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    1、专业英语四级样题各位同学好!这里是中央电大本科开放教育英语专业四级考试的样题,提供给大家以做参考。其中的格式和样式基本保持了正式考试的样子。另外,试题的难度也基本上与正式考试时相当。希望在复习和备考中能有所帮助。-Answer BookletGraded Model Test For English Majors2001.3Name: _ Class: _ Score: _I. Writing (20 points)Task One (15 points)Task Two (5 points)Name: _ Class: _II. Dictation (15 points)Name: _ Cl

    2、ass: _III.Cloze (15 points) 1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C D 6. A B C D 7. A B C D 8. A B C D 9. A B C D 10. A B C D 11. A B C D 12. A B C D13. A B C D 14. A B C D 15. A B C D 16. A B C D17. A B C D 18. A B C D 19. A B C D 20. A B C DV. Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points)21. A B

    3、 C D 22. A B C D 23. A B C D 24. A B C D25. A B C D 26. A B C D 27. A B C D 28. A B C D29. A B C D 30. A B C D 31. A B C D 32. A B C D33. A B C D 34. A B C D 35. A B C D 36. A B C D37. A B C D 38. A B C D 39. A B C D 40. A B C D41. A B C D 42. A B C D 43. A B C D 44. A B C D45. A B C D 46. A B C D 4

    4、7. A B C D 48. A B C D49. A B C D 50. A B C D VI. Reading Comprehension (20 points)Section A (15 points)51. A B C D 52. A B C D 53. A B C D 54. A B C D55. A B C D 56. A B C D 57. A B C D 58. A B C D59. A B C D 60. A B C D 61. A B C D 62. A B C D63. A B C D 64. A B C D 65. A B C D 66. A B C D67. A B

    5、C D 68. A B C D 69. A B C D 70. A B C DSections B (5 points)71. A B C D 72. A B C D 73. A B C D 74. A B C D75. A B C D 76. A B C D 77. A B C D 78. A B C D79. A B C D 80. A B C D QUESTION BOOKLETGRADED MODEL TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS2001.3I. Writing (20 points)Task One (15 points) (Time: 35 mins.) Writ

    6、e in your ANSWER BOOKLET a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the FutureRequirements: Write the composition in 3 paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state what your view is on becoming a teacher in the future. In the second paragraph, give at least

    7、 two reasons to support your view. Finally, in the last paragraph, give a brief summary of what you have discussed in the preceding paragraphs.Task Two (5 points) (Time: 10 mins.) Write in your ANSWER BOOKLET a note of about 80 words to a friend of yours based on the following given situation: You,

    8、Wang Ling, have just received a note from Zhou Wei, a close friend of yours, inviting you to her birthday party on the coming Saturday.Now write to inform her of your acceptance of the invitation.II. Dictation (15 points) (Time: 15 mins.) Listen to the following passage and write down the whole pass

    9、age. All together the passage will be read to you four times. For the first time, just listen and try to understand the meaning. The first reading will be read at normal speed. For the second and the third reading, the passage will be read slowly and sentence by sentence. The last reading will be re

    10、ad at normal speed again when you can check your work. Write the passage in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.III. Cloze (15 points) (Time:; 20 mins.)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the cor

    11、rect choice for each blank in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Text A To find out what the weather is going to be, most people go straight to the radio, television or newspaper to get an expert weather forecast. But (1) _ you know what to look for, you can use your own (2) _ to make weather predictions. There a

    12、re many (3) _ which can help you. For example, in fair weather the air pressure is generally (4) _. The air is still and often full of dust. Faraway objects may look (5) _. But when a storm is gathering, the pressure (6) _ and you are often able to see things more clearly. Sailors took note of this

    13、long ago and came (7) _ with a saying The farther the sight, the nearer the rain. Your sense of (8) _ can also help you detect weather changes. Just (9) _ it rains, odours become stronger. This is (10) _ odours are suppressed in a fair, high-pressure centre. When a bad weather low moves in, air pres

    14、sure lessens and odours are (11) _. You can also hear an approaching storm. Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and return to earth with (12) _. An old saying describes it this way Sound travelling far and wide a stormy day will betide. And dont laugh if your grandmother says she can (13) _ a storm

