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    版高考英语二轮浙江专用教师用书第1部分 专题1 类型3 科普知识.docx

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    版高考英语二轮浙江专用教师用书第1部分 专题1 类型3 科普知识.docx

    1、版高考英语二轮浙江专用教师用书第1部分 专题1 类型3 科普知识类型3| 科普知识考查要点方法技巧1.科学现象、概念、定义、类别等。2事物的性质、特点、原理、用途等。3事物或现象产生的原因、过程、演变。4相似事物间的异同。1.理清说明顺序:时间、空间、逻辑顺序。2把握文章结构:并列式、承接式、递进式、总分式。3认清说明方法:下定义、举事例、做比较、打比方等。(2016浙江10月卷C)Digital technologyemail and smart phones especiallyhave vastly improved workers ability to be productive ou

    2、tside of a traditional office.Even so,most whitecollar work still happens in an office.One reason is that,according to findings of a new survey(调查) of office workers conducted by Wakefield Research for the IT company Citrix,most bosses are doubtful about remote working.Half of the workers say their

    3、boss doesnt accept it and only 35 percent say its tolerated.Skeptical bosses will likely have their doubts reinforced(加深) by the same survey,which shows that 43 percent of workers say theyve watched TV or a movie while“working”remotely,while 35 percent have done housework,and 28 percent have cooked

    4、dinner.It is true,however,that working at home makes people much more efficient(高效的),because it allows workers to take care of annoying housework while still getting their jobs done.Its much faster,for example,to shop for groceries at a quarter to three than to stand in line during the afterwork rus

    5、h.The fact that such practices remain officially unaccepted reflects how far we havent come as a society from the days when we expected every fulltime worker to be supported by a fulltime homemaker.More broadly the Wakefield survey suggests that employers may be missing a lowcost way to give workers

    6、 something of value.Sixtyfour percent of those survey participants who havent worked remotely would rather give up some bonus in order to get even one day a week working from home.Under such circumstances,smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their ti

    7、me efficiently.28Why do some employers hesitate to allow remote working?AThey fear losing control of their workers.BThey want to stick to their routine practice.CThey have little trust in modern technology.DThey are used to facetoface communication.29What seems to be most workers attitude toward rem

    8、ote working?ADoubtful. BFavorable.CReserved. DDisapproving.30What does the author suggest smart firms do?AShorten their office hours.BGive employees a pay raise.CAdopt flexible work patterns.DReduce their staffs workload.语篇解读:数字技术,特别是电子邮件和智能手机,使得人们可以在家远程办公。但老板们害怕失去对工人的控制,并不太赞成。作者建议小公司可以采取灵活的工作模式。长难句

    9、解读:Half of the workers say their boss doesnt accept it and only 35 percent say its tolerated.分析:本句为并列复合句。第一个分句中their boss doesnt accept it为宾语从句,第二个分句中its tolerated也是一个宾语从句。翻译:一半的员工说他们的老板不接受在家远程办公,只有35%的老板说这是可以容许的。28A考查细节判断。根据第二段可知,大多数员工在远程办公时不是在工作而是从事其他的活动,这加深了老板的疑虑,由此可判断出,他们害怕失去对员工的控制。29B考查推理判断。根据第

    10、三段中的that working at home makes people much more efficient可知,在家远程办公更高效,再结合最后一段可判断出,大多数员工是赞成的。30C考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their time efficiently可知,作者建议小公司要采取灵活的工作模式。A(2017浙江宁波三模)Heres another reason to get off the couch and s

    11、tart working up a sweat.Time the exercise right and you could improve your ability to remember something new.Thats the finding of a new study. But it all comes down to timing.To lock up the new information,start burning those calories roughly four hours after you took in the new information.Thats ac

    12、cording to researchers at an institute on brain,cognition (认知) and behavior.Its at Radboud Universitys medical center,in Nijmegen,the Netherlands.Eelco van Dongen and his colleagues shared their new findings in the June 16 Current Biology.This precisely timed memory trick comes from tests with 72 pe

    13、ople.Each learned the location of 90 objects on a computer screen.Afterwards,some of the members watched relaxing nature videos.Others worked up a sweat on bodybuilding bikes,changing between hard and easy riding for 35 minutes.Their workouts came either soon after the“cram session (考前突击复习)”or four

    14、hours later.Two days later they were tested again.Those who remembered the objects sites best were the people who had waited four hours after their learning before riding.Among those who remembered the sites correctly,the fourhour delay before biking also led to more consistent activity in an area i

    15、mportant for memory.Its known as the hippocampus (海马区)The consistent activity here suggests that the memories have been strong,the scientists say.Eelco van Dongens team does not yet know how exercise works its memory magic.They do,however,have a guess.Aerobic exercise leads to the creation of severa

