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    1、上海市奉贤区届九年级调研测试二模试题英语上海市奉贤区2015届九年级5月调研测试(二模)试题(英语) Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)7. A)Tea B) Coffee C)Beer D) Juice8. A) Sunny B) Cloudy C) Snowy D) Rainy 9. A) 11:00 B) 11:15

    2、 C) 11:30 D) 11:4510. A) Dancing with Stars B) Im a singer C) Running Man D) Flower Sister11. A)By underground B) By car C)By taxi D)By bus12. A)Interesting B)Terrible C)Boring D)Frightening 13. A) Teacher and Student B) Doctor and PatientC) Shop-assistant and Customer D) Husband and Wife14. A) Beca

    3、use Linda thinks the teacher will help her.B) Because Alex has no time to help her.C) Because Linda wants to do it by herself.D) Because Linda thinks it is easy.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements arc true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(6分)15.There w

    4、as a girl with beautiful, brown thick hair. 16. When she woke up one morning, she found she had little hair on her head. 17. Her mother thought the girl would cry sadly.18. The girl decided to wear her hair in a ponytail (马尾辫) when there were two hairs left. 19. When there wasnt a single hair on her

    5、 head, the girl looked terribly sad. 20. The story told us hairstyle is important in a persons daily life. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词):(共10分)21.Enough sleep helps the body and brain and _.22. About _ _of middle school students dont get enough sle

    6、ep according to the report. 23. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolworkand cant _ _ quickly. 24. Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to .25. Its good to sleep in a _ _ that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold. Par

    7、t 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A)More and more people spend their holidays in another country.B)The young lady over there is my aunt.C) He is ol

    8、d enough to look after himself.D)This house is made of wood.27. Which of the following words matches the sounds /praiz/?A) prize B) praise C) price D) piece28. -What horrible day it was yesterday!- Yes. But 1 love air after it rains because it smells fresh.A) a, the B) a, / C) the, the D) the, a29.

    9、The crash of German Flight 4U9525_ the south of France _ March 25thshocked the whole world.A) at, on B) in, at C)in, on D) at, in 30. -Have you found your bicycle? - No. But my mother promised to buy a new_for me.A) it B) one C) this D) that 31. handwriting looks the best in your class?A) Who B) Who

    10、s C)Whose D) Whom32. Learning English is a difficult but happy .A) program B) progress C) process D) problem33. The film Lost and Love失孤_a real kidnap case in Hubei Province. In the film,a farmer spent fifteen years looking for his lost son.A) is keen on B) is based on C) is interested in D)is famil

    11、iar with 34. The documentary, Under the Dome弩顶之下, shows how the air is polluted.A) seriously B) serious C) more seriously D) more serious35. We teenagers have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing canbe created.A) can B) may C) need D) should36. -Have-you watched the film the Tiny Time

    12、s?Yes. I _ it with my cousin last night.A) watch B) have watched C) watched D) had watched37. CoCo Cola Company promised that they the workers a chance for athree-minute free phone.A) offer B) would offer C) will offer D) have offered38. It is not wise of you to _ too late to surf the Internet.A) ta

    13、ke up B) put up C) turn up D) stay up39. How many students are there in your class? _ the students _ over 40.A) A number of, is B) A number of, areC) The number of, is D) The number of, are40.Wendy managed_a company when she was only 15 years old.A) run B) to run C) running D) ran41.Youd better not

    14、come into the teachers office without _at the door.A) to knock B) knock C) not knocking D) knocking42.You cant play the computer games. You may_ help me with the housework _do your homework.A) not only. but also B) both.and C) neither.nor D) either.or43.Chinese football wont be improved _school stud

    15、ents receive football education at the early age.A) after B) since C) unless D) though44. Mike broke one of his arms when he was playing basketball. _. I hope he will get better soon.A) Never mind B) Hurry up C) Come on D) Bad luck45. I dont think I can solve this problem.-_. A) Have another try B)

    16、No problem C) Go ahead D) All right参考答案:26-30 DAACB 3C-35 CBAD 35-40 CBDCB 41-45 CDCDAIII. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分) A. the most B.feed C. Depend on D. Common E.the largest R

    17、ice is the most important food for people all over the world. According to a survey, rice helps _46_ one third of the worlds population. Rice grows well with enough water. People grow rice on flooded land and in the rain forests of Africa.Scientists say that China started growing rice about 3,000 to

