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    1、全国奥林匹克英语作文大赛全部精编版全国奥林匹克英语作文学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:田玉静 辅导老师:田锦美How to reduce prduce pressure? Nowadays,many people are under the pressure,especially for us students, Because the college enrtance examination is coming ,which makes many many students anxious ,Therefore, there are some tips that Iwant t

    2、o share with about how to reduce our stress. Firstly , we need a peaceful attidude. The key is to balance our emotions .Faced with the improvement of grades, we shouldnt be too proud of it ; And as for failure, we arent supposed to be too upset . We should alwanys keep a positive life. Secondly, lea

    3、rn to find suitable ways to study .Evergone has its own measure, some like solving problems , others like remembering some things In a word knowing ourselves is the most important. Least but not last , dont forget to exercise. Playing sports can strenghthen our bodies and make us more concentrated o

    4、n studying . In fact study is not like a monster , As long as you find how to devote yourselves to studying and adjust your plans in time. In this way ,the pressure will be transformed into the motivation of studying .全国奥林匹克英语作文学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:田沁芳 辅导老师:田锦美The Friendship Everytime I look back

    5、on my 14 years spent in school, Im happy to see my knowledge developed and more importantly, Ive found true friend ship . I have a best friend named Daisy, with whom I have been best friends for six years. Although we are close to each other, therere times when we have arguments .Thats on my first s

    6、port meeting of high school. I was asked to run the 3 kitometers race on behalf of my class. I was so happy so that I ran straight to Daisy to tell her the good news. However, she seemed to be unhappy and ask me to quit.Thinking she might envy me,I argued with her and left angrily, noy giving her a

    7、chance to explain. Two days later, she called to say sorry and explained why: she knew I had hypoglycemia .Moved beyond the words, I burst into tears I just told her once. But she rememered it for years. Thats when I decided Ill love her always and forever . Gibran once said, in friendship, all thou

    8、ghts are silent joy and caring. Friends are the best gifts god has ever given to us. She is my best of all.全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:田珂宇 辅导老师:田锦美Picking up Heart Again The failure isnt afraid but losting enthusiam is like a tiger, which will eat our heart competely. So havirg the strength to

    9、 stand up again after one failure is very singnificant for everyone. That was on sunny Monday afternoon. When I was giving a speech .At the beginning everything was OK.And everyone was attracted by my words deeply. However, due to a bit relaxation, I spoke shudy hard to stupid hard .As the old often

    10、 says :if the first step is worry, the following will also be worry. Although, I insteaded to finish my speech,the mistakes and the laugher was endless .Afterwards ,many said that I would not show up for speeches. But the fact turned them down. Keeping the word -Not being a deserter in my mind, I ga

    11、ve them more wonderful one a year later. When I look back now,the failure is just like a parper tiger.And I am firmly convenced that I would have regreted , if I did not hear my heart to stand up again.全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:田寅山 指导老师:田锦美School Life Each student has to spend their time stu

    12、dying in the school every -day .so whats the school life is concerned with the student feeling when theyre at school .The school life is so colorful that every student would enjoy it. SStudy is the most tmportant part of school life and all studends have to concentrate on it. There are various of ac

    13、tiuties stndents can do in the school such as playing spirts joming clubs and carrying out experiments When students feel hungry they can go to the canteens for having fool As far as the exams are concerned they are often held in the final of a term The school life is so interesting .Just enjoy it a

    14、nd try to make it fun .全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:罗婷 指导老师:田锦美The problems in the davetoping cities With the cites developing there are a lot of pyobems doing damage to the cities such as air pollution water pollution and so on ,The worst one of them is traffic jam And it has a bad influence o

    15、n the cities . Its the matn reason that more and more people moue into the cities In fast sometimes its good for cities to have more people But more people mean to have more cars maleimg the traffic jam Besides some of cities dont have enogh wide streets which also causes the traffic Jam .Therefore

    16、gouemnet should control people and make the streets wider to solve the problem In addition gouerment can encourage people to take buses to go to work and control to use piuate cars seniously . whats more its a good choice for people to ride bike to go to work Not only doer it wake traffic light but

