceBnewsCknowledgeDinformation 3. forces me to study hard and realize my dream. But its my hearts call.ANobod

    2、yBSomebodyCAnybodyDEverybody 4. China has of the worlds high-speed railways. Atwo thirdBtwo-thirdCtwo-thirdsDtwo three 5. How do you like the film Operation Red Sea(红海行动), Li Wei? Great! Ive never seen a one!Aso excitingBsuch exciting Cvery exciting Dmore exciting 6. The song Where Is Time Gone sung

    3、 by Diamond(张碧晨) the yearly general champion of Chinas Voice.AlostBwonCbeatDgot 7. I working in Xiongan New Area in Hebei. Alook upBlook likeClook after Dlook forward to 8. Is that Kobe? How well he shot the basketball! It be Kobe. He has got out of Lakers and any competition. AmustntBneedntCcantDsh

    4、ouldnt9. You should be careful to pay over the Internet, its not always safe. AsoBbecauseCafterDas soon as 10. The Reader, run by Dong Qing on CCTV, is a weekly talk show brings the habit of reading back into the public. AwhoBthatCwhatDwhere 二、完型填空11. Do you have any online classes? It is possible t

    5、o take classes at home. All you need is a computer a headset. Many students said it is hard to focus studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan at the Affiliated(附属的)High School of Peking University. “There no classmates, no real teachers watching me. I can surf the Internet

    6、 or do other things I want to. Its harder to always stay focused,” she said. Lian prepares a lot before taking her classes to make sure she will . She also pushes to communicate with teachers. Students can come up with or answerwhile taking online classes. But Wen Jiayi, at the Yucai Middle School A

    7、ttached to Chengdu No. 7 High School, thinks online interaction( 互 动 )isnt enough. “The online teachers dont really get to know me. When I dont homework, all I get is a short message real concern(关心),” she said. However, online classes still have other advantages. “It time and money compared to taki

    8、ng offline classes. Also, if I dont understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch it over again,” Lian said.【小题 1】Aand Bso Cbut Dor 【小题 2】Aon Bwith Cfor Din 【小题 3】Awas Bwere Cis Dare 【小题 4】Athough Bif Cwhen Dwhile A. look 【小题 5】through B. pay attention C. call onDworry about 【小题 6】AmyselfByourselfC

    9、himselfDherself 【小题 7】Aagreements BthoughtsCdecisionsDquestions 【小题 8】Agive upBlook upChand inDput off 【小题 9】Ain silence Bin commonCinstead of Dacross from 【小题 10】AwastesBcausesCprotectsDsaves 三、阅读单选12. Born in China is a movie about wild animals in nature. It tells us the stories of three animal fa

    10、milies. Mother Panda Yaya and her daughter Meimei live in the bamboo forest in Sichuan. Yaya loves her kid very much. However, she never forgets to teach her baby to be independent. Taotao, who is a golden monkey from Sichuan, feels sad after his mother gave birth to another kid. So he leaves home.

    11、Dawa is also one of the main characters in this movie. She is a snow leopard( 雪 豹 )and she lives with her two kids in the mountains in the west part of China. The weather is terrible there and they live a hard life. Born in China is a nature documentary. From the movie, you can learn more about pand

    12、as, golden monkeys and snow leopards. You can also enjoy the natural beauty of China. This movie tells us that everyone should protect animals and our planet the Earth. 【小题 1】According to the movie Born in China, we should. A. learn more about animals B. help animals get on well with each other C. p

    13、rotect animals and the Earth Dwatch more movies about animals 【小题 2】Why does Dawa live a hard life? Because. Ashe has two kidsBshe lives in mountains Cshe lives in the west part of China Dthe weather is terrible where she lives 13. On April 1st, China announced that it would build the Xiongan New Ar

    14、ea in Hebei Province. This will be of the same importance as the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Pudong New Area. The area, will cover three counties that sit at the center of the triangular( 三 角 形 的 )area formed by Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang. The Xiongan New Area has great potential(

    15、潜力)for growth. It has a large space to develop and will expand to cover 2, 000 square kilometers. The transportation of the area is convenient, with only an hours drive to Beijing and Tianjin.The new area also has a wonderful natural environment. It is home to Baiyangdian, one of the largest freshwa