    16、l important chemicals in the brain.One is a protein known as BDNF.The other is dopamine.It can help convey messages between nerve cells.These two chemicals may help strengthen memories by linking brain cells,the researchers suspect.【语篇解读】本文是一篇科普说明文。研究表明,在学习后等待四小时再进行体育锻炼有助于增强记忆力和牢记所学的知识。但是对于其原理,人们至今仍

    17、无法解释。1The best way to lock up the new information is Ato get off the couch soon after their learningBto do sports for four hours and work up a sweatCto see some nature videos on a computer screenDto do sports four hours after taking in new informationD考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句“To lock up the new information,s

    18、tart burning those calories roughly four hours after you took in the new information”可知,在接收新信息四小时后再进行体育锻炼可以牢记这些信息,故D项正确。干扰项分析 A项错在“soon after their learning”,与第二段的“four hours after you took in the new information”不一致;根据第二段第二句可知,在接收新信息四小时后再锻炼可以牢记这些信息,而不是锻炼四小时,故B项错误;C项是试验的一个环节,故排除。2Which is NOT right

    19、about the experiment?AThere are 90 objects on the screen.BThey were tested again two days later.C72 people took part in the experiment.DThey all had to do riding for 35 minutes.D考查细节理解。根据第三段第一、二句“This precisely timed memory trick comes from tests with 72 people.Each learned the location of 90 object

    20、s on a computer screen”可知,该试验的参加者共有72人,每人要记忆电脑屏幕上的90个物体的位置,故排除A、C项;根据第四段第一句“Two days later they were tested again”可知,两天后他们再次进行了测试,故B项排除;D项与第三段的倒数第二句的描述不一致,故D项符合题意。3How does exercise work its memory magic?ABy the hippocampus.BNo one knows for sure.CA protein known as BDNF.DA protein known as dopamine

    21、.B考查细节理解。根据第五段的第一、二句“Eelco van Dongens team does not yet know how exercise works its memory magic.They do,however,have a guess”可知,人们对锻炼增强记忆力的原理仍不清楚,对该原理仅仅是猜测,故B项正确。B 【导学号:38144002】(2017浙江宁波十校联考)Cancer is a disease feared by everyone.Once the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient

    22、s cancer, doctors face an even more difficult question: how do you help patients deal with the side effects of the treatment?The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effectsincluding common

    23、symptoms such as poor sleep or exhaustion.But addressing these seemingly common complications (并发症) is extremely important for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle, which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.Thats why Dr.Karen Mustian of the University of Roc

    24、hester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors yoga to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学) (ASCO) annual meeting in June,Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga a slowmoving form of the discipline a

    25、nd tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.Called YOCAS,the fourweek program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation (冥想)Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and tradition

    26、al followup care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of exhaustion compared to those not practicing yoga.They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to thei

    27、r discussions with patients.“ Many patients ask about complementary therapies (补充疗法),”says Dr.Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO.“ I often dont know what to tell them because there isnt a lot of science on these complem

    28、entary therapies.Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that here is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have positive effects on sleep and quality life.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了癌症术后可以通过哈他瑜伽来进行一定的恢复,实验也证明是有效果的。4

    29、What bothers the cancer physicians after determining the treatment plan?A. How to handle the side effects effectively.BHow to prevent the side effects from appearing.CHow to persuade the patient to accept the therapy.DHow to prove effectiveness of the treatment.A考查细节理解。根据第一段的“Once the hard.question:

    30、how do you help patients deal with the side effects of the treatment”以及第二段的“studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects”可知,在确定治疗方案后,医生们更关心的是如何有效解决术后副作用的问题,所以选A项。5Why is it significant to help patients deal with the side effects of the cancer treatment?A. Because it is the most effe

    31、ctive way to cure cancer.BBecause it could shorten the time of the treatment.CBecause it enables them to do exercise regularly.DBecause it increases the possibility of their complete recovery.D考查推理判断。根据第二段的“But addressing these.is extremely important.in turn may even encourage the success of their c

    32、ancer treatment”可知,解决癌症的副作用能有效帮助癌症病人保持原有的生活方式,并有助于增加癌症康复的成功率,故选D项。6According to Dr.Douglas Blayney,the YOCAS program is Abeneficial BunscientificCuseless DpopularA考查观点态度。根据文章最后一段的“Here is a scientific study showing benefit.assurance in telling.to have positive effects on sleep and quality life”可知,Douglas Blayney医生认可哈他瑜伽的作用,认为它是一种比较有效的癌症术后恢复手段,所以选A项。CBack in 1969,it


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