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    1、仁爱版七年级英语上册期末测试题1仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练习一、be(am、is、are)的基本用法,区别及其引导的一般疑问句和回答。、am接在I之后,is放在单数的名词或代词之后,are放在复数的名词或代词之后,否定句在be后加not,一般疑问句将be提前。回答:Yes,人称代词+ be./ No, 人称代词+be + not. 如:1) He is Mr. Chen. He is not Mr. Chen. - Is he Mr. Chen? - Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.2) I am a student. I am not a student. -

    2、 Are you a student? - Yes, I am. / No, I am not.3) They are teachers. They are not teachers.- Are they teachers? - Yes, they are. / No, they arent.练习:(一)用连系动词be( am, is, are)的正确形式填空。1. _ you fine? 2. I _ Mr. Chen.3. _ he your mother? 4. - _ they from Japan? - Yes, they _.5. You _ a teacher and she _

    3、 a doctor.6. Where _ Jack from? 7. I _ fine, too. Thanks8. - Who _ this? - This _ Wang Kang.9. - _ you a student? - Yes, I _.10. - Where _ Beijing? - It_ in China.11. - _ Ronaldo a Brazilian? - Yes, he _ .12. “I” _ also a letter. 13. You and I _ students.14. He and she_ friends. 15. He and I_ teache

    4、rs.(二)将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出回答1. That is my football.2. Those are his books.3. Jim and Tom are good friends.4. My birthday is on November 1st.5. His son is twelve years old.(三)将下面的句子变成否定句1. His card is on the table.2. These are my parents.3. Bob and Tony are our friends.4. These things are five dollars.5.

    5、 The girl is his sister.(四)划线提问1. Our teachers are in the classroom.2. The girls telephone number is 032-55746.3. Her pen is black.4. These socks are five yuan.5. They are thirteen years old.二、可数名词的复数:(1)规则变化1)一般在名词词尾加-s,如:car-cars; apple-apples 2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加-es,如:box-boxes; bus-buses; wa

    6、tch -watches.3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:family-families. 5)以fe、f结尾,变fe、f为v再加es,如:life-lives. (2)不规则变化:如:mouse-mice;tooth-teeth; foot-feet;Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese;man-men; woman-women; child-children等练习:写出下列名词的复数形式或选择填空。1. teacher _ 2. class _ 3. name _ 4. orange_ 5. number _ 6. apple_7. bus_

    7、8. erase_ 9.photo_ 10.tomato_ 11.country_ 12.friend_13.knife_ 14.foot_ 15.boy_ 16.mouse_ 17.toy_ _ 18.factory_ 19.family_ 20.monkey_ 21.wish_22. There is some _ on the plate.A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears23. The_ has two _.A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch24. The lit

    8、tle baby has two _ already.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths25. How many can you see in the picture? A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomato D. the tomato26. ?is the meat. Please? ?Ten yuan a kilo. A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How long27. Would you please pass me?A. two paper B. two papers C.

    9、two pieces of paper D. two pieces of papers28. “What would you like, Ann? ” “Id like two.” A. glass of milk B. glasses of milk C. glass of milks D. glasses of milks29. These are my _. A. box B. a box C. boxes D. the boxes30. There are threeand sevenin the picture.A. deers, sheeps B. deers, sheep C.

    10、deer, sheep D. deer, sheeps三、基数词的表达:1?100 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, thirty fortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyhundred 四、时间表达法: (两种)1:00 one oclock 1:05 one - o - five / five

    11、 past one 1:15 one fifteen / a quarter past one 1:30 one thirty / half past one1:40 one forty/ twenty to two 1:45 one forty-five/ a quarter to two- What time is it? = What is the time?- Its half past seven.五、 a, an的用法:a /an 都表示“一,一个”,放在可数单数形式的名词前,如果单词以元音读音开始的,我们在前用an, 如:an apple / an interesting boo

    12、k;/ an English boy/ an old man等.练习:选择填空1.The train is running fifty miles _. A. an hour B. one hour C. the hour D. a hour2 .-Whos this ? -_Wang Yu. A. Thiss B. Shes C. This is D. He is3. -Whats that?. -Its _ egg. A. a B. the C. / D. an4. -Whats that in English-Its _ car. Its_ orange car. A. a, an B.

    13、 a, a C. an, a D. an, an5. My sister often _ after class.A. play the piano B. plays the basketball C. plays the piano D. play basketball6. Tianan Men Square and _ Great Wall are tow of the places everyone should see in _ Peoples Republic of China. A. thethe B. / C. the/ D. /the7. _ old man is _ Engl

    14、ish teacher. A. The; an B. An; an C. The; the D. A; a8. She is _ English teacher. A. an B. a C. the D. /六、重点句型和短语:(1)Welcome to + 地方(2)come from = be from (3)电话用语:- Whos this?=Who is this? 这是谁?- This is.我是.。- May I speak to .?- Speaking, please./ Sorry, he/she isnt in/here./ Sorry, Im afraid you hav

    15、e the wrong number.(4)-Whats this in English? - Its an orange.- Whats that? -Its an egg.-What are these? -They are buses.(5)where, who, what, how old, how many ,how much等特殊疑引导的特殊疑问句:1)- Whats your name? /Whats her name? - My/Her name is .2)-What class are you in? /What grade are you in? - Im in Clas

    16、s/Grade 3)- Whats your telephone number? - My telephone is 4)- How do you spell cup? - C-U-P, cup.5)- How old are you? - Im . years old.6)- Where are you from?/ Where do you come from? - Im from / I come from 练习:选择填空 ( )1. -Whos that girl? -_ my sister. A. This is B. Shes C. Its D. Thats( )2. -Welco

    17、me to Beijing ! -_. A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. Youre welcome. C. Thank you. D. Not at all. ( )3. -_ are you in? - Class Five. A. What class B. What grade C. What color D. What number( )4. He is _ blue. A. to B. from C. under D. in( )5. -Whos the girl over there? - Which one? - _ under the tree.

