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    1、高中英语教资面试教案(20分钟)课型PPP练习巩固式(语音,词汇,语法)1.Warming -up /Lead-in方法:w:歌曲,绕口令,游戏 L:图片,视屏,话题,头脑风暴2.Presentation(新授)3.Practice4.Production/ConsolidationDivide students into 4 groups and have a discussion on5.Summary And HomeworkStudents conclude; Teacher suppliments and emphasizes teamwork spirit.PWP情景交融应用式(听

    2、力,口语,阅读,写作)Warming up/Leading in(1mins)pre(1mins)writing结构,内容1. Work in groups and exchange as many ideas as possible.2. Students work on their own to collect the ideas which they think valuable.3. explain the writing structure.while(5mins)writing快写与交流,互改1.Write the writing quickly for 10 minutes wi

    3、thout worrying about grammar and words or punctuation.2. Work in groups and discuss the writing of their group members.3. Modify their writing.readingskimming(略读)scanning(浏览)Following up(跟读)Language focus(语言要点聚焦)post(2mins)核心:总结全文,重难点讲解writing批改讲解,范例Students share their writing and choose the good o

    4、nes as the model essaysSummary(1mins) HomeworkBlackboard design撰写Teaching AimsKnowledge aim (知识)students will be able to master.(讲述的知识)Ability aim(用)students will be able to improve/apply.(听说读写,分析)Emotional aim(兴趣,合作,文章情感)students will develop more interest in English and learn to cooperate with oth

    5、ers.Teaching key points(需要掌握的基本知识)Students will be guided to master .Teaching difficult points(不易理解与易出错的地方)students will apply .to read sentences.Teaching Methods(seven)1.Task-based teaching Method2.Situation teaching Method3.Question-And -answer Method4.Communicative teaching Method5.Group work Met

    6、hod6.Cooperative learning Method7.Independent learning MethodTeaching proceduresPPP练习巩固式语音1.Warming -up /Lead-in方法:w:歌曲,绕口令,游戏 L:图片,视屏,话题,头脑风暴2.Presentation(新授)3.Practice4.Production/ConsolidationDivide students into 4 groups and have a discussion on5.Summary6. Homeworksurf the internet to find more

    7、 informationnext classes to share词汇Teaching AimsKnowledge aim (知识)students will be able to master usage of word formation(词组构成)Ability aim(用)students will be able to know more vocabularies After learning the usage of word formationEmotional aim(兴趣,合作,文章情感) Become more interested in remember words1.W

    8、arming -up /Lead-in方法:w:歌曲,绕口令,游戏 L:图片,视屏,话题,头脑风暴2.Presentation(新授)main topicfocus words(观察规则)3.Practice1. Let students to guess . such as. 2. Divide student into four groups and discuss with each other to find more compound words.4.Production/Consolidation Show students a short passage which includ

    9、es compound words and let them to translate it.5.Summary And Homework Invite a student to make a summary And then leave them the homework-search online for more Information about words formation.语法1.Warming -up /Lead-in方法:w:歌曲,绕口令,游戏 L:图片,视屏,话题,头脑风暴2.Presentation(新授)3.Practice4.Production/Consolidat

    10、ionDivide students into 4 groups and have a discussion on5.Summary And HomeworkStudents conclude; Teacher suppliments and emphasizes teamwork spirit.PWP情景交融应用式听力Warming up/Leading in(1mins)pre-listening(1mins)while-listening(5mins)writing快写与交流,互改1.Write the writing quickly for 10 minutes without wor

    11、rying about grammar and words or punctuation.2. Work in groups and discuss the writing of their group members.3. Modify their writing.readingskimming(略读)scanning(浏览)Following up(跟读)Language focus(语言要点聚焦)post-listening(2mins)核心:总结全文,重难点讲解writing批改讲解,范例Students share their writing and choose the good

    12、ones as the model essaysSummary(1mins) Homework口语(听说)Warming up/Leading in(1mins)pre-listening(1mins)writing结构,内容1. Work in groups and exchange as many ideas as possible.2. Students work on their own to collect the ideas which they think valuable.3. explain the writing structure.while-listening(5min

    13、s)Extensive listeninggeneral idea And share answersintensive listeningquestionpost-listening(2mins)核心:总结全文,重难点讲解retell the passage according cluesdiscussiondivide them into groupSummary(1mins) Homeworksurf the internet to find more informationnext classes to share阅读Warming up/Leading in(1mins)pre-re

    14、ading(1mins)1.Blackground:videos picture2.prediction:questions3. new wordswhile-reading(5mins)global reading( skimming(略读)找主旨 )find out the main idea of the passage And each paragraph.multiple choicematch gamedetail reading( scanning(浏览)带问题找答案 )question1question2post-reading(2mins)核心:总结全文,重难点讲解Retel

    15、ling Ask students to retell what does the passage talk about in his or her words.DiscussionSummary(1mins) Students look at the blackboard and summarize this class. Homework Students introduce .to their friends in English and try to find more .写作Warming up/Leading in(1mins)pre -writing(1mins)(想法,内容)1

    16、.create situation(写作文章材料题目)阅读方法(问题引导)主旨,细节2.brainstorming(收集想法)内容3.format(写作结构模板)while-writing(5mins)writing快写与交流,互改1.Write the writing quickly for 15minutes without worrying about grammar and words or punctuation.post-writing(2mins)核心:总结全文,重难点讲解self-editingpeer editing Ask students to check and edi

    17、t their partners letter and give them some suggestions.shareinvite some students to share their letter in front of the class and teacher gives them some comments.Summary(1mins) Invite some students to share the letter in front of the teacher and teacher gives them some comments. Homework Let students search some Information about.Blackboard designsTeaching reflects结构化问题(五分钟)试讲(10分钟)答辩


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