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    1、作文范文之英语作文探险活动onadventureactivities作文范文之英语作文探险活动onadventureactivities英语作文探险活动onadventureactivities【篇一:2010六级 12月六级作文预测第20篇:冒险活动】 热点作文20 directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic the popularity of adventure activities. you should write at least 150 words

    2、, and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below: 1)蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动受到很多人的欢迎,尤其是年轻人群 2)有人认为这些活动很危险,应该被限制或禁止;有人却认为这种活动给人们带来很多新鲜的感觉,因此应该鼓励 3)你怎么看?说明你的理由 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点提出了对该现象的两种对立观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的立场,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述诸如蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动的流行,引出对其的争议:应不应该限制或禁

    3、止;表明“我”对冒险活动的看法,并说明理由。 【参考范文】 the popularity of adventure activities nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities, like bungee jumping and rocking, which enjoy great popularity, especially among the youth. some people think these activities are of high risk and should be constrained or eve

    4、n be forbidden, while others insist these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged. as for me, i agree with the latter opinion. the following reasons can support my view. firstly, attending adventure activities is a fashionable and efficient means to temperpeoples courage an

    5、d willpower, which is scarcely seen among modern young people. secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure. taking adventure activities has been proved to be an very effective channel to alleviate the pressure of working and life. finally, from the economic point of view, its a new

    6、economic growth point which will surely attract a lot of people to take part in. from the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that adventure activities bring us many rewarding enjoyments and we should try to ensure its sound development. but it is worth noting that adventure activities are no

    7、t suitable to everyone. these activities require good health condition. therefore, people should take full account before taking any adventure activity.【篇二:2010年6月英语六级作文与词汇】 directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic the popularity of adventure activiti

    8、es. you should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below: 1)蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动受到很多人的欢迎,尤其是年轻人群 2)有人认为这些活动很危险,应该被限制或禁止;有人却认为这种活动给人们带来很多新鲜的感觉,因此应该鼓励 3)你怎么看?说明你的理由 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点提出了对该现象的两种对立观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的立场,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。根据所给提纲,本文应包含如

    9、下内容:描述诸如蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动的流行,引出对其的争议:应不应该限制或禁止;表明“我”对冒险活动的看法,并说明理由。 【参考范文】 the popularity of adventure activities from the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that adventure activities bring us many rewarding enjoyments and we should try to ensure its sound development. but it is worth noting that a

    10、dventure activities are not suitable to everyone. these activities require good health condition. therefore, people should take full account before taking any adventure activity。 词汇题在很大程度上是根据上下文推测词义的正确理解。常见的提问方式有: the word“”means by“”the author means_. 对于生词、难词,作者一定会在上下文中进行解释、说明或者用一个比较简单的词重复该词,因此这类题并

    11、不难做。如:1 would like your candid opinion。direct and truthfuldirect和truthful都是对candid的重复说明,可以推断candid是坦诚的意思。又如:tom is quite talkativewhereas his sister remains reticent all the timewhereas表示转折,因此可以得出reticent是talkative的反义词,“沉默寡言”之意。而对于熟词僻义的考题,应该推敲上下文,领会其意思,对本文做适当的引伸;有一个小技巧就是排除该单词常见意义的选项,即对其不予考虑。 例如: the

    12、 lorry had been ordered to arrive at the rest- house at seven- thirty for loading, and by eight - thirty we thought we should be well on the road. it was very apparent that we were new to africa. at ten oclock we were pacing round and round our mountain of luggage on the veranda, cursing and fuming

    13、impatiently, scanning the road for the truant lorry. at eleven oclock a cloud of dust appeared on the horizon and in its midst,like a beetle in a whirlwind。was the lorryit screeched to a halt below,and the driver dismounted q1pacing means_. a)running b)walking impatiently c)counting our steps d)sitt

    14、ing 本题正确答案是b)。文章开头谈到车子未按预定时间到达这一事实,作者使用了should be这样的虚拟语气,说明了作者初来乍到,加上大堆行李,因此等得极不耐烦。在这一语境下,b)项的意义更确切。 q2:fuming means_. a)angry b)smoking c)waiting d)laughing 本题正确答案是a)。由上文提示,等车等得不耐烦而导致生气发怒,由此推断,“fuming的意思是“发怒的,生气的”意思。 q3:scanning means_。 a)walking along b)standing beside c)blaming d)looking at every

    15、 part of 从这句话的上文和scan for the lorry这一短语可以判断他们是在张望要等的货车,故本题正确答案是d)。 q4:truant means_ a)that hadnt turned up b)brokendown c)old-fashioned d)dig 本题正确答案是a)。上文谈到由于车子没按预定时间到达而使他们长时间地等候,由此可推断,“truant意思是“还没出现的”。 q5:screeched to a halt means_. a)crashed b)stopped slowiy c)stopped with a loud noise d)drove up