    18、A. This B. That C. The one D. Ones( )6. The bag is _. A. Bruce is B. Bruce has C. Bruces D. Bruce does( )7. _, what color is the shirt? A. Sorry B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Thats right( )8. -What color is it? -_ . A. Its an orange B. Its orange C. Its a orange. D. An orange( )9. What color _ his pan

    19、ts? A. has B. does C is D. are( )10. He is old _ white hair. A. with B. from C. under D. in( )11. She looks like a doctor, _ she is a nurse. A. and B. or C. too D. but( ) 12.- I am afraid I dont know. - _. A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Thank you anyway D. Thanks very much.按要求完成句子1. This is a toy.(就划线部分提

    20、问)_ is this?2. His name is Jack.(就划线部分提问)_ is his name?3. My name is Kangkang. (就划线部分提问)_is _ name?4. They are from Cuba. (就划线部分提问) _ _ they from?5. I am Zhang Yimou. (同义句)_ _ is Zhang Yimou.6. This is Mr. Zhang. (就划线部分提问)_ this?7. Nanjing is in Jiangshu. (就划线部分提问)_ is Nanjing?8. Mary comes from Lon

    21、don. (就划线部分提问)_ _ Mary _from?9. Its from my pen pal, Lucy. (就划线部分提问) _ is it _?10. They are oranges (就划线部分提问)_ _ they?11. My telephone number is 31664733. (就划线部分提问) _ is your telephone number?12.They are in Grade Seven. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ they in13.Whats this in English?.(改为复数形式)_ _ in English?14. They

    22、are buses.(改为单数形式) _ _ _.15. Kangkang is from China. (同义句) Kangkang _ _ China.16. Id like some apple juice. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _?17. Its only five yuan. (就划线部分提问) _ _ is it?18. Id like two bottles of juice. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ of juice would you like?19. My favorite food is noodles. (就划线部分提问) _ is your f

    23、avorite food?20. This is my pen. (就划线部分提问) _ pen is this?仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练习(三)一、一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答。1、一般现在时的否定句与疑问句:do通常用于第一,第二单复数,第三人称复数;而does用于第三人称单数;如:Do you like English?They dont like apples at all.Does he like Chinese?My father doesnt live in Haikou.2、情态动词的否定句与疑问句:否定句在情态动词后加not,疑问句把情态动词提前。如:He c

    24、an sing this song in English. He cant sing this song in English.- Can he sing this song in English? - Yes, he can/ No, he cant.二、重点短语和句型:1. live in地点/ live with sb和一起2. May I study English with you ?3. No problem.4. be helpful/kind/friendly to5. at the English corner6. Please help us find him.7. wan

    25、t to do sth.=would like to do sth.8. What does your father do?=What is your father? =Whats your fathers job?9. look after10. at home/at school11. a photo of my family12. have a look13. on the sofa/on the desk14. on a farm/ in the shop15. May I take your order?16. May I help you?= Can I help you? = W

    26、hat can I do for you?17. Help yourself/ yourselves to +食物18. What do youhave for breakfast?19. - Would you like to have dinner with me? -OK, Id love to.三、人称代词的主格与宾格:人称代词的主格在句子中当主语,宾格在句子作动词或介词的宾语。如:I like it .(I为主格, it为宾格)She likes English. (she为主语)Do they go with us? ( they为主格, us为宾格)四、both 与all 的异同

    27、:both“两个人都”与all “全部都”放在:情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词前;如 :They are both farmers. = They both work on a farm.而all “三人或三人以上都” 注意区别; 如:They are both teachers. 他们都是教师。(总数为两个人)They are all teachers. 他们都是教师。(三人或三人以上)五、名词所有格名词所有格表达形式,构成在名词后加“ s “,意思是“的”。 如:my classmates bag; Jims grandfather“ s “通常用于有生命的,而无生命的常用结构of; 如:

    28、a photo of my family一张全家福 the face of the clock 钟面 a map of China一张中国地图注意:当名词后已有s,所有格 只加“ ”如:我父母的相片 my parents picture ; 同学们的单车 the students bikes区别:Tom and Jims father 汤姆和吉姆的父亲(Tom and Jim are brothers.) Toms (father ) and Jims father 汤姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲六、不可数名词数量的表达milk, chicken, bread , French fries, coke, coffee, rice, orange juice, fish, porridge, water, beef, 等是不可数名词。不可数名词通常没有复数形式。不可数名词通常不能直接与具体的数词连用,如需要表示数量,应:数词+量词of+ 不可数名词,如:a cup of tea 一杯茶; three pieces of b


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