    17、also its good for envronmeht and makes the cities more and more beautiful . Whether you belineue me or not if only we build up our cities hand in hand our cties will be wonderful fiower gardens . 全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:田玲玲 指导老师:田锦美New school New life Life is full of interests and enthusia

    18、m espcially school tife Although it also gives us much regrets its is the last step to society we may expenence a lot but we will gain a lot. However school life is really different from what used to be Not only is it not concentrate on exams and grades but also it gives us more chances to develop o

    19、urselves One point is that we have more outside and practical classes now such us kinds of spots competions communicating with other schods studerts At the same time school life is enjoyable with reading in library or attending seminars as well as lactures It makes us own healthy and creative minds

    20、and gices us strong bodies . Old school lifestyle is not suitable to new generation only open and wonderful school life can develop more creative students . Were studying in new school and own new school life.全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:彭峥 指导老师:田锦美A Letter of love There is a letter lying under

    21、 my pillow .It was my parents who sent it to me. Nowadays writing a letter is usual and out of date. On the contary it is the best way to express feelings and communicate with others. My family is not rich. Like most people do, my perents are in the distance to make a living .Sometimes I missed them

    22、 badly and made childish complaints. For many years, I havent really understood them until I received the gift. I burst into tears upon opening the envelope. My parents apologized to me for not being with me. They also missed me badly all the time. Filled with tears my eyes seemed to see my father d

    23、elivering things from door to door in the rain.They never complained anything hard to me. But I always did something to hurt them instead. This is more than a letter but a heavy love from my parents. Because it reminds me that whenever and wherever I am, there are always two persons deeply in love w

    24、ith me Ill cherish it forever. 全国奥林匹克英语作文 学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:向诗涵 指导老师:田锦美New school life Nowadys with the development of eanomy our societ has beer changed a lot .and so has schod life sudents can gain now knowledges through lnternet due to the progress of technologies They even have chances to

    25、see edacationdl films in ctassromms Their interests in study is also on the increase . Stndonts life is becoming more and more cdorful Not only can they stndy book learning but also they taje part in different kids of expanding trainimgs Teachers leave students more space for developing interest and

    26、 self management For example there are always some events which enconrage creatine minds hdding in schools Through these activities their prticat skills are improved . Furthermore most schodls enviroment has been beatified We can see fresh flwers and green tvees wherever we go in the campus . Sdool

    27、life keeps changing and we shonld also change ourselaues according to the specific sitnation and enjoy new life Only in this way can our world be full of strength and vigor. 全国奥林匹克英语作文学校:湖南省龙山县高级中学 班级:21班 姓名:田洋 指导老师:田锦美Generation gapYou must be familiar with a phrase,Yeah,that is generation gap Alth

    28、ough our society has devdoped better and better,sometines the distance between parents and children is becoming bigger and bigger.So why does it exist in our life?No matter who you are,I believe that you can find all sorts of reasons about it.As parents,they often think they can make better choice t

    29、han us,It can usually be heard that everything they did is for us.Maybe theyre right,But childen will grow enough to make their decisions.As children,sometimes they are capricious.But I believe that every child is a special angle.As for me,I also experienced unhappy things with parents. Although I w

    30、as pretty sad at that time.I feel enieyoble to stay with my parents now because of love and understending.It doesnt matter to have disagreement on this or that.What is vital is that how we deal with it. In my opinion,if parents and children can try their best to considerate and communicate,the ganer

    31、ation gap wont be too difficuit to cross.全国奥林匹克英语作文大赛学校:龙山县高级中学 班级:21 姓名:杨含子 辅导老师:田锦美My life of senior high school My life of senior high school is filled with happness,warmth and hardship.When I just stepped in senior high school,I was curious about everything here,such as the big gymnasium.The new

    32、 learning environment and new subjects left a deep impression on me.I was very happy with the new school life,Ihave made many new friends,who are all my best friends. In the first semester,or school have held many intesting activities,such as sports meeting,science week and art week and so on.Life in thefirst year was wonderful and joyful.But the homework is far more difficult than that of middle school.I obviously felt that it was hard to understand what teachers said in class. Time flies as an arrow,I a


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