    15、 coming. It is commonly known that many people feel pains in their bones when the humidity (14) _, the pressure drops, and bad weather is on the (15) _. 1. A. if B. unless C. though D. as 2. A. experiences B. senses C. feelings D. ways 3. A. forms B. signals C. signs D. expressions 4. A. high B. low

    16、 C. strong D. weak 5. A. big B. small C. clear D. misty 6. A. rises B. drops C. increases D. descends 7. A. up B. over C. upon D. on 8. A. touch B. taste C. smell D. sight 9. A. when B. as C. after D. before10. A. why B. because C. how D. when11. A. released B. controlled C. checked D. roused12. A.

    17、power B. force C. strength D. vigour13. A. see B. hear C. feel D. tell14. A. falls B. grows C. drops D. rises15. A. way B. road C. march D. moveText B The industrial revolution, which began sometime in the eighteenth century, brought about greater changes in technology than had been seen in all the

    18、preceding history of mankind. By the mid-1800s the revolution had run its (16) _, and advanced countries began to enjoy such novelties as railways, steamships, electricity, telegraphy and a variety of steam-driven (17) _ that vastly boosted production and made the industrial countries richer and mor

    19、e powerful. Technology, also enriched, was (18) _ refined to produce the telephone, phonograph, wireless telegraphy, industrial chemistry, scientific medicine, the automobile and the airplane. Improvements (19) _ mass production soon made these new things (20) _ to ordinary people, and by the 1930s

    20、new entertainment industries, including the radio and sound motion pictures, enlivened the age of mass consumption.16. A. course B. way C. route D. road17. A. devices B. facilities C. appliances D. machinery18. A. quite B. further C. rather D. Already19. A. in B. for C. of D. with20. A. accessible B

    21、. available C. adaptable D. additionalIV. Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points) (Time: 20 mins.)Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer

    22、in the ANSWER BOOKLET by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets. Example: Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre_ the curcain went up. A. then B. when C. before D. than The sentence should read, Scarcely had they settled themselv

    23、es in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up. Therefore, you should choose B.Sample Answer A B C D21. _ their policy can be changed the future for that country will be indeed bleak.A. Even if B. Unless C. Now that D. As long as22. She said she would work it out herself _ ask me for help

    24、. A. and not to B. but not C. and prefer not D. rather than23. I bought this shirt for 35 yuan yesterday. Its on sale today for only 29. You should have waited. On really? But how _ I know? A. would B. can C. did D. do24. They were pushed into battle _.A. unprepared B. unpreparedly C. not preparting

    25、 it D. without preparing it25. She asked that she _ allowed to see her son in policy custody. A. would be B. could be C. be D. was26. Mr. Anderson presided _ the board meeting on behalf of the Chairman. A. at B. over C. on D. in27. The rising crime rate is _ major concern of _ society. A. the, the B

    26、. a, / C. a, the D. /, the28. I never regretted _ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay. A. not to accept B. not having accepted C. having not accepted D. not accepting29. I _ writing the paper as scheduled, but my mothers illness interfered. I hope you will excuse me. A. am to have finish

    27、ed B. was to have finished C. was to finish D. ought to finish30. Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they eat twice _ they did before their diet. A. more than B. as many as C. much than D. as much as31. She may be _ experience, but she learns quickly. A. lacking B. lacking in C. in

    28、need for D. in lack of32. David Singer, my friendss father, _ raised and educated in New York, lived and lectured in Africa most of his life. A. who B. if C. while D. though33. My Scottish friend says there is _ monster in Loch Ness. A. no such thing as B. no such thing as a C. no such a thing as D.

    29、 no such a thing as a34. The university authorities are seriously considering abandoning the traditional _ class. A. fifty minutes B. fifty-minutes C. fifty-minute D. fifty-minutes35. _ the snake in superstitious awe. A. Mankind has held long B. Long has held mankind C. Has mankind long held D. Mankind has long held36. On the desert travellers often see _ rivers and lakes. A. imagining B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imaginary37. Inside the apartment was an unpleasant smell of _ air. A. stale B. smoked C. misty D. wet38. The album might well have _ had it


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