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    1、上海市上海中学高三上学期周练英语试题一上海中学高三周考II. Grammar andvocabularySection A10%Directions:Afterreadingthepassagebelow,fillintheblankstomakethepassagecoherent andgrammaticallycorrect.Fortheblankswithagivenword,fillineachblankwiththe properformofthegivenword;fortheotherblanks,useonewordthatbestfitseachblank.Theresee

    2、msnever21(be)acivilizationwithouttoys,butwhenandhowthey developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something todo.In the ancient world, as is today, most boys 22 (play) with some kinds of toys and most girls with others. In societies 23 social roles are rigidly determined,

    3、boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls 24(prepare),evenin play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adultworld.25 isremarkableaboutthehistoryoftoysisnotsomuchhowtheychanged overthecenturiesbuthowmuchtheyhaveremainedthesame.Thechangeshavebeen mostly 26

    4、craftsmanship, mechanics, andtechnology.It is the universality (普遍性) of toys with regard to their development in all parts of theworld and their persistence to the present27is amazing. In Egypt, America,China, Japan and among the Arctic (北极的) people, generally the same kinds oftoys appeared. Variati

    5、ons depended on local customs and ways oflife28 toysimitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers,tinyanimals andvehicles.Because toys 29 be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subjecttotechnologicalleapsthatcharacterizeinventi

    6、onsforadultuse.Theprogressfrom thewheeltothecarttotheautomobileisadirectlineofwaysup.Theprogressfromarattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3,000 BC to 30used by an infant today, however, isnot characterized by inventiveness (独创性). Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastesof the times and subject to

    7、 the limitations of availablematerials.SectionBDirections:Fillineachblankwithaproperwordchosenfromthebox.Eachwordcanbeused only once. Note that there is one word more than youneed.A.unwillingB. aggressionC.necessarilyD.feltE.tensionF.areaG.surprisedH.clearI.rangeJ.helpfulK.relativelyAn addiction(瘾)i

    8、s an activity or substance we are eagertoexperiencerepeatedly andforwhich we are willing if necessary to pay a price. Common addictions involvealcoholcigarettes food drugs gambling etc. This article discusses the concepts which can be31in coping with addictivebehavior.32minor addictions such as watc

    9、hing too much television or lying in bed onweekendmorningsareoftennotevenconsideredaddictionsbecausethepricepaidfor engaginginthemisnothigh.Ontheotherhandwetendtousetheterm“addict”todescribe the person who at least in the eyes of others continues to be addicted in a behavior long afterit hasbecome33

    10、 that the substantial price being paid was not worth the benefit.The individual who has lost career house family and friends because of cocaine (可卡因) usebutis34to consider stopping is an unfortunateexample.Negative addictions range from those with very minor negative consequences to thoseasserious a

    11、s the cocaine addict just mentioned with much 35 in between. Although it isnot 36 true that a negative addiction grows stronger over time yet a constant levelofaddictivebehavior(e.g.overspending$200aweek)canleadtoanincreasinglevelof negativeconsequences.Youmaybe37tolearnthataddictionscanalsobeconsid

    12、eredpositive.Positiveaddictionsarethoseinwhichthebenefitsoutweightheprice.Acommonexamplewouldbe thehabitofregularexercise.Thepriceofmembershipinagymthetimeinvolvedandany clothingexpenseisoutweighedbythebenefitsofbetterhealthenergyself-confidenceand appearance.Aswithnegativeaddictionspositiveaddictio

    13、nsmaynotgetstrongerovertime and there is a broad 38 of how much benefit is actuallyobtained.Whatiscommontobothpositiveandnegativeaddictionsistheurgetoengageinthe addictive behavior and the satisfaction that is 39 when the urge is acted upon. The urge is a state of 40 and expectation that is experien

    14、ced uncomfortably as a desirefor the substance or activity. Because we experience relief when the urge is acted uponthereis an increased likelihood that we will act on the urgeagain.III. ReadingcomprehensionSectionADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrasesma

    15、rkedA, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits thecontext.TheimportanceoflikingpeopleisthesubjectofanarticleintheHarvardBusiness.Review,which has carried out an experiment to find out who wed rather work with.Hardly surprisingly,thepeoplewewantmostasourworkmatesareboth:

    16、 41 attheirjobanddelightful human beings. And the people we want least are both unpleasant and useless.More interestingly,theautorsfoundthat,giventhechoicebetweenworkingwithlovablefollsand comptent jerks (性情古怪的人), we irresistibly choose the 42 . Anyway, wholikes those who 43 or hurt other people? We

    17、 might insist that competence matters more,butour 44 shows we stay close to the people we like, sharing information withthem.What companies should 45 doisgetpeopletolikeeachothermore.Thetrickhere is apparently to make sure that stuffs come across each other as often as possibleduring day.Theyalsosho

