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    1、下半年中小学教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题及答案解析初级中学2017年下半年中小学教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题及答案解析(初级中学)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。请用 28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.The main differe nee betwee n/e/an d/?/lies in the .A.ton gue positi onB.sound durati onC.ope nn ess of the mouthD.shape of the lips2.

    2、 is the main rhymi ng pattern in Mrs. White/Had a flight/I n themiddle of the ni ght.A.AssonanceB.End rhymeC.Alliteratio nD.Reverse end rhyme3.Were all keep ing our crossed that the surge ons do not findanything too serious with the patient.A.fin gersB.thumbsC.handsD.feet4.Whe n impleme nting the pr

    3、oject, we a lot of un expected oppositi onfrom our colleagues.A.run forB.make aga instC.run up aga instD.make away with5.The isla nd measures about 30 miles 20 miles.A.byB.withC.toD.upon6.-Will John come to the party?-No, he wont come and .A.Antony n either won tB.won t Antony n eitherC.either will

    4、An to nyD.n either will Antony7.Garbo plays the role of the queen, in the love she has found withAn to nio.A.rejoicedB.rejoici ngC.being rejoicedD.to rejoice8. mi nisters decide to in stigate an inquiry, we welcome it.A.Should . wouldB.Suppose . couldC.If. wouldD.Would . will9.What is miss ing at th

    5、e discourse level betwee n the two sen ten ces Carol loves tomatoes. She was born in Africa.?A.Refere nee.B.Cohesi on.C.Cohere nee.D.Substituti on.10.The synonyms charge and accuse mai nly differ in .A.emotio nB.dialectC.formalityD.collocati on11.Which of the following instructions is helpful in dev

    6、eloping students ability to make inferen ces?A.Liste n to a story and write a summary.B.Liste n to a story and work out the writer s in ten tio n.C.Liste n to the story of a boy and the n draw a picture of him.D.Liste n to a story and note dow n the specific date of an eve nt.12.The most suitable qu

    7、esti on type to check stude nts comprehe nsion anddevelop their critical thi nking is .A.rhetorical questio nsB.refere ntial questio nsC.close questi onsD.display questio ns13.Diag no stic test is ofte n used for the purpose ofA.finding out what stude nts know and don t knowB.measuri ng stude nts ge

    8、n eral la nguage proficie ncyC.knowing whether stude nts have the right Ian guage aptitudeD.check ing whether stude nts have achieved the teach ing objectives14.Which of the following activities is often used to develop students speaking accuracy?A.Ide ntify ing and correct ing oral mistakes.B.Act i

    9、ng out the dialogue in the text.C.Having discussi ons in groups.D.Describ ing people in pair.15.If a teacher asks students to make their own leanning plan, he/she is trying todevelop their .A.cog nitive strategyB.affective strategyC.com muni cative strategyD.metacog nitive strategy16.When a teacher

    10、tells students that the word dog may imply loyalty, he/sheis teach ing the of the word.A.deno tative meaningB.cono cative meaningC.con ceptual meaningD.conno tative meaning17.Which of the following is the last step in the process of writing essays?A.Edit ing the writ in gs.B.Writ ing topic senten ce

    11、s for paragraphs.C.Gatheri ng in formatio n and ideas releva nt to the topic.D.Orga nizing the in formati on and ideas into a logical seque nee.18.The main purpose of ask ing questi ons about the topic before liste ning is toA.meet stude nts expectati onB.i ncrease stude nts con fide neeC.activate s

    12、tude nts schemataD.provide feedback on tasks19.Ifa teacher asks stude nts to fill in the bla nks in a passage with that, whichor whom,he/she is least likely focus ing on grammar at .A.lexical levelB.syn tactic levelC.discourse levelD.morphological level20.If a teacher asks stude nts to talk about th

    13、eir hobbies in groups, he/she istrying to encourage .A.peer correct ionB.peer feedbackC.peer in teract ionD.peer assessme nt请阅读Passage,完成第21-25小题。Passage 1Self-driv ing vehicles threate n to send truck drivers to the un employme nt office. Computer programs can now write jour nalistic acco unts of s

    14、port ing eve nts and stock price moveme nts. There are eve n computers that can grade essay exams with reas on able accuracy, which could revoluti onize my own job. In creas in gly, mach ines are provid ing not only the braw n but the brains, too. And that raises the questi on of where huma ns fit i

    15、nto this picture-who will prosper and who wont in this new kind of machi ne economy?With in five years we are likely to have the worlds best educati on, or close to it, on li ne and free. But not every one will sit dow n and go through the material without a professor push ing them to do the work.Yo