    18、 4,000 years ago. Now, rice is_47_in peoples daily meals. Rice can be boiled, steamed or made into other snacks. It is also a popular food on festivals. People make New Year cakes with sticky rice (糯米) every Spring Festival.China has _48_population in the world. In order to feed more people, Chinese

    19、scientist Yuan Longping led the Super Rice program in 1996. Today half of Chinas rice plants areYuans Super Rice. The harvest of rice_49_many factors. Rice grows well between 18C to 35C. A goodrainfall also makes a great harvest. Farmers need to fertilize (施肥) the rice and be careful with insects. A

    20、. keeping in touch B. causes C.at least D. results E. traditional How many friends do you have on WeChat or SinaWeibo? Hundreds?Being counted as a real friend means meeting up_50_twice a month and calling ortexting each other for eight times over the same period. Whats more, friendships must last .f

    21、orthree years before the two people can say they are best friends. The findings are the _51_ of a new study which looked at the impact of social media on offline friendships. These days,most These days, most people spend a lot of time _52_by social media, said a researcher.But our study shows that t

    22、his alone does not make meaningful friendships, and most of us stillbelieve in the_53_values of friendship.What are good friends?Spending time together, being there for important life experiencesand doing thoughtful things such as giving presents on festivals are the things that really matter.参考答案:4

    23、6-49:BDEC 50-53:CDAE分析:本次五选四两篇文章总体来说不是很难,是比较贴近生活化的;而且考察的词汇也是中考考纲重点词汇。但是里面却有一些易错题学生较难辨别出。如在说到China has _48_population in the world. ,这句时,很多学生可能对population考察点不清楚,从而根据汉语的角度去理解成“中国在世界上有最多的人口”而误选答案为A.the most.其实population固定考点搭配应该是large或是small,不能用多或是少。IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in the

    24、ir proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)54. Now that different people like to do different things, we will make a long list of for choices. (hobby)55. Liu Xiang, the _Asian to win the Mens 110m hurdles at the Olympics, announcedhis retirement on April 7th. (one)56.The doctor advised him to

    25、 eat _ junk food and do more exercise, (little)57.Do you have any ideas for making rail travel more interesting and _? (attract)58.When you cant hear anything , you may say Pardon? (clear)59.The more you do, the greater progress youll make, (review)60.Tom was so that he made many mistakes in his pro

    26、ject, (careful) 61.You need to_the money before going abroad for further study, (change)参考答案:54-61hobbies; first; less; attractive; clearly ; revision; careless; exchange;分析:词转部分总体难度不是很大,但是第59小题的考察还是很有难度的。此题平时考的很好,很多学生应该是写不出的;其他题目难度不大,只要多做题,在平时的试题里都是常见的。V. Rewrite the following sentences as required

    27、 (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。68题注意大小写):(共14分)62. Tony often has sports in the gym to lose weight. (改为一般疑问句) _ Tony often _ sports in the gym to lose weight?63.There will be great improvement in traffic in Fengxian with the new Underground Line 5.(改为反义疑问句)There will be great improvement in traffic

    28、in Fengxian with the new Underground Line 5, _ _ ?64. Junior Three students will take the High School Entrance Examination in two months. _ _ will Junior Three students take the High School Entrance Examination?65.He arrived at the school library early. He-wanted to get a good seat. (两句合并成一句) He arr

    29、ived at the school library early_ _ to get a good seat.66.People use the hot word Duang to describe sounds and express feelings. (改成被动语态) The hot word Duang _ to describe sounds and express feelings.67.Where did you find that homeless dog? Jenny asked her daughter.(保持句意基本不变) Jenny asked her daughter

    30、 she _ found that homeless dog. 68.the interview, spent, the boy, preparing for, eight days (连词成句) _参考答案:62.have63.Does have; 64.How soon 65.in order66.is used67. If whether ,had68.The boy spent eight days preparing for the interview. 分析:本次考试句转部分总体难度不大,考点依次为关于have改为一般疑问句的特殊考察;there be句型结合将来时态的考察;how系列的提问;改被动语态,保持句意不变及连词成句,题目都不是很难。同时,题目也很新颖,如考到了duang,时下比较流行的词汇及奉贤在扩建的地铁5号线。 Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50 分)A. Choose t


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