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    1、高考英语独立主格结构练习题之欧阳物创编专项练习之独立主格结构时间:2021.02.07命题人:欧阳物练习一1. The thief stood before the policeman,_ admitting what he had done A. with his dropping head B. dropped his head C. raising his head D. with his head down 2. _,he cant go out for a walk as usual A. With so much work to do B. With so much work do

    2、ing C. With so much work done D. Without so much work to do 3. Its quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth_ and his eyes _ A. closed;open B. closed;opened C. closing;open D. closing;opening 4. All things _,the plan trip will have to be called off A. be considered B. considered C. considerin

    3、g D. having considering 5. _, we have to get down to business right away A. As there was no time left B. There is no time left C. There being no time left D. There to be no time left 6. _ yesterday,we went out for a walk A. As a fine day B. It was a fine day C. It being a fine day D. For it was a fi

    4、ne day 7. The old man stood there, _ A. with back against the wall B. with his back against the wall C. and back against wall D. his back was against the wall 8. All flights_because of the snow-storm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train A. were canceled B. having been canceled C. had

    5、been canceled D. have been canceled 9. _ no bus, we had to walk home. A. There was B. There being C. Because there being D. There is10. _, Ill go there with you tomorrow afternoon. A. Time permits B. If time permitting C. Time permitting D. Times permitting11. _, we all went home happily. A. Goodbye

    6、 was said B. Goodbye had been said C. Goodbye said D. When goodbye said 12. _, we all went swimming in high spirits. A. It being fine weather B. It fine weather C. It was fine weather D. It being a fine weather 13. _, the bus started at once. A. The signal was given B. The signal giving C. The signa

    7、l given D. When the signal given 14. She stood there, _ from her cheeks. A. tears rolling down B. tears rolled down C. with tears rolled down D. tears rolling down15. _, the leaves are turning green. A. When spring coming on B. Spring coming on C. Spring came on D. Spring being come on16. _, I had t

    8、o buy a new one. A. My dictionary losing B. My dictionary having been lostC. My dictionary had been lost D. Because my dictionary lost17. I used to sleep with the window _. A. opened B. open C. opening D. to open18. _, the hunter went into the forest. A. A gun on shoulder B. A gun was on his shoulde

    9、r C. Gun on shoulder D. A gun being on shoulder19. He stood there silently, his lips_. A. trembling B. trembled C. were trembling D. were trembled20. _, we will surely succeed. A. The teacher helping us B. The teacher to help us C. The teacher will help us D. With the teacher helping练习二:高考试题精选1. Wit

    10、h a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. (上海02春季)A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 2. _ the production up by 60 %, the company has had another excellent year. (NMET 2000) A. As B. For C. With D. Through 3. The murderer was brought in, wit

    11、h his hands _ behind his back. (MET91, 22)A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 4. The meeting _ over, we all left the room and drove home. (上海 87)A. is B. to be C. being D. would be 5. _, they will go and visit the zoo.(上海86 )A. Weather permitting B. Weather permittedC. Weather being p

    12、ermitted D. Weather having permitted6. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. (2004北京卷,33)A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of 7. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _.(2005年北京卷34)A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on8.I send you 100 dollars, the

    13、rest _in a year.(2005湖南卷34)A. follow B. followed。 C. to follow D. being followed9. _ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. (2005/江西/29)A. Having given up hope of cure B. With no hope for cure C. There being hope fo

    14、r cure D. In the hope of cure10. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _ for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished11. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent _ at the end of last March. A. has been launched B. ha

    15、ving been launched C. being launched D. to be launched练习三:复习巩固1. _, we went home in a hurry.A. The meeting was over B. As the meeting being overC. Being over D. The meeting over2. The square looks far more beautiful _ . A. with all the lights turning on B.all the lights turning onC. turning on all t

    16、he lights D. with all the lights turned on 3. _,I had to do her work instead.A. Being ill B. Her being ill C. She being ill D. She was ill 4. _, she went to bed with great satisfaction.A. After all done B. All done C. All had been done D. Doing all 5. He sat listening to the teacher, _.A.opened his

    17、mouth B. and opening his mouth C. with his mouth open D. his mouth was opened6. _, he would most probably be late.A. Without anybody to call him B. Anybody to call himC. Nobody called him D. With him to call 7. _, they made for the classroom in a hurry.A. With only three minutes to go B. There were

    18、only three minutes leftC. As only three minutes to go D. Only three minutes were left 8. _, we are all sure of its success.A. With he taking charge of the work B. With hes taking charge on the work C. His taking charge of the work D. With him taking charge of the work 9. A little boy, _, ran into th

    19、e room.A. with two of his front teeth missed B. two of his front teeth were missingC. with two of his front teeth missing D. missed two of his front teeth 10. _ that he could speak English very well, they all came to practise English with him.A. He being known B. It was known C. He was known D. It b

    20、eing known 11. He walked _.A. with his head held high B. held his head highC. his head holding high D. with his head to hold high 12. She came here this morning, _.A. her boy friend to join her next month B. her boy friend would join her next monthC. and her boy friend joining her next month D. with

    21、 her boy friend joined her next month 13. This book is well written, _ .A. with special attention paid to written English B. with special attention paying to written EnglishC. special attention is paid to written EnglishD. paid special attention to written English 14. _, she went out to get somethin

    22、g to eatA. Being no food left B. There being no food leftC. There was no food left D. No food was left 15. _,the trees turned green.A. As spring coming on B. Spring came onC. Spring coming on D. With spring come on 16. _, the sun shone again.A. The dark clouds having disappeared B. Having disappeared the dark cloudsC. The dark clouds to disappear D. With the dark clouds disappeared 17. _, he handed it to the teache


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