    16、 to the door 本题正确答案是c)。要知道这一短语的意思,就要弄清screech一词的意思。联系此句的上下文可判断,车子尖叫着停了下来,此处是指突然刹车发出的声音。 q6:dismounted means_ a)got out b)took the engine to pieces c)opened the door d)drove away again 本题正确答案是a)。上文已说明车停了,这一线索和该词前缀dis(意为away)都给了我们猜测该词义的提示。 词汇题还包括了关于“it、they、one、that”等常见代词的指代问题的题目。在六级里,无论代词指代的是名词还是句子,都

    17、会包含名词在内,因此做这类题有一个小技巧就是找名词,在it的前面一个句子里面去找最近的那一个名词。比如:as families move away fromtheir stable community,the informal flow of information is cut off。and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthyand reliable 这里距it最近的名词是the informal flow of information,可

    18、以知道it指代的句子一定与信息流动有关,而只有正确答案the breakdown of informal information channels中间包含非正式信息流的意思。【篇三:英语预测作文】 1)随着互联网的普及,出现了很多网络恋情 2)人们对此褒贬不一 3)你的看法 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点要求指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求阐述人们对该现象所持的不同态度,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述网络恋情的出现,引出人们对其的不同态度;对比阐述两种态度各自的理由;表明“我”更倾向于哪种态度并说明理由。

    19、 【参考范文】 online romance with the widespread of the internet, there have appeared many online romances. the lovers meet over the internet, date on the net and finally fall in love with each other. peoples opinions on it vary greatly. some people think online love is very romantic and exciting. it is a

    20、n amazing thing that the internet brings together two strange persons far away from each other. moreover, they think that online romance, compared with realistic love, attaches more emphasis on the appeal to each other in spirit and involves less material conditions. however, many others think diffe

    21、rently. in theireyes, the internet is a virtual world, on which there impossibly exist real, enduring love since it is very difficult to tell the real from the fake by the internet. besides, they argue that pursuing online romance is sometimes very dangerous because there are many cheaters on the ne

    22、t. as far as i am concerned, it is an easy and fast way for people to make new people by the internet. however, people should have more protection and safety consciousness when making friends by the internet. dont give out rashly your personal information to strangers on the net. and keep it in your

    23、 mind that you should have more realistic knowledge of each other before starting a romance. 1)有的大学生在入学后寻找各种途径去赚钱 2)有的大学生为应付各种考试,经常参加各种辅导班 3)你打算如何有效地利用你的大学时光 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点和提纲第2点分别提出对待某问题的不同处理方式,提纲第3点要求谈谈“我”的处理方式,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:提出“如何有效利用大学时光”这一问题;阐述大学生主要将时间花在哪些方面和他们的主要考

    24、虑;谈谈“我”打算如何利用我的大学时光和“我”的主要理由。 【参考范文】 how to make the best use of college life it is beyond doubt that we enjoy more free time in college than in middle school. but as to how to make use of our spare time, different students hold sharply different views. in order to earn money, a good number of under

    25、graduates are busy doing part-time jobs. in this way, they can relieve their families financial burden to some extent. besides, they can achieve more independence through their work. others are confronted by countless exams and they often attend guidance lectures in the hope of improving their perfo

    26、rmance in these tests. they believe that a record of good exam results will be useful when they look for jobs in the future. as far as i am concerned, i will live my college life in a different way. on the one hand, as a student, i will give priority to the development of my knowledge and skills, so

    27、 i am determined to spend most of my spare time studying hard. on the other hand, i think it is necessary for me to join one or more of the student associations. these associations can provide chances to improve my communicating skills and make my life colorful. in conclusion, i do believe that my c

    28、ollege life will turn out to be colorful as well as fruitful. 1)蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动受到很多人的欢迎,尤其是年轻人群 2)有人认为这些活动很危险,应该被限制或禁止;有人却认为这种活动给人们带来很多新鲜的感觉,因此应该鼓励 3)你怎么看?说明你的理由 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点提出了对该现象的两种对立观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的立场,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述诸如蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动的流行,引出对其的争议:应不应该限制或禁止;表明“我”

    29、对冒险活动的看法,并说明理由。 【参考范文】 the popularity of adventure activities nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities, like bungee jumping and rocking, which enjoy great popularity, especially among the youth. some people think these activities are of high risk and should be constrained or even be fo

    30、rbidden, while others insist these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged. as for me, i agree with the latter opinion. the following reasons can support my view. firstly, attending adventure activities is a fashionable and efficient means to temper peoples courage and will

    31、power, which is scarcely seen among modern young people. secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure. taking adventure activities has been proved to be an very effective channel to alleviate the pressure of working and life. finally, from the economic point of view, its a new econom

    32、ic growth point which will surely attract a lot of people to take part in. from the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that adventure activities bring us many rewarding enjoyments and we should try to ensure its sound development. but it is worth noting that adventure activities are not suitable to everyone. these activities require good health condition. therefore, people should take full account before taking any adventure ac


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