    16、ur Smartphone will record data on your life and, when asked, will tell you what to do,draw ing on data from your home or from your spouse and frie nds if n eed be.Youve thrown out that bread the last three times youve bought it, give it a pass will be a text message of the future.How aboutNow is not

    17、 the time to start ano ther argume nt with your wife? The GPS is just the beg inning of computer-guided in structi on. Take your Smartph one on a date, and it might vibrate in your pocket to indicate Kiss her now. If you hesitate for fear of being seen as pushy, it may write:Who cares if you look ba

    18、d? You are sampling optimally in the quest for a lifetime compa nion.A lot of jobs will con sist of making people feel either very good or very bad about themselves.Coaches, men tors and discipli naria ns will spread to many areas of life, at least for those of us who can stand to listen to them. Th

    19、ese people will cajole us, flatter us and shame us into improving our lives, our work habits and our consumption.Computi ng and software will make it easier to measure performa nee and productivity.It will be harder to gloss over our failings and maintain self-deception. In essence every one will su

    20、ffer the fate of professi onal chess players, who will always know whe n they have lost a game, have an exact nu merical rati ng for their overall performa nce, and find excuses for failure hard to come by.Individuals will have many measures of their proficiency. They will have an incen tive to disc

    21、lose that in formatio n to get the better job or social opport uni ty. Youll assume the worst about those who keep secrets, and so ope nn ess will reig n. Many of us will start to hate the idea of Big Data.21.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined wordbrawn in Paragraph 1?A.J

    22、ob.B.Meat.C.Physical stre ngth.D.Men tal agility.22.What does the un derl ined phrase the questi on in Paragraph 1 refer to?A.Where do huma ns fit into this picture?B.Will mach ines eve ntually replace huma n bein gs?C.Which could revoluti onize my own job, teach ing at school?D.Who will prosper and

    23、 who will not in this machine economy?23.What makes the in struct ions sent by smartph ones valuable and reliable for people whe n doing thin gs?A.A global positi oning system in stalled in all smartpho nes.B.Information collected and elicited by smartphones from your life.C.An optimal sampli ng sof

    24、tware to store in formatio n in smartpho nes.D.Vibrati ons smartpho nes make in your pocket as a con sta nt rem in der.24.Who will be most likely to suffer from this tech no logical revoluti on?A.Fashi on gurus specializ ing in produci ng, modeli ng, or market ing fashi on.B.America n young people w

    25、ho do not make good use of the on li ne courses.C.Individuals keeping the information about their proficiency to themselves.D.Professional chess players who are not able to calculate the play outcome.25.Why will many people start to hate Big Data according to the last paragraph?A.Because people will

    26、 have no privacy and can t tell any lies at all.B.Because they facilitate performa nee and productivity assessme nt.C.Because they give people no choice but to comply with computers.D.Because people have found it really hard to finish doing everything.请阅读Passage 2完成第26 30小题。Passage 2Teacher educati

    27、on provided by U.S. colleges and uni versities has bee n rout in ely criticized since its inception in the early nineteenth century, sometimes deservedly. These programs, like non-u niversity programs, are un eve n in quality and can be improved. What makes today s criticisms differe nt is an aggres

    28、sive effort by advocacy groups, and self-proclaimed educatio nal en trepre neursto deregulate the preparati on of teachers, and to expa nd in depe ndent, alter native routes into teach ing.This effort todisrupt the field of teacher preparation in the United States has gained con siderable mome ntum

    29、and legitimacy, with ven ture capitalists, phila nthropy, and the U.S.Departme nt of Educatio n all provid ing spon sorship and substa ntial funding.The strength of this effort is that the United States may quickly seek to dismantle its university system and replace much of it with independent, priv

    30、ate programs. The result ing system of teacher preparati on may differ dramatically in its gover nment, structure, content, and processes movi ng away from its curre nt locati on alon gside legal, medical, and other professi onal preparati on that pairs academic degrees with professi onal training.T

    31、hroughout the n ati on, states are report ing teacher shortages in particular subject areas and geographical locati ons, and several states have either passed legislati on to lower the sta ndards for beco ming a teacher or, like the state of Washi ngton, have looked toward expa nding the nu mber of

    32、teacher educati on providers to try to fill teach ing vaca ncies. The federal gover nment has con tributed to the push to lower sta ndards for beco ming a teacher with the Teacher Preparati on Academyprovision in the new K-12 education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, which en courages states to expa nd the nu


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