    16、ter wetlands in North China. With more than 140 lakes, the wetland is known as the “pearl(珍珠)” of the North China Plain.Once built, the area will lower the heavy burden( 负 担 )on Beijing. For example, many companies, universities and scientific research centers will move from Beijing to the area. Int

    17、ernational experts and media also think highly of this new area, saying that it will set an example to developing countries. 【小题 1】Xiongan New Area will be as as the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Pudong New Area. AimportantBbeautifulClargeDrich 【小题 2】The transportation of the area is conven

    18、ient, and it will take only an to drive to Beijing and Tianjin. A. 0 minutesBhalf an hour ChourDtwo hours 【小题 3】The underlined words “expand” mean . AspreadBchangeCbulidDconnect 【小题 4】How about the future development of Xiongan New Area? AIt will be the richest place in the future. B. It will become

    19、 the largest new area in Asia in the future. CXiongan New Area will be the largest place of interest.DIt has great potential for development in the future. 14. Two-time Olympic gold medalist Zou Shiming from China has beaten Thai boxer(拳击手)Prasitsak Phaprom to be the WBO(世界拳击组织)flyweight world champ

    20、ion. “My dream is realized and all the hard work paid off. I felt calm and relaxed throughout the match. I am an Olympic gold medalist and now I am a world champion,” the 35-year-old Zou said. Zou has been known for being Chinas boxing star of all time. His first big win was when he took the Light F

    21、lyweight Silver Medal in 2003. And he became the first Chinese boxer ever to win a gold medal in 2005. Zou once said his dream is to make it big in the US and fight in Las Vegas for a world event. “Las Vegas is always the big stage that all professional(职业的)boxers dream of,” he said. “I promised to

    22、achieve my dreams to win world events and to bring China into the worldwide boxing family.” Now he has put China on the global(全球的)boxing map. “As a boxer, you will always taste blood. Cuts and injuries are common. If they scare you, you will never become a good fighter,” said Zou. 【小题 1】Zou Shiming

    23、 had won two . A. Olympic gold medalsBglobal boxing medals CLas Vegas silver medalsDChinas boxing gold medals【小题 2】Zou Shiming became the WBO flyweight world champion when he was . A30B35C40D45 【小题 3】It was not until 2005 that Chinese boxers got . B. the WBO flyweight world Athe worlds silver medalc

    24、hampion CChinas gold medalDthe worlds gold medal【小题 4】From the passage we can see that . Aone shouldnt be afraid of cuts and injuries Csuccess comes from dreams and hard work Btheres no success without help Done can realize his dream by being a boxer 15. Watching American TV and movies is a surprisi

    25、ngly free way to learn English. You learn modern culture, commonly used slang(俚语), improve listening, and most of all, its super fun.The language used in popular TV shows and movies actually represents real life. Sometimes native(母语的)speakers even use new phrases they learn from movies. The slang to

    26、day is much different from the slang used by even my parents. Real spoken English changes quite quickly and its important to know whats cool now and what sounds old and stupid. Most people studying English by watching TV and movies make one or two MISTAKES however. 1. Watching with subtitles(译文对白字幕)

    27、This is a huge mistake because you learn a lot less than you think. Your eyes naturally go to the subtitles and often the translations arent great. Its impossible to translate slang and jokes anyway. Another thing is that your brain is busy reading your own language. This really slows down the learn

    28、ing. 2. Watching stuff(素材资料)Turning the subtitles off isnt enough if you dont understand 100% of the movie or TV show. Its not enough to get the “general idea”. Ive watched so many movies and TVshows with people who arent from English-speaking countries, and they always miss the real funny parts, be

    29、cause movies and TV shows are designed for English-speaking people. They dont need anything explained to them but you do. If you are learning English you need to have these slang expressions and jokes explained to you. Then you will totally “get” everything and your English level will improve like c

    30、razy. No matter what your level is, Im sure youll learn something from this. Check it out. 【小题 1】Whats super fun according to this passage? ALearning about modern culture. BLearning to use common slang. DWatching American TV and CImproving listening. movies. 【小题 2】 represent the changes of real spok

    31、en English. BSlang from popular TV shows and APopular TV shows and movies movies CNative speakersDSlang used by my parents 【小题 3】Why is it a huge mistake for English learners to watch TV or movies with subtitles? Because . Athe translation isnt rightBit slows down your reading Cno slang or jokes can be tra


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