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    1、PETS3全国英语等级考试三级考试试题08doc全国英语等级考试第三级模拟考场模拟试题(8)Section I Listening ComprehensionDirections: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or Dz and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answe

    2、r the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.1.What does the man suggest?ANot exercising so many times a day.BBuying the larger-size clothes.CExercising just after getting up.DEating something good for breakfast.2.What does the woman advise the man to do?ATo run.BTo buy a new car.CTo sav

    3、e money.DTo buy a secondhand car.3.What time is it now?A8:00.B7:55.C7:50.D7:45.4.What does the man want to have?AA single room with a bath.BA double room without bath.CA double room w让h a bath.DA double room w让h two baths.5.What happen to the man?AHis baby cried all night.BHe was next door the whole

    4、 night.CHis baby is sick.DHe didnt sleep.6.When did the two people see each other last?AA long time ago.BMore than two years ago.CLast birthday partyDLast Christmas.7.For what is Carolina Coffee Shop famous?AGet-together of the football and basketball fans.BTasty food.CBreakfast.DCoffee.8.How much m

    5、oney does the clerk owe the woman?A$11.B$15.C$3.D$4.9.How did Mrs. Wilson respond?AShe was apologetic.BShe was carelessCShe was annoyed.DShe was understanding.10.Where does the conversation most probably take place?AAt the department store.BAt the gas station.CAt the police station.DAt the railway s

    6、tation.Directions: You will hear some dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to read your answer. You will hear each piece ONLY

    7、ONCE.11.What are the man and woman discussing?AA friend*s experience.BInformation in a news articleCA weather forecastDDetails from a recent lecture.12.What does the woman try to do if shes caught outdoors during a thunderstorm?AImmerse herself in water.BLook for a car or building.CStand under a tal

    8、l tree.DRemain in constant motion.13.What is the mans opinion of taking a bath during thunderstorm?AHe thinks a shower would be better.BHe thinks it would be a waste of water.CHe believes that lightning strikes clean surfaces.DHe doesnt think it*s a good idea.14.What does the woman think about the m

    9、ans behavior?AIfs very unusual.BIts too timid.CIts too impatient.DItrs very practical.15.When do people most probably wear T-shirts, according to the speaker?AEnjoying a film.BWatching TV.CTaking part in sports.DListening to music.16.Why do people like to wear T-shirts so much today?AT-shirts are sm

    10、art and comfortable.BT-shirts go well with trousers.CT-shirts are suitable for home wear.DT-shirts feel soft and wash welL17.What is the most popular kind of T-shirt?AThe cotton T-shirt with a slogan or a picture.BThe wool T-shirt worn for work.CThe silk T-shirt in white color.DThe nylon T-shirt wor

    11、n on the playground.18.What is being done to make T-shirts more attractive?AMore artificial materials are being introduced.BAdvertisements are being widely used.CNew designs are being adoptedDNew technology is being employed19.How long has the woman been with the company?AOne year and a half.BOnly t

    12、wo years.CMore than two years.DOnly one years.20.Why hasnt the woman got the new job, according to the man?ABecause she dislikes the job.BBecause she is not capable enoughCBecause of her clothes.DBecause she is a woman.21.What can we learn from the dialogue?AThe woman thinks that capability is the m

    13、ost important thing.BCarl Drexler is a good manager.CThe woman is not confident enough.DThe man thought the woman was too proud.22.What is the main topic of this conversation?Atruth.BanxietyCtime.Dsympathy.23.Why is Joy worried?AHe failed his last exam.BHe cant find his watch.CHe*s taking exams soon

    14、.DHe missed his medical checkup.24.Why does Joy turn to Jill for advice?AShe has been through a similar experience.BShe is older than he is.CShe has a sense of humor.DShe is a medical student.25.Why has Joy not contacted the student health services?AHe couldnt afford the fee.BHe didnrt have their nu

    15、mber.CHe has never heard of them.DHe hasnt had the timeSection II Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on your ANSWER SHEET.began. It is a natural 28 and extinction is the 29 of anyAn animal species becomes ex

    16、tinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death-rate We can 26 from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years 27 lifebetter- 31 and more powerful animal. 32 remarkableanimal that has specialized too far

    17、 to change 30 让s environment changes, or has to compete with a technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or 33 destroyed some species by killing them 34 such a rate that they couldnt produce enough offspring, or by completely changing their natural environment at surpri

    18、sing speed.A number of examples can be given of the way 35 which natural environments are being rapidly changed Amazonia, for instance There is every 36 that many species of animals will be made extinct because of these and similar 37 of natural vegetation. Large numbers of animals have beenhunted a

    19、nd killed for food. The North American buffalo is a 38 of the near-extinction of a species through hunting Often the numbers are 39 great that the hunters may not realize the danger But even when the danger is widely 40 z the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to 41 t

    20、he threat to the species- Attitudes like this have 42 to hunters killing animals for furs, for ivory or merely for ornaments. A slight 43 on this is when tourists hunt animals for trophies. Such magnificent creatures 44 lions and tigers 45 out of existence in some parts of the world.26.A secureC sep

    21、arateB tellD draw27.A untilB sinceC beforeD after28.A presenceB processC selectionD scheme29.A fateB destinationC faultD defect30.A ifB unlessC becauseD when31.A addictedB adaptedC adoptedD isolated32.A In spite ofB Because ofC For allD But for33.A sufficientlyB nearlyC necessarilyD scarcely34.A ove

    22、rB forC toD at35.A underB inC againstD on36.A likelihoodB opporturdtyC similarityD hope37.A existenceB clearancesC plantationD emptiness38.A sampleB herdC resultD case39.A soBtooC suchD very40.A riskedB avoidedC punctuatedD publicized41.A relieveB dismissC utterD ignore42.A ledB attributedCturnedD y

    23、ielded43.A concentrationB variationC varietyD demonstration44. A aboutB likeC asD of45. A are huntingB have been huntedC have been huntingD are huntedSection III Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer

    24、 on ANSWER SHEETIn some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant (interviewee) seeks to persuade the employer (interviewer) to employ him or her. Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicant as preparation is made for the actual interview.A job appl

    25、icant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the interview First, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is imp oil ant that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to work for a p

    26、articular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such 让ems as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expansion, and company phi

    27、losophy. Information about most major corporations is available in reference books and periodicals.After gathering information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewers first impression comes from the interviewee appearance For most interviews, appropriate dr

    28、ess for man is a conservative dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt and conservative tie. For women a conservative, tailored su让 or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length hair.Although hairstyle and dress are matters of personal taste,

    29、 many personnel directors form irdtial impressions from these characteristics For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, interviewed for a public relations job. However, the personnel manager considered this young manl long hair, sloppy dress, and overly casual manner unsu

    30、让ed for this particular positio n.46.This passage is most probably written for .ABlQ D an intervieweean employer an applicator an interviewer47.A job applicant should know the following information before the interviewexcept .Ahis career expectationBthe type of job he desiresCthe reasons for him to leave the present jobDrelevant informat


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