    18、uldbesentonbondingcoursesandsoontoencouragefriendlinessand46 displeasure.47 , more outdoor-activity weekends and shared coffee machines inspirenoconfidenceatall.The48 isthatpeopleeitherlikeeachotherortheydont.Youcantforceit.Possiblyyoucanmakeofficesfridendlierbytoleratingalotofchat,butthereisa49cost

    19、tothat.Inmyexperience,thequestionoflovablefoolagainstcompetentjerk maynotbetherightone.Thetwoareinterrelated:wetendnottolikeourworkmateswhen theyarecompletely50.IwasoncequitefriendlywithawomanwhomIlaterworked with.Ifoundhertobeso51badatherjobthatIlostrespectforherandendedupnot really liking her at a

    20、ll. Then is there anything that companies should be doing aboutit?Byfarthemosteffectivestrategywouldbetohirepeoplewhoareallprettymuchthe same,giventhat 52 isoneofthemaindeterminantsofwhetherwelikeeachother.Ithink this is a pretty good ides, but no one 53 recommend this anymore withoutoffendingthediv

    21、ersitylobbygroup(游说团体).Thereisonlyoneacceptableviewonthissubject: teams of similar people are bad because they stop creativity. This may be true,though I have never seen any conclusive proof ofit.Not only do we like similar people, we like people who like us. So if companies want to54 more liking, t

    22、hey should encourage a culture where we are all nice to each other. The55 is that this needs to be done with someskill.41. A.strange B.brilliant C. surprised D.absent-minded42. A.former B.latter C.majority D.minority43. A.hate B.fear C.doubt D.annoy44. A.thought B. behavior C. expression D.appearanc

    23、e45. A.further B. nevertheless C. therefore D.instead46. A. break down B. talkto C. pick out D. holdout47. A.besides B. Furthermore C. However D.Hence48. A. impression B.reality C.practice D.custom49. A. investment B. production C. operation D.productivity50. A.valueless B. disabled C. hopeless D.ca

    24、reless51. A. outstandingly B. inevitably C. hopefully D.forgetfully52. A. appearance B. effectiveness C. distinction D.similarity53. A.need B. dare C.must D.should54. A.create B.discover C. promote D.place55. A.strategy B. standard C.hope D.troubleSectionBDirections: Read the following three passage

    25、s. Each passage is followed by severalquestionsorunfinishedstatements.ForeachofthemtherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,C andD.Choosetheonethatfitsbestaccordingtotheinformationgiveninthepassageyouhave justread.AAsafatheroffour,Imconcernedabouthowtoleadmychildrentobegoodyoungmen andwomeninsuchaturbulenttime.

    26、Ihavestudiedphilosophy,mysticism,andreligionmy entire life. They provide great lessons in responsibility and growth. However, I alsorecognizethat, at least at this point in their lives, my children are not terribly interested in suchsubjects. While I was reflecting on this, I was reminded of a line

    27、in a song I had heard recently. Itgoes: “If you had only one chance to say something, what would itbe?”Thatnight,IfoundmytowoldestkidsloungingonthecouchwatchingaTVshowthat featured violence, cursing and even some “adult scenes”. I quietly sat on a chair next tothem. Isawmyboystraightenup,andmygirlpr

    28、etendedtoignoreme.Ididntmakeanyusual comments about the pointlessness of such programs. I didnt even roll my eyes, althoughthistook some effort. I simplyasked:Can you tell me how this will make you a batterperson?Withoutaword,Igotupandlefttheroom.Abouttenminuteslater,tomysurprise,the children were i

    29、n their rooms doing their homework and the television was silent.Remarkable. This philosophy can change the way we live our lives. For example, whenever I feelangry and get the urge to lash out, I ask myself: “How does this acting or feeling the way I doright now make me a better person?” I began to

    30、 realize that rarely did my thoughts or actionsresultin self-improvement, so I made conscious effort to change my mindset andbehavior.We allwanttobebetterfathers,mothers,sonsanddaughters.Betterworkers,better leaders, better lovers. this list goes on. Sometimes succeeding in these roles can betough.

    31、Butonequestionalignsuswithallthosedutieswepossesstosocietyandourselves:“Isthismaking me a betterperson?”WhateverIsaid,itworked.Mydaughterhasbegunwatchingnatureprogramsinsteadof violent TV shows, and she decided to go to school to become a counselor. My son told mehe wants to be a police officer. Ive

    32、 since thrown away all those parenting magazines andbooks IvecollectedovertheyearsbecauseImademoreprogresswithasinglequestionthanIdid with hundreds of pages of “experts”advice.56. WhenthewriterfoundhiskidswatchinginappropriateTVprogramsthatnight,he appeared.A.calm B.indifferent C.critical D.anxious57.How can this philosophy change the way we live ourlives?A. By calming ourselves down when we areangryB. By raising a question about our current action andfeelingC. By helping us realize our need forself-improve


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