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    1、现代物流管理教学大纲现代物流管理教学大纲课程编号:(统一编号)课程名称:现代物流管理英文名称:Modern Logistics Management学 时:72适用专业:物流管理,电子商务等课程性质:必修课关联课程:管理学,运筹学,物流管理,供应链管理,战略管理。第一部分:大纲说明一、 编制现代物流管理大纲的依据(1)贵州大学管理学院2006物流管理教学计划(2)小保罗.R.墨菲当代物流学双语版(第8版)中国人民大学出版社(3)David J.Bloomberg, Stephen Lemay, Joe B.Hanna: Logistics(影印版)清华大学出版社,2004年10月(4)(美)布

    2、隆伯格,勒梅,汉纳 著物流学清华管理学系列英文版教材清华大学出版社,2004年10月(5)王槐林,现代物流管理,武汉大学出版社,2001年(6)霍红,物流管理学,中国物资出版社,2004年1月二、现代物流管理课程的基本任务本课程的主要任务是使学生掌握物流管理学中的一些基本概念、基本理论和基本方法,并且能运用所学的知识和理论分析、解决当前物流管理中存在的一些实际问题。本课程通过案例分析和课堂讨论培养学生综合分析和解决问题的能力。三、现代物流管理课程的教学对象四年制物流管理及电子商务专业三年级本科学生四、教学要求通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握物流管理学的基本理论与分析方法。具体掌握运输管理、装卸搬运

    3、、现代包装、仓储管理、物流配送管理与作业、采购管理、物流信息系统管理、供应链管理等内。本课程要求学生主要学习物流管理的基础理论和基本知识,获得物流管理方法和技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析与解决物流管理实际问题的能力:1. 掌握当代物流管理的基础知识、基本概念和应用;2. 掌握物流管理的定性、定量分析方法;3. 掌握信息管理技术的基本理论和基本知识;4. 具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及组织管理的基本能力;5. 熟悉我国有关物流管理的方针、政策及法规以及了解国际贸易的惯例和规则;6. 了解本学科的理论前沿及发展动态;五、教学环节本课程教学环节包括课堂讲解演示、课堂练习、案例及参观,理论课时5

    4、6学时,其他16课时。通过习题讲解,使学生掌握一定的计算和分析能力。组织案例讨论,让学生学到单纯的书本学不到的知识,促进学生积极思考,提高其创新能力、独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。讲授的过程中结合相关企业的运作案例、上机实验、现场参观,使物流管理中的理论有更直观的认识,有利于理论与实践相结合。六、学时分配章 序标 题学时分配总学时讲授上机第 一 章Chapter1物流Logistics concepts44第 二 章Chapter2供应链The Supply-Chain Concept422第 三 章Chapter3物流与信息技术Logistics and information techno

    5、logy422第 四 章Chapter4保护性包装与物质搬运Protective Packaging and Materials Handling44第 五 章Chapter5国内运输系统The Domestic Transportation System642第 六 章Chapter6工业运输系统Industrial Transportation Management66第 七 章Chapter7配送中心、仓储及工厂布局Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant Location862第 八 章Chapter8存货管理Inventory Managem

    6、ent642第 九 章Chapter9仓储管理Warehousing Management66第 十 章Chapter10供应管理Supply Management642第十一章Chpter11物流系统控制Logistics Systems Controls66第十二章Chpter12物流系统:分析、设计和整合Logistics Systems: Analysis, Design and Integration862第十三章Chpter13供应链:走向未来(选)Supply-Chain: Future Directions22复习课程总结22合 计725616七、考核要求考试方式为闭卷考试,考

    7、试时间为 120分钟; 成绩评定采用百分制,平时成绩占 30,考试成绩占70。第二部分:现代物流管理学的主要内容 第一章 物流与供应链Chapter1. Logistics and the Supply Chain一、目的和要求To learn the definition of logistics To understand the economic importance of logistics To learn of recent events and their influences on logistics practices To again an understanding of

    8、 logistics practices within a firmTo learn different pricing policiesTo know about logistics careers二、内容及重点难点重点:物流的定义 The definition of logistics 物流对经济的影响 Economic impacts of logistics 企业内部物流 Logistical relationships within the firm难点:物流的定义 The definition of logistics物流系统及总成本研究法 The systems and tota

    9、l cost approaches三、主要内容物流对经济的影响 Economic impacts of logistics物流的定义 The definition of logistics物流日益增加的重要性 The increased importance of logistics物流系统及总成本研究法 The systems and total cost approaches企业内部物流 Logistical relationships within the firm物流渠道中的活动 Activities in the logistical物流职业化 Logistics Careers四、

    10、思考题1How does logistics contribute to time and place utility?2Explain the significance of the fact that the purpose of logistics is to meet customer requirements.3Distinguish between possession, from, time, and place utility.4What is the systems approach to problem solving? How is this concept applic

    11、able to logistics management?5What are several ways in which logistics and production might interface?第二章 供应链概念Chapter 2. The Supply-Chain Concept.一、目的和要求To learn about supply-chains and their managementTo under stand differences between transactional and relational exchangesTo realize the importanc

    12、e of leveraging technology To appreciate barriers to supply-chain management二、内容及重点难点重点:供应链管理的重要特征 Key attributes of supply-chain management 供应链管理和一体化 Supply-chain management and integration难点:供应链管理的壁垒 Barriers to supply-chain management三、主要内容供应链管理的重要特征 Key attributes of supply-chain management供应链管理

    13、的壁垒 Barriers to supply-chain management供应链管理和一体化 Supply-chain management and integration四、思考题1What are four key attributes of supply-chain management?2Do you believe that competition in the twenty-first century will involve supply chain versus supply chain? Why or why not?3What is meant by competiti

    14、on? How is it relevant to supply-chain management?4Do you think corporate cultures are relevant for supply-chain management? Why or why not?5Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment that fourth-party logistics companies (lead logistics providers) merely add unnecessary cost and few service improv

    15、ements to supply chains? Why?第三章 物流与信息技术Chapter 3. Logistics and Information Technology.一、目的和要求To appreciate the importance of effective and efficient utilization of information for logistics managementTo learn about general types of information systems and their logistical applicationsTo understand

    16、 the impact of electronic commerce on channel design To under stand key differences between the logistics of e-fulfillment and the logistics of traditional fulfillment二、内容及重点难点重点: 难点: 三、主要内容信息管理系统的一般类型 General types of information management电子商务与物流学 Electronic commerce and logistic四、思考题1. In what wa

    17、ys can information be helpful in logistics and supply-chain management?2. Do you view the spreadsheet as the most relevant general software package for logisticians? Why or why not?3. What kind of uses does artificial intelligence have for logistics?4. What advances in telecommunications technology

    18、do you view as being most beneficial to logistics management? Why?5. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of EDI第四章 保护性包装和物资搬运Chapter 4. Protective Packaging and Materials Handling一、目的和要求To know how product fractures affect packaging and materials handing To identify the functions performed by protect

    19、ive packagingTo analyze the utilization of unit loads in materials handlingTo appreciate how the environmental protection movement has affected packaging and package choiceTo learn materials handling principles二、内容及重点难点重点: 包装 Packaging 联合运输的集装箱 Intermodal containers物资搬运 Materials handling难点:物资搬运的单位成

    20、组货载 Unit Loads in Materials Handling三、主要内容产品特征 Product characteristics包装 Packaging物资搬运的单位成组货载 Unit Loads in Materials Handling联合运输的集装箱 Intermodal containers物资搬运 Materials handling四、思考题1. What is the difference between the selling and protective functions of packaging? How are the two functions relat

    21、ed? Explain.2. What are some advantages and disadvantages of plastic pallets?3. Give some examples of package testing.4. What information is needed to design a protective package properly?5. Give some examples of package testing.第五章 国内运输系统Chapter5 The Domestic Transportation System一、目的和要求To relate t

    22、he mode of transport to the uses shipping volumeTo understand the use of routing guidesTo realize the role of freight forwarders and other intermediaries To appreciate the use of terminals as transfer points for bulk materialsTo appreciate trade-offs when using vehicles with self-loading/unloading e

    23、quipmentTo learn about project cargoTo learn the basics of freight rate determination二、内容及重点难点重点: 运输费率 transportation项目货物 Project cargo危险物资 Hazardous material难点: 超大型搬移 Oversized moves运输费率 transportation三、主要内容小批量托运人 Small-volume shippers非满载托运人 LTL shippers满载托运人 Truckload and carload shippers大批量托运人 La

    24、rge bulk shippers项目货物 Project cargo超大型搬移 Oversized moves危险物资 Hazardous material模式比较 Comparison of modes运输规章与违规 transportation regulation and deregulation运输费率 transportation四、思考题1. What are terminals? What functions do they serve?2. Why is transportation important to a firms supply-chain operations?3

    25、. What are routing guides? How are they used?4. What is a shippers cooperative?5. Compare the five modes of transportair, motor, pipeline, rail, and waterby at least three different criteria that you think are important.第六章 工业运输管理Chapter 6. Industrial Transportation Management一、目的和要求To examine the b

    26、ackground of the transportation management function To discuss the functions of transportation managementTo identify the role negotiations play in the transportation management functionTo examine the new options available for private carriageTo understand the purpose of freight consolidation二、内容及重点难

    27、点重点: 费率制定与谈判活动 Rate determination and negotiation activities费率主管机构 Rate regulatory bodies收货地与收货人的变更 Diversion and reconsignment难点:运输线路 Routing运输付款与审计服务 Freight payment and audit services三、主要内容费率制定与谈判活动 Rate determination and negotiation activities费率主管机构 Rate regulatory bodies私人运输 Private transportat

    28、ion运输单据 Documentation运输付款与审计服务 Freight payment and audit services运输线路 Routing收货地与收货人的变更 Diversion and reconsignment跟踪与快捷处理 Tracing and expediting丢失与损坏 Loss and damage发送权 Transit privileges赔偿 Reparations逾期费与延误费 Demurrage and detention 危险品的运输 Transportation of hazardous materials集运小货物 Consolidating sm

    29、all shipments 达到运输质量Achieving transportation quality四、思考题1. In recent years, senior corporate management has stressed the importance of the transportation management function. Discuss briefly the factors responsible for this trend.2. What duties take most of a transportation managers time?3. What ar

    30、e four rate-associated duties of transportation departments?4. What ate average weight agreements? Why are they used?5. What is a transit privilege?第七章 配送中心、仓储地和工厂布局Chapter 7. Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant Location一、目的和要求To examine the screening or focusing concept of plant/warehouse loc

    31、ationTo describe the major factors that influence location decisionsTo explain the general process of determining the optimum decisionsTo explain systems to determine the location that minimizes transportation costsTo examine a sites specialized location characteristics二、内容及重点难点重点: 影响设施布局的一般因素 General fact


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